Hey hey, friendly faces! How’s your weekend going so far?
Have you had a chance to check out my gluten-free bread pudding recipe and enter the giveaway for a chance to win some gluten-free goodies of your own?? You’ve still got plenty of time, but I highly suggest that you do yourself a favour whip up a batch of that pudding — mine’s long gone, but I’ve already been “encouraged” (read: bribed) to make another, so that’s what Sunday afternoon is looking like for me.

As for the rest of my weekend, it’s been good. A coffee date with a friend. A trip to the farmers’ market. A few shopping splurges. Plenty of time in the gorgeous weather…. and dinner with the family on the agenda for tonight. I hope your day is looking equally as good, and if you find yourself with any down time, be sure to check out some of the posts in this week’s link love — plenty of good reads in there!
In my head…
How Do We Measure Health via Living Mint Green.
Great post about how chiselled abs and thigh gaps are not indications of good health.
Food Shame via Snack Therapy.
Shame and guilt are moral concepts, eating is not. The two should never be associated.
7 Things You Should Stop Expecting from Others via Marc and Angel Hack Life.
Great advice! “People rarely behave exactly the way you want them to. Hope for the best, but expect less.”
Dietary Changes Throughout the Years via Huffington Post.
We’re eating a lot more calories, sugars, fats, carbs… and, apparently, yogurt…
Stop Procrastinating by Using the ‘2 Minute Rule’ via Thought Catalog.
If it takes two minutes or less, do it NOW — putting things off only increases stress.
What I Learned from a Period of Not Running via My Neon Running Shoes.
Sometimes we have to take an extended step back to see things more clearly.
Enough via It’s Progression.
A beautiful reminder that we ARE enough, just the way we are.
Coffee: Your Poison or Medicine via Huffington Post.
Is coffee good or bad? Apparently it’s both — it comes down to the individual.
6 Blogging Tools You Cannot Live Without via The SITS Girls.
Helpful tools to make blogging a little easier and more organized.
Risk Factors for Developing Anxiety Disorders via Health Central.
Knowing the risks is a good way to better manage the symptoms.
13 Everyday Myths You Won’t Believe Aren’t True via Thought Catalog.
Having accidentally swallowed gum last week, it’s good to know it won’t be in there for 7 years.
What Every Contact Lens Wearer Needs to Know via Huffington Post.
Gulp. I’m guilty of waaaay too many of these…
8 Chances Unhappy People Never Take via Marc and Angel Hack Life.
Happiness lies in helping others, accepting imperfection, being present, and listening to your heart.
Redefining Optimism via Mangoes and Miles.
Being optimistic doesn’t mean you have to believe that everything is all sunshine and rainbows…
19 Seasonal Fruits and Vegetables to Eat This Fall via Greatist.
Eating in season can increase the nutritional value of our food. Lots of tasty options if pumpkin or squash isn’t your thing.
13 Photoshop Fails on Magazine Covers via Picstache.
Because the best way to look thinner is to take off an arm or a leg… 😯
For my belly…
Lasagna Stuffed Spaghetti Squash via Ari’s Menu.
This recipe may just be the one to steal my spaghetti squash virginity…
25 Pumpkin Desserts to Eat This Fall via BuzzFeed.
I tried to pick a couple, but I seriously want them ALL. Great pumpkin inspiration.
17 Healthy Fall-Inspired Breakfast Ideas via Huffington Post.
Amazing comforting dishes that make me want to eat breakfast all day long.
Butternut Squash and Spinach Lasagna Rolls via Skinnytaste.
Squash is good, but squash and cheese is better. Holy.yum.
Quinoa Chili via Making Thyme for Health.
A perfect bowl of comfort for those crisp fall days.
Chocolate Coconut Chia Pudding via Chelsea’s Healthy Kitchen.
I’m still warming up to the idea of chia pudding, but this combination sounds delicious.
. – . – . – .
What are two things you’ll be doing (or have done) today?
Did you do any baking/cooking/meal prepping this weekend?
As always, feel free to link up any good reads!
