Hi friends! 😀
Glad you all enjoyed my triple breakfast WIAW. I very much enjoyed it and plan on repeating the experience in the not-too-distant future. But not today. Today was just a “normal” day, where breakfast only made one appearance at its “proper” allotted time slot – first thing in the morning…
Blueberry Muffin Breakfast Bake
Mmm. Is there any better way to start a day? No. No there isn’t. And everyone seems to agree – breakfast simply is the best meal of the day. No questions. Which is why it made me a little sad to read that so many of you don’t allow yourselves to enjoy it more than once a day. You wish you could – you crave that bowl of cereal for lunch, or that stack of pancakes for dinner, but when meal time rolls around, you opt for something more “sensible” instead. A sandwich. A stir fry. Something that you “should” be eating. But is that really the sensible thing to do? I mean, does it make sense to deny your body what it’s really craving and go with what your head is saying, instead? To give it carrot sticks when it’s craving cookies?

Coconut Banana Chocolate Chip Cookies
We seem to think so. We like to think that our brains are smarter than our bodies, which is probably why we end up taking their side and choosing the carrot sticks over the cookies 9 times out of 10. The problem with that approach (besides being far less tasty) is that our brains make us think too much. We overanalyze. We question. We try to make the “right” choice. There are just too many factors that play into the decisions that our brains make for us, which is why, in many cases, those decisions end up being the wrong ones and screw us over in the long run.
Our bodies, on the other hand, operate in a completely different fashion. Being immune to the “logic” that can sometimes plague our brain, our bodies never talk to us using convoluted sentences that require any sort of in-depth analysis. There are no dilemmas of “should” vs. “should not”, or “good” vs. “bad”; there’s just one simple and easy to understand message – this is what I need right now. And if you’ll excuse me for a moment, what I need right now is something to munch on…
Much better. Now where was I. Simple messages. Right. Our bodies tell it to us straight up – they don’t beat around the bush. I need rest. I need food. I need water. I need chocolate (they really do need it). The problem is that we don’t always [read:usually] listen. And what’s even worse is that, in addition to not listening, we take it one step further and actually tell our bodies what they need instead.
I need rest – No, you need to work/run/party.
I need food – No, you’ve had enough. You need to be happy with what I give you.
I need to heal – No, you need to toughen up.
I need chocolate – No, you need a celery stick. Or nothing at all.
Ouch. We’re just big meanies, aren’t we? But our bodies put up with us anyways; they take the abuse and do their best to keep us going. So we keep going. Keep ignoring. Keep demanding. Keep believing that we know best. And in our defense, we honestly do believe that we’re doing what’s best for us – I don’t think anyone chooses to do something that they know will worsen their lot in life, at least, not without some other positive motivating factor. But that’s a whole other topic that I really don’t want to get into now.

Learning to listen to our bodies and trusting what they say is a hard thing to do, especially because we’re constantly being bombarded and influenced by so many other things. Our own fears. People we know. Blogs. Magazines. “Experts”. Scientists… There’s never a shortage of conflicting information being thrown at us from every direction. So who do we listen to? How do we decide what’s right?
Good question.
How about by listening to the one message that never changes. The one message that’s the same whether a low-carb, low-fat, low-this, or low-that diet is currently in style. The one simple message that our body gives us each and every day. This is what I need right now. Short. Simple. Sweet.
Sunflower Stir Fry – recipe coming soon!
But hearing that message isn’t enough. Nuh uh – we have to act on it. And it’s scary; believe me, I know. How can we be sure that our bodies won’t lead us astray? That allowing ourselves to have that slice of cake or that plate of fries won’t open up the flood gates and turn us into a junk food obsessed beast from beyond? Unfortunately, we can’t be sure – at least not until we try it and see what happens.
The sad thing is that we usually don’t try it, and I think a lot of that comes down to the fact that we expect the worst will happen. Instead of thinking “Okay, I’ll have that piece of cake and satisfy my craving”, we think “If I have that piece of cake today, all my healthy eating habits will go out the window and I’ll lose everything I worked so hard for”. A bit extreme? You betcha.
And I’m not trying to come off as all high and mighty, or to say that I was any better. Oh no. I could write an entire encyclopedia about all the strange diet related thoughts and beliefs I adhered to in the past. But if I opened it up today, I’d be able to rip out a lot of the pages because most of those beliefs no longer apply to me. These days, I do my best to listen to what my body is trying to tell me, which isn’t always the easiest thing to do, especially when it’s telling me to eat breakfast three times a day…

But I did it. Sure, I stopped and wondered for a while, but I ended up doing it anyways. And, as you can see from the pictures littered throughout this post, I didn’t turn into some breakfast eating beast from beyond. I satisfied my cravings yesterday, and it was back to “normal” lunch and dinner foods today.
