What do you get when you cross a vampire and a snowman?
Har, har, har!! And no, I didn’t come up with that precious gem by myself – it was part of an advertisement on one of the chairlifts I just happened to ride up on this weekend.
But all jokes aside, I think I am actually dealing with some slight frostbite. Despite the fact that I was bundled up like a ninja, with only my nose poking out…
… there’s one patch high up on my left cheek that doesn’t feel quite right. Ahh well, it’ll heal; and it was more than worth it – this weekend was definitely one for the books. But since I already kind of recapped some of my trip and didn’t really take any more pictures aside from this one…
… I thought I’d switch gears today and spend a little bit of time talking about happiness; and what better day to do that than on a marvelous Monday?
I’m a firm believer in the idea that happiness is a choice, and that no matter what else is going on in our lives, we can still be happy if we choose to focus on the good rather than the bad – and trust me, there’s plenty of good. A little while ago, Brittany wrote a great post about the every day sorts of things that make her happy – calling it her happy list – and I loved the idea so much that I figured I’d follow suit and come up with a happy list of my own. So, in no particular order…
Sunshine… Waking up to a sunny day instantly sets me up for a good mood, and getting my daily dose of Vitamin D makes me one happy camper.
Acting like a kid… There’s no denying that I’m all of 12 years old inside. Teddies, Disney, Lucky Charms marshmallows… One of the things I love most about kids is their ability to get excited over virtually anything, so why not follow suit?

Breakfast for dinner… It’s no secret that I’m a big fan of breakfast, which is why I don’t bother limiting it to one meal a day. There are some days where I end up having a breakfast-type meal for each of my three mains, and nothing makes me look forward to a meal more than the knowledge that it’ll be breakfasty…

Coffee… The smell. The taste. Swoon. I once overheard a conversation where a girl was telling her friend that no one actually enjoys the taste of coffee and that people only drink it for the buzz… I have to disagree – I legitimately love the taste of coffee, and unless I’m having a latte or cappuccino, I actually prefer my coffee black without any added milk or sugar. The buzz is just an added bonus.
Being outside… I feel the most in my element when I’m out in nature. Sun on my face, wind in my hair, dirt under my toes… being outside is where I feel most at peace. That’s probably why the winter can be so difficult for me – not enough time outside!

New food finds… Actually, this one applies to new product finds in general, but being Canadian and having to constantly deal with seeing delicious foods on blogs that I can never find in stores around here means I get especially excited when I do manage to come across those foods. Cue grocery aisle happy dance.
Baking… Therapy is expensive. Baking is [relatively] cheap and much tastier…

Blogging… I’ve had a pretty rocky relationship with blogging in the past (uhm… hello two extended blog hiatuses), but I finally feel like I’m in a good place with it. I love the community and the sense of connection I get from sharing and learning, but most of all, I love the people that blogging has introduced me to. Never in a million years did I think that I’d make such meaningful long-distance friendships, where a day without texting/e-mailing back and forth makes me feel like something is seriously missing from my life.
Beautifying… I’m a beauty junkie. Makeup, creams, perfume, hair products, nail polishes… I love it all; and nothing can raise my spirits more than a little pampering. I had a pretty rough day last Friday, and an evening at-home spa session worked wonders in calming me down and lifting me up.

