Hi beautiful people! π
You know what sounds good on a Monday? A warm cup of coffee, a brownie, and a nice and easy survey post. You guys know I’m a sucker for these things, and this A to Z survey has been taunting me from the pages of several blogs for at least a month now, so I figured it was time to fill it out myself. Hope you enjoy!
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A – Age: 30. I know. No one finds that harder to believe than I do.
B – Biggest Fear: So I may or may not have to drug myself whenever I have to go get my blood taken.
C – Current Time: 3:23pm on a Sunday afternoon.
D – Drink You Had Last: An afternoon cup of coffee. I usually try to limit myself to one cup a day, but today has just been one of those days…
E – Easiest Person to Talk To: Me, Myself, and I. But I try not to make a habit of talking to myself too often because I live alone and that could get very weird, very fast.
F – Favourite Song: I honestly can’t say that I have one since it really depends on what kind of mood I’m in, so I’m just going to go with the one that’s seen the most plays in my iTunes library… bearing in mind that it’s also the one that’s probably been in there for the longest.
G – Grossest Memory: That one time I nearly lost the tip of not one, but two fingers while cutting up a watermelon. Those suckers were literally hanging on for dear life… and I’ll stop now because… ew.
H – Hometown: Edmonton, Alberta, born and raised… [on the playground was where I spent most of my days].
I – In Love With: Life. The good, the bad, and everything in between.
J – Jealous Of: You if you currently have chocolate… but only until I go get my own.
K – Kindest Person You Know: No sir, I’m not playing favourites. Everyone I know is kind, or I would go ahead and un-know them.
L – Longest Relationship: I want to say 3 years, but it might have been 4. Or somewhere in between.
M – Middle Name: I don’t actually have one… nor do I really know why. The story changes whenever I ask my mom, but apparently the hospital somehow missed putting it on my birth certificate and then it was just overlooked. Likely story… especially since my mom “doesn’t remember” what it was supposed to be.
N – Number of Siblings: I don’t have one of those either, but I’ve always wanted an older brother. Mostly so I could flirt with his friends π
O – One Wish: That I had the power of teleportation. What? No one said it had to be plausible. And how amazing would it be to go anywhere you wanted in the blink of an eye? Think of all the places you could go… and all the people you could see!
P – Person You Spoke to on the Phone Last: One of my coaching clients. Can we just talk about how amazing it is to see people getting the results they want and knowing that you helped them get there? I freaking love my job.
Q – Question You’re Always Asked: “How are you?” To which I [usually] reply: “Good! How are you?”
R – Reason to Smile: Anything and everything… because why not?!?
S – Song You Last Sang: Descontrol by Daddy Yankee. And when I say “sang,” what I really mean is “mumbled out the phonetics as best as I could because this girl doesn’t speak a lick of Spanish.” But I like the music.
T – Time You Woke Up: 5:19am. Possibly 5:18 or 5:17, but it took me a minute or two to grab my phone and check.
U – Underwear Color: Black… like 85% of everything else I own.
V – Vacation Destination: Next one? Cleveland to visit this lady right here…
W – Worst Habit: I’m sure I have some that are worse than this, but the first one that comes to mind is that I’ll randomly stop replying to texts in the middle of a conversation and it’ll take me days (or weeks) to start it up again. It’s not you — it’s me.
X – X-Rays You’ve Had: Teeth at the dentist. Nose from when a tire swing hit me in the face as a kid. And knee from when I shattered it snowboarding. That was a fun day π‘
Y – Your Favourite Food: I gave this one some serious thought, and I’m pretty sure I’m going to have to go with almond butter… [and chocolate].
Z – Zodiac Sign: Capricorn. And its a little creepy how accurately it describes me…
What’s your…
… biggest fear?
… middle name?
… last drink you had?
… worst habit?
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The Hubby used to be scared to give blood until I made him do it on the regular and now he’s an old pro. It saves lives and you can too. π
I can’t wait for you to come see me. We’re gonna have a blast.
A note on your worst habit: I was wondering if I overdid it with texting you at first, resulting in a long pause in the conversation… heh heh. π
Although we don’t agree on favorite foods, at least we both love nut butter!
π Oh girl, I’m so sorry. Like I said — totally me. I’ll rekindle soon <3
hahaha the older brother thing. I definitely took advantage of that as a teenager π and maaaay have ended up dating one of seriously for a while. And I guess chef-friend actually kinda counts in that category – he and my brother used to work together in high school.
worst habit: the coke zero that I’m going to walk over to safeway on my lunch break and buy…oops.
Also: I MISS YOU. We’re hanging out in September!!!
Confession: I make special grocery trips just to buy jelly beans, so I totally get the Coke Zero thing. And YES. Holding you to that.
biggest fear? – Losing one of the members of my family.
