It’s hard to believe that it’s already been a week since I got back from Hawaii, and while I’ve managed to settle back into my routine and give jet lag the boot, these post-vacation blues are still clinging to me pretty tightly, and I’m pretty sure that this is partially responsible for that…
Oh my. If anyone lives in a nice warm place and has a nice warm room for a cold Canadian girl to occupy for a couple of months, please don’t hesitate to speak up. I’m clean, I’m quiet, and I bake…
… which is actually what I spent most of my weekend doing since going out and freezing my toes off didn’t sound all that appealing. That little gem right there is part of a batch of blueberry banana muffins that I whipped up during my baking spree. If you follow me on Instagram then you may have already fallen victim to my teasing, and if you don’t then I’m afraid you’re going to fall victim today – I’ll definitely be sharing the recipe with you guys, buuuuut you have to wait until tomorrow. And no, it’s not because I’m trying to be cruel, but because I had something else planned for today…
Since it’s MIMM and I could use a bit of warm-weather-reminiscing up to help get me out of this snow-induced funk, today’s post is going to be another highlight from Hawaii. Coincidentally, it also happens to be what I thought was the most marvelous part of our trip. If you missed part 1 of my Hawaii highlights series then be sure to check out my recap of Diamond Head, and if not, then let’s move on to talk about…
Manoa Falls.
The Manoa Falls trail is another hike that we did while in O’ahu, but unlike Diamond Head with its well-maicured path, this one proved to be a little more tricky…

Although the trail is well-travelled and easy to follow, its also incredibly slippery thanks to the mud, and the constantly varying terrain requires a good deal of navigating. There are rocks to climb, streams to cross, steep slopes to scale, and bulky roots to avoid. Nothing a little careful vigilance can’t handle, but you definitely have to watch where you put your feet, which is incredibly difficult to do when your eyes want nothing more than to take in all of the beauty that surrounds you…

This was my first time in a rainforest and I was absolutely blown away by how beautiful it was; so much so that I probably spent more time with a camera planted in front of my face than not…
And for a fun bit of trivia, did you know that Manoa Falls is where some of the scenes from Jurassic Park and Lost were filmed?
And speaking of the falls, after a 0.8 mile (1.3 km) hike that takes approximately 35 minutes to do, you’ll have the pleasure of finding yourself in the company of the falls themselves…
Gorgeous. Hiking the Manoa Falls trail was easily my favorite part of our trip and I definitely recommend putting it in to your schedule if you ever find yourself planning to visit Hawaii. And if you need a second opinion, here’s what Momma Spoons had to say when I asked her how it was:
And here she is tackling the trail in her red poncho:
Love that lady!
Some tips:
- Wear appropriate shoes. Flip flops are definitely not suitable for this trail. The steep and slippery slopes make running/hiking shoes pretty much a necessity, especially the further along the trail you go. It also helps to bring shoes that you don’t mind getting dirty.
- Bring bug spray. Sunscreen isn’t needed since you’ll be doing most of the trail in the shade of the trees, but mosquitos can be a big problem so having a can of bug spray on hand isn’t a bad idea.
- Bring something waterproof to wear. You’ll more likely than not be caught in a pretty decent downpour on your hike, so toss a lightweight poncho into your bag to stay dry (note: you can buy flimsy ponchos at pretty much any gas station or snack shop for $1.25)
- Don’t drink the water or go for a swim. As tempting and serene as it may seem, the freshwater streams in Hawaii can be contaminated with leptospirosis, which is a funky bacteria that can make you ill. Avoid that by avoiding the water.
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How’s the weather in your neck of the woods? Is it looking like spring yet?
Are you an outdoorsy person? Do you like getting dirty/wet and braving the elements?
Oh my…! Beautiful!! I live in Europe, and Hawaii is definitely a place I’d love to visit!! Warm weather… peaceful…! =)
Here it’s still a bit cold aswell… I presume it’s all over the globe… BUT it seems it will get better next week 😀 Have my fingers crossed for that!! I so want the warm weather again…! I love running outside, and I’ve never made a hike, actually, but it’s something that I’m looking forward to try! 🙂
Mmm, rainforest. Best smell ever, hey? What kind of camera do you shoot with?
