Made without any marshmallows or butter, these Healthy Rice Krispie Treats are a great way to enjoy a childhood favourite!

Today’s post will be short and sweet… just like me… except not really. I can probably pull off sweet well enough, but short might prove to be a little more difficult seeing as I’m all of 5’8.5″. Sometimes I wish I wasn’t, though… like when I tower over guys when I wear heels, or when I can’t cross my legs under a table. But I digress. I promised a shorter post and I’m already rambling, so let’s get to the point, shall we? Or the squares…

No matter how old I get or how many fancy desserts I come across, I have to admit that Rice Krispie squares will probably always be one of my favourite sweet treats. Just three simple ingredients that, when combined, create something magical…

And irresistible! Back in the day, I could put away an entire batch of squares without much of a problem. Soft, chewy, crunchy, sweet… they were perfection. Heck, they still are. Except these days I try to get a little more variety in my diet instead of eating squares for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and I’ve swapped out the butter and marshmallows for slightly healthier ingredients like almond butter and honey. The result is a sweet and chewy square that may not taste exactly the same as the original (depending on what kind of nut butter you use), but is just as good and just as addicting.

The recipe comes together in a flash and requires only 5 ingredients, two of which are optional. All you really need to make these is the cereal, honey, and almond butter, but the vanilla adds a lovely flavour, and the chocolate is… well… chocolate. Although to be perfectly honest, sometimes I leave it out because I actually prefer my Rice Krispie treats without anything on them — I just love the basic combo that much.
I also love that I can feel good about eating multiple servings of these, and that they can be made nut-free, gluten-free, dairy-free, and/or vegan, depending on what ingredients you use. Everyone needs a go-to recipe when it comes to the classics (chocolate chip cookies, banana bread, apple pie, etc.), and this is mine for healthy rice krispie treats.

I’d love to know if you make this (or any!) recipe! Tag @runwithspoons on Instagram and Twitter, and be sure to subscribe to our mailing list to receive more healthy and delicious recipes straight to your inbox!
Healthy Rice Krispie Treats
- Total Time: 10 mins
- Yield: 12 squares 1x
- 1/4 cup (64 g) creamy no-stir almond butter*
- 1 Tbsp (15 ml) coconut oil
- 1/2 cup (160 g) brown rice syrup or honey
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- 3 cups (90 g) crispy rice cereal**
- 3 – 4 Tbsp (33–44 g) chocolate chips
- Line an 8×8 (20x20cm) baking pan with a sheet of aluminum foil or parchment paper, leaving a few inches of overhang on the sides to allow for easy removal. Spray foil with cooking spray and set aside.
- In a medium-sized saucepan over medium heat, add the almond butter, coconut oil, syrup, and vanilla, stirring until the almond butter is melted and fully combined with the honey.
- Remove the pan from the heat and add the cereal, stirring until it becomes well incorporated.
- Transfer the mixture into your prepared baking pan and use a greased spatula or your hands to distribute the mixture evenly, pressing down firmly to ensure that the mixture is tightly packed.
- Place the chocolate into a microwave safe bowl and nuke on high in 20 second intervals, mixing between each. When the chocolate is fully melted, drizzle it over the top of the packed cereal mixture using a spoon.
- Place the pan in the fridge and allow the bars to cool for ~30 minutes before cutting them into squares using a sharp knife.
* You could also use peanut butter, or use a soy nut butter to make these nut-free. Just be sure to use the no-stir store-bought variety, as the natural oils and different textures could prevent the bars from sticking together properly.
** Make sure to use a certified gluten free cereal if you need these to be gluten free.
- Prep Time: 10 mins

Definitely something a recipe i’m going to try!!
These look delicious….I got a major craving for nut butter today out of nowhere. The universe is trying to tell me something!
I’m 5’5″ and I’m happy with that. Riley’s over 6′ so I can wear my tallest heels and still be shorter than him, which is awesome!