β¦ middle name? – Anne.
β¦ last drink you had? – Iced tea? ;-D
β¦ worst habit? – …. Um…. Procrastinating or jumping on wanting to do something without thinking about it.
Oh that almond butter picture is just heavenly! Lately I cannot get enough almond butter…the spoonfuls are quite large and I don’t plan on stopping anytime soon…Have a great day friend!
… biggest fear? – anything medical (dentist, doctors etc) I am so incredibly petrified… Even just writing about it makes me feel queasy!
β¦ middle name? I have 2, Margaret and Audrey (my grandmothers names)
β¦ last drink you had? Water – good ol H20!
β¦ worst habit? Putting myself last – I’m a people pleaser!
And soooo jealous that you are getting to see Meghan! There are so many of you that I would love to meet – and now I’m even further away with being in Australia!
And here I am jealous that you’re in Australia! It’s been on my travel bucket list forever but the 30+ hours of travel time keeps putting me off.
My biggest fear is a cage.
My middle name is Colleen
The last drink I had was water
My worst habit is silently farting on people. I really need to stop that X-)
OMG. Cleve-land.
Those pictures gah! I remember the Starbucks and the beanie lol
I remember someone saying they were coming to visit the Rockies next. Or maybe that was wishful thinking…
I don’t have a middle name either! It was intentional, though. My mom says she started to write “none” on the birth certificate, but luckily the nurse stopped her. If she hadn’t, I’d be Kelly None. Better than “Not Applicable” I guess haha.
Whatβs yourβ¦
β¦ biggest fear? Other than loved ones dying and leaving me, my biggest fear is snakes. I just got a cold chill typing that out, that’s how much I haaaaaate them.
β¦ middle name? Elizabeth. But fun fact, my fiance doesn’t have a middle name either.
β¦ last drink you had? Drinking water right now
β¦ worst habit? Biting my nails.
Oh you’ll love this mental picture then… My friend had a huge python that he’d let “wander” around his place, and the thing would curl up on the couch and literally hiss at anyone who came too close. Creepiest.thing.EVER.
Trust me: having an older brother does not equal nice mates to flirt with. Okay, there was one but @) my brother usually went to his place to hang out so I didn’t get to see Mr. Handsome too often and b) I was the little sister (six years younger).
I’m jealous you get to meet Meg again soon!
Yeaaaah, my mom has 2 older brother and she said the same thing. I’m thinking its one of those things that’s better in my head than it is in reality. Like chocolate ice cream.
I’m currently in possession of chocolate chip and M&M cookies right now. When are you heading to Cleveland?!
β¦ biggest fear? Tornados
β¦ middle name? Catherine
β¦ last drink you had? Coffee
β¦ worst habit? Procrastinating on chores, grocery shopping, etc
Hoping to go sometime around the middle of September. And grocery shopping has seriously become the bane of my existence π‘
I’ve always wished I could teleport too! I dream of traveling the world but I hate flying so that would easily solve that problem.
And trust me, the older brother thing isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. They make fun of you, beat you up and force to you to do their chores. Then whenever their friends come around they tell them to stay away because your their sister.
You can tell I have a good relationship with my brother, huh? π
Hehe that’s actually why I’ve never been -too- distraught over being an only child. But I guess each has its pros and cons.
YAY Capricorns! It has always kind of freaked me out how accurately it describes me too. Oh, and I also have a horrible habit of not texting people back for days/weeks on end. It’s bad. But like you said, it’s not them at all…it’s me. Must be a Capricorn thing. π
Biggest fear- bees. Hands down. I said to Tim yesterday, “I’d rather be thrown into shark infested waters than get stuck in a room full of bees.” I guess I feel strongly about them π Needles are a close second though!
That’s kind of how I feel about deep water and why I’ll always be a mountain girl — I’d rather be chased by a bear than a shark π
Bad habit? Coke…as in Coca Cola.
In fact I’ve got a new post about that!!
My biggest fear is of needles. YUCK. And my last drink was water. It is solo darn hot here I can’t get enough!
Your answer to number of siblings… that’s my answer, too!
The struggle is real, right?!
You do not seem 30…..at all π
And I laugh when I get blood taken. It tickles so much!! But I don’t like watching either so I turn my head and try to stay still π
My middle name is Lyn!!!
I’m a Capricorn too! And it is quite scary how accurately it describes me. I knew I liked you for a reason π Yay Winter babies!
I think teleportation is probably the best of the superpowers you could go for. It seems to always get put behind flying, which doesn’t really make sense seeing as how teleporting could get ya to your destination 24839853295 faster π . And almond butter! I haven’t had it in SO long, mostly because I’m too cheap to shell out the big bucks for it haha.
