Why 39 questions? Because that’s how many there were in this survey I ninja’d from Jen over at Saved by the Kale. You guys know I’m a sucker for these things and I feel like it’s been way too long since I filled one out… Time to change that 😀
1. Were you named after anyone?
In a roundabout way… Let me call my mom to make sure I get this right… *cue Jeopardy music* … Okay. So. My mom worked in a daycare before I was born, and one of the little girls that went there was named Amanda. She was apparently really sweet (Amanda means ‘worthy of love’), and since my parents had recently immigrated to Canada from Poland and weren’t all that familiar with Canadian names, I guess they decided to name me after her. So thank you, sweet Amanda who’s a handful of years older than I am…
2. When was the last time you cried?
Long ago enough to not be able to remember. I don’t feel like that’s healthy 😯
3. Do you like your handwriting?
It is what it is. I used to hate it, but over time I’ve just become indifferent to it.
4. What is your favourite lunch meat?
Roasted chicken breast.
5. Do you have kids?
Negative. But I do have a plant… I call [him] Douglas. He’s probably died and come back to life around 5 or 6 times, which is probably why I keep him around… he’s a tough one.
6. If you were another person, would you be friends with you?
Obviously! But that’s mainly because I’m always using my friends as taste-testers and pawning my overabundance of baked goods onto them 😉
7. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Who, me? Never (read: always).
8. Do you still have your tonsils?
I believe so… unless they were stolen from me in my sleep and sold on the Black Market. Or maybe that’s kidneys I’m thinking of…
9. Would you bungee jump?
Yes. But the better question is… who wants to go with me? 😀
10 What is your favourite cereal?
Talk about an unfair question! You guys know how much I love my cereal, especially mixing a few different kinds… Buuuuut if I really had to choose, I’d probably go with Kashi Cinnamon Harvest.
11. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?
Never. Ain’t no one got time for that!
12. Do you think you are strong?
Your question leaves too much room open for interpretation. Are we talking emotionally strong or physically strong? Because I can deal with heartache, pain, and suffering, but please don’t ask me to lift anything heavy with my little chicken arms.
13. What is your favourite ice cream?
I’m a classic vanilla girl — but some of that might have to do with the fact that I can’t eat a lot of the fancier flavours because of my allergies 😡 Oh, and it’s always gotta be in a cone. That last bite? Best.thing.ever.
14. What is the first thing you notice about other people?
Whether or not they’re smiling.
15. Red or pink?
Pink for my nails. Red for my cars and gummy bears.
16. What is your least favourite thing about yourself?
My uncanny ability to put things off until the last.possible.second (read: my procrastination).
17. Any tattoos?
Negative. Me and needles? We don’t get along. I didn’t get my ears pierced until I was something like 23, and my at-the-time boyfriend had to carry me out of the salon because I was this |___| close to fainting.
18. Do you have any hobbies?
I read, I write, I take pictures of things… I snowboard, I game, I express myself through interpretative dance…
19. What colour shoes are you wearing?
You assume that I’m actually wearing shoes… which I’m not. My socks, on the other hand, are black.
20. What was the last thing you ate?
A banana… but if I didn’t take a picture, did it really happen? 😯 😯
21. What are you listening to right now?
“Let It Go” from the Frozen soundtrack. I blame being in Disney… and Alex for getting it stuck in my head before I left.
22. If you were a crayon, what colour would you be?
I feel like this question will reveal a lot about the inner workings of my mind, so I need to choose carefully… mmmmm… black. I enjoy black — it’s calming.
23. Favourite smells?
Cinnamon, coffee, freshly cut grass, banana bread in the oven, and… gasoline 😯
24. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
The hotel receptionist. I needed to ask about check out time.
25. Mountain hideaway or beach house?
Mountain hideaway… There’s nowhere I feel more at peace than up in the mountains.
26. Favourite sport to watch?
Snowboarding. I still remember watching Canada take home the gold in men’s snowboarding the first year it was introduced to the Winter Olympics (1998). So proud. That and hockey, which I guess makes me… Canadian.
