Happy Sunday, friendly faces! 😀
Welcome to this week’s edition of Link Love, and a special edition at that. If you follow me on Instagram, you may have seen me post this little gem right here…
Those would be the new Love O’s from Love Grown Foods — limited edition boxes of heart shaped strawberry and chocolate Power O’s that are [almost] too adorable to eat… but too delicious to resist. They’ll only be available for the first few weeks of February in a few select stores (see graphic below), so be sure to stock up when you see them! Or… you can enter today’s giveaway for a chance to win a box of your own!
All you have to do is leave a comment letting me know whether you love your cereal dry or with milk, and I’ll randomly pick a winner tomorrow morning. Yup! This giveaway will only be running today, and is open only to those living in Canada or the US (sorry international friends!). Good luck and happy Sunday! 😀
Giveaway is now closed. Congrats to Kristen D!
In my head…
. fitness .
How to Avoid and Recover from DOMS via Popsugar.
Some helpful tips on how to prevent sore muscles after your workout.
Building Muscle: The Do’s and Don’ts via Fitness Perks.
Lots of great info about the importance of strength training and what to do/avoid while you’re at it!
Workout Safety for Cooler Temps via Fix.com.
Helpful tips on how to stay safe when taking your workout outside in the winter.
23 Things That Inevitably Happen When You Start Getting In Shape via Buzzfeed.
So.very.true. It really does set your life on a whole different track.
. health .
6 Healthy Bedtime Rituals That Will Make Tomorrow Awesome via Popsugar.
Good practices to keep before bed if you want to have a good night’s sleep.
Treating Seasonal Affective Disorder via Fix.com.
A handful of helpful tips on combatting the winter blues that can hit around this time of the year.
Natural Honey Citrus Syrups for Coughs and Sore Throats via The Yummy Life.
Forget cough drops and cough syrups! Whip up your own cold-killer at home!
. life .
10 Powerful Ideas That Will Change the Way You Work via Marc and Angel Hack Life.
Some pretty helpful tips on how you can boost productivity and creativity without overworking yourself.
9 Things You Should Be Able to Say About Your Life via Marc and Angel Hack Life.
Life is short… Live well today so you won’t regret it tomorrow.
33 Reasons You Will Want to Visit New Zealand Right Now via The Planet D.
As if I need any more reasons to want to visit this place…
26 of the Coolest Hotels in the Whole Wide World via Earth Porm.
I tried to pick a favourite, but I couldn’t do it. All of these look amazing.
25 Awkward Situations Every Person With Long Hair Knows All Too Well via Buzzfeed.
I’m pretty sure I’ve dealt with each of these at some point in my life…
. blogging .
Blog Content and Writing via The Wetherills Say I Do.
Blog success depends a lot on good content. These practical tips will help you with future content.
8 Ways to Boost Your Blog Presence When You’re Bored via I Can Build A Blog.
Got a bit of downtime? Spend it doing some of these to give your blog a little boost!
8 Steps to Advertising On Your Blog via Singing Through The Rain.
Helpful info about the ever-confusing realm of blog advertising.
For my belly…
Banana Smoothie Breakfast Bites via The Big Man’s World.
Helloooo my idea of perfection in a bite-sized ball. You need these in your mouth 😉
Dark Chocolate Raspberry Cookies via Two Peas & Their Pod.
Loving the combo of fruit and chocolate in these delicious melt-in-your-mouth cookies.
Nut-Free Banana Chocolate Chip Date Bars via Chelsea’s Healthy Kitchen.
All my favourite things stuffed in one delicious bar. And they’re allergy-friendly too!
Chocolate Chocolate Chip Greek Yogurt Banana Bread via Lovely Little Kitchen.
You guys know how much I love using yogurt in baking, and this quick bread looks phenomenal.
Flourless German Chocolate Quinoa Cupcakes via Making Thyme for Health.
I can’t even handle how delectable these look. Cupcake perfection.
Blueberry Banana Soaked Oat Muffins via Clean Eats, Fast Feets.
Hello sneaky prep method to take these muffins up to the next level. Love it.
Vegan Gluten-Free Chocolate Cupcakes via Minimalist Baker.
