And just like that, it’s the last day of April.
You would never be able to tell from looking outside, though. Between 50 mph gusting winds and snow (!!), it’s looking more like early November than May. Oh gosh… how nightmarish would that be? Having to go through winter all over again? Gah! I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t make it through. Not going to think about it. Instead, let’s move on to happier topics and talk monthly favorites. I’m not going to spend too much time on an intro since I have a lot of favorites to discuss, but here are some of the things I’ve been loving throughout April.
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. food .
I didn’t really luck out in the food department this month like I did in March. In fact, I don’t think I tried any new food products that wowed me at all. Wait, wait… that’s not true. I did fall in love with the Nacho Cheese Popchips tortilla chips…
… but I’ve only been able to find them once and never again. Typical. In any case, if you’re lucky enough to have a place that stocks them regularly, then I definitely recommend picking up a package (or ten, and sending a few to me). They remind me of Doritos, but without all the strange ingredients. I like my chips without a side of MSG, thanks.
OH! And I guess it’s worth mentioning that I’ve finally figured out a way to ensure that I get my cappuccinos the way I like them – ask for them dry.
That gets me the perfect espresso to milk to foam ratio, and I haven’t had to ask them to remake my drink since. Other than that, it’s been the same old, same old around these parts. Although I did fall in love with an old favorite this month…
Maisie Jane’s roasted almond butter and blueberry jam on Wonderbread whole wheat toast.

Almond butter and jelly sandwiches, you’re what dreams are made of. You make boring lunches so much more bearable. And while we’re on the topic of lunches, I guess I can throw my new lunchbox on the favorites list as well.
It’s just a plain old Thermos brand lunchbox that I picked up in Walmart for something like $15, but I do love it so. And that’s all I’ve got for food, guys. Like I said… it’s been a slow month on the foodie front.
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. beauty .
What I lacked in the new food department, though, I more than made up for with beauty products. First up, my newest love…
The Oral-B ProfessionalCare 4000 electric toothbrush. I put off getting an electric toothbrush for a really long time because of the steep price and the fact that I didn’t really think it would make much of a difference, but holy crap does it ever make a difference – I don’t think I could ever go back to using a manual toothbrush. Not only are the options super handy (it has a timer and a pressure sensor to tell you when you’re pressing too hard), but it leaves my teeth feeling so much cleaner and more polished than a regular toothbrush ever did. I heart this bugger big time.
Next up, we have the St. Tropez Self Tan Bronzing Lotion for the face.
As with electric toothbrushes, I put off buying a self-tanner for a good long while because of all of the horror stories that I’ve seen and heard. Looking like an Oompa Loompa? No thank you. Luckily, after ~2 weeks of using this product, the only color on my face is a lovely olive one – no streaky, dirty, orange face syndrome to be found. In fact, the color payoff is rather subtle. And some added perks? No nasty self-tanner smell, no breakouts, and no parabens, sulphates, or phthalates. Win all around! The price tag is a little steep at $38 a tube, but it’s definitely worth it if you want a good quality sunless tan.
Another pricey-but-oh-so-worth-it product? The MoroccanOil Weightless Hydrating Hair Mask.
After running out of my Macadamia hair mask a little while ago and not being able to find it in any local stores, I decided that I may as well try out a new one. Good decision. I had gone a few weeks without using any kind of deep treatment in my hair, and I definitely noticed a huge difference after the very first use – my hair was way softer, smoother, and shinier. There are a few different masks depending on what type of hair you have, and I was really happy to see that this product didn’t leave my fine hair feeling weighed down or heavy. I’m smitten.
This next product is one that I’ve been using for years now, and I kind of can’t believe I didn’t mention it in any of my past monthly favorites posts.
The Philosophy Purity Made Simple facial cleanser is my all-time favorite go-to cleanser. Not only is it great at removing makeup and cleaning out pores, but it does so without leaving my face feeling overly irritated, tight, or dried out. I use it every night and love how fresh and clean my face feels afterwards. It’s also never caused me any problems with breakouts or redness.