27. Hair colour?
Dark brown, but I used to be blonde until I was something like 5 years old. Then I went through a phase where I needed to have ALL the colours under the sun, but now I’m just au natural.
28. Eye colours?
Again… dark brown.
29. Do you wear contacts?
If I want to see… which I generally do… unless I’m sleeping.
30. Scary movies or happy endings?
Don’t even talk to me about scary movies. I choose sleep and happiness.
31. Last movie you watched?
The Wolverine on the plane ride over to Cali. 2 hours of Hugh Jackman’s abs? I’ll take it!
32. What colour shirt are you wearing?
It’s black… as it is 99.9% of the time.
33. Summer or winter?
Both. I get tired of summer and crave winter; and I get tired of winter and crave summer. Change is good.
34. Hugs or kisses?
Kisses… preferably of the chocolate variety.
35. Computer or television?
Computer. I use my TV so infrequently that I’m honestly not even sure if it works…
36. What book are you reading right now?
The Alchemist… for probably the tenth time.
37. What’s on your mouse pad?
What is this crazy ‘mouse pad’ thing you speak of? I’m using a trackpad right now, but even my desktop mouse doesn’t use a mouse pad. Side note! Does anyone remember when mice had the roller ball inside instead of the laser? Do they still make those? God I’m old… it’s wonderful
38. What colour is your house?
I don’t have a house. My condo is brick on the outside, though…
39. What colour is your car?
Gunmetal grey.
And that’s all, folks! I’ve got a few more days left in sunny California and then it’s back home to snowy Alberta. I miss you guys and hope you’re all doing amazing… See you on Thursday for Thinking Out Loud!
What does your name mean? Find out here.
Do you colour your hair or go au natural? Did you ever colour it?
What was the last thing you ate?
You, Big Kid, and Peanut have much in common 😉 Big Kid loves black crayons so he would pick that for himself, Peanut loves “Let It Go” (fascinated by the snow magic in the video), and both love banana bread! Soul mates for sure 😉 My name means pure, which always makes me smile. I may not be the purest person (by a long shot), but I try to keep 97% of my intentions pure, which counts right? I haven’t dyed my hair in a long time, but I used to get blonde or red highlights often, and the last thing I ate was one of your flourless almond butter muffins…sooo good 😀
I love learning random facts about people! I still ask my husband, friends, and family members the weirdest things, haha. Being that my mom was a hair dresser for many years, I went through a phase where I had many different hair colors as well. I still get it touched up every 8 weeks or so, but it’s pretty close to my natural color- just a tad bit darker. My dad and brother both have dark brown hair and my mom and sister have blonde- I was born with dark brown so I guess I sided with the boys!
My name means “God’s Princess” according to the little hand stitched little plaque my mom and in my room as a little girl. I don’t color my hair, not opposed to it, just happy with what I got! 😉 Annnndd..the last thing I ate was oatmeal with berries…but my tummy is grumbling…I think it’s almost time for lunch!
Your answers made ma laugh all the way through and then I got to the contacts holder picture and wanted to yell I HAVE THAT SAME CASE! Ahh blogging. I feel like I’m closer to all of your more than my real life friends!
I love these surveys- so much fun to read!
I’ve been thinking about picking up The Alchemist for years now and never have (why? no idea). You’ve convinced me that I need to read it though. I’ll have to get a copy next time I’m at Barnes & Noble.
I hope you’re having an amazing time in California and enjoying the gorgeous weather! I’m not going to lie, I reeeaaally envy you for being at Disneyland. Even though I live less than an hour away, I haven’t been in 4 or 5 years! I can’t wait to see all your pictures (:
Cali has been wonderful to me so far 🙂 And definitely pick up The Alchemist! It’s written so simply, but the message is so beautiful and profound.
Love this! I’m always a fan of Q&A stuff. Cool, different questions, too. And “hoo”ray for contacts! (get my joke? hehe).
