…. aaaaaand everyone is [currently] busy working. Nice. But I guess that’s to be expected on a Friday morning, and it just means that I get to spend more time with you guys! I don’t have to go back to work until next week, so I’m just hanging out all by my lonesome for now, enjoying a leisurely breakfast…
… while I wait for people to get off work so that they can come and celebrate my existence… err… play board games with me? Please note how incredibly close this game of Sorry! was.
It came down to one card – my nemesis needed a 1, while I needed a 2. Birthday luck was with me, though, and I ended up winning round 1… before getting my butt handed to me in round 2. Ahh well. You win some, you lose some. OH! And speaking of winners, after much deliberation, this is the cake I decided to go with for my birthday…
I think I’ll pass on the blue Cookie Monster exterior, but dark chocolate mocha cake with a cookie dough filling? Swooooon. It still needs to be made, but I’m very much looking forward to our date tonight. Other than that, I honestly have no idea what’s in store for me this weekend (nobody tells me anything!), but I’ll be sure to share the deets with you guys in my next post. Until then, you’ll just have to put up with some random ramblings.
I swear my memory is failing with old age or something, because if it weren’t for the pictures on my camera, I would forget a lot of things that happened yesterday. My dad stopped by mid-day to bring me a watermelon…
(It’s a wonderful thing to have your parents support your addiction)
I finally finished the last of my Christmas cookies…
(… which means I can finally use my stand mixer… when the cake is gone :shock:)
And one of my lifelong dreams came true…
Sugar Cookie Sleigh Ride! Thanks to a wonderful Christmas package from my beautiful girl, Kat, I finally know what all the fuss is about. Holy.wow is this stuff amazing. My biggest concern right now is that I’ll have to ration myself to keep it from running out in a few short days. Eep! Actually, my biggest concern should probably be that I really have to stop and think about what it is that I did yesterday, but I guess that just means that I have to get better at taking more pictures. Working on it 😉
Before I go, I just wanted thank you guys so much for all of the Happy Birthday tweets, e-mails, and messages that you’ve been sending me. You guys seriously know how to make a girl feel special, and I love you all to bits ‘n pieces.
. – . – . – .
Do you sometimes have a hard time remembering what you did yesterday? 😯
Do you get competitive when you play board games? Less now than when I was younger, but yes… yes I do.
What kind of cake did you have on your last birthday? I think it was an orange infused chocolate almond cake with some kind of orange buttercream frosting.
Happy happy birthday Amanda – hope this birthday is the best one yet!!
Jealous you aren’t back at work yet!
Happy Birthday friend! I wish I could have been there to celebrate with you!
Happy Birthday LOVE!
Your birthday cake looks divine! Send me a slice! Have a wonderful birthday weekend! <3
Your task, should you choose to accept it, is to remind me of this cake when my birthday rolls around. Just in case I forget. Because I’ve never made myself a birthday cake and think that this year I would like to try. 🙂
Sorry was always a game that we played at my great-grandmother’s house. I was ruthless. haha. Like I am in every game (unless I’m playing my Dad, then we’re jut downright competitive and very well matched in pretty much every game). Can’t wait to see what good use you put that mixer to!!
Happy birthday, my dear!!
Ps. Letter going in the mail by Monday. Promise. xo
I definitely accept, and you can bet that I’ll be badgering you about it until your big day 😀
Happy Birthday Amanda! Yay for January birthdays – mine is in 4 days 🙂
Have an awesome day, I hope you get spoiled rotten!
Happy Birthday Amanda!!!
If I were anywhere near you, I’d be right over to celebrate & play board games with you…and maybe to steal cake, (BTW, that cake? HubbaHubbaaah drooool).
And YES, I have trouble remembering what I did a matter of hours ago, let alone a whole day past. I don’t like to admit it though cos let’s face it, alzheimers at my age( 20) just doesn’t sound good.
Hope your day was super fabulous, like YOU :)!
I hear that coffee is good for helping ward off Alzheimer’s… All the more reason to enjoy a cup or two every day 😀
Happy birthday, Amanda!
For my birthday I had a coconut chocolate banana cake … 3 of my favourite foods combined. It was the first ”real” cake I’d baked ever and it was absolutely delicious.
Happy Happy Birthday!!! That cake you picked out looks and sounds absolutely delicious. Nice choice! 🙂
I’m not really all that competitive when it comes to board games, but I do get into the competitive spirit when games become close. And that was one close game of sorry!. Those are the best.
I hope you have an amaaaazing birthday weekend!!
Oh wow, that cake sounds amazing!
