The only thing better than a weekend is a long weekend… Happy Victoria Day to my fellow Canadians! This probably wouldn’t be the best time to admit that I have no idea what Victoria Day is all about, buuuuuuut I do appreciate the extra day off regardless π Edit: I felt like a bad Canadian so I just Googled it and apparently Victoria Day is “a federal Canadian public holiday celebrated on the last Monday before May 25, in honour of Queen Victoria’s birthday.” Yay!
Seeing as it’s a holiday and all, I thought I’d keep things on the lighter side here on Spoons. You guys know I’m a sucker for surveys, and I recently came across one over on Courtney’s blog that looked like it would be fun. So without further ado… some of my favourites π
Name your favourite…
Person… You π
Colour… I honestly can’t say that I have one. I like yellow bananas, red cars, blue skies, black clothes, white mountains, green grass, orange leaves, and brown chocolate. It depends on what I’m looking at.
Food… I could probably live off almond butter — I put that sh*t on everything…
Smell… Coffee! I’ve actually always loved the smell of coffee, even back in the day when I couldn’t tolerate the taste. I didn’t start drinking it regularly until my first year of university, and I remember thinking it tasted like tar that’s been scraped from the walls of a sewage pipe. Oh how things have changed…
Book… Impossible. There’s no way to choose one favourite book — I love too many.
Movie… Beauty & The Beast. I love all Disney movies in general, but Beauty & The Beast will always hold the number one spot in my heart… and Belle is my favourite Disney princess.
Time of day… The early morning. Peace, quiet, and breakfast π
Day of the week… Friday. Enough structure to make me feel productive with that beautiful promise of freedom waiting at the end.
Thing to do when bored… I don’t know if I would say that I ever really get bored anymore, but if I’m stuck in traffic or waiting in line then I’ll usually whip out the Candy Crush to pass the time…
Celebrity… I would normally say Johnny Depp, but Leonardo DiCaprio has been a long time favourite that’s been capturing my attention a lot more lately, so I’ll go with him this time around.
Drink… Coffeeeeeeeeeeee.
TV show… I’m completely out of the loop when it comes to current TV shows, but I think that Gossip Girl will always be my #1. Might be time to bust out the DVDs again.
Fruit… Bananas. I can’t even remember the last time I went a day without at least one — usually more.
Vegetable… The orange squash responsible for my lovely “glow” — kabocha.
Store/shop… Sephora. We’re not even going to talk about how much money I’ve spent there.
Workout… Anything that doesn’t feel like a workout. I may end up back in a gym one day, but for now I enjoy just being active in general without measuring anything like time, distance, weights, etc.
Quote… This one!
“There is a time in every man’s education when he arrives at the conviction that envy is ignorance; that imitation is suicide.“
Well said, Ralph Waldo Emerson… well said indeed.
Boy’s name… I’m gonna go withhhhhh… Ben.
Girl’s name… Amanda, obviously π
Potato chip flavour… Sour cream & onion. Or plain, if they have the crinkle cut.
Meal of the day… That would be breakfast; all day, preferably.
Ice cream flavour… I’m a simple vanilla kind of girl. Classic, delicious, and the perfect base for whatever toppings you want to throw in there.
Season… I love everything about fall. The colours, the smells, the flavours, and the much appreciated chance to slow down after the high energy of summer. The only downside is the looming threat of winter.
Dessert… Three words: chocolate.freaking.CAKE.
Lifehack… Did you know… that you can soften rock hard brown sugar by putting it in a container, wetting a dish towel, and placing the damp towel over the opening of the container? Over time, the sugar will absorb the moisture from the cloth and all you have to do is fluff it up with a fork and it’ll be as good as new!
Pick a handful and tell me YOUR favourites! π
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I line up with you on a lot of things! I also would love to live off of almond butter and chocolate cake! Best existence ever! π
Favorite TV shows: Orange is the New Black is fantastic!