Last but not least, let’s talk moisturizer…
“But Amanda,” you’re saying. “That’s a jar of coconut oil.” It is. It’s also my daily moisturizer. I’ve heard a lot of people rave about the beauty benefits of coconut oil, and while I’ve been using (and loving) it in my hair for a good long while now, I wasn’t too keen on the idea of slathering it onto my face. But, in the name of experimentation, I decided to give it a shot. Long story short, I love it. I take a small amount and rub it between my fingers before patting it on my face, and while it can feel a little oily at first, it doesn’t take too long for it to completely sink in and leave my skin feeling ridiculously soft and smooth – plus, it smells (and tastes) wonderful. And the best part of all? It hasn’t caused me to break out. If anything, my skin feels a lot less splotchy and more balanced.
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. fitness .
I feel like I haven’t talked fitness with you guys in so long. Erm. Maybe that’s because the last time I mentioned any fitness related favorites was way back in October. Eep. I’m actually planning on bringing up a few fitness related things later this week, but until then, I’ll say that I’ve really been loving starting my day off with some easy stretching.
I don’t follow any specific flow or routine, but I randomly stretch whatever feels tight while focusing on my breathing, and I have to say that it’s made a huge difference in my energy levels and overall mental clarity. Big fan.
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. book .
April’s book of the month is undoubtedly Dark Places by Gillian Flynn.
Between this and Gone Girl, I’m really starting to think that Flynn may be one messed up individual; but I have to admit that she definitely knows how to write a gripping novel. This book isn’t for the weak of heart. It’s dark. It’s twisted. It’s gory. But it sucks you in all the same. As with Flynn’s other books, I had a hard time putting Dark Places down because I just couldn’t wait to find out what happened next. But at the same time, there were a few instances where I had to put it down for a while because it was just becoming too disturbing and making me uncomfortable. Intense would be a good way to describe it.
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. movie .
I’m not much of a movie watcher. It usually takes me 2 or 3 different sits to get through an entire movie, so coming across one that I can get through in a single sitting is big news. Life of Pi is one of those movies…
Not only do I have no problem getting through this movie, but I’ve already watched it three times since I bought it – it’s just that good. The book is one of my all-time favorites, and I was happy to see that the movie followed it pretty closely. The story is beautiful. The visuals are breathtaking. The whole thing is just one big win. The only downside is that it makes me want a pet tiger…
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. random .
So I got hit with some home decor inspiration this past month. I love decorating, but I tend to get overwhelmed when I look at all of the different styles and options available out there. I’m super picky and particular, so what happens if I don’t like what I’ve committed to? It’ll either be a waste of money or I’ll have to live with something that I’m not happy with. That’s probably why, after almost 2 years of living in my condo, I have yet to hang anything on the walls or finish buying all my furniture. BUT! Small accent pieces I can do, and I’ve really been loving filling bowls/jars/vases with potpourri and placing them all over my home.

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. blog .
April was a busy one on Spoons…
- Between Easter, Momma Spoons’ birthday, and Papa Spoons’ birthday, most weekends were spent celebrating something, with one being spent in the mountains on another snowboarding trip.
- I don’t think I spent enough time in the kitchen, though, because I only came up with one recipe this month. Still, my carrot cake banana cupcakes with orange cream cheese frosting were pretty darn memorable.
- As were a few posts… My Fear of Eating More and Dealing with Unhealthy Food Cravings posts seemed to strike a chord with a lot of people, and my thoughts on Intuitive Eating brought about some really good discussion.
- And, of course, no one can forget the Boston Marathon disaster.
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Do you like home decorating?
Are you good at always taking off your makeup at night?
If you could have any animal as a pet, which one would you pick?
I recently started using coconut oil as a moisturizer too! At first I was just using it on my body because I was worried about the oil being to “heavy” on my face, but I gave it a try a couple of weeks ago and I kinda like it! Now I just need to figure out what I’m going to do with my 93875 bottles of Bath & Bodyworks lotions! 😉
You know I’m totally with you on the decorating business…bah! I’m pretty good about taking my makeup off since I always brush my teeth at the same time, but I’ll be honest, when I got off work this morning, it was everything I could do to remember to take off my shoes! Lol Umm, can I have a unicorn?!?!