Happy Birthday! I love this post, of course for my birthday I had carrot cake cupcakes, my all time fav! My friend at work brought me some and I ate 2 back to back and then my mom bought me cupcakes too! I love tea, and I cant wait to try some of that tea myself.
And I am such a competitor, even at board games 🙂 Sometiems I let my step son win on purpose tho!
And sometimes I cant remember what I did 3 hours ago! lol
Happy birthday my beautiful friend!!!!!!! I hope you have the best day ever, filled with love and celebration! Oh my gosh, that cake!!! What a brilliant decision! I’m also jealous of your tea, you have to let me know how it is! Oh and guess who got your package in the mail today! Squeee! So excited! xoxo
You got it?! EeeeEEEee! So happy! Hope none of it messes with your intolerances, though 😕
Happy Birthday!!!!! 🙂
I love the sugar cookie tea! It’s like drinking a cookie! My husband and I are both pretty competitive when it comes to any type of game. Haven’t played Sorry in such a long time, fun!
Happy Birthday, Amanda!!! Hope you’re enjoying your day off and relaxing before festivities tonight!! 🙂 yay!!! Birthday love to you!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! And that cake looks SO good. Save a piece for me 😉
Cooking dough filling in cake?? Holy cow! I cannot blame you for making that choice!! 😉 Have a fabulous birthday!
Happy Birthday!! Sounds like you’re going to have one awesome cake….cookie dough filling….oh my! My last b-day cake was heavenly…PB chip with PB frosting. Love board games and yes, I can be very competitive. 😉
Happy birthday!!! I hope you have a fabulous day with the boy on date night, and I couldn’t agree more with your cake selection. Holy goodness that looks incredible! Can’t wait to hear how the day/weekend goes 🙂
Happy happy happy birthday Amanda!!! 🙂 I wish you all of the best on your special day. Enjoy it with that Starbucks boy of yours 😉
Happiest of birthdays to you! Wishing you a year filled with laughter, adventure, and good eats. Thank you for being such an inspiration – you are one of my favorite blogger finds this past year!
Awwwr thanks so much, Kate <3 <3 That means a lot 🙂
Happy Birthday! Hope it is super duper wonderful and filled with yummy things!
Happy birthday! Second, I spy with my little eye…a starbucks mug hiding in the background there next to the watermelon LOL. Third, that cake looks amazing.
😆 You have a good eye for coffee, but I’d expect no less 😉
Happy Birthday again, Amanda – better safe than sorry, right ;)?! Have an incredible super-happy birthday weekend! Looking at your cake of choice it’ll definitely be awesome the food part of it is a winner already. Now I’ll seriously have to rethink the choice of my birthday cake …
Speaking of which my last one was a healthified Chocolate Chip with hidden chickpeas in it. While not all bad it just wasn’t the “real” indulgence a birthday cake should be in my opinion. Well, I’m determined to make this year a better one – little over three more weeks left only until then!
Haha, I SO hear you on forgetting what you did yesterday. Um … so what did I do yesterday, actually ;)?!
And yes to being competetive when it comes to (board) games. Totally random: “Sorry!” seems to be the English version of the German board game “Mensch, ärgere dich nicht” (loosely translated: “Don’t get upset”). So I really shouldn’t get upset when playing it and loosing, right ;)?
Don’t get upset… love that! It’s funny because every time I do something to mess with whoever I’m playing with, I end up saying “sorry!” I should learn the phrase in German and start saying that instead 😉 Although I’m sure I’d butcher it unless I heard someone say it first…
First of all, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! I hope it meets all your expectations (after your friends are available)
Secondly, HOLY DELICIOUSNESS that cake looks incredible! I can send you my address if you know what I mean… 😉
HAPPY BIRTHDAY LADY!!!!! Yayyyyy! I know you will do something special today and I can’t wait to hear about it (once you know what it is 🙂 ). I actually have weirdly the best memory like ever. It scares me sometimes I can think back and remember every hour in my head from the day before haha I think it’s a photographic memory (but a video camera?) hehe. That cake looks absolutely fab. Enjoy it love <3
A m A n D a !! !! !! H a P p Y b I r T h D a Y !! !!
I wish you tons and tons of happiness on this day and for many birthdays to come!
P.S. that cake looks amazing. As in A-MAZING. Jealous. 🙂
Happy Birthday, my dear! 🙂 The cake looks just delicious!
