A strange thing happened to me yesterday morning… I couldn’t finish my breakfast.
It was at about that point that my stomach decided it couldn’t handle another bite, leaving me sitting there in a daze, a spoon in my hand and a look of bewilderment on my face. Not finishing breakfast? Hath hell frozen over?!
And yes, before you ask, I have a specific system when it comes to eating my oats. I like to lump all my toppings into different areas of my bowl so that I can grab a spoon of AB oats, or a spoon of yogurt oats, or a spoon of jammy oats, depending on whatever feeling strikes me. I’ve pretty much got it down to a science at this point.
But I digress. The point is, I found myself in a completely unfamiliar situation yesterday morning and I wasn’t too sure how to handle it. Eat? Don’t eat? Get up and dance a jig? Eventually I abandoned the idea of finishing breakfast and went on with business as usual
Truth be told, my appetite’s been way off lately; and by way off, I mean basically non-existant. I’ve found myself having to eat according to the clock rather than hunger cues because my stomach has been feeling a little wonky and hasn’t exactly been telling me that it’s time for food. The exception to this being dessert – I never seem to have trouble finding room for something sweet…

But I can’t exactly survive off of banana bread and cookies, can I? Especially since my appetite’s been mostly MIA for a couple of weeks now. Don’t worry, I’ve still been eating well, but it’s definitely a lot more mechanical than I’d like it to be.
To be honest, I’m not quite sure what to make of this whole thing. I didn’t care too much at first because my appetite’s always been up and down, but I don’t remember it being down for this long of a stretch. Is it time to file a missing person’s report? Put up “lost appetite – reward” posters? Plaster its face all over milk cartons? Be patient and hope it comes back home on its own? I’m very much at a loss and in need of advice at this point. Has anyone experienced the same thing?
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Do you always finish everything on your plate?
How do you handle an extended lack-of-appetite period?
Sometimes warm weather throws off my appetite. In the summertime I never seem to get as hungry as I do during the rest of the year. Maybe the higher temperatures have something to do with it?
My appetite was lacking today as well. 🙁 I didn’t let that stop me from eating some pretty great food though! ha
It’s been pretty warm here lately, so the weather definitely might have something to do with it. Actually, it cooled off today and I’ve been a lot more munchie, so I’m hoping things are going back to normal!
It’s pretty much an impossibility for me to lose my appetite unless I’ve been sleeping REALLY badly for weeks in a row or something, or if I’m pregnant. 😛 I have to admit that it has been quite frustrating the past few months as my appetite kept fluctuating, but the way I go about it is to just try all sorts of different foods and see what my taste buds approve of. Kind of like trial and error? This works well for me since I love all kinds of foods and the more exotic, the better. 😀 Perhaps you can give that a go!
This is so frustrating when it happens! You feel like you’re force-feeding yourself which is zero fun. I’d much rather eat when hungry. Good luck, just keep trucking along, I’m sure it’ll come back with a vengeance!
I totally know what happened.
Your appetite ran away and married mine, hence why I’ve been eating like starving soldiers for the past week.
What the heck man?! Im like non stop munching over here and you can’t even finish your beloved oats?!
That’s pretty much how I felt prior to all of this, and more like what I’m used to. This feels strange, but I figure it’s just a matter of time before it comes back with a vengeance.
I am usually a member of the “clean plate” club. Even though I know that I don’t have to finish my food if I feel full, I just cannot seem to help myself! 😉
Have you seen a doctor or nutritionist about the appetite thing? If it’s not normal, maybe you should get it checked out. I have periods of low hunger too, but usually my appetite is back with a VENGEANCE after a few days!
The past few days I’ve had no appetite either. Yesterday I went 5 hours without eating because I wasn’t hungry. For me, that is completely unheard of! There must be something going around…
😆 That’s quite possible. A few people have mentioned their appetites being off, so maybe it’s something in the water…
If my appetite is off its usually hungrier than normal not the other way around. I hope your appetite comes back to normal soon.
Have you tried switching back to your cereal – maybe it’s payback for the affair with oatmeal!? kidding – obviously – I think I took your appetite because I eat everything in site these days! I think it’s normal, though, to have days of excessive hunger or days of no hunger. It balances out in the end!
I’ve had this happen to me before. Sometimes nothing seems appeal (although I’m with you on always having room for dessert!) and the thought of eating is somewhat nauseating. I’ll just eat because I know I should eat, but I really don’t want too. I’ve haven’t really figured out what I go through these spurts. It’s kinda weird!
Unless I’m going through these not-eating spurts, I pretty much finish everything on the plate, unless I go out to a restaurant and they give you tons of food, then I end up taking some home.