I actually found it kind of stinky at times 😆 And I use a Canon EOS7D.
Can I please come on your next getaway? This all looks so amazing. As does that muffin that I wish I could eat off the page. Om nom nom, seriously.
seems like you had a great time in Hawaii. I loved LOST and these picture reminds me so much of it now 🙂 thanks for those tips. Take Care
What a beautiful place! Really want to go now!
Eeek! I am a cold bug so I don’t know if I could handle snow like that, (I shouldn’t complain about Australian winters!) you poor thing! If it was still warm here, I’d tell you to come on over – but unfortunately it’s the beginning of fall and starting to get chilly 🙁
Manoa Falls looks absolutely perfect – and has me longing to visit myself!
Everyone seems to think I’m so prim and proper and wouldn’t like to get dirty, but I LOVE hiking. I may be a pearl wearing, skirt loving girl – but I love nature too!
Sounds like a perfect balance to me 😀
Oh my gooooodnesss! That muffin looks amazing. I’m in Tennessee (it’s 60 today), and I like to be paid in pastries and anything with peanut butter or chocolate. 😉
We should start a post-vacation pity-party club! It’s cold & dreary here & I head to Chicago tomorrow where it’s even colder, sick! I love being outdoors on vacations, it’s such a fun way to explore. Awesome Hawaii pics 🙂
I was wondering how you were doing with your post-vacation blues. Thankfully, spring is coming soon which means better weather is right around the corner!
Gorgeous pictures! I love being outdoors 🙂
Ahh, I can’t wait for the muffin recipe!
I am an outdoorsy person 100%, and absolutely love going hiking–even if it means getting dirty and wet:) I honestly don’t mind getting messy, wet, muddy, or dirty; those things have never bothered me!! Those pictures are incredible, and they make me want to go to Hawaii for spring break. If only my family could afford that…Oh well, I can dream, right? I hope you had a wonderful trip; it certainly seems as though you did!
Oh wow! It just looks beautiful, love the scenic pictures!
I just love seeing such amazing, lush scenery like that… it’s not very typical in this desert state of mine 😉 Though I do live in the northern part of the state where we have mountains and forests and all four seasons! But still, nothing as green and definitely nothing as lush as that!
I’m an outdoorsy person for sure, but I hate to admit that I’m kind of high-maintenance when it comes to getting dirty… dirt is fine, I can dust it off; but mud? Hmm… it can be distracting thinking about my shoes the whole time 😉
You are SO cute!! I love that photo of your with your camera to your face!! Your pictures are AMAZING!! are quite the photographer my friend!! I would hang all of these pictures on my wall!! I WANNA GOOOO!!
These pictures are so beautiful! I am dying to visit Hawaii, even moreso now from reading your posts.
It almost keeps feeling like spring here in Boston but then just when I think it’s going to be warmer, a big snowstorm hits. We’re supposed to get more tomorrow. Blah!
That hike looks incredible! I haven’t been on a beautiful hike like that since I was in Thailand last year. I can totally sympathize with you on the crappy weather. Ontario seems to be clinging to winter like there’s no tomorrow, I can’t take it anymore!
It makes me feel a little better to know that we’re not the only ones getting “blessed” with an extra dose of winter. The joys of being Canadian, eh? 🙄
That looks so amazing! A dream trip of mine is Hawaii! I can’t wait to get there someday
It is currently snowing/freezing raining out in pittsburgh. I’d like spring to get here yesterday please and thank you. I love all your pics from the rain forrest trek! It is definitely something i would like to do if i ever make it to Hawaii. The view of the falls alone would make all the mud worth it 😉
Excellent pictures! Looks like a great time.
I have an extra bedroom here in FL that is calling your name … 😉
I love being outside and getting dirty almost as much as I love clothes and looking nice.. I’d like to think I’m pretty well balanced 😀
I have a plan. You can come out to sunny California and be my stay-at-home-friend. You can bake and cook for me (and enjoy the 70 degree weather). Yes?
Oh wow. Regarding my field of studies you’d expect me to form coherent sentences 😉 but I’m just blown away and lacking words. Manoa Falls look stunning. Beautiful, wild – dare I even say a tad mysterious? – and simply amazing. If it wasn’t for the cost of travelling I’d put it right on top of my list of places to visit. Given my verve for hiking I might still do – a girl can dream, right?