I mighttttt be stealing this survey from ya π― . Too much fun!
Ninja π Loved reading your answers though.
I’m a Capricorn too! The only descriptive word in there that’s accurate for me though is irresistible. Hehe… ahem. Sure.
I love these survey posts! By the way, I felt my 30’s were the best of my life so far.
I’ve actually really been enjoying mine so far as well. There’s no way I’d go back to my younger years if I had the chance…
I also consider myself the easiest person to talk to- both for me and others ;).
My biggest fear (besides those blood sucking spiders who want to take my soul) are also any types of needles/shots. Nu-uh. Not happening.
I do not have a middle name, however the incredibly long and unpronounceable addition to my last name is pretty bad.
I am currently drinking some tea (no idea what it is- however I think it is a light red/black/green. Thats actually a lot of colors)
My worst habit is my inability to keep from picking at my nails and cuticles, they are NOT a pretty sight right now!
β¦ biggest fear? Death, but more specifically dying when I’m home alone with Max. Although smarty pants told me that if there was something wrong he would go “see SandyAli” (our neighbour)
β¦ middle name? I have two: Helen-Marie!
β¦ last drink you had? I am sipping a coffee as we speak
β¦ worst habit? my internet habit or leaving jars half open
Fun post! My middle name is Jae, named after my uncle. I am drinking a Peet’s cappuccino and my worst habit by far is biting my nails. I’m able to “quit” every so often but eventually some anxiety always gets the best of me.
I used to bite my nails like crazy as well! And I’m not quite sure how, but I managed to stop and it’s not even an issue anymore. Have you tried keeping them painted? I’m rue that would be a good deterrence.
Getting blood drawn is a nightmare; coffee afterward is usually my drug of choice to get me through! I’ll proudly admit that I also talk to myself too, haha. Worst habit would probably be delaying getting changed after the gym (when I don’t have work or school afterward, that is). I’ll lounge around, check email, whatnot for forever until I remember to wipe off my face and shower.
Eee yeah that’s actually one of mine as well. I blame it on the fact that I live alone so I don’t have to worry about anyone smelling me π
Always fun to read these surveys- might have to steal it soon ;)! Last drink I had was the mint tea that I’m currently sipping on…always hits the spot!
Middle name is Beth and I sort of forget it because I never use it or think about it! Last drink I had was coffee π
So how is it not having a middle name? We can’t seem to agree on a middle name for baby 2, though we’ve had the first name picked out for a while now. Why are baby names so hard???
Mine is Lynne. I like Lynn, but I don’t know why my parents had to put an E on the end. Silly parents.
I actually like not having a middle name. It’s something different, and one less thing to fill out on most forms π
It was so fun reading more about you, Amanda! I did the A-Z Survey also, and I must say, it is kind of fun. Isn’t it? Almond butter + chocolate = <3
Yay for the no middle name club! I love not having one. So interesting and always a topic of conversation. Plus, I never have to come up with a “fun fact”!
π That’s how I look at it as well. Just one less thing to fill out on most forms π
Worst habit is overloading my todo list and then beating myself up for not being able to complete the work of 10 people! My middle name is my maiden name…..you could have a middle name one day too! π
I’m a Capricorn too and it describes me PERFECTLY. Crazy how that works out? I think I’d have to say almond butter is my favorite food, but it’s a close tie with watermelon. Last drink I had: water (boring).
Watermelon would probably me in my top food list as well… I can put away so much of it at once that I have to be careful or I’ll end up with a huge stomach ache π
This was fun to read π Have a great day, beautiful!
I’ve always wanted a sibling, too. At least us only children are naturally good at entertaining ourselves!
Hahahaha! I LOVE your reasoning behind having an older brother!!! I have older cousins but they (and ALL their friends) are all out of the country! π
And – no middle name? Well – if Lindsay is letting you borrow one of her bros, guess I could let you borrow one of mine – my dad insisted I have 2 “Michelle and Mary” though theres only one on my birth certificate!
Happy Monday and YAY for your upcoming trip to Cleveland – now when are you gonna come down to Atlanta? π
Two middle names?! I’ll gladly take whichever one you don’t need π And there are so many places in the States I’d love to visit! This is why The teleportation thing would be amazing…
I am a Cleveland gal! π
you can borrow one of my brothers. I always flirted with their friends. guilty.
p.s your middle name is now SPOONS
My middle name is Eve which I always hated until I met my (ex) husband because his middle name was Adam. Cute combo right? I should’ve known that the Adam and Eve thing was a sign of doom not a sign of happy forever couple. Funny that I love apples. Ha…I am glad that you really don’t ever leave me mid text convo!
That -is- pretty cute actually π