Hehe….I knew we were sisters….I am ALMOST same height as you – though a little shorter, 5 feet 6 (it took me a while now to find out what 1m70 is in feet – I swear, it makes me crazy, Laura and me were trying to figure out easy convertions for all the stuff (kilos, °C, meters, centimeters, dl etc….sigh.).
Anyway, these Rice Krispie Treats look so cute and yummy. I always admire you for making this delicious stuff and not eating them all in one sitting while standing on the kitchen counter. Cause that’s what I would do 🙂
Wow these look great. Tim loves rice krispie treats so I might have to make these.
Hello Amanda,
Oooh! These look great!
I have a question…May I ask, what was the exact brand of rice cereal you used (b/c that can make a difference with the taste, if I try to make these)?
Oh, to answer your question, some of my favorite childhood foods were: PB&J sandwich, Mac & Cheese w/ hot dog slices, grilled cheese sandwich (still a favorite), and my Mom’s choc chip cookies. 🙂 On the more “healthy” side, I’ve always loved watermelon and honeydew.
Hi Amy! I’ve actually made these with several different brands, and they all came out well! I’ve used Erewhon, Nature’s Path, One Degree, and classic Rice Krispies.
Great! Thank you very much, Amanda, for letting me know! They look delicious and I wish to complement you on the wonderful “set-up” you always do with your food when you take pictures of them. Very professional!
Have a great evening!
~Amy 🙂
Rice Krispie treats are a childhood favorite, and like you, I prefer to keep mine simple.
I like the switches you made and might even be forced to try these. I just need to get some krispy cereal.
I’m 5’2; short and sweet, minus the sweet unless you catch me on a good day. I promise to be on my best behavior at Blend. 🙂
Awwr! And here I was looking forward to seeing you at your worst 😉
Ooooh yummy! I can’t wait to try these! Already pinned! Thank you for all the gluten and dairy free sweet treat recipes!
I’m 5’0. #shorty! I always wish I was taller…but I do have to admit, it is nice to be able to wear heels whenever I want! You often get called “cute” when you are only 5 feet…bitter-sweet I guess! Haha!
Yum, yum, yummmmmm.
I’m 5’7″, and I’m content with my height. Maybe a couple inches shorter would be nice so I don’t feel like a giant with wedges or heels on! Ha!
I am about as tall as you are and wear flats to avoid my awkwardness in hovering over others. I also have bruised knees from forgetting that I can’t always cross my legs under a table.
Love this recipe…pinning it to save for later.
I am 6’1″ – yep, crazy tall!
I tower over both men and women and it can be so annoying! Don’t think I would change it though, it’s such a big part of who I am! 🙂
I love that! Work it, girl! 😀
I’m just under 5’6 – perfectly average, and yet growing up I’ve always been self-conscious that I was too tall because all my friends were short (around 5 feet). Ridiculous, I know.
Rice Krispie treats are the bomb. That is all.
I’m 5’3″. I like my height since I love wearing 6″ heels (so I don’t tower over other people when I wear them, haha).
Rice Krispies weren’t – and still aren’t – a popular treat over here but I have fond memories of making “Schokocrossies”. Which are really just melted chocolate and cornflakes, sometimes almonds, dropped onto a sheet to cool. Aah, the fun we had making these as children. Hands covered in chocolate? Absolutely.
If you ever find a way to transfer an inch or two of yours onto my too small for my liking 5’4″ I’ll gladly accept them. For whichever reason I’ve always wanted to be 5’8″ – maybe because that’s the minimum height for models and being one was a childhood dream of mine. Probably before I knew models wouldn’t be allowed to eat treats like Rice Krispies. And really, given the choice between being a model or enjoying food without worry it’s hard to guess which one reigns surpreme, right?
I get called short all the time even though I’m 5′ 4.25. The average American woman is 5’4 so this actually makes me tall. Apparently I just look short? Or maybe I’m just the only girl who never wears heels?
My favorite childhood treat was Little Debbie snacks in all forms. They used to be my breakfast all the way through high school – so healthy haha!
