Happy Sunday, friendly faces! And hi from the Rockies 😀
Gotta love it when you get caught in the act of Snapping (do you follow me? — runningspoons).
Yesterday’s snowboarding adventures whooped my butt (and they probably will again today), so I’m kind of at a lack for intros right now. Instead, I’m going to say that I hope you’re having an awesome weekend, that I have some awesome links for you, and that I’ll see you tomorrow with some awesome food. Awesome, right? 😉
For my head…
. fitness .
Soothing Stretches to Instantly Ease Digestion via Popsugar.
Because sometimes our stomachs just don’t want to play nice.
7 Things That Will Happen When You Do Planks Everyday via Lifehack.
SO many amazing benefits from this one simple move. If you’re not doing a plank a day, you should definitely start!
40+ Podcast Episodes to Listen to On Your Runs via Fuel Your Future with Tina Muir.
Because sometimes you need something other than music, and these podcasts are full of so much great info for runners!
. health .
How To Squeeze Good Healthy Habits Into A Chaotic Schedule via Fit Bottomed Girls.
It’s not always easy to stay healthy when life gets crazy, but here’s a great list of simple things you can do to stay on top of your health.
Kombucha Tea: It’s Benefits & How To Make It via Supernaturally Healthy.
Kombucha has so many amazing health benefits, especially for digestion. And brewing your own is a great way to save some money!
9 Natural Beauty Secrets We Can Learn From a 61-Year Old Supermodel via MBG.
Love how so many of these don’t focus on physical things.
. life .
9 Ways Generous People View the World Differently via Marc and Angel Hack Life.
SO many great reasons to do more for others. Generosity benefits not only the receiver, but the giver as well.
16 “Facts” That Are Complete Lies via OmgFacts.
Coffee doesn’t come from beans?!? Mind = blown.
10 Books for Adults That Are Just As Magical as Harry Potter via Bustle.
I love that my favourite book is #1 on the list. I also love that I now have a handful of books that I need to look into.
Quotes That Changed My Life via Here & Air.
“Build your own dreams, or someone else will hire you to build theirs.” Holy.SNAP.
18 Struggles 90’s Kids Had to Live Through via Dose.
Yes to ALL of these things. But still… I miss those times.
25 Body Language Acts to Avoid via Daily Cognition.
Our actions say more than our words — make sure you’re not sending the wrong message.
. blogging .
How To Properly Brand Your Social Media via EAE Designs.
Helpful tips on how to style your social media platforms so that they match the look of your blog.
How To Find Your Purpose via The SITS Girls.
Struggling with burnout or unsure about what to blog about? Ask yourself some of the questions provided in this post to help find more direction.
How To Create A Bangin’ Blog Business Plan via The Nectar Collective.
Some really great steps to take if you’re looking to turn your blog into a full-time job.
How To Pitch a Brand via Hip Media Kits.
Lots of helpful information if you’re interested in working with a brand but don’t know how to approach them.
For my belly…
Vegan Thanksgiving Wraps via Minimalist Baker.
LOVE this idea for a slightly unconventional Thanksgiving dinner. I’d choose this in a heartbeat.
Dark Chocolate Cranberry Oatmeal Cookies via Amy’s Healthy Baking.
I’m such a sucker for soft and chewy oatmeal cookies, especially when they’re made with healthier ingredients.
Black Bean Chipotle Stuffed Sweet Potatoes via Making Thyme for Health.
LOVING the flavouring of that stuffing! Such a perfect easy and healthy meal to throw together.
Healthy No Bake Eggnog Bites via The Big Man’s World.
Because Christmas season is almost hereeee! Get excited!
White Chocolate Spiced Almond Cake via Cotter Crunch.
You’d never believe that this is loaded with healthy ingredients from how decadent it looks!
Your links…
3 things you did yesterday; 3 things you’re doing today. Go!
Yesterday: drove to the mountains, snowboarded down the mountains, and vegged out in the sauna/pool.
