Happy Sunday, friendly faces! ?
How’s your weekend been? Good? Bad? Good? It’s been a good one here in Spoonsville, with the best part being that I finally managed to find a little bit of the holly-jolly that was very much missing in my life.
If you read my last Thinking Out Loud post, you might remember me mentioning that the holiday spirit has been a little late in showing up this year, so I made it a point to do a tonne of Christmassy things this weekend in an effort to try and find it. I rocked out to Christmas music. Decorated my place. Baked cookies (amazing recipe coming at you tomorrow). Wrote my Christmas cards. Did a little shopping. Enjoyed a warm gingerbread smoothie…
It was good times! I hope you managed to sneak some Christmas festivities into your weekend, and if not, then that you had a great weekend nonetheless.
But that’s enough rambling from me. You’re here to check out some good reads, and I’m here to share some with you ?
For my head…
. fitness .
5 Workouts for When You Just Don’t Feel Like Working Out via Popsugar.
Because sometimes we just don’t have the motivation to do our scheduled workout but still feel like doing something.
14 Ways to Get an Extra Fitness Boost From Everyday Activities via SheKnows.
” recent research from the University of London found that the increase in obesity seen over the last three decades is linked to a decrease in overall daily activity, not necessarily to a direct increase in calorie intake or a decrease in time engaged in structured exercise.“
. health .
How To Brew Kombucha At Home via Paleo Running Momma.
She makes it look so easy! This stuff is great for your belly, but the store-bought kind isn’t so great for your wallet. Brew some at home to get your fix at a fraction of the price!
10 Ways to Mash Up a Banana Mask for Face, Hair, & Feet via Hello Natural.
“The high potassium content, the vitamins and natural oils inside these fruit will soften the skin and hair, enriching them with necessary nutrients.“
I Didn’t Know I Had An Eating Disorder via Shape.com.
With so much focus being put on diet and exercise, there’s a very fine line between what’s normal and disordered. This leads many to not even realize that they have a problem.
Why Your Ideal Weight Isn’t What You Think It Is via Popsugar.
Love this –> “Those extra 5-10 pounds are your spontaneity, your freedom, your love.“
Here Are The Cheapest Superfoods You Can Buy via One Green Planet.
Keep it simple! You don’t have to spend a tonne of money on all those fancy powders and what not.
. life .
9 Creative DIY Advent Calendars via Oh Happy Day.
I know we’re already a few days into December, but it’s not too late to whip up one of these adorable calendars!
13 Ways to Feel More Confident via The Sunday Chapter.
I love how simple these are, and having dabbled in some of them, I can definitely say that they work. I should really get back into practicing these more regularly…
12 Things That Enormously Successful People Refuse To Do via Marc and Angel.
Because we’re often our own worst enemies and stand in our own way more than anything else.
700 Free Audio Books: Download Great Books for Free via Open Culture.
A great resource for free [mostly classic] audio books. Some great titles in here!
. blogging .
How To Write Your “About Me” Page via A Problem Like Maria.
That reminds me that I seriously need to update mine… Some great tips here!
What Is Search Engine Optimization and Why You Need It via Fantastique Designs.
Proper SEO can help you grow your blog by ranking you higher in search engines and driving more organic traffic to your blog. Learn how to get your ranking up there with these helpful tips.
10 Super Simple Food Photography Tips for Beginners via Clean Eats, Fast Feets.
This is a must-read for anyone who’s new to food photography and overwhelmed with things like ISO and aperture.
Practical Ways to Create A Website Your Users Love via Indie Pixel House.
Make sure your readers have a pleasant experience when viewing your blog with these helpful tips.
7 Mistakes People Make When Trying To Monetize Their Blog via The Nectar Collective.
Monetization can be super overwhelming and intimidating when you’re just starting out. And while it’s inevitable that you’ll make some mistakes while figuring out what works for you, here’s a good list of things to watch out for.
For my belly…
Grain-free Dark Chocolate Peppermint Muffins via Cotter Crunch.
The best holiday flavour combo in a soft and tender muffin?! SOLD!
Oatmeal Date Cookies {vegan & gluten-free} via Eating Bird Food.
Crispy edges with a soft and chewy center?! WANT! And… dates ?