My name means “messenger of God” according to that site. I’ve also heard that it just means “angelic.” Not a big surprise considering angel is right in there. I think it’s funny that my name is Angela because my mom swore up and down that she didn’t want a name that could be made into nicknames, she wanted everyone to always call me by my full name. So then she chose a name that has like 3 different nicknames? Idk. My dad had wanted to name me Heather, after Heather Locklear.
Thanks for shoutout Amanda 🙂
Love Frozen and Let It Go!
Enjoy your last few days in the Land of the Mouse!
I think my hair is pretty close to natural right now, and I do color it…only about 4 times a year? I love how it feels after and like the dark hue that I have been getting the past few times. Last snacks was Angie’s Boom Chicka Pop white cheddar popcorn. It is a new flavor and I LOVE it.
Love the smell of gasoline. I used to pump my moms gas for her just so I could stand outside and smell it. Can’t be healthy, but UGH it’s delicious!
… I can’t believe I just described gasoline as delicious.
The last thing I ate was slivers upon slivers of a banana skillet cookie I made… Because slivers don’t count towards anything, right?
The meaning of the name Lauren is Laurel.
I’m not really sure what that means…?
Slivers and crumbs never count — common knowledge. But I very much want more than a sliver… a banana skillet cookie sounds amazing.
I used to get highlights but now I’m au natural. I love it, too, because it saves me quite a bit of time and money. I’ll be there for bungee jumping. Let me know when and where 😉 haha In other news, this was really fun to read! I’m with you on the shoes.. I prefer socks. In the winter, I only have fuzzy socks on! haha
Sooo…I won’t bungee jump with you, but I would LOVE to skydive..can we just do that!? HA! I love black clothes too..I try to venture out and get things with more..pizzazz..but I just love the classic look of black! Coffee smells make the world go round..along with cupcakes.
Amanda where are your Christmas socks? *wink*
Also — in all serious *blush* was the interpretive dance thing for real? I would love to hear more about it…
If you were kidding, I hope I am not the only one who’s all, “really??”
I’m an au natural blonde– but I have always thought that if I was a brunette I would have gone crazy with colors and highlights by now. It’s just that everyone has always told me that light blonde ruins with color and I don’t want to be stuck coloring for the rest of my life.
Christmas socks are back home in Alberta 🙁 No boots means no way to hide them in Cali. And the interpretive dance was just for funnies… You’re not the only one who was all “really?” <3
I love this survey! Lots to comment on. Firstly I think it’s really cool that the first thing you notice about someone is whether or not he or she is smiling. That’s a great thing to look for. Secondly you totally made me lift up my mouse and check if it has a roller ball (it doesn’t) instead of a laser (it does), ha! Glad to know my workplace is at least on par with the laser trend. Thirdly my name story is kinda random like yours…I was technically named after a random cheerleader from my parents’ alma mater University of Tennessee because they were reading a magazine from the school and it mentioned a cheerleader named Caitlin in an article. So thank you random cheerleader named Caitlin for your presence in that magazine, because otherwise I’d have been named Kelsey, and I just don’t like that name. Oh, and handwriting. I like my handwriting but I used to think it was boring and STEAL other peoples’! Like I’d see the handwriting of friends that I liked, and I’d try to mimic it. In fact the way I make a’s now (like the font on this page) was stolen from a friend in 5th grade. I used to make a’s up til that point without the tail on top.
Madison means the son of Matthew I think. Let me double check… Yep, so basically I’m a boy 😉
I’ve never colored my hair before. First off, I wasn’t allowed to. And second, as of right now I think I’d basically look awful with any other color. I think it would be fun to get blue highlights sometime (have you ever seen the movie Aquamarine?). But those would just be temporary. Depending on how old I am when I start to gray, I may consider dying my hair in the future. I already have two white hairs so it seems likely. Lol.
Ha. I do not have a mousepad either. That would be called thin air and it isn’t very user-friendly for computer mice.