This happened to me very recently. I’ll sometimes have a day or 2 with little-to-no appetite, but this last time, it lasted a week. Just when it started to concern me, my hunger returned with a vengeance! I think it had to do with several things: just beginning Bikram yoga, the sweltering heat, and boredom with my meals (like you, I *always* finish breakfast, but I think I’d–gasp!–had my fill of yogurt bowls (they’re back now, though).
I think it’s pretty normal & I wouldn’t worry unless you feel you’re not getting adequate nutrition. Just go with the flow & eat till full. That’s what I did, even though one night I ate less than half my dinner.
Weird! Have you been more stressed out lately? Any other changes going on in your life?
Definitely some stress and some changes. That actually probably has a lot to do with it… or at least that’s what I’m hoping. I’d rather deal with lowering my stress than trying to figure out if something that I’m eating is causing me problems.
Ah! I’m having a very similar problem right now. Food usually doesn’t sound good in the morning, but I’ll still have something small. As the day goes on I’m able to eat more though. I don’t know what it is either, it’s strange! I’m usually quite the eater 🙂 It happened about six months ago too and lasted for about a month, but gradually got better. Hopefully it ends for both of us soon! By the way, you are my favorite new blog. I’ve been checking it pretty much everyday for a few weeks now, have a great day!
I wouldn’t do a thing or worry. I always think of my kids and how they eat when they are hungry and they don’t eat when they aren’t hungry. Kids are so much better than adults at just following their bodies, aren’t they?
Very true! I think we’ve just made a bad habit out of overanalyzing everything.
I get so freaked out when I am not hungry for a day! I guess it’s a consequence of my ED. I know I need to eat and I am actually scared of under eating because I know it can be triggering for me. I start thinking “Oh I was fine with only X amount of food, tomorrow i can have even less. I don’t need all this food”. It’s a slippery slope.
I always finish what is on my plate. It’s something I need to work on, but I am not really in tune with my fullness yet! Don’t worry though, I am sure that what you are experiencing is normal for “normal eaters”. You will be hungrier later. It will all balance itself out. Keep enjoying your cookies and banana bread, and your appetite will come back eventually 🙂
I have never dealt with no-appetite days and I hate to admit but my disordered mindset finds such a thing something to marvel at. But then I don’t think I would like not feeling ‘hungry’ because it might make food a tad less enjoyable?.. I’ve always cleaned my plate..unless I’m feeling really turned off my meal which is very rare
Well, as I’ve never had an extended loss-of-appetite period, I’m so not the girl to ask about this. Maybe you could go stand outside and call its name? Or maybe some reallllly good food would lure it out of hiding. Good luck with your quest!
This happened to me a few days ago too! Although mine was cause by a lovely stomach flu…ugh. Not so fun recovering alongside that!
It’s too funny how our minds can change so much! I remember dreaming of not having an appetite back in the dark days, now I think something is terribly wrong if I miss a meal. Something I should probably work on too, because I’m sure it’s perfectly normal to have up and down days with hunger.
Have a beautiful Friday my friend 🙂
This kind of thing would be a dream come true for me back in the day too, but now it just feels weird. Probably best not to overthink it, though. After all, things have a way of balancing out in the end 🙂
I have hungry days and normal days, very rarely do I have a missing appetite where I am unable to finish my meals lol…usually only occurs after stomach viruses that I find my appetite to be nonexistent. On the rare occasion that I am unable to finish my usual meals, it is quite a shocker and I look around in amazement. Only to find the next day or day after to be completely ravenous. Our bodies are weird, aren’t they? Sometimes (actually quite often) my actual stomach is full but I am still hungry so I continue to eat until satisfied only to end up with a stomach ache.
I am a member of the clean plate club, probably from growing up in a small poor family where you ate what you were served but I have learned to deal with it by using tiny bowls & plates 🙂 this way, my mind is happy & my tummy is too! I did loose my appetite for awhile when I had a surgury & could not exercise but I have been training for a triathlon for 10 weeks now & I am “hangry” pretty much 24/7 even with a high protein diet on 7 meals a day! I’m sure you will find your hunger, sometimes I just need new foods to kick start me! Maybe a new seasonal fruit or veggie??!! Have a fantastic weekend!
You and me both. Stress does this to me. I get full so much more easily and lose my appetite. Nerves? Emotions? Heck I think we both have them. Tell our appetites to come back ok?
How about telling our brains to stress less instead?
This happens to me every once in a while and I kinda just try to go with the flow. I take it as my body telling me that it’s taking a break for a while? It’s weird. I’ll usually still try to eat, but just not the same amounts as normal.
