Do you ever find yourself in one of those inexplicable funks? The kind where there’s nothing wrong, per say, but you just feel like something is off? You’re edgy; you’re restless; you’re unmotivated. You’re not in a bad mood, but you’re not exactly jumping for joy either — you’re just stuck in this frustrating sense of blah, for lack of a better way to put it — and the more you try to figure out why, the more frustrated you become.
That was me for the majority of last week, hence the somewhat sporadic posting. I have no idea what it was, but I wasn’t feeling like my normal chipper self, and every time I sat down to write, no words would come. It got to the point where looking at the blinking cursor in my blank WordPress document was seriously making me want to throw my computer off the balcony, so I decided it would probably be a better idea to walk away and save myself the trouble (and money) of having to buy a new computer.
All that being said, there was plenty of marvelousness despite the funk… which only made the fact that I was feeling so funky all the more frustrating — I had all the reason to be happy! But I digress. In an attempt to start this week off on the right foot, I decided to link up with The Diva for some MIMM action…
Marvelous is… a new book! I picked up Allegiant, the last book in the Divergent series, on… I want to say it was Friday… and finished it on Saturday. Apparently, a whole lot of free time opens up when you’re not reading blogs. Anywho, the book itself wasn’t too bad, but the ending… THE.FREAKING.ENDING!!… I just can’t. If you’ve read it, you need to tell me what you think because I seriously need someone to gripe to. And now I need another book to read, too, so it’s convenient that A Dance with Dragons, the fifth book in the Song of Ice and Fire series, comes out in paperback tomorrow.
Marvelous is… snow! No, please don’t smack me — I swear I haven’t gone off the deep end. I just really miss snowboarding, and the first snow means that the season will be starting soon, which means that I’ll be able to go riding soon. Squee! Okay, so the snow didn’t exactly stick around, but that’s okay because I still need a little bit of time to decide on which snowboard I want to buy. Have I mentioned that shopping makes for a pretty effective way to treat the blahs? I went out on Saturday with the intention of just looking at new gear, buuuuuut we all know how that works…

Burton Feelgood Flying V // Rossignol Diva
Marvelous is… running! I never in a million years thought that I’d say this, but I’m actually enjoying my runs. Okay, so it’s hard, it hurts like hell, and it often leaves my lungs feeling like they might spontaneously combust, but I love that it builds not only my physical endurance, but my mental endurance as well. I’m sure anyone who runs can attest to the fact that running is largely a mental game, with your mind threatening to give out far sooner than your body. There’s nothing quite like overcoming that little voice in the back of your mind that tried to tell you you couldn’t do it… even if “doing it” only refers to running a mile straight at this point.
Marvelous is… finger licking good hand cream! The only problem with these (especially with the mint chocolate one) is that any time I move my hands and get a whiff of it, I get hungry… and seriously tempted to lick my fingers 😯
Marvelous is… chocolate! Because, let’s face it, sometimes it’s the only thing that helps.
Marvelous is… a new recipe! Yesterday’s cold weather had me craving comfort in the worst possible way, so I spent a good chunk of the afternoon whipping up a few treats in my kitchen. No teaser pics today, but I will say that the first recipe is creamy, sweet, and involves these Udi’s snickerdoodles…
And speaking of Udi’s, Marvelous is… a giveaway winner! Is it you?… Go check and e-mail me ([email protected]) if it is.
. – . – . – .
Well, hey… I feel better already. The only not so marvellous news is that I have a dentist appointment to head to today 😳 It’s just a yearly checkup, so fingers crossed that they don’t find anything! Enjoy your Monday, friends — I hope it’s starting out on the right foot for ya!
What’s starting your Monday off on the right foot?
Favourite food to fight the funk?
Do you play any winter sports?
ok I saw those udi things and while I am normally not a baked good or cookie kind of girl, I am intrigued. you will have to let us know the full run down of how they are. I think it is better you don’t (or anyone!) force posting, it is always known when that happens.
If you read my blog, I guess you know I had the same kind of week as you, and it was downright annoying! I hope you have a better week!:) I start my day on the right food by making my bed as silly as that sounds, making breakfast and going for my walk and yoga:)
I just checked my email 10 times hoping I was the giveaway winner…damn! I’m a huge hunger games fan so I know I NEED to read that series. Speaking of needs, I need more than 24 hours in day. Not even remotely excited for snow. But I do love hand creams! I made hand cream from coconut oil and essential oils and I walk around smelling like a freshly baked cookie. It’s amazing!
