Loaded with plenty of chocolate and wholesome ingredients, these double chocolate fudge protein bites are a great way to satisfy that chocolate craving and give your body a boost of energy and protein.

Hello. My name is Amanda and I’m addicted to chocolate. Some might call it a problem, but I can’t honestly say that I see it as one — it’s more of a very delicious habit that I indulge in on a daily basis Bars, brownies, chips, chunks, smoothies, cakes, and most recently bites…

Double chocolate fudgy protein bites to be more exact, because more chocolate equals more happiness and more happiness is never a bad thing. That’s a fact. Google it. Or just trust me — I wouldn’t lie to you.
I would (read:will), however, tempt you with chocolate…

Forgive me? Please say that you do… I know I just posted a luscious chocolate recipe earlier this week, but I couldn’t resist posting another one. My recipes tend to reflect my cravings, and my cravings have been calling out for chocolate, chocolate, and more chocolate.

I blame stress… or all the Easter candy that’s been making goggly eyes at me from the shelves of my grocery store… but probably more so stress. Between working, studying, setting up a business, and attacking an ever-growing blogging to do list, I’ve become a cocoa bean craving snacking machine… and these bites have been my favourite way to satisfy those cravings.
With only a handful of simple ingredients, minimal clean up, and no time in the oven, these bites are a quick and easy way to get your fix. They also taste like chocolate fudge — how much more convincing do you need?!

I’d love to know if you make this (or any!) recipe! Tag @runwithspoons on Instagram and Twitter, and be sure to subscribe to our mailing list to receive more healthy and delicious recipes straight to your inbox!
No Bake Double Chocolate Fudge Energy Bites
- Total Time: 15 mins
- Yield: 12 bites 1x
- 1/4 cup rolled oats
- 1 cup pitted dates*
- 3 Tbsp. almond butter (can sub with another nut butter)
- 1 Tbsp. honey
- 2 Tbsp. cocoa powder
- 1 scoop of your favourite chocolate or vanilla protein powder
- 1/4 cup mini chocolate chips
- Add oats to food processor or blender and pulse until they reach the consistency of flour.
- Add dates, almond butter, and honey, and continue processing until well combined. You will probably need to scrape down the sides of your processor and add a few teaspoons of water to get things moving. Add water sparingly, as adding too much will make the dough too sticky.
- Add cocoa and protein powder and continue processing until fully combined.
- Transfer dough to a small bowl and add chocolate chips, mixing by hand until well incorporated. Use a tablespoon to divide dough into 12 equal portions, rolling each portion into a ball. Place bites in fridge for ~20 minutes to allow them to set.**
* If your dates are a little dry, soak them in a bowl of water a few hours prior to making. Doing so will make them easier to process.
** Bites are best stored in an airtight container in the fridge. They are also wonderful when frozen.
- Prep Time: 15 mins