And I usually do try to eat everything on my plate because growing up my parents always told me to finish everything on my plate, but when I go out to eat there have been many times I’ve left some stragglers on the plate. Portions are so huge nowadays!
Hope your appetite finds its way back soon! In the mean time, i say theres no problem with eating banana bread and cookies 😉
I must have stolen it because my appetite had been out of control lately. I can not get enough food to satisfy the hangry beast inside of me. In all seriousness though, there are times when the clock is the best way to reset. I use it sometimes definitely in favor of just eating when I’m hungry. If I did that I’d never make it to my usual 7:30 dinner with my parents. I guess we just go in waves and there are times listening to how hungry we are just doesn’t work.
I definitely don’t always finish the food on my plate, but most times I do. There are times when my stomach just can’t handle another bite, and times when it’s the same food and I’m starving after finishing! I think our bodies just go through weird moments. I am glad you have kept eating even if you aren’t hungry! I actually get really upset when people tell me they can’t eat because they aren’t hungry, when it’s been hours and hours since they ate :/ It makes me pretty sad that they aren’t fueling their bodies, so I’m incredibly proud of you! I hope it comes back, though, soon!
Your body might be learning you’re actually feeding it. Your very far in the recovery front for a pretty long time so maybe you’re body is just trusting you on this one. Plus, the weather is changing and although it’s nowhere near scorching hot… Maybe you’re just not as hungry because you’re trying to just adapt to the changes. Sometimes I find myself only eating 3/4ths of something and being bewildered, too, but I take it as a sign my body is content at the moment. Then, if I’m hungry just 15 minutes later, I’ll eat something. If not, oh well. I’ll keep a lookout though, just in case 😉
I was thinking it might be something along those lines, especially because it doesn’t seem like most other people stress too much about a lack of appetite, but a consistent lack of hunger is something that I haven’t experienced for a long time – I’m more used to constantly looking forward to my next meal – so it’s just kind of strange 😯
Ya I think this is it. In my experience, whenever I eat well and enough, my body stops demanding more. The only time I ever feel like a bottomless pit is when I know I haven’t been eating enough. It’s my bodies way of making sure I don’t starve myself essentially. I actually kind of find it nice when my appetite is missing because then I don’t even think about food and I can focus better on my school and homework. Lol I had a missing appetite last week and it was actually wonderful because I had a 25+ page paper due. Anyway, just as you have gotten used to and okay with a ravenous appetite, learn to be okay with an non existent one. It’s really just your body saying it’s had enough, you’ve treated it well, and you can take a break from all the chewing 🙂 also, one more suggestion…. Don’t force yourself to eat. Sometimes I have even skipped lunch (gasp!) Because I wasn’t hungry. When I just listened and didn’t force myself to eat, my hunger came back much faster. 🙂
Hmm that’s happened to me before as well. Usually it’s when I’m really stressed and don’t have time to concentrate on anything but my work. Perhaps you’ve been busier lately? I’m sure it’ll come back soon, it always does! And like you said, you could always just put up a couple of posters and a nice person is sure to bring it back 😉
My appetite has been crazy recently too! I eat breakfast and lunch ok but then i’m not hungry again till dinner by which time i’m starving. I’ve been trying to have something little in the afternoon to try and ward nighttime hunger off, but it hasn’t really helped. Odd, but just trying to go with it now too
Hmm, I too experience this sometimes. If I ever go through a period of not feeling hungry, I hate to say it, but I will often do some weight training/circuit training. A day or two of jump squats and lifting has always done the trick for me in the past. Like you, I’m more of a “walk if I feel like it” kinda exerciser (which is a drastic change from my obsessive past). I hatteeee not having an appetite, yet still having to eat. Hope it comes back soon!
I’ve had that happen to me, usually I just keep eating as I’m supposed to and eventually my stomach returns from whatever strike it’s been on lol! And how do you make oats look so yummy? You cook them on the stove don’t you? I wonder if there’s a way to make them yummy but also fast! 🙂
Yeah I always cook them on the stove. You can always try quick oats! They don’t take as long to cook and honestly… I’ve never noticed a difference in satiety between quick oats and something like steel cut.
There are times where I have no appetite for an extended period of time. I don’t really do anything but wait it out and wait for it to return…it always does eventually. Hopefully your appetite will return in time to enjoy some yummy Memorial Day cookout food! Have a great weekend, girlie!