Awwr! Well, you never know! If no one claims the prize, there’ll be another draw 😉 And do you find that you have a problem with people wanting to lick you when you walk around smelling like a cookie?
Sorry you had a funky week–I hope this one is much, much better! Can’t wait for your new recipes, and so happy to hear about your running! xoxo
You’ll LOVE A Dance with Dragons, I couldn’t wait for the paperback and grabbed the hardcover. I use to snowblade but since leaving Alberta I haven’t had the desire, nothing compares once you’ve skied the Rockies.
I started my Monday off by sleeping in and getting in a 6 mile run. That felt good 🙂 I will eat chocolate like my job to fight the funk…or ice cream. Both always do the job. My winter sport is sleeping…. 😉
Oh yes … the blah funk … been there a little over a week ago and it kept dragging on for days. I can’t quite pinpoint what finally pulled me out of it but I -think- e-mails from blends played a huge role :).
I’ll admit that sometimes there is no food to lift the funk because these ‘blahs’ often tend to mess with my mind leading to some not so awesome body image feelings. But if food is a solution then creamy warm cocoa oat bran and chocolate, yes.
Mint Chocolate Cocoa hand cream?! As a huge hand cream fiend [why yes?!] I.need.this.
I’m glad all of the reading, shopping, running (!) and self-pampering helped you lift the funk. [And maybe a certain tea, too ;)?!] Happy Monday!
I need to get my hands on Allegiant… but now I am hesitant because of what you said about the ending! Yikes I don’t know what to expect! I read the first two in a matter of a week or so, if that, so it should take me only just a little longer since I have less time during school to read. I also want to re-read Catching Fire before the movie comes out next month. Hope you’re getting out of your funk! I can definitely relate, that’s how I was feeling for a good portion of this month. It helps me if I really dig deep and figure out the underlying issue. It’s usually something that I don’t want to think about, and once I take care of it, I feel better!
You know you need to see how it ends 😛 And it wasn’t that bad… just involved some book-meets-wall action…
Snow!?! Oh geez… I’m not ready for that. I’m going back to Wisconsin soon actually and I wouldn’t be surprised if it snows while I am at home. Ekkkk better pack the long underwear. 😉
I’m sorry to hear you were in a funk last week dear Amanda 🙁 I definitely have those days, though much less often compared to last year! What I always remember during such times is that yes indeed, this feeling will pass, and thank goodness for that. Chocolate is always a great way to perk up the ole mood, also going to a self-serve froyo place seems to do the trick for me as well!
Yay for running too! This is my most favorite season to run in, nice and cool, yet you warm up but don’t overheat… plus outside is just, beautiful at the moment. I am enjoying such things via walking for now
I hope your Monday continues to be a good one pretty lady 🙂
Chocolate always works! Those funks usually hit me when I’m tired and haven’t been sleeping well. I’m just slightly grouchy and annoyed by every little thing for no good reason! I’ve never been snow boarding before, but I think it would be fun. I’m not much of a snow person, so maybe a fun sport would make it less depressing haha!
It definitely helps make the winter a little more manageable — especially when your winter is like ours and lasts the better part of 6 months.
) and nothing is better for fun exercise!
I can COMPLETELY relate to the funk you were just talking about. That was me yesterday and I was so irritated at myself, but couldn’t put a finger on why. It was just so…. blah. Luckily, it wore off quickly and I’m ready to be my chipper self again :). Hope you’re feeling better as well!
I can’t wait for winter break from school so I can head to the mountians for snow! I’ve been skiing since I was little (Norwegian dad
I know exactly what you are saying! I have those funks and it frustrates me more than anything because I typically have so much to be proud of and happy about. It usually just takes some time and I get out of the funk, but it usually leaves me feeling blah for a couple days.
I have never seen Udi’s snickerdoodles before…? I guess I will need to be on the hunt for them!
I thought my Monday was off to a bad start when I slept through my alarm, but then class was canceled and I got to go on a looooooong run in the beautiful fall weather; marvelous!
Marvelous is… RUNNING! I am jumping for joy (okay bouncing for joy on my chair) for you. Made my day. So happy. That little voice is an annoying one, but it feels great to silence it 🙂
Wow, those lotions definitely sound incredible, I must try them ASAP! So sorry to hear you’re feeling down lately, I can relate, especially after this weekend, it was a bit emotional for me. When I’m feeling down, there is nothing like coffee to pick me back up, oh and Greek yogurt!