Reading… Books are my life. There isn’t any moment in all of my 28 years where I can remember not reading something. Even back in school when I had my nose buried in textbooks, I was always reading something for pleasure as well. There’s nothing like a good story to escape the hum-drum monotony of everyday life.
I could probably go on and on forever about the things that make me smile (fresh bed sheets, puppy feet, chocolate, the smell of freshly cut grass…), but in the interest of time, and the fact that I have to run to the dentist right away (think happy thoughts!!), I should probably end it here. I hope you guys are having an amazing start to your week, and I’ll talk to you tomorrow!
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What are some things on your happy list?
AND… do you enjoy the taste of black coffee?
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I swear I never thought there would come a day…back when I used to dump half a carton of creamer AND sugar in my morning cup…but these days I can’t stand to have anything in my coffee! And the stronger the better…as long as it’s decaf. Otherwise I’m like that squirrel in Over the Hedge! 😉
I’m right there with ya on being outside! The weather yesterday was INCREDIBLE and I spent a good bit of it enjoying the sunshine…I rode in the car with my arm out the sunroof, had lunch on the back step, and even managed a little walk/limp around the neighborhood at sundown…it was most definitely MARVELOUS! 😀
This post made ME so happy! Love happiness as you know and love when others recognize the little things that bring them happiness!
Happiness is breakfast for dinner and beautifying for sure!! <3
This is such a great post!! So much to be happy about! I LOVE coffee but I haven’t mastered drinking it black yet!
Yummy coffee smell, I swear even when I didn’t drink coffee I always loved the smell…your happy list made me happy so I think I am due for one as well, you should host a link party I see everyone else feels the same 🙂 I’ve become quite the beauty addict since I moved back to the states one would say I am a junkie and its partially because I am trying to find more natural versions of my favorite beauty products. My happy list right now is my husband and I walking our two shih-tzus and spin class with my best friend 🙂 have an amazing week. Love + shine Courtstar
I have a happy list saved on my Evernote account, whenever I feel I need a little cheer I look at that list and just the thought of those things put a smile on my face 🙂 Coffee is definitely on that list, along with stripy t shirts, red lipstick and cupcakes
My dear, you take the most beautiful photos. I envy your talent =X
To answer your questions: I strongly dislike black coffee, making my own applesauce is on my happy list!
I have to agree with you that being outside cheers me up like nothing else, which is why I don’t like winter–I don’t appreciate cold, snow and dead leaves. Buuuuut, I’m not such a fan of the outdoors right now because apparently it still thinks it’s winter here and decided to give us a huge snowstorm. Ugh, what can you do? I’m just crossing my fingers that spring will finally arrive after this last taste of winter.
I’m a huge fan of breakfast for dinner, or really breakfast all day long! I had homemade chocolate coconut French toast and applesauce for dinner tonight and it was just what I needed.
Happiness is a choice! I also believe we have the opportunity to make every day a good one. Look at the positive things and embrace them.
I’m totally with you on the whole breakfast for dinner thing! I actually had eggs & cereal tonight for dinner. Breakfast twice in one day is heavenly. 🙂 I love coffee.. with milk.. black.. latte… mmm.
“people only drink coffee for the buzz”…..LIES. I’m a huge coffee fanatic, I’ve actually been drinking it since I was ten (don’t worry my parents wouldn’t let me have anything but decaf lol) because my parents are such coffee-freaks…to this day, I still drink and enjoy it black! Agreed on being outside too – it’s definitely my happy place (except in winter lol). And…..carnation in a beer bottle? I kinda like it lol
Forgive me for how silly this is going to sound, but I think you might be my twin.
Seriously. If someone asked me to write a post about the things that make me happy it would look identical to this. I literally couldn’t wipe the smile off of my face as I was reading it…
I could go into detail about how I relate to each category but that would just be silly. So, I’ll leave it at…
AMEN. <3
All of these are on my happy list as well, especially sunshine, breakfast for dinner, being outside, baking, and reading. 🙂
I started drinking coffee just on a whim — it was at the new place I was working at, everyone was constantly crowding around the coffee machine, so I just mechanically grabbed a cup and well, the rest is history. But it was kind of strange how I just randomly got into it! I do enjoy the taste though and I love coffee-flavored things, too. Tiramisu is my ultimate favorite 🙂
And on my happy list is my skin clearing up (must be the weather!) and of course the fact that it’s getting warmer outside. I hate wearing layers of clothes or shielding myself from the wind or snow… Can’t wait to be able to go for walks outside! 🙂
You and me both! It’s still around freezing here, so seeing pictures of people walking around in tanks, shorts, and flip flops is just putting salt in the wound!
Awwrr, I love the coffee info-graphic! Cuteness! I have to agree with you–I adore the taste of coffee, and couldn’t imagine going a day without it. I know it’s not the buzz I crave (okay, that’s partially a lie; I need a caffeine kick in the morning!) because I switch to decaf in the afternoon and enjoy it just as much. Contrary to what many people say, good decaf coffee *does* exist! I drink mine black in the morning (with a touch of stevia), and creamy (aka cappuccino) in the afternoon. It’s a balance that works for me. 🙂
Oh gosh, there are so many little things that bring me happiness each day. Let’s see…cozy slippers, rising with the sun (this is a new one!), strong coffee, preparing breakfast while Frank Sinatra croons in the background, sinking my fork into a perfectly cooked runny yolk egg, peanut butter, sea salt dark chocolate, singing 60’s oldies tunes in the shower, experiencing a taste of others’ lives through their lense and their words, hot bubble baths, champagne (especially from cans with sippy straws), indulgent magazine reading, “can’t put it down” novels, clean crisp sheets, chatting with baristas, crunchy cereal…I could go on and on!