I’m pretty sure these should be titled “How to Make People Fall In Love With You.” Gorgeous.
Your links…
3 things you did yesterday; 3 things you’re doing today. Go!
Yesterday: went for a run, spent some time planning a vacation, and had a friend over to watch movies.
Today: going to church, doing some studying, and going over to my parents’ for dinner.
More places to find me!
E-mail — [email protected]
Twitter — runwithspoons
Facebook — runningwithspoons
Pinterest — runwithspoons
Instagram — runwithspoons
Bloglovin — runningwithspoons
I love my cereal dry – even as a kid, I’ve never liked milk. I’m such a weirdo!
That’s a tough decision! I guess I’d have to pick dry since I seem to snack on handfuls of cereal more than pouring milk on it. You can never go wrong with a bowl of cereal though!
Dry cereal all the way! 🙂
With milk, almost always! Depends on the cereal. 🙂
Milk! Unsweetened almond milk to be specific 🙂
usually dry or in yogurt!
Well, i seem to eat cereal both ways. In the morning with almond milk, and the rest of the day i snack on it dry!
Love my cereal both dry and with milk!
I love my cereal loaded! With milk, fruit, nut butter etc!
I like cereal with almomd milk, and I also like to add it to yogurt for the crunch factor 🙂
I love cereal as a snack or treat so definitely dry so I can enjoy every crunchy bite
I like my cereal with milk
Definitely prefer my cereal dry! Sogginess is unacceptable!
Dry all the way! Thanks for this giveaway!
Love my cereal with almond milk…although I’ve also been known to eat it dry, straight from the box!
I’ve never tried this cereal! It looks yummy! I eat my cereal with almond milk!
So cute! I like mine with milk.
I love to eat cereal either soggy or completely dry. It can’t be just wet…bleh.
I love mine with almond milk! But you have to eat it fast because it can’t get soggy ;P
Thanks for the link love! 🙂
These newest LoveGrown Power O’s make me so happy just looking at them! I was so ecstatic when we received the email to give us the sneak peak for the upcoming newest cereal surprise from the LoveGrown folks. I can’t decide…I like cereal with and without milk! But I usually eat it more without milk–either just by the handful or on top of yogurt. 🙂
Eaten with soy milk!
Best way to eat cereal = SMOOTHIE TOPPER
Especially a Spoons’ smoothie!? I’m feelin some cereal milk here… 😉
i love cereal both ways, depends on the type. I have been eating my chocolate power o’s with cashew milk!
Always with milk! I love to drink the cereal milk afterwards. 🙂
I used to do my beloved Rice Chex with regular almond milk, and while I have a sweet tooth, it’s not a saccharine sweet tooth. I decided to try the unsweetened vanilla (because vanilla is the shit), and at the first bite I was seriously cursing the world at the terrible switch I had made. At the second bite, I was cursing myself for having never gone unsweetened earlier! I’m a “moody foodie” haha. But cereal is also killer dry. Put it in some trail mix and MMMMF. And what about rice krispy bar treats made with brown rice crisp cereal?! I’m sorry, but cereal is literally life.
And it would totally make my life if I could visit any of those forest hotels in that link. I’m a land lover, so those water ones were seriously freaking me out! But the church one was insane….
Cereal is best eaten with milk! If I ate it dry, then I would consume half the he box!
Yummy! definitely dry cereal for me. I love snacking on crunchy things.
With milk for sure. I really enjoy reading your blog.
Thanks for the effort you put into it.
Love cereal with almond milk!
Ah I would love to try that cereal! I have been seeing it all over Instagram lately! I love my cereal dry, more like snack food 🙂
Cereal with milk for sure!
Love cereal on top of whipped cottage cheese or Greek yogurt!!!!
I like my cereal with milk
I definitely prefer my cereal with milk–preferably unsweetened almond milk! Although dry granola is awesome on top of yogurt.
My family thinks I’m crazy, but I definitely prefer my cereal dry!
I love my cereal with almond milk or sprinkled on top of my smoothies!
Almond or Coconut milk please!!!
I love my cereal with almond milk! But dry cereal for snacking is great.