Happy Saturday, everyone 😀
Thank you so much for all of your input on my hunger post. It seems like a lot of us have the same problem when it comes to identifying when we need to eat more, and I’d like to do a follow-up post summarizing some of my thoughts on the subject, but I need to mull over it a little bit more. So, for today’s post I decided to fill out a survey that the lovely Tori tagged me with a few days back. I always enjoy learning a little bit more about some of my favorite bloggers, so I hope you enjoy it too 😀
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How do you like your eggs? I want to cheat and say “cooked into my oatmeal”…

… but that doesn’t really count, does it? Sigh. Fine, then my answer issss… it depends. Sometimes I like them fried. Sometimes I like them softboiled. Sometimes I like them scrambled. Sometimes I like them devilled. The bottom line is, I like me some eggs.
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How do you take your coffee/tea? I didn’t start drinking coffee until my first year of university, and back then, it was more like coffee flavored milk – I had to add tonnes of milk and sugar because I couldn’t stand the taste of it, but I needed the buzz. These days it’s pretty much the other way around. I don’t even get a buzz anymore, and I can’t stand the taste of milk or sugar in my coffee – as long as the beans are good, then I just like it straight up black. The same goes for tea. I almost never add anything, especially when I’m drinking my favorite one, but I’ll add honey to some of the others because otherwise they’re just too bland.

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Favorite breakfast food? Come on now… do you really have to ask?

Oats for sure; and more specifically, eggy bananafied oats topped with roasted almond butter and pudding. I’m pretty sure that’s one of the only reasons that I get out of bed in the morning…
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Peanut butter: Smooth or crunchy? Erm. Neither. Me and peanuts aren’t exactly on good terms… You know, the whole “they want to kill me” thing. But if we’re talking about nut butters in general, then I prefer smooth. You can always add something extra for crunch if you want it, but it would be a pain to pick out all the crunchy bits if you… errr… didn’t want it.
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What kind of dressing on your salad? I like my salads light and fresh, so drenching them in a heavy, oil-based dressing doesn’t really appeal to me. My favorite is a yogurt-based dressing that I make at home. All I do is take some Greek yogurt and add a spoonful of mustard, some honey, and a few shakes of Mrs. Dash Garlic and Herb blend, and I’m good to go.
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Coke or Pepsi? I gave up drinking soda a few years ago, but if memory serves me correctly, I always preferred Pepsi. Although, to be honest, either one was fine when I needed to satisfy a craving for something cold and bubbly. These days, I just reach for a kombucha when that same craving hits, and I swear that it gives me an even better buzz than the caffeine did.

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You’re feeling lazy, what do you make? Grumbling noises over how much I don’t feel like cooking. And then I just toss a few sweet potatoes into the oven, set the timer, and walk away. When they’re done, I top ’em with some maple syrup, almond butter, and cottage cheese/Greek yogurt, and call it a meal. Sometimes I’ll even add some roasted veggies if I’m feeling super motivated 😉
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You’re feeling really lazy. What kind of pizza do you order? Honestly, it’s been a good long while since I’ve felt that lazy, and I was never one to get super creative with my toppings, anyways. I’d usually just order a four-cheese pizza with extra cheese.
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You feel like cooking. What do you make? Cookies. Or muffins. There was a time when I really loved cooking, but lately I just haven’t been feeling up for it. I rarely spend much time in the kitchen these days, and when I do decide to cook something, I usually just rotate between a few tried-and-true meals instead of trying to come up with something new and creative. I kind of take this as a good thing… it means that I’d rather focus on things other than food.