Naturally – nothing forced.
It takes time and practice, but if your body wants something, just try it out and see what happens. It’s not the end of the world if you make a mistake – after all, we learn from every error – and you might just go on to learn something new. Trust me. Or better yet, trust your body. It won’t screw you over. Promise.
Aaaaaand I just wrote a monster of a post. Sorry. But it’s been a while since my last one, so I was due 😀
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Do you have a hard time trusting your body?
i wanted to add that one thing ive learned about trusting my body is to not THINK so much. like you said, you have to act on it – just DO IT – the first thing that comes to mind, instead of being indecisive and asking myself “should i do this? is this the right thing to do?” ive realized there is no true WRONG OR RIGHT when it comes to food, seriously!
man, this is EXACTLY what ive been learning these past few months – how to trust my body. it’s seriously really difficult, after being bombarded with all these health and diet messages in the media, in magazines, etc. but i realized that i need to be confident in my own instincts/intuitions/desires – this is MY life (uhhhh and now i want to belt out IT’S MY LIFE – NO DOUBT version!) and MY body and i gotta love it and respect it!! (way harder than it sounds)
you always write incredibly meaningful and thought-provoking posts – keep it up girl!
Whenever I read your posts, I feel like you are the most clever girl in the world! You put your thoughts so nicely and clearly and I can relate to everything you say. I also used to think that what my body told me to eat/do/have wasn´t what it really needed..I thought that a cup of tea instead of the much wanted dark chocolate would do my body good, but it left it craving and it left my mind wondering and unhappy. Learning to listen to my body was a big challenge, but it was one of the most important lessons at the same time!
And BTW – yesterday I ate my most fave breakfast meal for DINNER! 🙂
Whenever I read your posts, I feel like you are the most clever girl in the world! You put your thoughts so nicely and clearly and I can relate to everything you say. I also used to think that what my body told me to eat/do/have wasn´t what it really needed..I thought that a cup of tea instead of the much wanted dark chocolate would do my body good, but it left it craving and it left my mind wondering and unhappy. Learning to listen to my body was a big challenge, but it was one of the most important lessons at the same time!
And BTW – yesterday I ate my most fave breakfast meal for DINNER! 🙂
This post completely hit home for me and it could not have come at a greater time!
It was so hard for me to admit even to just MYSELF that I was craving eggs. I put it off for a good week and even after I bought the eggs I put it off for another, letting them just sit in my fridge.
My mind tends to complicate things. My body so simply told me what it wanted but I ignored it because my mind told me no.
Crazy thing was, once I ate the eggs my body felt so much better! (meaning I wasn’t so cranky and anxious all the time)
And it was the same thing yesterday when I was craving cream cheese. (which I ate today and fell in love with again! ) Ate it. Body was happy. Move on with life.
You’d think listening to our bodies would be easy for us, kind of like a natural instinct, but it’s so difficult when you get out of tune with it.
I’ve been kicking some major ED butt this past month though and listening to my body is actually getting a lot easier 🙂
wow I kind of just rambled, lol. sorry 😛
This post completely hit home for me and it could not have come at a greater time!
It was so hard for me to admit even to just MYSELF that I was craving eggs. I put it off for a good week and even after I bought the eggs I put it off for another, letting them just sit in my fridge.
My mind tends to complicate things. My body so simply told me what it wanted but I ignored it because my mind told me no.
Crazy thing was, once I ate the eggs my body felt so much better! (meaning I wasn’t so cranky and anxious all the time)
And it was the same thing yesterday when I was craving cream cheese. (which I ate today and fell in love with again! ) Ate it. Body was happy. Move on with life.
You’d think listening to our bodies would be easy for us, kind of like a natural instinct, but it’s so difficult when you get out of tune with it.
I’ve been kicking some major ED butt this past month though and listening to my body is actually getting a lot easier 🙂
wow I kind of just rambled, lol. sorry 😛
I have a hard time with trust in general sometimes (or a lot of the time…eek) so trusting my body? Not always the easiest task. I’ve definitely gotten much better than I used to be though and try to really listen to my cravings, eating when and WHAT I want whenever I feel the need to. I’ve developed a pretty decent balance of the good stuff and the treats through listening to my cravings. Some days are better than others. Some days are handfuls of cereal for dinner! It’s never the end of the world and the cravings always seem to balance themselves out eventually, even if it does take a week of “breakfasts for dinner” until the veggies seem appealing again 🙂
Your balance is super inspirational. I never fail to immediately want to grab every meal of yours off the screen. All of them are just luscious!
I’m so much more happier since learning to trust my body!! I used to try to shut it up when it’d be yelling at me that it’s hungry or tired..but our bodies seriously know what’s up and if we ignore it, it’ll just yell louder until it’s heard anyway.