Favorite color: Grey
Favorite smell: Coffee, hands down! Vanilld comes in second.
Meal of the day: Breakfast, times a million.
Boy’s name: IDK – have not found one yet that I realllly love. Although I do like Jamie and Frederick.
Girl’s name: It’s a threesome with Anna, Charlotte, or Louise.
Workout: I agree with you – anything that is not technically considered a ‘workout.’ I love doing fun stuff. I’ll leave it at that.
I watched Gossip Girl for the first time this year and fell in love! I finished it waay sooner than I should have and when it was over I felt like I lost a friend. So sad, I know..
Bouncing off the brown sugar life hack, you can also put a piece of bread in with the sugar and it will soften! Morning is my favorite time of the day as well, solely for breakfast. Although, dusk in the summer might come in as a close second to that. I love the smells of that time of day and how the sun sets, and it’s still slightly warm out. My favorite store has been/always will be Aerie.
Yessss to dusk in the summer! Omg. That was and will always be my favourite time to go out cruising in my car. Windows down, radio up, and a smile from ear to ear π
I love the smell of coffee too. Strange thing is I used to really like drinking it, but don’t anymore. I drink tea more. Definitely yes to putting nut butter on everything. I eat Nuttzo peanut free butter like it’s going out of business. I wish they made an almond only butter.
I just love all your posts, they’re so fun. I’m totally with you on the breakfast all day long, almond butter and early morning. My favorite ice cream is mint chocolate chip but it HAS to be green. Also, that chocolate cake above? Please please tell me you made it and will be sharing a recipe; it looks to die for.
Mint chocolate chip is probably my second favourite after vanilla, and I definitely agree with you about it NEEDING to be green. And I did make that cake a few months ago for my birthday, but I combined a couple of recipes and can’t really remember what I did π
I love these! I’ve been away for a bit so it’s nice to catch up with some of your faves! xoxo
Chip Flavor – Maui Onion
Girls name – Samantha (Sam)
Ice cream – Strawberry…old school with big chunks of real fruit!
Movie – A League of Their Own
Girls playing baseball and kicking booty? I’M IN!
YAY for long weekends! I’m not sure how but I actually did know that today was Queen Victoria’s birthday…I guess being in school has *some* benefits. π
Speaking of coffee…how strange is it that people go from despising it to loving it? You would think that they would drink it, hate it, and never touch it again. But for some reason it just keeps calling everyone (including me) back for more. <3
Yes o chocolate everything! My favorite person, my husband. My favorite TV show, The Bachelorette. My favorite season, fall. My favorite thing to do, laugh π
Almond butter, coffee, bananas and breakfast – 4 of the BEST things in life!
I certainly am at my happiest when I have a breakfast that includes almond butter, banana ( just add eggs) and a big mug of coffee!
… You and I would get along juuuuuuust fine
I love love love the smell of coffee. Just being inside coffee shops makes me happy. I actually don’t even *mind* the flavor all that much, but every time I’ve ever had coffee, I’ve always felt like it was gritty, and blech. I just don’t like that at all! So no coffee drinking for me. Probably for the best, anyway…at least it saves me money!
Good call on a light survey to perk us up on the first “serious” day of the week. In a few ways we could be the same person π …buuut let’s see…
celebrity: Blake Lively and Channing Tatum among others.
potato chip: sea salt and black pepper.
quote “life does not have to be perfect to be wonderful”.
Ohhh now you’ve got me hankering a cozy day with Gossip Girl!
I really enjoy morning peace myself. Nothing like relaxing and just enjoying the moment in the morning. Between 6-8am is normally my most productive time of the day (it always has been in college too).
I love how interactive your posts are! You are such a talented writer and blogger. This is fun π
Smell: coffeeshops.
Season: fall
Ice cream: coffee and chocolate
Quote: Comparison is the thief of all joy.