Rice Krispies are definitely a reminder of childhood. For me, too, I always think of seasoned baked pretzels as a childhood snack. There’s just certain things which take you back in the day. And puppy chow! Or muddy buddies! So much goodness.
And I’m 5’7″ and feel the same way about my height. It’s good sometimes, but when it comes to meeting a guy and not being able to wear heels with some… It becomes an issue. Along with maxi skirts/dresses/jeans which are NEVER long enough. Flood season, anyone?
Can you believe that I’ve never had muddy buddies or puppy chow? I know… I’m ashamed of me too 😳
I feel ya on the tall thing.. I’m 5’9 and yeah, I cannot wear heels around guys. hahaha oh well! I’ve learned to embrace it. Anyway, onto the rice krispie’s… YES PLEASE
How appalling is the fact that I have never had a rice crispie treat!?..yeah we gotta change that. I was all about the fudge and coconut ice as a blighter.
I’m 1.68..gosh I can’t quite grasp the “feet” measurement hah! I feel..comfortable at this height; with heels I definitely do the towering thing..which doesn’t feel too bad in my opinion. Gives me an extra confidence boost 😉 .
5’6 and 3/4 and proud of it! I’m tall enough to not feel short (and pants never need to be hemmed) but I’m short enough to not tower over people. My best friend is 5’11 and her bd is 5’6. Somehow they work it!
Yum!! We used to have this dessert at (secondary) school that was called ‘teacher’s torture’ – it was basically cornflakes and honey/syrup on a pastry base served with (English) custard…SO GOOD but sooo sugary, hence the name – we were all hyper afterwards!
I’m 5ft7 (ish) and totally get you on the crossing the legs thing… then the table wobbles and it’s all rather awkward. Definition of elegance really… story of my life.
Omg I love this!! I love that you made it with almond butter instead of marshmellows!! Definitely on my list of things to make!! Pinning this one for sure 🙂
These look so yummy!!! I’ve had a cough I can’t get rid of and local honey is supposed to help… so maybe I can use it in these and call it even? 😉 hehe
I like the way you think 😉
Easy and delish! One of my favorite sweets…. I definitely want to give your version a try!
I always wish I was taller..I’m 5’3 haha! Can’t believe these only have 5 ingredients, they look great 😀
I love stopping by here, I say that eery time I’m here, but I do. I love me some rice krispies so these will definitely be made! Thanks for sharing! I hope your having a great weekend!
Ha I love that “half” too. I am 5 7.5 and I feel your pain re heels. I am taller then my boyfriend if I wear anything really high… To be fair I do not really wear heel heels anymore though apart from heeled boots! These treats look simple and delicious. I used to love rice krispie marshmallow bars! My favourite treat as a child was butterscotch angel delight (I think it is a bit like Jell-o pudding). I used to eat the whole bowl meant for four people… no shame!
Ahhh the good old days when portion control didn’t exist. Good times
These look so simple and delicious!!! I dont think I have had a rice krispie treat since I was about 12 because of how unhealthy they typically are. You probably just changed my whole world.
Call me weird, but I’ve never really been the biggest rice krispie treats fan…I mean, there’s nothing wrong with them, but whenever they show up on a dessert table I’ll pass over them for something a little more exciting. Although with almond butter and chocolate?I may change my mind…
I’m 5’7 on the dot. I’ve always been pretty happy with my height – tall enough that I can reach things on the top shelf, but short enough that I can still wear heels and not tower over absolutely everyone.
I am 5’4 and o how I wish I was taller. My dad is 6’4…..where the heck did those genes go!
Oh heck yes- these are so freakin easy to make and my inner child will be super happy with the result- I used to eat rice krispie treats all the time as a kid. Like most young ones, I also couldn’t get enough of s’mores…what is it about the heavenly combo of marshmallow & chocolate! And girlie I am jealous of your height- I’m 5 ft 3.5 inches…I would love to be another inch or 2 taller but thank goodness to whoever invented heels!