I hate not having an appetite. For all the years I spent terrified of hunger, trying to trick myself into thinking I wasn’t hungry, and hating myself for giving to hunger, now I welcome the feeling! I love eating, and I tend to stress when I discover that I can’t put away my whole warm, wonderful, delicious bowl of oats, or finish my greek yogurt goodness at night. I’ve noticed that my cues follow a monthly pattern. Week one and two are normal. Week 3 is total lack of appetite. Week 4 is starvation, bottomless pit. I’m not sure why this is, but I’ve noticed it after looking through my journals through the past few months. I’m sure yours will come back! Have a great weekend!
Does your lack of appetite correlate with the re-introduction of oats? Maybe that has something to do with it since oats have given your tummy problems before?
I was actually considering that, but the thing is that oats never gave me stomach problems before… just a weird reaction of anxiety, lightheadedness, increased heart rate, and cold sweats. That hasn’t been happening anymore, but if the appetite thing doesn’t let up, I might try cutting out oats again to see if it makes a difference.
I have the same.exact. reaction to oats! A weird euphoric/low blood pressure feeling. So weird… I’m pretty good with raw oats, but cooked I’m still too nervous to re-introduce…
I have a confession.
I ate your appetite.
PS– I call your oatmeal strategy being a “bite architect.”
I do it all the time and it is the perfect rebuttal for a family who thinks you eat slow. “No, I am a bite architect!”
I am always confused when I have a few days of not being hungry either if I’m not sick. I’m sure it’ll come back swinging soon enough 😉 I don’t always finish my plate/bowl but usually when I prepare my own food at home, I know how much I need and usually eat so that’s the amount I serve and I finish it. At restaurants, I usually don’t finish it all if I’m stuffed before I’m done unless it’s something too good to stop haha
Oh, I know that feeling and it leaves me irritated too. Though I don’t think you have to worry – I am sure it will find its way back to you on its own. I usually have a lack of appetite when my hormones are not in balance (= THESE days of the month), or when I am not relaxed. I do try to get in the minimum of my calories though, but I never force myself to clean my plate.
Happy Weekend with the return of your appetite girl!!
I think your lack of appetite is totally normal! I remember being so worried about it, trying to figure out what the right thing to do would be, to eat less or not, if ‘normal’ people finished their plates when they were not hungry anymore, if they ate less.
After much (discreet!) observation and questions to my family and close friends I realized that everybody has those periods of time when they have less appetite, it’s just that they don’t really put any focus on it and eat normally. There are just so many factors that can influence hunger: hormones, stress (in my case it’s usually unconscious stress and worries), boredom in the kitchen, ‘digestive’ issues, tiredness, even the weather!
Think of your body as car: you don’t really feel it in your driving that you’re running out of gas, but you still have to refuel. Don’t worry about it and I’m sure that you’ll be eating with appetite in no time! 🙂
To answer your question 99% of the time I don’t fret and just finish my plate, hungry or not, and my weight has been stable and healthy for years.
Thank you for your input, Viviane! You’re right… I’m pretty sure that most people don’t analyze things as much as I do. I think it all comes down to those over-thinking habits that are still lingering from my ED days, and the fact that I haven’t dealt with a lack of appetite for quite some time, so it just feels a little strange.
My appetites always tend to change with the seasons or when I am super stressed/in a different situation. At those times I try to make sure I am getting enough nutrients but don’t force myself anything beyond that. I’m sure your fast and furious hunger will return soon!
Isn’t it funny how mindsets change! Back in the day, a non-existent appetite would seem like a dream! Nowadays I’m concerned when my appetite is gone. I don’t force myself to eat on such days…I just go with it and make up for it in the days after when my hunger is back and roaring! Although if it’s going on for a few days, I’ll make it a point to eat, but more of foods which almost always appeal to me like yogurt, buttered toast or applesauce. I hope your appetite is back soon, my friend…otherwise we’ll have to throw a search party 🙂
Ahh maybe your appetite and my appetite have been hanging out somewhere! Mine hasn’t exactly been as present as it normally is either. I couldnt finish my salad with avocados, grilled chicken, crazins and walnuts the other night. um, what?! i normally hoover that thing, its my favorite salad, and i only made it through half. And i had to really force myself to finish my oatmeal this morning. my appetite has only been gone for about a week or two though, so I figure it’s bound to make an appearance sooner or later. its so weird though.
Wooops I didnt mean to push send yet- happy friday and have a wonderful weekend girlie!! hope your appetite makes an appearance 🙂
Likewise, girlie! Hope you have an amazing Memorial Day long weekend!
Hmmm usually not being able to finish breakfast is not my thing. I wake up starving everyday. I wouldn’t worry about it too much. I’m sure you’re appetite will come back soon. For now I would just enjoy the desserts 😉