Color: light blue
Dessert: brownie and ice cream
When I’m bored: FB, Pinterest, Twitter… I’m addicted to social media … and 2048
you can stick marshmallows in with the brown sugar too!!! That’s my only lifehack lol. Oh and the smell of coffee has always been my favourite…or gasoline haha
I’ve heard about the marshmallow thing! But I always end up eating them π³ And right there with you on the gasoline… People give me crazy looks.
Ohhh fun! It’s been ages since I’ve done a survey….might have to steal this one π totally agree with you that almond butter and breakfast and fall are the best! Going back amd rewatching favorite tv shows is something I love to do, too, especially with gilmore girls and the oc. Started rewatching vampire diaries last night too (only vampire thing I can get behind)….new season annoys me and I love the old ones π
Love these π Fave smell would be cut grass, closely followed by coffee, fruit would be apples and I’d have to agree with you on the veg!
Fav season : Spring… I’m a happy girl right now!
forget favorite fruit, my favorite FOOD of all time is bananas!
I’m totally with you on the smell of coffee, breakfast all day long, early morning peace & quiet, and my love for nut butter. I think we’re going to get along juuuust fine. π
that chocolate cake picture- omg. i want it.
lets see…favorite:
book: hunger games (right now anyway)
icecream: graham flavored anything
meal: breakfast
time of day: early morn just like you!
fruit: bananas- have them everyday of my life!
I’d never heard that about the brown sugar. I hate when it clumps, so this might be a game-changer for me. My favorite life hack is microwaving nasty sponges to disinfect them. Two minutes, and you can use it again instead of buying new ones all the time.
I’ll tell you my favorite life hack since it has to do with coffee… I run my travel mug under hot water for a minute or so before pouring in coffee so it stays hotter longer!!
This is on my list of posts to do – maybe next week, I think. And your description of coffee up there reflects my feelings on it quite well π
P.S. I used to watch Gossip Girl and I got about halfway through the third season and gave up…did it get better after that?
Have a fabulous Victoria Day love!!
Better? Hmm… it definitely gets a bit crazier! I didn’t like the third and fourth season so much, but I got sucked right back in after that. And the ending was perfection.
I was recently thinking about rewatching all the seasons of Gossip Girl too :). Ugh, god I miss that show! I was so sad when it ended, I just couldn’t believe that was happening! Favorite smell, definitely coffee, that has always been a great smell, even when I didn’t like the taste either. I love just walking into Starbucks for this reason. I could seriously just sit there all day so I could smell it hahaha
Me too! Even though I stop noticing the smell after a while. The best part is that I come home smelling like coffee π And I know what you mean about GG ending… The only good thing was that the show ended exactly the way I wanted it to so I didn’t have to be ticked off about things not working out.
love that about the brown sugar!!!!
fav meal: dinner– it’s when the whole family is together
fav season: summer! bring on the HEAT!
Oh BEN!! My cat was named Ben π I LOVE that name.
And I join you on the Almond Butter addiction. Preferably right out of the jar.
And I also have to say despite hating the taste, I LOVE the smell of coffee. It’s my association with a peaceful relaxed Sunday morning.
I demolish a jar of almond butter at least every 2 weeks… it’s a lifestyle haha
Loved reading this! I have a 3-day weekend coming up too so I’m super pumped. I agree with a lot of yours- early morning is my favorite time of day too and the smell of coffee is amazing. Right now all the honeysuckles are out in VA and I absolutely love that smell!
My favorite season I think is spring, with fall being a veeeery close second!
I’m as much a sucker for reading surveys as I am filling them out so this was kinda fun :)! Firstly what flavor is that cake- it looks heavenly!! I was never a Leonardo Di Caprio fan up until a few years ago- he is dreamy! Did you watch Wolf of Wall Street? I loved him in it! A few of my favorites include:
Meal of the day- breakfast…duh (!)
Smell- too many including freshly baked cookies, cocoa butter, vanilla, lavender, fresh laundry
Fruit- apples
Hope your Monday is off to a great start, girl!
