Ohhhhhhhh hi! 😀
Despite the fact that I talk to you guys almost every day, I feel like things have started to get a little less personal here on Spoons… The shift was never really intentional, but between all the recipes, What I Ate Wednesdays, Thinking Out Louds, and Link Lovers Loves, there haven’t really been many days left over to talk about anything else. Oops.
Don’t get me wrong — I love having a blogging schedule so that I generally know what I’m posting and I’m not left scrambling for content — but it also means that I run the risk of distancing myself from you guys, which is not something I want since you guys are my favourite part of this whole blogging thing. I mean, what’s a blog without its readers? Nothing but a bunch of empty words and pretty pictures.
That being said, I do have one or two days per week that don’t really have anything scheduled, and since Monday just so happens to be one of those days, I thought I’d take the opportunity to bring you guys up to speed on some of the things that have been going on in my life lately… so let’s catch up.
Food has been good; almost too good actually. I’d go as far as to say that I may need an intervention soon because my sweet tooth has been out of control lately. Between all the baking, and the ice cream, and the chocolate… yeaaaaaaaah. Part of me feels like I should reel it in a little, but the other part of me loves just going with the flow and not thinking twice about what I eat. I know that many not exactly sound like the best approach to healthy living, but it’s actually a beautiful thing for someone who used to struggle with restrictive eating. The time for more moderation will come — I’m not getting off this train just yet.
Maybe it’s the extra sugar in my diet, but my energy has been through the roof lately. So much so that I’ve actually been thinking about joining a gym again. Kidding… kind of. I am looking in to getting a gym membership again, but for reasons a little more substantial than sugar highs. First, I miss strength training, and I’ve found that a gym environment was the only place I could really get a good strength workout in. Second, group classes — miss those too. Third, the atmosphere and the people. I sometimes get a little stir crazy during the day since I work from home, so having places to go to get out of the house during the day is a very good thing — bonus points for it being a community of people that I could potentially work with. Finally, I need a challenge and a change. While I love my walks, occasional runs, and general active lifestyle, I miss having something that really pushes and excites me. So yeah… looking into that one.
Body Image…
I’m not going to say too much about this here because I have an entire post on it coming up next week, but I put on a few pounds (guessing since I don’t weigh myself) over the winter and… I don’t actually hate it, nor am I stressing about, or even really planning on, losing it. But again… more on this next week.
Guess who’s been house shopping! But not for myself — for my parents. After 25+ years of living in the same house, Mom and Dad have decided that it’s finally time to move, and I’ve been tagging along with them on occasion to scope out some potential pads. Let’s just say that shopping for homes is far more enjoyable when you won’t be the one a) living there, and b) spending the money. That being said, I’m not too sure how I feel about the house I grew up in not really being my house anymore… Trying not to think about it for now.
T minus two weeks until I officially graduate from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition with a certification in holistic health coaching. I can’t even believe that it’s already been a year since I made the decision to switch career paths and pursue holistic nutrition — it doesn’t seem anywhere near that long. I still remember going back and forth on the idea for months before committing to it, and I’m so glad that I finally did — this is definitely where my heart lies. I’m actually planning on going back and taking more courses in the fall, but for now, school’s out for summer 😀
… has been nuts. I don’t spend a lot of time talking about my job here on Spoons because it really has nothing to do with anything my blog is about, but I’ve been cutting back on the hours I devote to it in favour of spending more time on both my health coaching practice and Spoons. Both have been growing surprisingly well, and I can’t wait until I can finally integrate the two. But again… this’ll need a whole post of its own.
Distance sucks. That’s all I have to say about that 😡
I don’t really have any questions for you today, but I’m thinking about starting to do occasional Q&A posts, so if there’s anything you want to ask me, or anything you want me to address, leave it in the comments or shoot me an email! ([email protected]).
More places to find me!
E-mail — [email protected]
Twitter — runwithspoons
Facebook — runningwithspoons
Pinterest — runwithspoons
Instagram — runwithspoons
Bloglovin — runningwithspoons
Good to know you like IIN. I’m already in the health & wellness field and am currently considering further education with IIN. It’s a big investment, as you know, so I’m weighing the pros and cons. If you have any advice around IIN, I’d love to hear it. 🙂
I was planning on doing a post about my experience with IIN, but if you have any specific questions, feel free to e-mail me and we can chat more in depth!
