Hi friends! Happy Sunday!
Sorry to leave you hanging last night, but it was one of those days where blogging just had to take a back seat to good old life. See, I was sitting in a crowded Bux planning on finishing up my post [like always], when all of a sudden I hear: “I don’t mean to intrude, but is this seat taken?” In a nutshell, what happened next included: looking up, seeing a gorgeous guy who I’d been eyeing from previous visits standing there, saying “No, go ahead,” talking for three hours, exchanging numbers, and writing no post.
I hope you guys won’t hold it against me 😉
Needless to say, my head is still more or less in the clouds at this point, so I figured it was the perfect opportunity to fill out a fun survey that I saw over at Alex’s blog not too long ago. Hope you guys are having a fabulous Sunday!
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A is for age: Physically and legally, 27. In my head and heart, probably about 10. Squee!
B is for breakfast today: Ohhh it was a good one this morning! We’ve got your typical yogurt mess (plain Greek yogurt, banana, Kashi Cinnamon Harvest, roasted almond butter)…
… with one very big difference…
Chunky homemade applesauce! I died. And speaking of dying, the lack of light at breakfast time is just killing me. Ugh.
C is for currently craving: I’m currently content on the food front, but I wouldn’t mind some sunshine.
D is for dinner tonight: Ok, I lied on the craving question. I’m kind of in the mood for some pizza tonight… but I’m headed over to Mom and Dad’s for dinner and I have no idea what’s on the menu.
E is for favorite type of exercise: Walking! And don’t even try telling me that it doesn’t make a good workout.
F is for irrational fear: Ok… Whenever I’m walking on the treadmill, I’m always afraid that my stride is going to be too long and that my back foot will slide off the end of the treadmill and chaos will ensue. It hasn’t happened [yet], but I’m pretty sure it’s because I’m paranoid and tend to take way smaller steps when I’m on the mill of doom.
G is for gross food: Well, aside from all of those weird ‘delicacies’ like monkey brains and what not, when it comes to more mainstream food, I’m not a big fan of fish, eggplant, olives, or blue cheese. Oh and by the way, I came across this article when Googling ‘gross food’ and I think it’s definitely worth reading if you want to be more conscious of what’s in some of the foods you’re buying in the grocery store: The Fifteen Grossest Foods You’re Eating.
H is for hometown: Edmonton, Alberta; or E-town as we lovingly call it up here.
I is for something important: Gratitude. I think that counting your blessings and focusing on what you have rather than on what you think you lack is so important when it comes to finding true happiness.
J is for current favorite jam: Blueberry 😉 Especially with cream cheese on toast.
K is for kids: Adorable. Love them. Some day.
L is for current location: Starbucks, third booth from the door 😉
M is for the most recent way you spent money: My cappuccino, like, 15 minutes ago. Money well spent.
N is for something you need: Someone to do my laundry… Please? I have cookies…
O is for occupation: I like to refer to my current position at work as: “Doer of whatever it is that needs doing.” Right now I’m helping manage things at our family-owned business while volunteering and working on my apps for grad school. Dream job? Sometimes – I love the flexibility and pretty much being able to be my own boss – but ultimately I plan on going back to school for counselling psych. Or maybe I’ll just write… God, wouldn’t that be great…
P is for pet peeve: Bad drivers. I don’t know what it is, but my tolerance level goes down a few [hundred] notches whenever I get behind the wheel of a car. I’m not one of those crazy people that starts honking, yelling, and flipping the bird, but if you suck at driving and get in my way then I’m probably saying mean things about you in my head.
Q is for a quote: “Trust yourself. Think for yourself. Act for yourself. Speak for yourself. Imitation is suicide.”
R is for random fact about you: I have a mild case of tinnitus, which basically means that I hear a quiet ringing in my ears at all times. I’ve gotten so used to it that 95% of the time I don’t even notice the noise.
S is for favorite healthy snack: Basically anything that involves bananas, almond butter, and chocolate. It’s funny. I was reading over some old posts, and apparently this combo has been a favorite of mine for quite some time now.
T is for favorite treat: Hitting up the mall to buy clothes, makeup, shoes, and other fun girly things. I try to limit my spending in that area because I have [freakin’ expensive] groceries to buy and a mortgage to pay, but every now and then I love to go in and pick up a few things.
U is for something that makes you unique: My uncanny ability to pack away half a watermelon in one sitting on a daily basis? The fact that I’ve never read any of the Harry Potter books or seen the movies?
V is for favorite vegetable: Hmm. This one has gone through some changes over the past year, mostly because of what my stomach can and can’t handle. Where my favorite veggie used to be either broccoli or roasted squash, I’d have to say that corn now holds that title, especially when it’s been grilled…
W is for today’s workout: Nada – Sunday’s are for rest. But yesterday I managed to do a relaxed version of my regular weekend workout, and a 3 mile walk. How do I know it was 3 miles? Because the treadmill told me so. Why was I on the mill of doom? Because it’s too cold to be outside 🙁
X is for X-rays you’ve had: Too many to remember at the dentist, and a lot on my right knee from when I shattered my kneecap in a snowboarding accident many years ago.
Y is for yesterday’s highlights: The aforementioned impromptu coffee chat 😀
Z is for your time zone: Mountain. Don’t forget that we have to turn our clocks back an hour next Saturday!
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Pick a letter, or two, or three… I love learning new things about you guys!
What an adorable post!!! That is the cutest, and lots of yummy food on there, the applesauce looks particularly good! Too bad I am carbo-loading the next few days, so most my food is PURE carbs….but after the marathon, may have to give it a try!
I love the idea of this post….shame it was a long time ago….waaayyy behind the curve huh! Maybe I can bring it back 🙂 I loved learning lots of little interesting facts about you!
Ahhh, how exciting! ‘Manda’s gettin her groooooove on! Haha! Love it! And what a story to tell the grandchildren one day…sorry, couldn’t help myself! 😉
I thought I was like the ONLY person who has never seen the HP movies or read the books! I keep saying I’m going to read all of the books first and then have a movie marathon weekend, but DANG have you seen the size of some of those things?! I can barely get my ADD under control long enough to read one blog post without getting lost in the interwebs! Lol
Silly girl…corn’s not a vegetable! 😛
Ooooh yay for gorgeous guys number!!!! ;D love the survey!
The date sounds like fun! I am planning to go to grad school for counselling psych as well….I just need to get in somewhere. Fingers crossed!
Oolala! That’s the sort of happening that dreams are made of…I’m rooting for you 😉
I despise blue cheese as well, which is odd because I adore cheese. But blue cheese…no…just no… BUT, dear Amanda, the fact that you haven’t read any HP books makes me die a little inside. How can we remain blog friends?!? All your food photos are the last link holding me on. Joke joke…you know I adore you 🙂
I love these quizzes!! I think you and I would be good friends! 🙂 I wanna hear more about this beautiful man friend of yours… 🙂