Ugh – I was in a funk last week too and still feel some lingering effects of it this morning. Sometimes you just need a break, ya know? My husband is also excited for snowboarding. I’m terrified of going downhill that quickly without control but I can watch from afar in the hot tub 😉
Chocolate will always be a funk-fighter for me…that and ice cream. Especially when the ice cream involves chocolate but isn’t chocolate (so, chocolate chips or a fudge ripple or chocolate chip cookie dough…) and now I’m basically made myself want ice cream. Good thing half of my birthday cake is still in the freezer :-p
I had an awesome breakfast and some puppy cuddles this morning, so my Monday isn’t starting off too bad.
In the winter, I basically hibernate – no winter sports for me. I have dabbled in skiing and snowboarding, but not in the last decade.
😆 I love how I know exactly what you mean with your in-depth ice cream analysis 😉
Chocolate always helps!
You are so hardcore with your snowboard. I thought it was fun but it’s so freakin’ hard! And a little scary too. I’m always impressed by girls who are good at it.
Can’t wait to see what you do with the snickerdoodles. Yummy!
Hope your appointment at the dentist went fine, girl.
Everyone is talking about the Divergent series – I feel a slight pressure to start reading them, but it might be a good thing to save it for after the master thesis. Christmas present probably? Also while talking about books. The one thing that made me want to start running because of my mind and not my body is Haruki Murakami’s autobiographical book “What I Talk About When I Talk About Running”. Now every time I run I consider myself being a step clother to become a world famous author 😉
I think shopping and running help the most with pointless ‘funks’ so you are in the right track! Unfortunately it is a miracle if it snows where I live, so I haven’t had much experience with winter sports. I would love to try a few, though!
You’re more than welcome to come visit us here in Canada! We have more than enough snow to share 😛
I was totally in that same-sounding funk last week! Who knows why? I had just got back from a few weeks visiting friends and family in Toronto (I’m in Vancouver) so I think part of it was just adjusting to not having them around anymore.
Feeling better this week! Dark chocolate (and the ocean) has eased the pain.
I am so like you – usually quite chipper and happy about something but sometimes, I do fall into the funk for no reason in particular. Not as often anymore but I do find it ends up being PMS related…Chocolate always helps and so does Red Mango or breakfast for lunch like oatmeal or a greek yogurt parfait….And of course, a great run. Running is my daily mood booster which might explain why I am hardly in much of a funk.
I’m coming out of my blogging hibernation to say 2 things:
2. I haven’t commented on your running yet, but it makes me SO HAPPY. Because running is awesome and I like running and yeah. 🙂
I feel ya on the “funk” thing. It just happens sometimes for no real rhyme or reason. Whenever I tell my husband I’m in a funk, he goes to Pandora and turns on “Funk Radio” to cheer me up. LOL. I had no idea there was even such a thing, but it’s a station that plays some funny tunes and it always brings a smile to my face.
So glad to hear you’re enjoying running! I can totally relate to that as well. When I started running a bit after I had Hunter, I never realized how hard running ONE mile would be! Oy. But I have a different attitude about it this time around. I run for the enjoyment, not the calories burnt, and that in itself makes my runs that much better!
YES! I’ve been thinking the same.exact.thing. It feel so great to be able to approach it with a mindset of enjoyment rather than punishment.
I’ve been having the worst week (and counting). This post was a much needed uplift, so thank youuuu.
I definitely miss my ski weekends in the Rockies. I’m not a huge fan frigid temperatures, but there is something really special about cruising down from a mountain top among fresh powder (and meeting up with friends for some apres ski bevies). Such a great time.
It sounds like a lot of people have been feeling the funk lately, so you’re definitely not alone. But I DO hope that you’re feeling better <3
Sorry to hear you were in a funk love and happy to hear that you feel better now! I can SOOO relate on those funks where you have no freaking idea what actually is going on. Good thing is, that these funks disappear as mistiriously as they showed up – and as long as there is some shopping and chocolate, it’s all good anyway.
Hope this week is much better for you, Amanda! Hang in there.
Sorry to hear last week wasn’t as pleasant as you would have liked. I have def had my funk weeks before. I’m glad the weekend was nice though. I can’t even fathom snow right now but I know it just takes time to get used too. Yay for running of course!
ick, we had some flurries here in toronto and i sneered every time i saw it! i just hope that we don’t get full-on snow anytime soon!
and so happy that you’re enjoying running again. i’ve had to switch gears from running to hiking so i ditched my HRM and just hiked/enjoyed the trails around me and enjoyed being outside.