Hello Amanda,
I was the gal who emailed you yesterday asking about your work. I’m glad to hear you have a lot on your “To Do” list…that all sounds so exciting. But I’m sorry to hear you’ve been stressed out recently b/c of all of it. I will be thinking of you. Anyways, I TOO have been in a big “chocolate” craving phase!! I made Choc Chip Cookies yesterday. Anyways, I have been thinking of getting a new Food Processor that can process “thick” substances. I currently only have an old Oster blender, but it can only do really liquidy stuff, and can’t/doesn’t do “thick” batters or seeds or nuts.
I’ve done researches on the Ninja Ultima, Bullet, a CuisenArt Immersion (that has a hand-held + a blender/processor) and a few others.
May I ask you…what make/model of Food processor do you have/use???
Thank you!
Hi Amy! I actually don’t have a processor, but I have a few different blenders that I rotate between. I use my Magic Bullet a lot and find that it doesn’t have too much trouble mixing up things like this as long as I keep the amounts I toss in pretty small. My absolute favourite would have to be the Vitamix, but that’s definitely a bit on the pricier side. If you’re looking for something comparable, the Ninja Ultima is amazing as well.
Great! Thank you Amanda for these ideas. Yes, a LOT of people have liked the Vitamix…and you are right in that’s it’s pretty pricy. I’m looking at the Ninja Ultima, or just going with the Cuisinart Smart Stick Immersion Hand Blender that also has a blender. It’s a lot less expensive and I’ve heard it can grind/crush stuff like nuts. Anyways, thank you!
~Amy 🙂
YUM! I have everything but the dates…shoot. I should just know to always have those guys on hand at all times!
I am DROOLING !!!!!! thanks for the recipe, these shall be consumed 🙂
I’ve been addicted to some homemade granola that I made a couple of weeks ago and just finished off. It made so much, I probably shouldn’t be done with it by now. Oh well. I would put it in a bowl with some almond milk, fruit, and pb… Oh it was soooo good!
Don’t stop with the chocolate posts! I wouldn’t be able to keep my hands out of this dough. Looks delicious Amanda!
YYYUUUUMMMM. Cannot wait to make these!
nice touch with the mason jar! love love love the bites. as always
You are still the Queen of Bites <3
Oh man, I want one now!
These look too good! I need to bake something for my co-workers this week for all their help while I was gone. These may be the winner!
Great recipe Amanda! I love these gooey little treats:) I find bites are so much more *fun* than bars. Not sure why, but they’re a little bit addicting:) It’s a shame you can’t enjoy Reese’s PB eggs. Those things should be outlawed they are so good. Even though I don’t eat them, it always makes me sad for people with PB allergies who’s never had them:( Glad you found yourself a good replacement for Easter candy that’s a lot better for you too!:)
These have my name all over it. I love double chocolate anything right now, these look great. 🙂
Chocolate will forever equal happiness in my book. Also, sunshine…lots of sunshine brings out the happy jitters! I’ll be adding this recipe to my list of “must makes” when I have some free time next week. Thanks again Amanda and happy Friday. A balanced life of stress is a needed thing, because it makes us search for the good, the happy…each and every day…or..in this case—> chocolate. 🙂
Happy Friday to you as well, Gabi!
I’ve been completely addicted to the chocolate, coconut peanut butter I bought last week. It’s amazing!
Wow these look amazing. I would eat these all the time if I could. They just look so delicious.
I am a chocolate addict myself so I love the fact the majority of your recipes are ch0co-liciouis as you are like a recipe fairy or something because I have yet to try one I don’t like.
One thing I’ve been addicted to lately is eggs. Which I think I already told ya.. Oh well. Ive also been addicted to pancakes but I mean is that really news?
When Im feeling stressed I don’t crave baths and a hot tea to try and relax myself!! I don’t really crave foods per say as I tend to not eat rather than crave specific things when I am stressed. I do make sure to eat though as not eating just worsens it and I just usually stick to simple and quick things like snacks!
Ever since getting my surgery, I have been a chocolate binge eater. Okay, so maybe not that bad… But my chocolate consumption just spiked a considerable amount LOL. It’s a stress reliever ;o)
One other thing I have been addicted to lately is a nice, juicy mango. Seriously, I’ve been having one every day for weeks now. I cannot get enough.
… And then there’s the coffee, chocolate, nut butter addictions as well….
Let’s say I didn’t want to use protein powder (mainly because I own none and want to make these in the next few days and also want to give them to my son who I don’t think needs protein powder) what can I use as a sub? We need to discuss….And, btw, the pictures of these bites are terrific to the point where I don’t even know how you are able to photograph and not eat all of the bites or at the very least, all of the chocolate chips surrounding them.
Confession: I had a baggie of chocolate chips next to me that I was constantly snacking on while taking these pics 😉 And you could probably just sub the protein powder for a few more tablespoons of oats. I use the protein powder because it adds a little bit of flavour and nutrition, but as long as you have something “powdery” you’re all good.
Even though it’s not yet too hot too turn on the oven my anticipation for summer makes me not want to use the oven as much. This recipe is perfect for that…especially since I have been craving chocolate like crazy lately!
These look incredible! As soon as I can find some pitted dates, I’ll be making these for sure!
POPCORN. I’m gonna be at my parents house this weekend and I have a feeling my lovely mother picked up another gigantic bag of popcorn for me. We’re in trouble….These look amazeBALLS.
You can always portion them into those little snack baggies 😉
im not a protein powder person but have a whole container of it..now i know what to do 🙂