Thanks for the update lady! =) Glad to hear that everything is going fantastic, and I can’t believe you are almost done with IIN. I cannot wait to see where you go with it. I’m planning on (hopefully!) starting in the fall with IIN so I can get my certification… so we will definitely need to chat soon! Q&A sounds like such a fantastic idea – I’ll try to think up some Q’s for you! And these little updates are simple and fun, too!
I liked this life update on my favorite Spoon. I’m also thrilled you’re looking into joining a gym. I love my group fitness classes; they get me all pumped up…in a good way.
I can’t believe you’re almost done with your certification. It seems like just yesterday you mentioned it. I’m also looking forward to reading your body image post; I’m super proud of you.
If I were to ask you a question: I guess I’d want to know more about your health coaching business. That’s really a vague answer as opposed to a direct question but there you have it. 🙂
Amanda, you are such a beautiful person, inside and out, and I am so blessed to have stumbled upon your blog when I did last year <3 I'm so excited for you and your health coaching career. You were born for it, girl! Seriously though. You have such a positive, realistic outlook when it comes to living a healthy lifestyle. Thank you for choosing to open up with all of us about your weight gain, I don't know of too many bloggers that would. I also love the fact that you're not whining about it or complaining, you're still confident in yourself and you continue to love your body. That's so refreshing to me. The world really needs more women like you. Your posts have definitely helped me to change my mindset and to treat my body better. I also love your mindset about food and exercise. You do what works for you rather than conforming to diet and exercise fads and I admire that so much. You're such an inspiration 🙂 Keep at it, girl!
Awwr girl… totally gushing. Thank you for the sweetest comment ever <3
you know i love these posts. I am so honored to call you friend and be part of your life! big things coming your way with your new career and blogging of course, even bigger than you have already done. God is so using you! Keep inspiring us and keeping it real
p.s. i think you look dead sexy at your weight now
*insert Emoji kissy face* <3
That’s all.
I am SO with you on the distance sucks thing. My hubby and I were long distance our entire relationship until we got engaged and moved. Now he’s away for an internship. Didn’t think I’d be back to webcams and phone calls so soon.
PS, if you have a smart phone, check out the app “Couple.” It’s made for long distance couples and was the greatest discovery for Erik and I.
Thanks Brianna! I definitely will 🙂
Busy busy busy. I do love, though, how you’re embracing the indulgence! The freedom of not worrying about restriction must be so freeing and it makes my heart happy to see you thriving with food :). And I mean, how could you not eat ALL that cheesecake you showed me? Hoollyy mother of sugar. Send me a slice! And then teach me your food photography ways! And I totally get what you mean when you say you love the atmosphere of the gym. I’m the same and being in a room of motivated people helps me crank up my workout as well!
Can’t wait for the body image post- you have such a wonderful way with words and I always love seeing how you’re doing <3.
I love hearing updates and learning more about you, Amanda! Tough I do love your pretty food pictures too… 😉
Can’t wait for your posts on body image and work. I always love your honest and fresh perspective on “life” stuff!
Ahhh I can’t believe you’re finishing school so soon! That’s so exciting. I gotta say I’m loving it more and more with each new module 🙂 Big things are going to happen for you!!
I feel like you would be such a good health coach. You seem like a really relatable person with the sensibility to not be swayed be health fads and trends.
I’m a fairly new reader, so a lot of this catching up chat was really fun for me! Thanks for sharing! And even though you switched career paths a year ago to pursue your degree, I’m super excited for you!
I adore you. Yours is one of the very few that I will actually read through an entire catch up/life post because I just love reading about your life and I love the way you write! xoxo
Gushing. Love you, Jelly! And it was so great to see you again at Blend <3
Can you send me some of your motivation to start going to the gym? I’ve completely lost mine haha.
Congrats on almost being done with school! I’d love to hear more about how you’re planning on integrating your business with your blog!
This post makes me happy 🙂 well minus the part about the long distance love. Sorry about that babe 🙁 but everything else seems to be going really well for you! And congrats on almost graduating!!
Glad to hear you are doing so well : )
Congratulations on the upcoming graduation! How very exciting! Were getting ready to sell my grandmas house soon so I definietly can understand the “not wanting to think about it.” Sending you a virtual hug!
I adore your perspective on body image and I am so excited to read a full post from you on the topic!