I’m kind of embarrassed to admit that I can’t remember the flavour of cake that I had for my birthday π I know it was chocolate and fudgy, and that the inside had a layer of almond butter cream, but we made it by combining a few different recipes so I’m not even sure I’d be able to recreate it!
3 day weekend you say??? I wish every weekend was a 3 day weekend !!!
I am impressed you held off coffee till you were in Uni – I started my addiction to my fav drink at 11 – I used to sneak a cup when no one was looking and when I turned 12, my parents started letting me π
Growing up, my dad used to bring me “apple cakes” from a local bakery in Sri Lanka – they did not have apple in them – but were a mix of all the crumbs from all the cakes the bakery made in a day – shaped into an apple – that has got to be my fav cake ever – I have tried so hard to duplicate it but have yet to succeed! GAH!
Happy Holiday Monday!
That lifehack is great!!! I never knew that – and that would totally save me from wasting food. I really hate that. π
Favorite color is probably blue, but I wear black a lot too. Anything bright and happy is good in my book!
All nut butters. Seriously = life.
I love the name Lily for a girl π
Summer all day everyday for my season. If I could have 70 and humid all year round, umm, yes please. I should probably move out of Wisconsin π haha!
Happy Monday lady!
Wisconsin? I’ve heard that your winters rival ours! SO brutal. Not thinking about it for at least 4 more months π
I love all your food photos you make everything look amazing π My favorite time of day has always been early morning, favorite drink is coffee, favorite color pink (I can’t help myself) and favorite food is…can’t pick one. Anything with eggs, burgers, steak, avocado to name a few. Favorite dessert remains cheesecake even though it makes me sick for a couple of days. Day of the week is Saturday hands down!
We are so the same in so many ways. Always loved the smell of coffee but wouldn’t even taste it until after I graduated college. I don’t even understand my younger self lol….I live for peanut butter vs. your almond butter, obviously I love the name Ben (well, Benjamin or Benji instead but you know what I mean), and chocolate fudge cake will always be the way to my heart. And a cookie on the side of course.
Fun survey!
Favorite color: purple
Favorite food: peanut butter
Favorite meal of the day: breakfast
Favorite season: spring/summer
Favorite dessert: brownies
My favorite time of day is the opposite from yours! I like dusk! But I think I like it for some of the same reasons that you like early morning. Favorite day of the week is and always will be Friday. And favorite kind of ice cream is chocolate chip cookie dough (although if we’re being real, that’s because my favorite dessert is cookie dough straight from the pack).
Yes! Almond butter ON ALL THE THINGS!
And coffeeβ¦oh the glorious smell of coffee. That reminds meβ¦I need a refill. I love your mug, too! So cute.
I definitely agree with you – early morning is the best time and breakfast should be enjoyed all day long. Yep. It’s a new rule I’m implementing π
Fun game π I am in!
Colour⦠dark blue
Seasonβ¦ late summer and fall – I love the mood!
Drink⦠coffee <3
Boyβs nameβ¦ Joshuah
Day of the weekβ¦ Saturday – a free day with the longest time to have to go back to work again
Time of dayβ¦ dawn – always so promising and I love the quiet
Happy long weekend to you! Lucky! Beauty and the Beast is one of my FAVS in fact I have seen the Broadway play 6 times, but I must pick Lion King as my ultimate favorite movie. TV show: long time favorite is Friends. And day of the week: I’m going to go with Sunday. I know its the day before Monday but there is something so nostalgic and peaceful about Sundays.
I managed to see B&B on Broadway once, and it was definitely a good show! And The Lion King would be the number 1 contender for first spot, but B&B just wins out slightly.
I’m with you on a couple of these… coffee is my favorite smell (and bonfire…) and the early morning is my favorite time of day. As for workouts, I’ll take a good HIIT or yoga sesh any day!