What a great way to get your chocolate fix! When I’m stressed I either go for a chocolate/peanut butter combo or donuts with lots of ooey gooey glaze! And today is a donut/chocolate kind of day. Already. sigh……..
These protein bites look so delicious. Dang, you are killing it with the tasty looking recipes. So impressed with your skills ha.
And you can never have enough chocolate anything.
Those balls do look pretty tasty 😉 I think I’m with most when I say that I’m a huge fan of chocolate, especially fudge. I blame it mostly on Easter too, because it’s the time of the year when I eat the most. Damn mini eggs.
I am totally fine with you sharing a million chocolate recipes. These look AMAZING. I had never even heard of bites and balls and what have you until I started reading blogs. I’ve still never had any, so I need to fix that ASAP.
You need to change that, stat! Don’t make me spam you with the “chocolate” emoji 😉
These look great! I’ve made something similar before, and they didn’t last very long in the fridge. I think I need to whip up a batch this weekend!
YES YES YES GET IN MY MOUTH! These look amazing, and YOU CAN NEVER HAVE TOO MUCH CHOCOLATE! Holy yummoooo. I want 10 of these please…plus one. I’ve been addicted to ALL the things sweet…forever. When I stress I actually don’t know if I really want to eat that much. It’s weird. OR I will eat all the ice cream, that happens too. HAPPY FRIDAY! PLEASE BE STRESS FREE THIS WEEKEND! <3
The Dates in it have me drooling! And this makes me think of dipping some dates in Justin’s Chocolate Almond Butter!! And you are so right! There is nothing wrong with eating chocolate everyday, I do it, it makes me happy. When I ran out a couple of weeks ago, I had to warn the people in my anatomy class, because if I got grumpy or snapped at someone, that would be the reason why haha
These look delicious! Do you have a favorite type of cocoa powder you use? I need to purchase some and I trust a chocolate connoisseur’s opinion.
Have a wonderful weekend snowboarding! (I think you are headed to the mountains, if not, enjoy some relaxation time.)
I haven’t really come across many different cocoa powders up here in Canadaland, so I usually stick with Hershey’s. That being said, Green & Black’s has one that’s pretty incredible too. And thank ya, Sarah! I’ll be boarding in the mountains this weekend and I hope that you have a wonderful one as well.
Definitely going on my to make list – they look so delish! Ball recipes are so easy to make as well!
I have been on a smoothie kick lately and sprinkling every kind of breakfast with cacao nibs – I need to stop – expensive habit… If I am stressed I crave nut butter, banana, honey and cinnamon on toast. Comforting, filling and easy on the old digesterooni. Have a great weekend Amanda 🙂
AB, banana, and honey is one of the best combos there is. That’s what I stuff in my oatmeal every morning, and it’s seriously the epitome of comfort.
Healthy little chocolate bites of wonderfullness? Yes please!
Seems you are not the only one addicted to chocolate here….I too, am addicted (along with many others). These sound great, and unfortunately my boyfriend does not really like chocolate, so I am trying to chocolate-myself-out before we move together……probably not gonna happen, but these are worth a try right? 🙂
Thanks for the recipe! If I succeed I will have you to thank 😛
Good gosh – these sound incredible – 7 ingredient no-bake bites – these would be in danger round me!
Hi my name is Shashi – and I am addicted to chocolate too…I guess this is the first meeting of Chocoholics United? 🙂
Thanks for sharing this recipe – hope your weekend is fabulous!
All chocolate, all the time…pretty much anything sugar-y is my go to when I’m stressed. Considering that school will get really stressful until June, I foresee a lot of chocolate in my future….which means that it’s probably a really good idea to make these bites 😉
Mmmm! Chocolate is good, but double chocolate is better!! I’ve been chocolate-crazy lately too. It goes in spells for me.
Ditto! And it’s very much ON atm. The only thing I don’t have a craving for is chocolate ice cream…
I haven’t had a craving for chocolate ice cream since I discovered your thick and creamy chocolate smoothy!!!! I’m very excited to try these, gonna need to pick up dates at the store 🙂
Ok so I had to and grab some chocolate quarter way through this..and now that I’m happily having a block of Lindt melt on my tongue, I can give you a high five for yet another glorious chocolate creation! When I’m tired my sweet tooth acts up..when I’m stressed my sweet tooth acts up..when I’m excited my sweet tooth acts up. Suffice to say that I’m always ready for some kind of cake, chocolate, dessert 😉
Hiiiiii I will take them ALL! Did I see the word DOUBLE? Because anything chocolate to begin with is my lifelong love, and if you double that, well it’s a match made in ::heaven::
Making these tonight. Because yes, finding good recipes completely dictates how I spend my Friday night 😉
Sorry you’re stressed 🙁 But chocolate helps! And so does warmer weather – yippee!
My name is Liz, and I think I need to join the chocolate support group that seems to be going on! On another note, it wouldn’t be bad if I made these and ate them all myself, right..? There’s only 12 little ones! (I told you I needed help! lol)
My name is Kate, and I too am addicted to chocolate 🙂 Maybe we can join a support group that allows us to eat it while we talk about our feelings?! Just a thought 😉 These look amazeballs. See what I did there?! Seriously though, protein bites are some of my favorite snacks. I am happy you actually measured your ingredients. I usually just mix a bunch together until they seem good to go!
😆 That’s actually exactly what I did… I just made rue to write down as I was measuring 😉 And I’m totally digging your idea for the support group — I’ll see what we can set up 😉
Yesssss… my refreshing (although I didn’t have to do it too many times…) paid off!! Stalker mode, complete 😉 These, my friend, look freakin’ amazing. I love {healthier} chocolate options and these definitely fall into that category. If only I had dates at home, these would be happening for breakfast.