There is SO much more good in our days than there is bad, yet it seems like we’re almost trained to focus on the negative (via the media, news, etc). I feel blessed beyond belief to sleep under a roof each night; to have unlimited access to food; to be free to express my thoughts and opinions…It almost feels wrong to whine and complain about anything. So yes, I think that happiness–or at least degrees of it—is a choice. 🙂
Hugs! <3 xoxoxo
It’s funny I think there are Definetley some situations which force grief and you have to let yourself feel them because that is also part of living and experiencing being human- but finding that happiness again afterwards can make it that much more splendid! I’m not sure about choosing happiness but I think you can choose to be a good person and not bitter or unkind toward people hmm.. which I’m sure actually bestows happiness to your soul so maybe I do 🙂 I genuinely get the most happiness from my family and relationships- as well as hot chocolate and reading! I love black coffee too- the smell of coffee Definetley makes me happy! Hope my sentiment made sense! love and hugs (and I really hope your frostbite gets better you poor thing)Sophia
Your thoughts definitely made sense, Sophia 🙂 I agree that there are situations where feeling grief is unavoidable and we have to let ourselves feel it, but I was just saying that even in the darkest of times, it’s still possible to find little rays of light.
Ah the wisdom of Dumbledore! “happiness can found in the darkest of times- if one only remembers to turn on the light” – you are obviously on the same wave length as Dumbledore! Such a wise woman and so I must agree! I’ve just learnt that my eldest brother who was participating in the Boston marathon is well and safe! He is over there studying and I am so happy he is ok- ray of light indeed :)- but my heart goes out to all those affected! It must have been a terrifying experience. Peace and love Sophia
I love your happy list! Haha I can so relate to the blogging one- sometimes I spend a ridiculous amount of time trying to think up a witty title and end up resorting to something like “WIAW-Favorites!” How very original 😉 Hope you’re having a great day !
I also take my coffee black. And I LOVE the taste. Like literally addicted. So much that I have to drink decaf most of the time because my body will stay up all night if I drink reg all day.
Aw HELL NO I don’t like the taste of black coffee. My stomach is eroding just thinking about it! I put whipping cream in my coffee… it’s so good.
Pretty much everything on your list is also on my happy list… you know what’s not on mine though?
SNOW. FFS I can’t take it anymore!
I totally believe that happiness is a choice (for the most part anyway). I don’t think we need to be happy all the time, but I think we can happier than we if we choose to be 9 times out of 10 (if that makes sense). Things on my happiness list include: an early morning run (preferably as the sun is rising), hot tea, cereal, cuddle time, pajamas, and froyo to name a few 😛 And I’m learning to like the taste of coffee…still needs milk at least for me but not as much sweetener as it used to!
While I see the logic behind the philosophy that happiness is a choice, I can’t completely agree with it. Yes, being relentlessly negative gets one nowhere, but there’s a difference between ‘choosing’ to be miserable and, say, suffering from clinical depression. You can’t smile your way out of a mental illness…also, I think relentless positivity often leads people to bottle emotions up, to put on a happy face while secretly dying inside. I did that for most of my teenage years and I really wouldn’t wish it on anyone – it’s healthy to talk about your problems and acknowledge the bad as well as the good.
I can’t really appreciate black coffee compared to (rice)milky coffee. I do like black coffee, but unfortunately I have such an addiction to rice milk in it I waste 250+ calories a day on the stuff!
Books, breakfast(s), sunlight and being outside would also all be things I would classify as mood lifting for me too. I’d also add listening to death metal and watching horror/thrillers to my list – for some reason I find horror movies very theraputic to watch!
There are definitely cases where choosing happiness isn’t a possibility – mental illness being one of those. I don’t think relentless positivity is a positive thing, just like I don’t think relentless negativity is a positive thing. Both are too extreme, and very much in need of a middle ground.
Oh I love this idea! Now I want to create a happiness list and breakfast for dinner would definitely be on it! I think being happy is somewhat of a choice and it sure doesn’t hurt to remember and think of those things that do make you happy. I don’t go for the taste of black coffee, but I love the taste of my “fixed” up coffee! And if I couldn’t have that, well I’d just have to go with black rather than have none at all.
You should definitely come up with a list! It’s always great to remind ourselves of our blessings, and looking at a list of things that make us happy really helps when the funky mood hits.
Not to steal your answer but today I was once again reminded – as if I needed that reminder 🙂 – that sunshine is a happiness boost like no other. I’ve been in a funk for a while and waking up to 68 °F and sunshine today made me [almost] forget about all worries.
Having grown up in the countryside the pleasure of walking around in nature, soaking up fresh air and sunshine is pure bliss for me, too. It’s something I miss for sure these days – however much I enjoy living in a city.
I’m a 100 per cent convinced happiness is a choice. Even when being in said funk I never let myself drown in sorrows completely. There’s positivity and happiness in every day. I used to get all moody and not see the little itsy bits of brightness but am really glad I changed my mindset. [Thanks for reminding me I still need to publish my post on exactly thar topic :D.]
I hope you’re having a happiness-filled Monday, Amanda! Reading your blog is making me happy, too :).
Totally agree with the taste of coffee – I LOVE it! I definitely don’t drink it black though. Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day as well, I definitely don’t see anything wrong with having it multiple times a day 😉