Just the title of that spaghetti squash recipe sounded amazing. Beautiful pictures to boot. I’ve made something similar before from Skinny Taste and can verify the deliciousness that is spaghetti squash + cheese 😀
In the photoshop fails I think it’s funny that they focused on Kristin Stewart’s missing/hidden arm when it looks like a knee is growing out of her left butt cheek. 😯
That’s it. You have way too many good links and it has to stop. I get sucked into all of them and lose hours of time. Hours. Although I really loved the posts by Snack Therapy and Living Mint Green. I’ve never read their blogs before but they sound very much like I feel so I’m thrilled you included those links. And I’m a fan of the seasonal fruits and veg one because…I love them. Obviously.
Both are fabulous ladies! Definitely on my list of daily “must-reads.”
Awesome Links lady!
As a big fan of running – I really needed to read “What I’ve learned from a period of not running.” and do more of #1!
And “7 Things You Should Stop Expecting from Others” so loved “When you try to change people, they often remain the same, but when you don’t try to change them – when you support them and allow them the freedom to be as they are – they gradually change in the most beautiful way. Because what really changes is the way you see them” !!!
17 Healthy Autumn inspired recipes – oooh am drooling now!
I BAKED this weekend. AND I DO NOT BAKE!!!! It was crazy, okay wait… I watched my brother’s girlfriend bake. LOL. I read the ingredients. I used the hand mixer. Does this qualify as baking? HA HA HA!!
Hope you had a great rest of the day…and dinner with your folks! It stormed most of the day today so the man-friend and I just kicked back and relaxed. We went out for brunch this morning but it was less than stellar…heavy on the less! Definitely could’ve done better myself, but eh…you win some you lose some! No meal prepping for me since we leave for Cleveland in the morning…woo hoo!!
Love the links! I really need to start following the SITs girls…they have some awesome and very useful posts! And holy CRAP! Those pumpkin bread puddings with the salted caramel sauce?!! And totally thinking about that pumpkin chia pudding…I was eyeing Chelsea’s earlier this week too!
I absolutely loved that post from Elizabeth about what she learned from her running break!
And thanks so much for sharing my post! <3
Thanks for including me! 😀 And double thank you for linking up to that lasagna stuffed spaghetti squash. YUM! Now I wish I’d picked up a spaghetti squash at the market yesterday.
Today I walked on the treadmill at the gym while reading Canadian Living and later went to a coffee shop to do some work for my internship. Lately I feel like going to a coffee shop is the only way I can actually get work done. 😛
I didn’t do too much baking/food prep this weekend other than making pumpkin cookies and roasting up kabocha squash. I wish I’d had more time to bake – there’s an apple cake from Canadian Living that is totally calling out to me!
You find such an assortment of links- love it.
The Huffington post article about the increase in yogurt consumption- You probably played a pivotal role in that aspect 😛 Didn’t know you wore contact lenses too- Are you as blind as I am? Starring at a computer screen so often does me no favours.
Can I bribe you to fedex me the bread pudding?
PS ask your folks about Bundz!
I’m very much quite blind. I think -5.00 in one eye and -4.50 in the other. I literally would not survive without contacts/glasses. And I asked ’em! My mom had never really heard of it either, but she did mention that it might have been a cheese that was made up in the mountain regions, while my parents were both from the city.
These are awesome links! I loved the one about not expecting things from others, the two-minute rule, and the contact lens one–totally guilty of a lot of those too!
Thanks for the link love friend!! Looking forward to checking out the other posts too! 🙂
Are those purple boots I see in that group of four pictures at the top?! If they’re yours, PLEASE tell me who makes them because I need them in my life!!
I -wish- they were purple! They’re just brown boots that somehow came out looking purple because of the filter.
Haha it looks like I’m not the only one in love with them! So adorable though! Boots are one of my favorite parts of fall! And I do have a pair of purple boots but they always give me terrible blisters 🙁
I love the Link Love posts <3
I want to get a better look at your fun purple boots! I’m really enjoying plum, burgundy & forest green right now. Isn’t Butter polish THE BEST? I love that you don’t have to put 800 coats on. I found some at Winners recently for $8!!!