Note to self: do a catch up post. I often schedule out my posts too and find that I haven’t said anything personal in a long time. Thanks for the reminder 🙂
It can be so easy to overlook that, eh? People do seem to like it, though, so I’m thinking I might have to start doing it at least one a week, or once every two at the very least.
This was a nice post to learn more about you! I always enjoy personal posts from some of my favorite bloggers. Don’t get me wrong I love all of your usual ones, but it is always nice to have a personal one pop up now and then. It shows you are human! 🙂 Have a beautiful day!
I’m going to be the shallow one and say that you look super pretty in that picture – love the hair too!
That’s so awesome about your certification! Your blog alone shows that you are a super hard-worker! It takes some serious dedication to get that amount of work done at home 🙂
My parents still live in the same house I grew up in and I would probably be devastated if they sold it! 🙁
Congrats on almost finishing your holistic health coaching certification! How exciting!
I know what you mean about having set days for certain posts-types, while it’s great at keeping my ‘must-have-regime’ brain at bay, it does steer me away from the more spontaneous/personal posts.
Looking forward to reading what you decide about the gym – I’ve gone back and forth with it over the last few years myself. Classes are something I’d love to start up again!
Given how little details on my own life I’m giving it’s probably ironical but I really enjoy other bloggers getting more personal and me thereby getting to know them better. In between graduating [once more I should say, right?!] and working like a busy bee you’ve had such a lot going on. I’m already curious about the follow-up posts you mentioned so you better believe I’ll anxiously await them, haha.
On another note I can understand your feelings towards your parents selling their house. I know my parents will probably do one day [in the hopefully very distant future], too, and just the thought breaks my heart. The amount of memories made and captured in those walls can’t be measured in money. Any chance you can convince them to rethink?
By the way: you look gorgeous in the picture. Happy Monday!
Wow I can’t believe that you’ll be graduating IIN soon! It seems to have flown over so quickly. You are going to make an amazing health coach 🙂
Awwr thanks so much, Laura! That means a tonne coming from you!
I haven’t commented in forever it seems, but I promise I read your blog everyday still — you’re pretty much one of the only people I still follow! 🙂
A few things: the pictures you posted of yourself from BLEND –> beautiful.Looking forward to your body image post, but I’m in the same boat as you: I’ve gained a few pounds, and it really doesn’t phase me because my clothes still fit (better, I might say!) and I just FEEL good being able to eat and not stress about it, and workout NOT to the point of exhaustion.
Also, I’m sure you’ll miss your home once your parents sell it… but all I can say is, new places for new memories 🙂 Besides, I’m sure looking around at other homes is fun — I love doing that stuff for some reason! 😀
You wanna know something kind of creepy? I was -just- thinking about you today and I was going to write you a quick e-mail to see how you were doing. Glad to hear that you’re well — we need to catch up!
Congrats on the near graduation and I can’t wait for the body image post! I think juggling writing on a schedule and writing from the heart is definitely the hardest part about blogging! And what is your job?Sounds like a super-secret spy gig by all the details we’ve gotten about it! 😉
Lol I wish! That would make it far more interesting than it is. We have a family business that I help run, so it’s a lot of errands, paperwork, accounts, and managerial type stuff.
I loved this post- it’s so nice to hear about what else is going on in your life!
Distance does suck, I just went through it for 2 years, but it makes you appreciate the moments so much more! So exciting about almost being finished with your degree!! Glad to have an update on your life! Have a wonderful day 🙂
I love these kinds of posts. I felt like you were actually talking to me. Are ya still coming to the mountains this weekend? I’m actually heading into Banff on Saturday to pick up my race package if you wanted to meet up for a walk/lunch or something? That way you can avoid the race insanity on Sunday!
Whaddaya think?
I’ll email you later this week for your ph# once I get a new iphone.
Yesss I’m still hoping to come up there! I tried texting you, but apparently that doesn’t work anymore 😛 Saturday or Sunday work — I’ll be staying overnight so it doesn’t really matter!
Gorgous little sister!!
Love the catch up. I would love it even more if we could sit in Bux and babbling over a drink. I would even drink coffee if that would be the price I have to pay 🙂
So excited for you to graduate!!
And I understand your ‘fear’ when the house you grew up will be sold. I am driving by my childhood house once in a while and it totally breaks my heart to see it in ‘stranger’s hands’. But that’s part of life I guess.