Butternut Squash Black Bean Enchiladas via Minimalist Baker.
Oh.my.word. This looks absolutely incredible, and I’m loving how simple it is!
Pumpkin Gingerbread Pancakes via Making Thyme for Health.
They’re so fluffy I could DIE. And I love how they’re the perfect flavour to transition from fall to winter.
4 Ingredient Flourless Sweet Potato Brownies via The Big Man’s World.
Healthy and chocolate is involved?! Totally up my alley.
Dark Chocolate Espresso Date Oat Bars via Ambitious Kitchen.
Ooey, gooey, and loaded with coffee, chocolate, dates, and oats? This is basically my spirit bar.
Your links…
3 things you did yesterday; 3 things you’re doing today. Go!
Yesterday: put up Christmas decorations, had a baking extravaganza, and did some Christmas shopping.
Today: went to church, probably doing more baking, and heading to my parents’ for dinner.
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Three things yesterday: Marked 6 pairs of socks with my color of thread so I can tell them apart from my sister’s identical ones, figured out what clothes I’m taking on my trip to CA tomorrow, and finished all but the conclusion in “It Was Me All Along” by Andie Mitchell. Three things I did today: Finished writing a letter to my pen pal that I started in October (?), helped my sister shave her dog, and did some yoga. <3
It seriously needs to start getting colder in Florida! I love warm weather, but its so hard to get in the Christmas spirit when it’s 80 degrees out! I guess I should take advantage and go to the beach lol.
I loved every single link that you posted today! I actually already read a majority of them. I especially love the blogging links just because I am still new to the blogging-sphere! The photography tips was my favorite since I am still learning my way around the camera and food photography! It’s a lot of fun to learn!
– XO –
So many great links/// that Ideal Weight post was everything… needed to hear that today!
Yesterday: SoulCycle, brunch with a friend, drinks for a friend’s birthday
Today: Getting some freelance/blog work done, hopefully going to the speciality grocery store for some recipes I want to make & yoga tonight!
The ideal weight post was definitely one of my favourites from this week as well. Such a good reminder for those times we’re getting nitpicky with ourselves.
it’s better late than never to get into the Christmas spirit, i’ve finally gotten out of grinch mode! yesterday: worked, studied for finals and went to the whole foods salad bar for dinner. Today: studying, practice, more studying at starbucks!
I am so glad you got your Christmas groove back, even if it does mean you no longer have to come here to find it. It feels good to be enveloped in the holiday spirit. Peace on earth, goodwill towards men (and women) and all that jazz.
I love the article on the five pounds and can absolutely relate, although I stopped chasing it long ago, when I realized to obtain it, I would have to give up things which really make me happy. It didn’t seem worth it for a little vanity weight, and instead I just focus on the body parts I do love. I adore my neck.
I rolled my eyes at the super foods post until I actually read it and was happy to be proven wrong. This is my kind of super foods and the ones we should be glorifying. The rest is just media hype and in fact, I want to a blog post about this topic in the near future. We should join forces.
Thanks for including my food photography post. It means a lot.
Now I’m off to check out those Dark Chocolate Peppermint Muffins from Lindsay. That woman has mad talent.
I’m looking forward to reading your superfood post. Will pumpkin be included in the mix? You know… all that beta-carotene 😉
I’m glad you’re getting into the spirit! I’ve never heard of a war smoothie, but I looked at the recipe and it looks delicious and still so healthy!
That smoothie looks delicious!
Yesterday, I went to yoga, decorated my Christmas tree, and worked on some articles.
Today I’m working at the hospital, calling my mother, and catching up on life stuff.
Thanks for linking! 3 things yesterday were 1. actually ran 2. kids bday party and 3. grocery shopping. Definitely back to the swing after being sick! So far today it’s been yoga, later latke making and who knows what else. Glad you are finally feeling Christmas-y 🙂
And I’m glad you’re feeling better! <3
I have been having the same stigma with Christmas. I finally managed to get the tree up yesterday along with a few decorations. I don’t know what it is? I feel like it’s come too soon or something. I’m just not in the mood.
It’s weird because a lot of people seem to be feeling that way this year. You’re totally right, though — it still feels too early!