Spring came for a – sadly supposed to be short only – visit today. Not super warm but 5°C do feel warm after the snowyness and cold of the past days.
After a weekend of -20, I’d be more than happy with 5C!
Your pictures are seriously making me envious! I love them but they also make me sad 🙂
Man that looks amazing. so beautiful. I can see you as the camera queen for this trip, all for the right reasons.
Those muffins look so good right now! I’m in snowy MN and a warm muffin would really hit the spot today. Also, you continue to amaze me with your gorgeous vacation pictures, I’m glad you shared more it looks like quite and adventure
Ok you’ve convinced me I need to get my butt to Hawaii!! Their flowers are absolutely gorgeous. I would want to pick some and ship them back home 🙂
that looks so gorgeous and i was JUST talking with someone about visiting hawaii to see the place where jurassic park is filmed so thank you for letting me know where that is. oh and i have plenty of room if you’d like to join me on my spring break in arizona but i do require that you bring copious baked goods and 2% oikos 🙂 i’ll make sure we get you some apple cinnamon chobani.
Done and done! And I love you for remembering about the apple-cinna Cho <3 <3
WOW these photos are gorgeous! I am outdoorsy enough, but when there are too many bugs, I want to go back inside!
This looks like so much fun! And those flowers are gorgeous! I can’t wait to (one day) make the trip to Hawaii. You seriously make me want to pack up and go tomorrow!
I definitely would if I could!
Oh goodness, I can’t believe you still have snow over there!
Yum! That muffin looks fantastic. However, I must say that the photos from Hawaii look even better!
It’s such a beautiful place!
Yep, it’s totally looking like Spring over here! It usually does though, since we never ever get snow. Which makes me a bit sad ha.
I’m definitely not an outdoorsy person, I hate camping and all that jazz. I’m too high maintenance I think 😉
That’s so cool Some parts of Jurassic park were filmed there! The movie is being rereleased in 3D in April I can’t wait to go:)
i leave thursday for kona. I am bring a large bag fit for a small person… just sayin. 😉
While my 5’9 self is not the smallest of people, I’d be more than willing to make myself incredibly contorted and uncomfortable for a chance to go back…
So beautiful! I have never been to Hawaii, but would love to vacation there sometime!
Oh man how beautiful. It reminds me a lot to the rain forest I hiked on La Reunion. Breathtaking!! I absolutely love being outdoor. My runs in the forest are my favorite and I think it’s only ‘real’ when you get a bit dirty or wet 🙂
Haha, i feel you. We have cold temperatures and RAIN. Boooh!
So pretty! Adding this one to the list too. How did you find out about these fun things to do? And did you rent a car while you were there?
Yup we had a car, but it’s really easy to get anywhere by bus as well. As for finding out about all these places, I mostly used TripAdvisor
Wow, what a beautiful hike! So lush, so pretty! And if you feel like high-tailing it down to NC, you’re more than welcome. There’s no beach, but I do have an oven… 😉
So, I already figured I had to go to Hawaii one day, but you have no completely confirmed that. It looks so gorgeous!
It’s cold here. And snowy. I hate it. And seriously considering becoming a snowbird at age 23.
Love the picture of your mom tackling the trail!
As soon as I saw that picture of the falls, I was going to ask if you swam in it…but then I am guessing not after reading your tips ;)! Although I am not the biggest outdoorsy person, I am all over these photos…and if I ever went to Hawaii, you better believe I’d be hiking on Manoa Falls- too gorgeous to resist!
If it was possible to send sunshine your way, trust me you’d be getting a lot from my end…it is seriously hot outside and although I miss the cooler temps from the start of the year, I am not one to turn down some extra vitamin D- waking up to natural light definitely beats an alarm clock!
So about that spare room… 😉
That muffin looks amazing!!!…But not quite as amazing as those Hawaii pictures. What beautifully gorgeous scenery. You must have had SO much fun!
Oh my gosh stop tempting me with all these awesome pictures!!!! I’m in Florida though so I guess I can’t complain…
You can’t! I’d kill to be in Florida right about now…