Vodka and Soda
I hope that funk is gone for good! That happens to me every now and then and it’s a weird feeling, but I find that when I just ride it out it dissipates faster than why I try to push it away. My favorite winter sport is sitting by a fireplace reading a book. I’m a champ at that one. I grew up (and now live) no more than 2 hours away from Colorado’s best skiing and have never been. I went snowboarding once when I was 16 and was so scared I refused to get up so the instructor had to get his supervisor to hold my hand down the bunny hill while 5 year olds zoomed by me. I’m obviously super cool. 😉 but my goal this year is to try skiing!
I’ve found the same thing when it comes to riding out funks — they tend to go away a lot faster if I’m not beating myself up for feeling down. And you’ve GOT to try skiing 😀 It makes the winter a lot more manageable when you have something to keep you busy.
I hate those funks that just sort of come on and you don’t know why but it is hard to get out of them. I think that sometimes the changing weather causes it for me. Retail therapy is always a good choice!!! And, chocolate (with wine!).
I definitely have my share of unexplainable funks…I hate those! Glad you’re feeling much better this week! Running is for sure a mental game…sound like you’re making some major gains. Can’t wait to see what you’re cooking up now!
Am a big time book lover so had to check out Allegiant on Amazon – and wow! I really need to put this on my to read list this winter! Thanks Lady!
Yay – am so glad you are finding joy in running – it is a mental game for sure – but it is also a great mental release! And chocolate hits the spot ALL the time!
I was gonna say the reason for your funk might be the weather, but you seem to love the cold (icky) stuff and snow :p … I have been in a funk too – for me it has been the weather – we went from 70 degrees to 30 degrees in a day 🙁 My sanity saver has been running…but took 2 weeks of it to finally draw me out. Glad you didn’t throw your computer out 🙂
As for winter sports – I play the “howmuchcanIdoindoorsgame” !
That’s a good game to play in the winter! I enjoy it quite a bit myself 😉 And make sure you start with the first book of the series — Divergent — otherwise you’ll have no idea what’s going on in Allegiant.
Hope your week is off to a great start, lovely lady!
I hate days like that! I totally know what you’re talking about and it definitely is no fun, especially when you can’t figure out what’s bothering you. Well, hope this week is better for you!
At least chocolate always makes me feel better during those times! Actually, chocolate always makes me feel better no matter what! 😉 I’ve got to check out that hand lotion, especially the mint chocolate!
Happy Monday!
Ah hope the funk has made its way out of your system, girlie- we are all prone to them every so often, even if they come out of nowhere! Fortunately it’s rare for them not to be fixable by chocolate and/or a bowl of ice cream (preferably vanilla)! That’s so exciting that you are back in the running groove- I find that taking off the pressure (e.g. no numbers) is enough to reignite my love for it! I’ll have to agree with you that it is more of a mental than physical sport for me. Along with requiring mental strength to tackle each run, it’s amazing how much a single run can change my whole mindset! Now you’ve gotten me all excited about my next run :D!
It’s kind of amazing how infectious the whole love of running thing can be — especially around the blog world. I’m pretty sure that a big part of the reason I got back into it was because of all the good things I read about it on pretty much a daily basis. But yup! Keeping it number free is a big part of the reason why I’m enjoying it so much. I hope your next run is a great one!
This happens to me all the time! The whole funk thing. and it really affects my writing. I’ve been in the funk for the past couple weeks. I think now that the marathon is over with I can get back to being normal…. right after I’m able to walk again.
Oh yes I know the pointless funk well. I don’t know why they come about except for me it usually happens after a really great weekend with my family. But your list of marvelous is perfect for breaking it! As much as I’m dreading the snow, I too get way excited about skiing/boarding. It’s something I grew up with and that makes it way more special to me. Anyways, I hope your Monday is funk free today and that you continue to love running because that makes me SO excited for you. It always snaps me out of whatever mood I’m in.
favorite food to fight the funk- chocolate. every time. and yep i know that funk well, sometimes the words just dont come, the sun just doesnt shine as brightly, your thoughts are just… cluttered. sometimes theres no reason at all because suddenly you wake up one morning after a little rest from your normal routine and you just feel better. i think its part of the natural cycle of life. happy monday girlie 🙂