Happy birthday!! 🙂 I LOVE the look of that cake… actually, I think I’d roll w/the whole Cookie Monster thing since that is totally me (and it’d match this morning’s Cookie Monster coffee mug that I have in hand). Although I tend to call my inner sweet tooth my “Sugar Monster.” Eh, close enough. 😉
I hope you have a fabulous date tonight & enjoy the cake!! My last b-day cake was a carrot cake (my fav) that my parents sent me & I felt compelled to snarf down almost the entire thing. Oy.
I like to refer to my sweet tooth as Fred. No reason 🙂 And if it’s your birthday, then you’re totally allowed to do things like that – everyone knows that birthday cakes don’t count 😉
Happy Birthday! I knew you would like the sugar cookie sleigh ride tea, enjoy your day!
Happy birthday 🙂
That cake looks to die for.
Hmm, I have problems remembering what I did five minutes ago. I am a complete scatterbrain and it’s actually quite worrying sometimes! I wish I could concentrate on things properly but I’m a perpetual daydreamer.
Ha. Yes, I was VERY competitive with board games…well, I’m that way inclined with everything. I didn’t mind quiz-esque games so much, because I have no delusions of grandeur when it comes to intelligence and thus never expected to win, but games of luck/chance? Oh, I’d get really irritated when things did not go my way – nightmare child 😛
Happy Belated Birthday! Love the sugar-cookie sleight ride tea, yum! I all too often have to look back at my calendar of photos on my phone to recall what I did, hmmm, is that normal? I’m simple when it comes to cake, yellow with chocolate frosting, my sis-in-laws grandmother makes the best. Enjoy your last few days of freedom, I have to go back on Monday also!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! 🙂 That cake sounds seriously amazinggg!! For my last birthday (only last week haha!) I had specially made victoria sponge cupcakes with lots of frosting mmmmmm 🙂 You gotta have cake on your birthday no matter what time of year it is!
Awh that was sweet of your dad 🙂 My parents feed my addictions too..its great 😛
Hope you have a great birthday weekend and can’t wait to hear all about it!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! You NEED that cake! For my birthday I ordered an undercooked cookie cake from Nestle tollhouse with lots of frosting. It didn’t disappoint! Have a fantastic day!!!
aw HAPPY BIRTHDAY> I realized it was probably cruel of me to text you at 630 am to wish you a happy birthday but I couldn’t resist. be happy I waited till then, I was up at 530 am wanting to. I held back. um your dad rules, sounds like something my dad would do. he would bring me a giant watermelon and scratch tickets. classic art shabo. I hope you get some good game playing tonight
Cruel? No way! Sweetest thing ever, even in my half-conscious state. Love, love <3
Happy Birthday once again Beauty! Oh man, that cake….what a perfect choice!! Oh well, everytime when I start a new post, I have to go through my pictures to actually remember what I did/ what I wanted to write – but that’s why we have now a camera on the phone, right? 🙂 Enjoy your day and your brithday weekend to the fullest, so excited to hear about it!!
I already emailed you, but I’ll take another opportunity to wish you a happy birthday! I hope your day is truly amazing…and that cake, oh my god. That sounds like absolute heaven. You know my feelings on coffee, but in cake-form I actually really like it!
And thank god for blogging – otherwise, I’d always be forgetting what I was up the days/weeks before. My memory is not the greatest…
My last birthday, I had shoe-shaped chocolate and red velvet cupcakes with what was quite possibly the best frosting ever. I usually go for cupcakes (a variety of flavours because of my need to try everything) or ice cream cake.
Hope you have an awesome birthday and I can’t wait to here how it goes and how that cake comes out!
Happy birthday hun!! Looks like you have a great day planned and that cake???????? oh my goodness, I just book marked it to save it for sometime when I really need a pick me up…Sunday looks like a great day to try it methinks! I have a horrendous time remembering things these days, and I’m not super competitive with board games but the bf…….oh he is one of the poorest losers I know haha…won’t play words with friends with me anymore since he lost one too many times
You have to ‘let’ him win once in a while so that he keeps wanting to play with you! 😉
hahahaha ohhhhhhhhh ok….that makes sense 😉
HAPPY BIRTHDAY once again, Amanda! Wishing you all the best today & always, my friend! Love the choice of cake you decided to go with….coffee & cookie in cake form just sounds genius (and delicious) to me! Enjoy your day/weekend & look forward to hearing all about it! And remember to take lots of pics so you can actually remember all that you do ;)!
Ha! I’ll do my best. I’ve gotten so lazy with the picture taking, reasoning that I prefer to ‘live in the moment’ rather than try to constantly capture it, but I also love looking back at old pictures and remembering the good times.