I’ve heard good things about Flynn’s Dark Places and I was hooked on Gone Girl, so I’ll have to download this book next. And get around to trying coconut oil as a moisturizer. Everyone raves about it, yet I’m still hesitant.
Did you watch the Hobbit yet? I saw it in the theater and really liked it.
I did! I saw it once in theaters, and once again on DVD. I wasn’t that impressed with it the first time, but enjoyed it a lot more the second time around.
I’m also a big fan of stretching! In fact, I somtimes stretch my legs in the bathroom at work when nobody’s around 😛 I stretch many times a day and I really do love the way it leaves me feeling!
Hehe. I stretch in random places too… like in the kitchen while I’m cooking. Always feels so good.
I really, really love your pictures! You can take a picture of two DVD’s on a couch and make it look simple yet classy. So jealous!
There are SO many amazing things in this post. Self tan bronzing lotion for face? That is genius!! And agreed- I have no clue where April went haha
Love the inspiration for more home decor this month! It’s a definite hobby of mine too, I love buying accessories here and there to dress up a room. Almond butter and jelly, yummm. So simple and so delicious. And loved all your thoughtful posts this month on intuitive eating and other food topics. Great posts but then again, I’d expect no less from you 🙂
yes, dry cappuccinos are were it’s at. if you don’t specify – you get a freakin’ latte. i actually sometimes say ‘very’ dry. haha
I am a total dog lover – our family dog growing up and Charlie now, both have confirmed how much I love them! Ryan and I just watched Life of Pi last night – it definitely was not what I was expecting, for some reason I had no desire to see it, but I was surprised how good it was!
Charlie could probably make cat lovers convert to the dog side! 😉
Nothing’s better than a good morning stretch! I do love your place – it has such a beautiful, clean style – and the huge windows, bliss!
I love these posts! I’m completely drooling over the ab & blueberry jam sandwich. I just ordered some blueberry/cranberry jam to make with my grilled cheese, and now after seeing your sandwich.. i’m dying for it to get here!!!!
I don’t often wear makeup, but when I do (like three times a month), I always forget to take it off before bed.. heck I just wait until the shower in the morning washes it off for me. You know when the water makes your mascara run all down your face.. yup those are the times where I may scare Joshua, Ha!
Have a great rest of the day my dear
I feel like such a drag for constantly complaining about the snow we’ve been getting around here, but I think it’s justified when it’s about to snow on the first day of May. That’s just not right. Hopefully the weather for both of us will get much better soon, because I’m not sure how much more I can take of this!
I’ve been curious about trying coconut oil on my face, and you’ve convinced me to give it a shot. I’ve used it on my hands and I have to admit it makes them so smooth! Plus the yummy smell is always a bonus.
I’m pretty sure that we’re justified with our complaints about the weather. Snow in May is just… no. I feel like I keep saying “hopefully this is the last of it,” and it just ends up snowing more. Oi.
Great post!
Also- love the Starbucks tip. Although ‘ol Buckies isn’t too popular here in Brisbane, I will be asking for a “dry” cappuccino when I’m him this summer!! Thanks!
him = home 😉
Oh my gosh I am SO glad you posted about using coconut oil on your face!! I’ve been using it on my body (legs and arms mainly) for a couple weeks and loved it, finally last week I took the plunge and said what the hell and used it on my face..LOVE IT!! I swear in time I am going to look 5 yrs younger thanks to the fats evening out my wrinkles hahaha!!
Oh Life of Pi..I 3 good. I need a tiger.
I do the wake up, stretch well, “meh I’ll call it a workout” thing too!! You look like you’ve had quite the month! I may have to check out your book recommendation, I could use a new page-turner. I’m glad coconut oil is working so well for you, I tried it out but wasn’t a huge fan :-/
Oh gosh, that weather sounds terrible. I hope you get some sunshine and warmer temps soon! If not you’re welcome to come visit me (and Sam!) in Ontario. 😉
I just recently started using coconut oil as a moisturizer too. I love how it smells so amazing. I haven’t tried using it on my face though… I’ve always used Neutrogena moisturizer for my face and it works perfectly, so I don’t want to mess up a good thing!