I’m so much more happier since learning to trust my body!! I used to try to shut it up when it’d be yelling at me that it’s hungry or tired..but our bodies seriously know what’s up and if we ignore it, it’ll just yell louder until it’s heard anyway.
just the idea of pumkin hummus makes me nostalgic for fall and super super hungry =) that pizza looks beautimous! <3
i am doing this exact thing right now. Just ate dinner and yet im craving a huge ice cream cone. Am i going to get it? Nope i’m telling myself i can’t possibly eat dessert already so soon.
But after reading your post, i’m going to get my ice cream!! with sprinkles! Thanks 🙂
!!! That’s freakin’ awesome! Go girl! 😀
I am the queen of typos haha
I am the queen of typos haha
Love the post girl! You couldnt be more right abuot everything.
I’m always questioning myself and my hunger, when what I should be doing is just stop talking and listen. My body will let guide me!
Oh, I’m a master over-analyzer. In fact, I think that half of the time, my body doesn’t know what it wants either — it’s contagious! I really do wish one or the other of us would learn to be more decisive. :p
<3 <3
Oh, I’m a master over-analyzer. In fact, I think that half of the time, my body doesn’t know what it wants either — it’s contagious! I really do wish one or the other of us would learn to be more decisive. :p
<3 <3
I LOVED THIS POST! I spent 20 minutes trying to decide what I wanted to eat for a snack. and then realized some greek yogurt and a few more of my cookies sounded perfect. I thought I shouldn’t eat anymore of them because I had some earlier, and then I just realized, seriously, I don’t eat them everyday, and they are fresh now, and my tummy wants them STAT!
I LOVED THIS POST! I spent 20 minutes trying to decide what I wanted to eat for a snack. and then realized some greek yogurt and a few more of my cookies sounded perfect. I thought I shouldn’t eat anymore of them because I had some earlier, and then I just realized, seriously, I don’t eat them everyday, and they are fresh now, and my tummy wants them STAT!
I’ve always loved your posts Amanda, but lately they have been amazing! They are really making me think and I love it! Thanks! 😀
GREAT post!!! I’ve gotten so good at listening to my body, but I must admit, I didn’t listen to it today. When I got home, I was so exhausted and plopped myself down on the couch and fell asleep. When I woke up, I still didn’t want to go for my run, but I didn’t listen. I went out anyways and it felt horrible. I did just listen to my body right now though. I was planning on having a protein muffin for my night snack, and then I thought “hmm, no – I really want a huge bowl of chocoalte granola instead” – so that’s what I had!
Great post and you hit the nail on the head. There are days when I want another bowl of oats but a sandwich is the best solution. Why? If I want the oats I should have another bowl. I do listen to my body in terms of resting and knowing when enough is enough but I over analyze all the food choices I make. If I eat the oats am I getting enough protein? Eek crazyyy. One day isn’t going to hurt me. When I crave ice cream, I’ll have some 😉
<3 it!
Great post and you hit the nail on the head. There are days when I want another bowl of oats but a sandwich is the best solution. Why? If I want the oats I should have another bowl. I do listen to my body in terms of resting and knowing when enough is enough but I over analyze all the food choices I make. If I eat the oats am I getting enough protein? Eek crazyyy. One day isn’t going to hurt me. When I crave ice cream, I’ll have some 😉
<3 it!
I think that’s true… but if I listened to my body all the time, I’d be only eating sugar. That said, it’s been craving a lot of water lately (and not too much sugary stuff today) so maybe I SHOULD trust it.
I think that’s true… but if I listened to my body all the time, I’d be only eating sugar. That said, it’s been craving a lot of water lately (and not too much sugary stuff today) so maybe I SHOULD trust it.
Girl I swear you just radiate wisdom! Love you!!!
I used to never trust my body because I thought that I was smarter than it was. Well, I quickly learned that was NOT the case. 😛 I’ve learned to feed my body when it asks, but I’m not always the best at feeding it exactly what it craves. I definitely fall into that trap of eating what I *should* eat instead of what I *want* to eat. But next time I want breakfast for dinner, I’ll do it! 😀
It’ll come! You’re already doing SO awesome, and all it takes is a few times of rebelling against the “shoulds”, and you’re pretty much free 😀
Girl I swear you just radiate wisdom! Love you!!!
I used to never trust my body because I thought that I was smarter than it was. Well, I quickly learned that was NOT the case. 😛 I’ve learned to feed my body when it asks, but I’m not always the best at feeding it exactly what it craves. I definitely fall into that trap of eating what I *should* eat instead of what I *want* to eat. But next time I want breakfast for dinner, I’ll do it! 😀
It’ll come! You’re already doing SO awesome, and all it takes is a few times of rebelling against the “shoulds”, and you’re pretty much free 😀
I am such a HUGE believer in listening to your body! I have days when I eat tons of snacks because I ma hungry every 2 hours, or day s when I just have 3 meals and a snack, I just listen to my body and my tummy when it grumbles ; ) it works so well for me! I maintain my weight and am healthy, and that makes me and my body happy!