I do not colour my hair and the last thing I ate was spoonfuls of almond butter straight from the jar…no shame!
I loved this 🙂 So fun
I’ll always take a few hours with Hugh Jackman
Oh man – I remember having to CLEAN that roller ball in the mouse because it would get gritty & not roll well 🙂
😆 I remember having to do that as well. And blowing in the Nintendo game cartridges to get the dust out so they’d actually load 😉
If I didn’t color my hair, I’d be rocking the dishwater 24/7 instead of more like the last 2 weeks before I get it done. Bright shiny brunette baby!
My parents apparently decided to name me Miranda because it’s kind of (KIND OF) a combination of their first names (Randy and Linda). If I was a boy, I would have been Luke because my dad was obsessed with Star Wars. Dodged a bullet there! 😉
The last bite of the cone! oh my God! It’s like the perfect thing to end an ice cream! Yummy!!!!!! 😉 I laughed a lot with this!
And according to the link my name means God beholds (I’m Jessica).
My hair is currently trying to get rid of color and going back to natural, so my roots are aprox 4 inches? No they aren’t roots, I have an ombre look 😀
The last thing I ate was a toast with oganic cheese ;)!
Since I literally want to comment on everything I’m just going to stick with your questions for times sake but first yes to vanilla and the smell of gasoline! Also interpretative dance? WTF?
What does your name mean? It means David with an a at the end and David means beloved.
Do you colour your hair or go au natural? Did you ever colour it? I used to be blonde both as a baby and as a bleached teen/early 20s. Now I’m au natural or unintentional ombre thanks to the blonde occasionally popping through.
What was the last thing you ate? Lemon Buckwheat Waffles. YES PLEASE.
Interpretative dance was just meant for funnies 😛 And lemon waffles? I’m coming over for breakfast…
Why are we so alike?
# 19 – Kind of disappointed in that display of socks… 😉
# 25 – Mountains. Totally.
# 30 – Scary Movies. Totally the same thought here.
# 33 – also the same. I am loathing winter right now, but I know I’ll miss it in July sometime..
I hope your trip is going great! 🙂
My name means “weary” – okay? My hair is 100% natural! I’ve never colored it. I used to be a blonde up until I was about 3, then it changed to brown! Aaand the last thing I ate was breakfast – an omelet and toast! Perfect! Hope you’re enjoying Cali 🙂
My hair has been colored so many shades and for so long that I truly no longer know exactly what color is the real one – sadly it is probably gray so I will just keep on having it colored!!!
Fun survey!
I love surveys & learning more about bloggers! (Might have to steal this one for sometime soon.) 🙂
My name means “pure one” and I was named after both my mother and great-grandmother. I used to hate my name, but I like how classic it is.
I’ve colored my hair just a couple of times (blonde highlights, auburn, and a darker brown), but since I spend so much time outside, my brown hair kind of has some natural blonde highlights now and I like it.
And I’m currently eating peanut butter toast + a honeycrisp apple.
Catherine is definitely a gorgeous name 🙂 Funny story… it was actually supposed to be my middle name, but my parents didn’t put it on my birth certificate so I don’t technically have a middle name 😯
1. My name means angel 🙂
2. I probably should color my hair as the grey strands are taking over but I’m holding back for now. I keep telling myself that the grey adds character! Haha.
3. I drank a protein shake for breakfast this morning and am about to dig into my mid-morning snack now (a granola bar).
Have a great day and hope you’re truly enjoying Disney!!
what a fun post to read.. last thing i ate , a bowl of oatmeal. I went through a lot of phases with my hair but now im au natural as well.
I put things off until the last possible second too! I don’t know why I do that to myself. I have to keep reminding myself that I can’t do that with wedding planning!
Haha I am still smiling at the end of reading your post because you and Douglas made my day. I can totally picture you saying that in my head. I have yet to see Frozen -__- ultimate fail. I want to try this life changing Kashi cereal you speak of! Obligatory trip to the store this week! Happy Tuesday lovely lady!
