8 days. 8.short.days left until Christmas 😀
Has it hit you yet? The Christmas spirit? Mine has been coming and going for most of December, but with basically a week left, I’ve definitely been feeling festive a little more frequently. Yesterday in particular had me humming Christmas songs all day long, so when it came time to sit down and write a post, I knew I wanted it to be Christmas themed… and what better way to do that than survey style? 😀
Feel free to ninja this sucker for your own blog, because not only is it fun to fill out, but it’s lots of fun to read about how other people do Christmas too.

Before Christmas…
Do you send out Christmas cards?
Sure do! Although I kind of slacked on that one this year. Sowwy.
How soon do you start shopping?
😆 Well, there’s a week left until Christmas and I have yet to really start, so… yeah.
Do you have a lot of gifts to buy?
Not this year. Most people in my immediate circle agreed to keep things small and simple, which I’m super happy about. Christmas is becoming a little too commercial for my tastes.
Do you bake cookies?
Is this a serious question?!? Of course! I go through so many batches that I’m usually sick of them by the time Christmas actually rolls around.

Do you put up a Christmas tree?
Sure do! A big one, a mini one, and a Snoopy one.
If so, is it fake or real?
Fake. Real trees sound nice in theory, but I always run into SNAFUs in the execution. That and my building doesn’t allow us to have real trees anyways…
Do you like tinsel?
NO! God-awful stuff that gets everywhere and is impossible to take off.
Do you use homeade or storebought ornaments?
Storebought. The tree at my parents’ place has a lot of homemade ornaments that I made when I was a wee little thing, but they all get clumped near the back — no hard feelings 😆
Do you put Christmas lights outside your house?
No. I live in a condo, and while I suppose I could string some up on my balcony, I save most all of my decorations for inside.
Do you put lights on the tree?
Yes. Well, not technically, since my tree comes with the lights already attached, but… pft… details.
How about popcorn and cranberries?
How about ’em? OH! On the tree? No, but I’ll gladly eat both.
Is there a wreath hanging on your door?
Yup! One on the front door and a few on the inside as well.

Christmas Eve…
Do you celebrate it?
Yes! Our main celebration actually happens on Christmas Eve. My family is Polish and we celebrate Wigilia on the 24th. We’ll have a meatless supper, open presents, and then attend Midnight Mass.
Do you hang up your stocking?
Of course! How else would I get my yearly supply of Christmas socks?
Have you ever left cookies out for Santa?
I have! And he always left one on the plate with a little note telling me to enjoy it along with my presents.

Christmas Movie?
Ooo tough one. I could never settle for just one, but if I had to choose… A Christmas Carol.
Character from any Christmas Movie?
I’ll always have a soft spot in my heart for the old-school Rudolph.
Christmas Song?
Oh Holy Night.
Christmas Memory?
The one year I got to spend Christmas with my grandma. All of my family (besides Mom and Dad) live in Poland, and while I get to see them during the summer, I’ve never been able to spend any holidays with them. Having my grandma around for one Christmas was definitely a special treat.
Christmas Cookie?
Please don’t make me choose… I love snickerdoodles and chewy gingerbread, but all I can think about right now are these white chocolate cranberry cookies…

This or That…
Give or Receive?
Give… even though I always stress myself out trying to get the perfect gift.
Ham or Turkey?
Turkey… mostly because my family has never really done the ham thing.
Star or Angel?
Star… although my tree top is currently naked. Oops.
White Lights or Coloured Lights?
White so I can play up a coloured theme with ribbons and ornaments.
Blinking Lights or Still Lights?
Still… the blinking ones make me feel restless.
Were you Naughty or Nice this year?
I’d like to think I was a good mix of both.
What do you want for Christmas this year?
My two front teeth…
When do you open your gifts?
Christmas Eve and then a simple stocking on Christmas Day.
What’s the best gift you’ve ever gotten?
You know that one toy that you placed on a pedestal when you were a child? Mine was a Playmobil dollhouse. I remember wanting one for a few years before finally getting one for Christmas one year. I was basically over the moon, and that thing is still hanging out in my parents’ house to this day.
What’s the worst gift you’ve ever gotten?
I’m pretty sure someone gave me a box of peanut butter filled chocolates once, which I thought was very thoughtful of them 😯
Do you like wrapping gifts?
I feel like I’m in the minority on this one, but I actually love it. Gift bags are a no-no around here.