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Do any foods bring back good memories? Oh yes. Baking chocolate chip oatmeal cookies with my mom when I was little. Eating DQ ice cream cakes at birthday parties. My grandma’s pancakes. Being treated to McDonald’s chicken nuggets on family road trips. The first spoonful of oatmeal that I ate when I was breaking out of raw veganism. Good times.
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Do any foods bring back bad memories? They used to. I had a lot of bad memories associated with a lot of fruits and vegetables from the days where I followed a raw vegan diet, because that was how my ED started and those were pretty much the only foods that I allowed myself to eat for months, but the bad memories faded with time and now all foods feel pretty good.
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Is there a food you refuse to eat? Refuse is such a… strong and final word. I wouldn’t exactly say that I refuse to eat anything, but there are definitely foods that I don’t particularly enjoy or crave. Zucchini, eggplant, fish, meat, mayo, and blue cheese are the first that come to mind.
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What was your favorite food as a child? Kraft Mac&Cheese. I was rarely allowed to eat it, but I remember going buck wild whenever it was around – I could eat an entire box of it, no problem. That and gummy bears and ice cream… you could never go wrong with those.

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Is there a food that you hated as a child but now like? 😆 My entire diet is pretty much made up of foods that I hated as a child. If you would have told me back then that I’d turn into a veggie loving bean eater, I probably would have laughed myself sick. Even my parents have a hard time believing that I’m the same daughter that they raised. Funny how that works…
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Favorite junk food? Honestly, I’m not a big junk food eater – I just don’t crave it. This is something that people question every so often, given my history of disordered eating and all, and it’s actually a topic that I wanted to talk about in a future post, so I’ll go into more detail then.
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Do you have any weird food habits? I think that depends on the definition of weird? I don’t like eating off plates – I prefer bowls. I eat with small spoons/forks. I don’t like hot (temperature wise) food. And I come up with some pretty “interesting” food combinations… but it all feels pretty normal to me.
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Favorite dessert? One beautiful word. Tiramisu… in any form.
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Do you have any weird food habits?
What was your favorite childhood food?
heyy i love the food other people posted it makes me really hugrey!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When I was a kid I loved chicken tenders. I didn’t like fast food nuggets, but the long breast strips they have in diners are the best!!! We rarely went out to eat, but I ordered those every time. Nowadays I order other things but occasionally go back to my old favorite. 🙂
i love these fun little facts :] I feel the same way about coffee, even though it doesn’t effect me, i just love the taste! I can sleep after two double espressos 😉
Love your attitude 🙂
And I love small spoons, too. haha
<3 Haley
Do you have any weird food habits?
Yes. I also like eating with small utensils, and I like eating food out of either bowls or small plates. I eat corn on the cob one kernel at a time. Yes, I pick each one off with my fingers 😛
What was your favorite childhood food?
Hmm. Probably ice cream. There was the most amazing neighborhood ice cream parlor where the parents would bring their kids on very rare occasions, and I loved it! I would always get the “banana caramel chocolate chip” flavor (swoon.) I adored it so much I used the name as my first e-mail address. Little food blogger in the making, huh?
I loved this!! I’ve seen it around a few other blogs..so I migth have to steal it. 😉
I want to try your dressing now; I’ve been getting bored with my usual balsamic viniagrette. And I have those same bad food associations from my ED days… I would go through like two jars of salsa a week sometimes, using it as a “dressing” for salads. Also, that powdered white cheddar popcorn seasoning, and cucumbers and celery.
I eat with tiny utensils, too! It seems to be pretty common for foodie people… I guess its so we take small bites and get to savor the flavors more? I also don’t like to eat off plates, or use forks for that matter (unless its salad.) I like spoon and bowl meals. Or just eating with my hands–that’s why I like ripping my chocolate microwave cakes into pieces, so I can pick them up and eat them! I also have a thing where I prefer soup spoons over regular spoons… I don’t know why, I just like the shape better… haha.