I am barely 5′ 4″ and I am rather happy about it. No complaints…I used to love making rice krispy treats, especially when I would make them using Cocoa Pebbles!
Have I mentioned that we don’t have Cocoa Pebbles in Canada? I feel like I just keep adding foods to the list 😆
When I saw the words “no marshmallow” I was so ready to be like “no. girl, that is NOT happening” but the end results look quite good! And I do love almond butter + honey… 😉 Thanks for sharing!
This will be the next treat I’ll make for my kids! Recently made something similar with air popped popcorn, dates, raisins, choc chips and maple syrup. They love this kind of stuff. As for me, going out for ice cream was my favorite treat, and kind of still is although I rarely eat it now 🙂
I would love to be 5’8″. The grass is always greener on the other side 😉
Oh my gosh, I love that this is packed with nut butter! Nothing makes my heart happier than no bake nutty cereal bars!
Ooooh, yes please! These have so many of my favorite things! And I love how easy they seem to make. Thanks for sharing, Amanda 🙂
I come in just above 5 feet. I am good with my height except when I can’t reach the tallest items at the grocery store 😉
Yum! Cant wait to try these!
I admire the way almond butter shows up in almost every recipe you post. 🙂
I am all of 5’1.5″ I like being short, in fact, at times I have wished to be shorter. (Odd, I know.) My three brothers are all about six feet tall and my sister is 5’8″ so we don’t see eye-to-eye. Veeeery bad joke! Can you tell I didn’t get much sleep?
One of my favorite childhood treats was vanilla ice cream sandwiched between two graham crackers.
Yum! Of course anything with almond butter is going to be good. I actually never use butter. It’s funny to me when people talk about it because it’s just not something I have a need for. I never imagined you to be that tall! I always wonder what other bloggers voices sound like too.
And that’s why I keep meaning to do a vlog! One of these days… when I get over my camera shyness 😆
I Came Across This Website Earlier Today Looking For A Healthy Recipe To Make Rice Krispy Treats With My Kids. This Recipe Looked Appleaing To Me So I Went To The Grocery Store Earlier & Got Yhe Ingredients & Made Them!!! They Are AMAZING!!!!!!! It’s Almost Hard To Believe That They Are Healthy! Thank You, This Is A Great Recipe That We Will Continue Using! I Will Also Look At Many Of Your Other Recipes. I Do Have One Question, Do You Have The Calories Listed For Your Recipes Anywhere On The Site?
I’m so glad you liked them, Mandy! I don’t calculate the nutritional info on my recipes and mostly try to focus on using healthy ingredients instead, but you can use an online calculator like this one to figure them out —
Nom nom nom! Yes please!!!!
Rice krispie treats are seriously one of my favorite goodies to have. I never get sick of them, regardless of their at-times sickingly sweetness. I always feel like such a kid when I have them though, so it’s nice to have a more “adult” version 😉
Healthy rice kripies without any butter – and only 5 ingredients – these are so my kinda treats! Having a huge sweet tooth myself, even though I do indulge occasionally, I do love healthier sweet treats on a daily basis…and yup, I could eat these 3 times a day no problem!
I am 5′ 2.5″ but I usually round up to 5′ 3″ I mean what’s a half inch between blends right? 😉 Growing up my dad always said that precious things come in small packages, so my height wasn’t something I was unhappy about – but when it comes to changing bulbs or getting something on the top shelf – I sure wish I had another couple of inches or Inspector Gadget hands!
Happy Monday lady
Confession: sometimes I actually wish I was that small! So adorable 😀
Can I use normal butter instead of almond butter?
Also, where would I find almond butter?
Normal butter is not a substitute for almond butter. Peanut butter would work, or any other nut butter that doesn’t need to be stirred before use. I just made this recipe with peanut butter because I am a huge peanut butter lover, and they are good! I think I’ll try adding a bit more peanut butter and a bit less honey next time for less sweet treats 🙂