Can you name all the reindeer?
“You know Dasher and Dancer and Prancer and Vixen. Comet and Cupid and Donner and Blitzen. But do you recall, the most famous reindeer of all? Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer…” Now you’re singing it.
Have you ever gotten a kiss under the mistletoe?
To be honest, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a mistletoe outside of the movies. Do people really do that?
Do you go carolling?
No. That’s another one of those things I’ve never seen people do outside of the movies.
Do you drive around and look at the Christmas lights?
Yep! There’s a street in my city called Candy Cane Lane where basically every house is decorated. It’s been a family tradition to go for pretty much as long as I can remember.
Have you ever had a white Christmas?
So I live in Canada… I don’t recall ever not having a white Christmas.
Who do you celebrate Christmas with?
My family, aka: Mom and Dad. We don’t have a lot of family here in Canada (they’re all in Poland), so our holidays are usually small and cozy. I’ve always kind of wanted to know what it was like to have those huge, 30+ people holidays, but I also really love it being just the three of us.
Have you ever had your picture taken with Santa?
Yes, many times as a child — and I was BAWLING in every.single.one.
What part of Christmas do you look most foward to?
Midnight Mass — it just wouldn’t be Christmas without it.
Are your holiday celebrations big or small?
What’s the best gift you ever got?
What’s your favourite Christmas tradition?
Feel free to answer any others!
I want to see some of those pictures of you with Santa. I bet they’re highly entertaining.
This is a really cute survey and I think you should link it up to my Week in Review come Monday, since I’ll be reviewing all the holiday things. No hard feelings if you choose not to.
I’m slowly but surely getting into the holiday spirit. It’s a lot different this year with the Hubby not being here and us not buying holiday gifts for anyone other than the nieces and nephews, although that has certainly made it easier. I’m fully expecting to embrace the holiday season when he comes home tonight for a solid two weeks (Squeal!!!).
I was going to post them, but they’re all at my parents’ and I didn’t get a chance to go over there to snatch them up. And I’ll do my best to remember to link up! Hope you’re having a great time with the hubs 🙂
He is literally up stairs cleaning our bathroom and bedroom, washing sheets, etc right now. Talk about a fantastic catch.
can i come to your house for christmas eve? we kind of do the same but I would love some good polish food. You know i am part german so it’s kind similar, yes? then we can go caroling. LOL! or try to. What would be do if we did?
My favorite part of Christmas is wrapping presents!
I can’t believe Christmas is coming so quickly!! When I lived in WI, it sort of seemed natural that when it got cold and snowy, Christmas was coming. But now that I’m in Texas, I’m wearing shorts in December and it feels more like the 4th of July than Christmas lol!
We always had real Christmas trees growing up which I loved, but they are definitely a pain to take care of and quite a mess! It’s definitely a trade-off.
I love holiday-themed surveys. It’s always so much fun to read about what traditions other people have and compare them to my own. I’m definitely going to try to get this up on my blog before Christmas too! Thanks for sharing, lady. xoxo
Well wasn’t this just a fun survey to read. I had no idea you were Polish (or maybe I did & just forgot??) & that majority of your family still lives there. Do you ever get to visit? My dad went there for almost 2 months a few years back from work. From his pictures, it looked like such a neat country.
I can’t believe you’ve never been Christmas caroling before. You haven’t lived until you do so (okay well maybe I’m exaggerating a little)… but really it was always so fun to see the little kids smile when you sang & handed them some cookies afterwards =)
I go visit them every 3 or 4 years, but it’s always during the summer. Speaking of which, I haven’t been in a good long time so I think it’s time to start planning another visit.
Ever since I can remember we have a made Santa Clause cookies on Christmas eve. Even when we were older. If I wasn’t living with my mom I would go over there and do it. 🙂 I will definitely pass that tradition on with Joseph! Also, stockings are my favorite!
Cute survey!! My newest (and favorite) x-mas tradition is going to see a brand new movie in the theater on x-mas day, just my husband & I. 🙂