If I want ice cream , I have it, I just don’t believe in depriving either, and of course I don’t eat sugar filled foods every day , but when I crave it, I do , listening is so important ; )
Love you!!!!!
To pieces!!!!
I am such a HUGE believer in listening to your body! I have days when I eat tons of snacks because I ma hungry every 2 hours, or day s when I just have 3 meals and a snack, I just listen to my body and my tummy when it grumbles ; ) it works so well for me! I maintain my weight and am healthy, and that makes me and my body happy!
If I want ice cream , I have it, I just don’t believe in depriving either, and of course I don’t eat sugar filled foods every day , but when I crave it, I do , listening is so important ; )
Love you!!!!!
To pieces!!!!
I overanalyze all the time! And it takes seeing someone else to do it before I realize that method is crap. Your body craves what it needs. You aren’t supposed to have to think and plan everything you eat out, you’re just supposed to listen. Great post, Amanda!
This was so motivating! You hit the point right on when you wrote about having that thought of throwing everything out of the window if you indulge your craving. I loved reading this post, it’s definitely difficult to listen to your body when there are so many influences around us. Thankfully this post is an influence in the opposite direction!
When you wrote “I need to heal….no, I need to toughen up”.
That is exactly why I”ve been in relapse hell for 3 years.
I don’t blame anyone but myself, but I’ve had famiy tell me I’m worthless and simply, simply need to “toughen up”. Its brought me tremendous shame and guilt…so then I’d resist recovery, resist…and what happens? I fall fall down again and ravaged mybody veven more.
Now,I cannot even exercise….so gaining is worse… i just don’t deserve.
When you wrote “I need to heal….no, I need to toughen up”.
That is exactly why I”ve been in relapse hell for 3 years.
I don’t blame anyone but myself, but I’ve had famiy tell me I’m worthless and simply, simply need to “toughen up”. Its brought me tremendous shame and guilt…so then I’d resist recovery, resist…and what happens? I fall fall down again and ravaged mybody veven more.
Now,I cannot even exercise….so gaining is worse… i just don’t deserve.
I have a really hard time trusting my body. Ive totally been having this debate with myself recently. My tummy growls and I think there is no way I can be hungry since I just ate 2 hours ago. SO I ignore my body and just go on with my day. WHy oh why do I insist on doing this?!! It only hurts me in the long run. Anyway, great post girl 🙂
I have a really hard time trusting my body. Ive totally been having this debate with myself recently. My tummy growls and I think there is no way I can be hungry since I just ate 2 hours ago. SO I ignore my body and just go on with my day. WHy oh why do I insist on doing this?!! It only hurts me in the long run. Anyway, great post girl 🙂
I used to feel EXACTLY the same way. I would literally get hungry like an hour after I ate a big dinner and think… there’s no way I need more food; and then I’d force myself to deal with the hunger pangs and be absolutely miserable for it. It got to a point where I just got so fed up, figured “what have I got to lose”, and just went for it. And the only thing that happened? I didn’t have to be cranky and deal with a grumbling belly anymore 😀 Sometimes it’s good to listen.
fhsoukjwsd LOVE THIS POST. I always just assumed I couldn’t trust my body without ever testing it out. Turns out our bodies know what they’re doing!!!
P.S. I want that stir fry recipe asappp 🙂
Spot. on. (as always…you are so full of wisdom!) I mentioned yesterday that I went through phases of just wanting breakfast for breakfast and lunch…and I just rolled with it. The one or two times I tried to be “sensible” and have something else? I picked at what I made and went right back for that bowl of cereal/waffles/whatever. I’ve learned that it’s absolutely 100% completely pointless for me to have something I’m not really feeling if I’m already craving something else. One or two days – heck, even a week or a month – of so-called “eating poorly” will not kill you 😉 I feel like we’ve talked about this a lot lately, though 😛
You are so amazing! All your posts about listening to my body, giving it what it wants really help me! Thanks so much!
You are so amazing! All your posts about listening to my body, giving it what it wants really help me! Thanks so much!
I could not AGREE with you more!! I love how you are able to live naturally and listen and honor your body and it’s needs. I love how you able to eat and live so freely! At times I still have times trusting my body but you are a living example of how living naturally is truly a wonderful thing and I hope to continue to listen to tha inner voice so that I too can live such a carefree lifestyle!
Thanks for the inspiration!
🙂 aimee
I’ve definitely (and thankfully) gotten better at listening to my body, but it’s still a struggle sometimes. All in good time 🙂