Thank you so much for linking to my post – I’m glad you approve. 😀
Awwr I wish they were fun purple boots — they’re muddy brown, but the crazy filters make them look purple. I AM looking for a pair of burgundy jeans though. And $8?!!? Okay, I seriously need to spend more time scouring Winners… I don’t know how often I can justify $17 a bottle.
Great links, as always <3 If you're going to be making a 2nd bread pudding……. could I talk you into making a 3rd and mailing it my way? 😉 As for things I've done/am going to do today – I just dropped Kyle off at the airport for his quick trip to Moscow then fit in a quick run/body pump class and now I'm off to walk the pup before I attempt to make a whole wheat pizza crust – busy day!
I always love your link love. It’s not good for my school work that has suddenly got put on the back burner, but for some reason I’m reading about contacts right now. I don’t even wear contacts…You make every article SO intriguing! And the for my belly section is making my stomach rumble! All these ‘fall inspired’ posts are being bookmarked asap!
I hope you had a lovely weekend ! 🙂
That is a great link up, lovely. I will spend some time reading through a few articles today – always a good thing to have some exciting Sunday evening reads 🙂 . And also: your boots are gorgeous! I plan investing in a new pair this fall/winter season, but haven’t found some that I am crazy about yet.
I’m actually taking a much needed break from food prep this weekend! I think I may have been over planning…we’ll see how this goes 😉 I may get sucked in by Sarah’s quinoa chili!
My mom and I made homemade pizza for the first time in FOREVER. We used pre-made whole wheat dough so next time we plan to tackle the art of making our own. They turned out REALLY good! Today I plan on watching the Eagles’ game and going to pick out Elmo’s Halloween Costume. I bet he’s excited!!! Lol
Have a great day with your family! 😀
I’m currently sitting in the airport waiting to board my first flight…thank goodness for this post and free wifi! In terms of entertainment, I think I am sorted :-). I’m looking forward to reading the Huffington Post on how eating has evolved. Two things I did today are 1) pack (notice I didn’t write “overpack” for once) and go to the hair salon for a blow dry. Have a great Sunday, Amanda!
Safe flight, Khushboo!
Thanks for sharing!! <3 The 7 Things You Should Stop Expecting From Others was really interesting to me…my dad's motto is, "Expect the worst, hope for the best," which I used to think was pretty pessimistic of him, but it was cool to see another person agree with him!
Thanks for more pumpkin inspiration! I just stocked up on some more so will need some new ideas 🙂
Enjoy the rest of the weekend!
You too, lady!! Don’t study too hard 😛
Happy Sunday! Sounds like you’ve had a good one so far. I’m going to make a nice meal for us later but I have freezers so stuffed with food I’m going to try and eat though some of that instead of making more if I can!
All great posts! 🙂
I meal planned and made my grocery list yesterday. It always helps me when I do my grocery shopping on Mondays!
Today we have church, out to lunch with friends, and then small group this evening. It should be a good day! Happy Sunday!!
I’ll be throwing a pot roast in the crock pot shortly for one and then later, a little trip on the elliptical.
Have a great Sunday!
These are some great links! I especially can’t wait to read The 7 Things You Should Stop Expecting From Others. I think it’s important to not have unreasonably high expectations from people because after all, we are human and we will inevitably dissapoint each other. Also, quinoa chilli sounds awesome! Thanks for sharing!
I have done too much already today…I made a birthday stack of pancakes filled with sprinkles and chocolate chips topped with whipped cream and candles for my son’s birthday ( for him and his best friend who slept over – save me lol ) and now off to the city to walk around and continue his weekend long birthday party.
Awwr! Happy Birthday to your son!! 😀 I remember special occasions when my mom would make pancakes for me — miss those days.
I just opened like a million tabs…I love Sunday morning reading :-p
Today, I plan on taking a TRX class and doing some baking this afternoon. Also, attempting to talk myself into cleaning :-p
I made some Halloween cookies from the easy refrigerated dough you can buy. Those things are freakin amazing. I’m sure I will be eating what is left over from yesterday, today. I also have my last long run before my marathon to do today. I’m getting to the point where I’m just ready for it to be over with.
But it’ll be the biggest feeling of accomplishment when you get it done 😀
that spaghetti squash recipe looks so cheesy, perfect, delicious… gosh the photos are such a tease!