Hey guys!
Just popping in quickly to let you know that I won’t be popping in again until I get back home on Tuesday. I know I said that I might do a little bit of blogging while I’m here in Hawaii, but after getting here, I decided I’d rather take the full 10 days off from the computer and enjoy the sunshine as much as possible before going back to dreary old Alberta. Miss you guys lots and talk to you soon!
I hope you’ve had a FANTASTIC time in Hawaii, Amanda! Enjoy your last day to the max, and safe travels home. I’m looking forward to hearing all about your adventures! <3 xoxo
Glad you decided to take time off and just enjoy your trip! Can’t wait to hear all about it. 🙂
I’m so jealous! I hope you are having fun!
Have a wonderful time you luck girl! I also wanted to let you know that I gave you a quick mention in my blog today. I loved the post you wrote about blogger responsibility and HRM pics, so I wrote one about “healthy living gurus” on instagram. I know we have similar thoughts on some of those IGers…
I’ve missed your face, but love that you are having a great time!!
Enjoy your time friend!
Soak up all the sun you can get and enjoy every minute of your stay! There’ll be enough perfect days for blogging – read: cold weather and lack of sunshine – when you return.
Have a great stay, Amanda!
Ahhhh have toonnnns of fun Amanda! I love Hawaii too. Hehe…
Have SO MUCH FUN in Hawaii!
have an amazing time girly!!! I absolutely LOVED Hawaii when I went.. enjoy your stay 😀
Girl, enjoy the time off! I would NOT be blogging if I were on vaca, either! Soak up those rays!
Good call! ENJOY!! 🙂
I hope you’re having a great time! Calgary got slammed with snow on Sunday and all throughout the week so you picked a perfect time to go on vacation. (I’m assuming that Edmonton is experiencing similar weather.)
Enjoy your vacation!!!! <3
You’re from Alberta??! WHERE!? (Don’t be creeped out, I’m just also from Alberta… haha)
Another Alberta blogger? Squee! I’m from Edmonton… how about you?
That’s awesome! (I’ve lived in Sherwood Park). I’m living in Calgary right now! Small world… haha!
I love reading your blog. My blog is not so awesome as yours. I’m just a baby blogger 😉
Have a great time in Hawaii- can’t wait to hear all about your trip. maybe you could bring some of that sunshine back here with you – as I type this we are having another winter storm here in NY! 🙁 how many days till spring??
I hope you’re having a great vacation and enjoying the weather out there!
Wooo for computer free time in Hawaii! ENJOY IT! We miss you too and we’ll talk when you get back!
Enjoy the rest of your trip! Can’t wait to hear how it all goes 🙂
Have fun and enjoy the sunshine! 🙂
Yay! Enjoy it while you’re there!! So jealous.. bring us lots of pics! 🙂
Glad to hear youre having fun 🙂 Everyone deserves a break once in a while!
Have a blast!!!! It’s always good to unplug for a bit. Enjoy the sun! 🙂
I wouldn’t want to blog if I was in Hawaii either – I’d way rather be exploring and relaxing on the beach! 😉 Enjoy it girl!
enjoy it! i’ll be there soon! no really, i am. hehe
good for you for taking time off!!! hope your enjoying your vacay!!!
I was thinkin gabout you yesterday and simultaneously hoping that I did and did not hear from you … I knew that either way, it would mean that things are going extraordinarily well. Miss you, but can wait until you’re back to smother you with friendship. 😉
Enjoy it my love! No need to be on the computer, when you could be out there enjoying the sun and fun!
Damn right girl, enjoy every second of your vacation – you SO deserve it and I can’t wait to hear about it whenever you’re back and ready to post!
Glad you made it safely! Enjoy your vacation!
Enjoy the sunshine and tropical drinks!
Good for you taking a BREAK! Enjoy the sunshine. 🙂
I would not be blogging if I was on vacation either! Plenty of time to update when you come home!!! Enjoy the sunshine and great weather, you deserve it 🙂
Good for you! I hope you’re soaking up every minute of the sunshine for all of us living in the cold wet weather up here and that you come back with tons of pictures to share!
lucky butt….def take your time away, I would!!
I’d be wanting to take the same approach – hope you are having a wonderful time and I look forward to your blogging return! <3
I cannot blame you for wanting to not blog and just enjoy the atmosphere of Hawaii. I would do the same thing! I hope you are having an awesome time! 🙂
Have an incredible, relaxing time! And take lots of pictures so I can live vicariously through your amazing tropical getaway!
woot woot you sun kissed girl. enjoy every second of it. I would have probably thrown my computer in the ocean if I were you
So happy to hear that you are loving Hawaii! Soak it all in, girl. Looking forward to hearing all about it when you are back 🙂 Aloha!!