I am terrible with taking make up at night. Yeah…anywho, I was actually wondering about your fitness routine. I thought I remember you talking about yoga a while back but maybe that was in my dreams…either way can’t wait to see read them!
I feel like I’m a terrible home decorator! Come decorate my house?? 😉 I can’t believe it is snowing there! It was in the 70’s here today. See… another reason for you to come visit!
ughhh snow at the end of April….is that normal for you guys?!? Sheesh, I hope mother nature lets up on you soon! In the meantime, I will totally have to try that tanning lotion – my Jergens usually works pretty well but it can tend to get streaky or accumulate places like my wrists, ankles, elbows….not the most attractive thing in the world lol. As for a pet…well, I have to say I think dogs make the best pets, but that’s not very interesting….I’d like to have a dolphin. they’re smart, playful…live in the tropics….yeah I could swing that lol
Yup, snow is pretty common in April, unfortunately 🙁 Sometimes it even hits us in May. I’m seriously considering moving…
Could it be?! Could it be?! Could it really really be?! A self-tanner without the Oompa Loompa side effects? I’ll admit I’m skeptical, given that I’ve had some pretty horrific experiences with self tanners, but every other recommendation you’ve made has proved to be a winner, so I may take a leap of faith with this one. Where did you find it?
I’ve also been a little apprehensive about putting coconut oil any place other than my mouth, but like you, I keep hearing raves about it’s non-nutritional benefits, so again, it might be time to tap into that faith. 😉 As for removing my makeup, I do it every night, but only because I use cleansing cloths. In other words, if the process were more complicated, it probably wouldn’t happen. Neutreogena and Simple wipes seem to do a pretty darn good job at removing both eye and skin makeup, and I’ve never had a breakout, so it looks like I’ll be keeping them around.
I still haven’t seen Life of Pi! I’m pretty certain that once I do, I’ll want a pet tiger, too. However, until then, I’ll go with a baby lion, a puppy, or a monkey (they’re so playful!). Happy Tuesday, love!
Definitely give the St Tropez a try! I’ve heard nothing but great things from it from everyone who’s used it. I got mine at Sephora 🙂
I recently got myself a manual toothbrush too! I was skeptical before, but at my last cleaning at the dentist, they told me I really should get one, and since my teeth develop cavities SO easily, I figured the more I can do to help the situation the better. I really like it so far! It feels like my teeth get much cleaner much faster now.
Not wearing make up has its perks…I never have to bother taking it off 😉 Seriously though I’ve never found any make up besides one concealer that doesn’t set off my eczema and random skin allergies/reactions. Waking up with your eyelids swollen shut for the sake of wearing mascara is not worth it!
A pet? Oh, it would have to be a dragon (or three). Those quizzes never put me in House Targaryen but people who know me IRL and like Game of Thrones/Song of Ice and Fire all reckon I belong there, and I’m not complaining (blonde pyromaniac right here hehe).
Have you been keeping up with the latest season of GoT? Gah! Daenerys is kicking some serious butt. Love her.
PURITY! That is the ONLY face wash I will ever use. Love it. I find it really helps getting my stubborn mascara and eyeliner off.
I hear a lot of good things about the moroccan oil. I’m so intrigued by it! I wanna try! It’s going to be on my list when I go to the store. Thanks!
It’s really a great brand! I have a leave in oil treatment by them that I use on my ends after I shower and it’s made a huge difference in my hair! Definitely check them out 🙂
I’m with you on the movies – I can’t sit through them, usually because I just fall asleep. Life of Pi is the only movie I’ve stayed up for recently. Such a good movie. I’ve heard good things about using coconut oil in your hair, seems to make sense to use it as a moisturizer too. I’m trying to find more natural remedies for stuff like that – I’ll give it a try. I love home decorating, probably a little too much =)
I LIKE home decorating like admiring it, but i suck at doing it 🙂 haha
I never ever wash my makeup off at night. i know, that is gross/weird. i dont wash my face at all. i brush my teeth and change and call it a day haha.
any animal as a pet?…i love dogs, but to be unconventional i have really been wanting a baby piglet or a hedgehog lately. haha