My favorite childhood food was the Kraft mac n’ cheese, too! I would always say that my mom “makes the best macaroni in the world!” I had no idea that it just came out of a box…
I only use baby spoons and the long skinny small ones. I like eating out of mugs, huge bowls (even if it’s a small serving), and square plates, too 😀 I LOVE my zucchini and eggplant though!
My favorite foods as a child were yogurt, cheese, milk, baked potatoes, bread, and fruit. I gave up the dairy for ethical reasons, but I still love my fruit and potatoes (and I’m investigating the bread). I had to stop eating fruit for a while, as I would get awful cramps and bloating after eating it– I am reintroducing them one at a time now to see which one was doing it. Byebye bananas 🙁 :'(
I’m like that i always thought it was my Ed not allowing me ‘junk food’ but i genuinely dont miss it at all. 😀
The weird food habit I have is eating EVERYTHING with a small childrens spoon or teaspoon. :L I really ought to kick that if i ever get invited on a date haha. Just imagine asking the waiter if they have a small spoon. They including my date would think im crazzzzzzyyy :haha
my favourite food as a kid was peanut butter on toast, I remember coming home from school when i was 10 and make myself 2 slices then i’d go back for more its crazy to think i was so normal about that, yet its taking me years to learn how to re love food.
hope you are having a great day <3
I don’t think I have any weird food habits, but everyone else seems to think I do. 😉 I love weird combinations! The weirder, the better. Peanut butter, pickle and raisin sandwiches, mango, chicken, blue cheese and olive salads, I could go on and on. My favourite foods haven’t changed since I was a child; spinach salads, PB&J sandwiches and pasta are still my favourites! Yes, I was a child who liked spinach and grown up foods.
I used to love Toaster Strudel and eats loads of bagels and cream cheese…now I never really crave junk food…I would rather have greek yogurt/oats/fruit all the time!
Weird habit I have is eating with chopsticks…no matter what I’m snacking on…
I thoroughly enjoyed this post. Like you, I’m often questioned about my lack of interest in junk food. It seems as though people make the assumption that I really *do* want those foods, but that I don’t allow myself to enjoy them. There was a time when this was true, however that’s definitely not the case anymore! I don’t crave junk (and my definition of junk is anything highly processed–not a homemade cake or cookie, which I do crave from time to time.) As I’ve cleaned up my eating, my body has become accustomed to “real” food, which is a good thing. However I find that my stomach is extremely sensitive to any stray from my diet, which can be annoying when I don’t have access to the typical foods I enjoy.
Kraft macaroni and cheese was definitely my favorite childhood food as well! In fact, I used to request mac and cheese “in a box” for every birthday dinner, much to my mother’s dismay. She makes a delicious homemade version, but would reluctantly oblige and buy that blue box once a year. 🙂
Small utensils are the best…I always use tiny spoons to eat cottage cheese, pudding etc. Oh, and speaking of pudding, which brand do you prefer?
Hope you’re having a lovely weekend!
The caramel pudding is Belsoy, and the chocolate one is Zensoy.
Cute post!
Weird food habit: I only like to eat one food at a time, so I eat around my plate.
Fav childhood food: My Dads Swedish pancakes 🙂
You were a raw vegan!? Wow, never knew that! All your answers are so interesting 🙂
I have a weird food habit of always saving a final mouthful on my plate – all the best bits from the meal, saved til last 🙂 And if I put toppings on oats or smoothies, I always eat them straight away, and I like small spoons but normal size knives / forks, I blend everything….
Favourite kid food? Honey sandwiches, then weetabix, then any form of chocolate…healthy kid.
I don’t crave junk food either – like I can be around it, see it, smell it and meh. Not appealing. But I feel like I’m in a place now where if that craving ever hit, I would muster up the courage and eat it.
Oh and eggplants completely gross me out too 😛
My favorite childhood food was ramen. Cooked or uncooked, I loved that stuff!
Nice to learn more about you Amanda!
Haha I was always on the Pepsi team too. Actually, I still am. Every so often I like to enjoy a diet Pepsi… shhh. 😉
I can’t believe you don’t like eggplant and zucchini though! I feel like I want to make it my mission to convert you! 😛
Weird food habits… I prefer eating out of bowls too. Also I always snack on food AS I’m making my meal. I think I ate at least a 1/2 cup of granola this morning as I was making my pancakes haha.
My favourite foods as a kid… definitely cream cheese and jam on toast. I STILL love that meal!