Today: going snowboarding, driving back home, and vegging out on my couch.
More places to find me!
E-mail — [email protected]
Twitter — runwithspoons
Facebook — runningwithspoons
Pinterest — runwithspoons
Instagram — runwithspoons
Bloglovin — runningwithspoons
Snapchat — runningspoons
Oh hi, hey there. Can you believe I’m almost a full week behind. About that…
I loved Christie Brinkley’s Beauty Secrets, especially the part about getting a good bra and eating walnuts. She’s preaching to the choir there or at least me. 🙂
I need to check out some of those books, as soon as I get through the library books we checked out last month and the entire Outlander series, so maybe some time in 2019. It’s good to have goals. 🙂
Penguins don’t mate for life…..what? I’m heartbroken over this.
I adore the look of Lindsey’s White Chocolate Spiced Almond Cake. I’m swooning for that one.
3 things I did yesterday: read a piece at my school’s Homecoming Writers Award Ceremony, go grocery shopping and homemade make gluten free pizza!
Things things I did/will do today: went to the gym, talked to Apple support about my troublesome computer (ay yi yi!) and hang out with my boyfriend
Can’t wait until Thanksgiving break in two days! 😀
So many good links. Ihope you’ve been doing well pretty lady. If you’re out boarding, then I know you must be doing well! 🙂 Have fun!!
All’s good here! Hope you’ve been doing well with your little guy! Well, two little guys, but you know what I mean <3
We got snow! Thursday we were like 15 degrees, today we were like -2 and we got snow last night. I forgot how weird Ontario weather can be.
Yesterday: vegged out with a lot of Fallout, ate sushi for dinner, slept in after a really late night Friday.
Today: went home for dinner, walked the dog in the snow, prepped for an important job interview tomorrow! (seriously, I really want this one).
Amg! Keeping my fingers crossed for you big time! And we actually lost all our snow. Apparently it was nice here this weekend and it all melted. Boo.
Yesterday: Ran 3 miles, walked the dogs and took them to the beach, had dinner with girlfriends
Today: Walked the dogs, catching up on blogging, and doing a Target run.
LOVE the looks of those Thanksgiving wraps… definitely pinned to make later this week!
Yesterday: SoulCycle, went to an event with Tillamook in Napa!
Today: Yoga, cooking (hopefully for the blog!), dinner with a friend
I have never been into winter sports but sometimes I wish I was because it looks so fun and peaceful. Three things I did yesterday: ran, ate and went shopping. 3 things today: watching lots of softball games for my step daughter.
I’ve actually always been more into winter sports than summer ones, and I think that has a lot to do with the fact that we have to deal with around 6 months of winter here, so you gotta find something to do to keep from going crazy 😛
how your having a great time at the rockies! Yesterday I went to the gym, did homework, and had a pre-thanksgiving thanksgiving with my teammates. Today I am working on an essay, going to the gym and going to church.
Hope you are having fun! 3 things for me yesterday – long run, manicure, shopping – 3 things today – catching up on work stuff, finalizing thanksgiving recipes, taking my son to another bat mitzvah (I am like a taxi!)
Those views! I’m definitely a little jealous – even though I can’t technically snowboard or ski – but details, right? Have a great time today 🙂
Ahhhh so many good links, Amanda! Yesterday: I went to lunch with my Mom and an old friend, shopped and took my dog for a walk. Today: Much of the same! 🙂 Happy Sunday to you!
I’ve been celebrating the eff out of my birthday since Thursday. Hoping to take it easy any give my liver a break today ?
Lololo! To avoid hangovers, just keep drinking? 😛 Seriously, though, I hope you’re feeling good today!
Ahh, I need to check out that Harry Potter book list! Very jealous of your mountain pic, hope you’re having a great time!
Some good picks on there! I definitely recommend checking out The Name of the Wind 😀
Yesterday went to the gym, worked on my book and went out with a friend. Today finish my book (hopefully), plan my thanksgiving menu and watch football! Stay safe girly!