Happy Sunday, friendly faces! 🤓
How are we doing?! I’m currently enjoying a huge bowl of cereal for dinner after spending a long day in the kitchen and wanting nothing more to do with cooking of any kind. It’s glorious. A mix of Kashi Cinnamon Harvest, Love Grown flakes, raw oats, and some new-to-me GoLean plant power, in case you’re wondering -> 👌🏻I also may have popped a couple of these today…
I know, I know. I promise I do eat things besides cereal and muffins… just not today 😂 I also didn’t have a chance to head out and do my long ride for the week. Partially because of the rainy weather and the fact that the trails probably would have been an nightmare today, but mostly because my legs really needed a rest. I kind of forget that biking is a pretty decent workout because of how much I enjoy it, but yeah… legs, butt, and shoulders = dead. I might head out this afternoon if I get a chance, but if not then maybe tomorrow. Or Tuesday. Whatever works.
Have I rambled enough for today? Me thinks, yes. Time to pass the mic…
. fitness .
Elliptical Machine: Tips and Workout Roundups via The Cookie ChRUNicles.
Looking to squeeze in some cross training on the elliptical? Get a good workout in with these tips and workouts.
20 Moves That Get the Heart Rate Up and Muscles Strong via Popsugar Fitness.
Plyometrics! Super quick, simple, and effective bodyweight moves you can squeeze in if you don’t have time for a longer workout.
Does A 1-Minute Workout Really Work? via Mind Body Green.
There’s some pretty convincing evidence out there that “one total minute of strenuous exercise (within a 10-minute workout that otherwise consists of slow movement) offers nearly identical health benefits to 45 minutes of moderate effort”… but are there reasons beyond the physical that we’d want to engage in a longer workout?
. health & beauty .
Girl Talk: Body Image Chat via The Cookie ChRUNicles.
No matter how confident we are, we al have those days. And it’s comforting to know we’re not alone.
4 Things I Did To Find Self-Acceptance and Love My Body via Mind Body Green.
There’s so much freedom in learning to accept your body rather than fighting to change it all the time. It’s great to exercise and eat healthy, but you should be doing it because you love your body, not because you hate it.
10 Scary Side Effects of Healthy Habits via Woman’s Day.
You think you’re doing all the right things and you’re left feeling sick — what gives?!
8 Hidden Food Sensitivities You Might Not Know You Have via Mind Body Green.
Some great information about the difference between allergies, intolerances, and sensitivities, the most common symptoms, and how to discover if you have any.
. life stuff .
The Most Important Question Of Your Life via Mark Manson.
I feel like I may have shared this one before but it’s still one of my favourite reads. “I wanted the reward and not the struggle. I wanted the result and not the process. I was in love not with the fight but only the victory. And life doesn’t work that way.“
A Crash Course in Cookie Science via Buzzfeed.
Helpful tips if you’re trying to nail the perfect traditional chocolate chip cookie. It’s all about the ingredients!
2016 National Geographic Travel Photographer of the Year Contest via The Atlantic.
Because you guys know I’m a sucker for a gorgeous photo.
13 Hysterical Pictures That Will Put A Smile On Even A Grump’s Face via Dose.
Those corgis, though. I die 😂
. blogging .
How and Why You Should Think Beyond Your Blog to Monetize Your Site via Melyssa Griffin.
Not interested in ads and sponsored posts? You can easily use your blog as a platform for other services you offer. Find out how with these helpful tips.
Pinterest Tips for Bloggers and Entrepreneurs via Kori at Home.
From hashtags, to pin descriptions, to good SEO. Lots of great info in here!
Blogging Mistakes That Can Make You Lose Readers via The SITS Girls.
Great examples of what NOT to do if you want to keep your readers coming back.
. food .
Roasted Strawberry Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cups via Hummusapien.
You guys! Roasted.strawberries. Have you ever heard of something so beautiful?!?!
Skinny Chocolate Cinnamon Rolls via Amy’s Healthy Baking.
Not gonna lie – with how good these look and how healthy they are, I’d probably eat the whole batch.
Small Batch Paleo Almond Flour Brownies via Ambitious Kitchen.
I’m loving the fact that these super fudgy grain-free brownies have raspberries in them! Such a good combo.
Thai Noodle Bowls with Almond Butter Tofu via Minimalist Baker.
Not gonna lie… the idea of sweet & savoury crispy tofu slathered in AB makes me weak in the knees.
Chocolate Strawberry Gluten Free Rice Krispie Treats Bites via Cotter Crunch.
Because Rice Krispie Treats are awesome. And fancier ones flavoured with strawberries are even more awesome.
Your links…
Let’s chat!
3 things you did yesterday; 3 things you’re doing today. Go!
Yesterday: ran some errands, did some cookbook editing, and went to see Captain America.
Today: going to church, possibly going out for my long ride, and having dinner with the fam.
More places to find me!
E-mail — [email protected]
Twitter — runwithspoons
Facebook — runningwithspoons
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Instagram — runwithspoons
Bloglovin — runningwithspoons
Snapchat — runningspoons
Hey, there’s nothing wrong with a little cereal for dinner! I’ve totally been there before and will likely be there again soon.
I’m interested to read the cookie science article but then I’ll just be wondering what happens when I take out the butter, sugar, and white flour, lol. Not sure how useful it will be to me then! 😉
Ain’t that the truth! Someone needs to write a cookie guide for us flourless, butterless, sugar-free folk 😀
Love these! I agree with you on the 1 minute work out stuff. I understand that it can be backed up with science but isnt the feeling of accomplishment after a longer hard workout so much more rewarding?!
Definitely! Plus it gives you so much more time to zone out and get lost in your thoughts.
Happy Sunday, Amanda! I look forward to scrolling through the links your share each week! Such a good mix of content. 🙂
Thanks os much, Ashley! Always great to see it appreciated 🙂
Wow, thanks for sharing the link on weird side effects from some healthy habits. Never heard of Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction but it makes total sense to me. Out and about Austin today, errands and some R&R. xo Lauren
I’ve never made tofu, but that Thai noodle bowl might just make me – it looks so good! Yesterday: went to the farmer’s market, blogged a little, napped. Today, walking to the lake, homework, and blogging!
I loved Meredith’s body image post.
Yesterday: breastfeed, breastfeed, breastfeed
Today: mow the lawn (hopefully), hit up Target (cross those fingers) and breastfeed, of course.
My husband has been eating Cinnamon Harvest for YEARS and recently I’ve been craving it (covered in honey of course). So good!
It’s definitely one of my favourite cereals! I’ve been enjoying it with almond butter and jelly lately.
Ooo so many good ones today!!
Yesterday I worked, hosted a game night, and attempted do some cleaning
Today I’m going to church, visiting my family, and attending a cookout!
aw thank you for sharing both of my links!! Means a lot to me :). I missed your post yesterday so I am going to check out those cute cookie muffins — I used to make my oatmeal raisin cookie recipe as muffins back in the day when I am actually baked and had my cookie business lol. they were so cute and good in muffin form!
Did you have to alter the recipe at all? My mom used to bake cookies in muffin tins, but mostly for the shape. They were still pretty cookie-ish.
I had the same reaction to the roasted strawberries, need to do that. Busy weekend, yesterday we to new glasses for Diana, went to Emily’s gymnastics show and ran errands/grocery shopped. Today I have 3 dance recitals to attend and planning to get a run in now and blogging after!
I don’t know how you do it, lady! Superwoman status for sure.