My name, not surprisingly, means the Fall season. Exotic, i know.
My hair is a natural dark brown with a little bit of red highlight. I’m thinking about getting it highlighted though to make the red stand out a bit more. We’ll see! Highlights are sort of VERY expensive :O
Lets see…the last thing i ate was english muffin with Vanilla AB (the.best.known.to.humanity.) and honey! I also had some Kashi Heart to Heart cereal! <3
It would be awesome to be named after the best season 😀 And yes… vanilla AB is definitely one of the best there is…
My name means “Port For Chalk Or Limestone”, lovely hahahaha. Last thing I ate was almonds!!! I use to dye my hair this dark red brown, but now I’m back to natural (well almost, the red brown is at the ends of my hair), by natural is like a medium brown, it gets lighter in the summer. Also, I love that you named your plant Douglas, it just fits perfectly. And he is a trooper for dying and coming back to life!!
I love the smell of gasoline too! I always thought I was the STRANGEST person alive. 😉 I also quite enjoy the scent of white out and nail polish remover…odd considering I can’t usually smell anything at all!
Super fun survey to read! I hope you’re having an amazing trip! 🙂
I’m pretty sure my name means “protector of man (or woman)” but I’m named after a dancer in a popular movies from the 80s 🙂 I’ve dyed my hair countless times. The last time I went from brown with golden/caramel highlights to a purple/red merlot color. I love it but it’s so drying! The Alchemist is one of my favorite books ever. Hope you’re having an awesome time in Disneyland!
Both gorgeous colours, but merlot is such a hard one to keep in!
I am just going to put it out there – I bet that this survey will now be everywhere, haha and second I hope you are living up disney
This is such a fun questionnaire! I always like these types of things because it helps to get to know other bloggers more!
What does your name mean? My name wasn’t on there. 🙁
Do you colour your hair or go au natural? Did you ever colour it? I don’t color my hair and never have – it’s au natural.
What was the last thing you ate? Leftover turkey and some sides last night.
Fun survey! I love hearing the little things about people. Just found out according to your link that the name Kelly means “bright-headed.” I’m gonna take that to mean I’m a genius, not that I have shiny hair. I totally remember when mice had roller-balls. They would be stuck so you had to take it out and clean the lint from inside before it worked again. Ah, good times. Back when having a CD-ROM was a thing to brag about.
I am the same way about seasons! I’m excited for the season for like 6-8 weeks and then I’m ready to move on to the next! However, I am really excited about my beach vacation this summer… we did mountain vacation last summer so variety is good in lots of things. 🙂
Beach vacations are always beautiful. Where are you going?
Gulf Shores with the family… it’s particularly exciting to think about with all this cold weather!
We have the same color hair and eyes :D, I’m au natural but if and when I ever do color I’d probably go for a golden shade of brunette..and I’ll bungee jump you with then we can hang together and eat your glorious baked goods :p ! My name has quite a long meaning..something along the lines of beautiful. Your name is very fitting by the way.
Awh Douglas is such a pretty fella!
I am munching chips right now and sipping Green tea 🙂
Hehe, how fun. Every time I read such a survey I think that I should answer one myself… but then it never happens. But they save a lot of time, so I might keep them in mind for the weeks ahead aka master thesis finish line aka worst wees of my life.
Also: girl you’re lucky to be named after a sweet girl from your moms daycare job. My mom named me after one of her favorite series… and apparently Ksenija was the daughter of a ranger. Not cool, mom!
I’ve always wanted to read The Alchemist – cannot wait to hear what you think of the whole book. Although you have read it 10 times so it must be good!
It’s an amazing book and definitely on my list of favourites. It’s written so simply, but the message is really profound.
I always love learning more about various bloggers.
I really like that contact case. It’s so cute! The last time I cried was when I had a meltdown about the snow last week…it was silly but I just needed to unleash those emotions. The last thing I ate was breakfast-3 eggs, avocado and toast 🙂