The sun is shining, my belly is full, and it’s shaping up to be a pretty awesome day. I’m getting ready to head off to church right away before going over to my parents’ for brunch and dinner, but I just wanted to pop in quickly and wish you guys a Happy Easter before I go; and if you don’t celebrate, then I hope you’re having an amazing Sunday and partaking in at least some of the festivities by enjoying some candy and chocolate…
I’m feeling ridiculously sappy and sentimental this morning, so in an effort to save myself some embarrassment I’m going to cut this post short and come back tomorrow with a recap of the weekend.
Happy Easter/Sunday, friends! What’s your favorite Easter candy/tradition?
My family doesn’t really have a lot of holiday traditions, but I was lucky enough this year to be able to spend it with some of my extended family at my grandmother’s. It was great…especially since I haven’t seen most of them since around Christmas! I’m really hoping after the weather warms up a bit more that we’ll be able to plan more activities together!
I actually really like dyeing eggs…but I haven’t done it in YEARS! Hmm, maybe I should try to find a kit at the store since everything is so cheap right now? 😉
Happy Easter girl! I hope you had a wonderful time with your parents. 🙂
I’ve never seen that brand of chocolate anywhere! Are they peanut/nut free? My favourite Easter candy are mini eggs and I definitely ate a lot of those this weekend. 😀 My favourite tradition is just having dinner with my extended family.
They may contain traces of tree nuts, but I haven’t ever had any problems with them.
I’ve got to say I love peeps 🙂 Haha. Sure they’re not the most amazing things tastewise, but they’re so cute I can never pass them up
Happy Easter, Amanda!! I hope your day was filled with joy!
Favorite Easter candy: you already know this, but it’s a tie between Reese’s eggs and Peeps. Favorite tradition: definitely hunting for Easter baskets at the crack of dawn on Easter morning. The bunny would hide them in some pretty strange places. One year, it took me 30+ minutes before I found mine in the oven. 🙂
I hope you had a fabulous Easter weekend dear! Can’t wait to hear all about the recap.
Favorite Easter Candy: The reeses’s pb easter eggs.. yum!
My family has been doing brunch for the past few years and it’s becoming our favorite. We’re not real “dinner party” people, so good food, mimosas, and some outdoor games is usually the best way to go for us!
Happy Easter! I hope you got to enjoy lots of candy and family time! My favorite candy is most definitely starburst jellybeans. There’s something about them that I just can’t get enough of.
Happy Easter!! Loving the Dagoba chocolate. Delicious!
Happy Easter! Mmm Dagoba chocolate ♥
Happy Easter, Amanda! Guess what? I was wrong and my mum actually got me a vegan dark chocolate Easter bunny so I didn’t end up empty-handed :).
Happy Easter!
I live in NY but I am German and my favorite Easter tradition is actually the super tasty vanilla cake in the shape of a lamb that we eat on Easter morning for breakfast. I took me quite some effort to track down a cake mold in lamb shape (and my husband still thinks it’s weird..) but I love it and Easter wouldn’t feel right without it.
That’s awesome! I’m Polish, and although we’ve never baked our own lamb shaped cake, we buy one from the store every year.
Happy Easter, lovely! xxx
Hope your Easter has been wonderful! <3
Haha although I don’t celebrate easter (Passover for me :)!) I still celebrated with lots of chocolate 🙂 But then again, thats not just on easter 😛
I absolutely love the smell and look of Easter lilies 🙂
Happy Easter to you and your family!! Have a wonderful day :).
sap sap sappy is my middle name! xxoo
I thought you were going by corny these days 😛
Aww! Happy Easter! Have an amazing time with your parents.
I’m stuck in Los Angeles working all day but I’ll be wishing I was at home with my family. And I’m definitely planning to stop by the drugstore on my way home this evening to pick up an Easter treat for myself. It’s not a holiday without some chocolate!
And it’s even better when you can really stock up on discount post-holiday chocolate
I love Reese’s eggs! Happy Easter!! 😀
Happy Easter, dear Amanda!
I love the Cadbury eggs 😀
Have a great Easter! I hope the day with your family is relaxing and you enjoy it!
Happy Easter!! Xo
oh man I miss getting a basket! Slash the Easter underwear. I wish I was home to get some of that love! Have a great Easter lady.
Happy Easter Hunn! I just came back from Berlin and am unpacking my shopping coma stuff 🙂
Happy Easter!! I’m in chocolate coma 🙂 x
You and me both 😉
Happy Easter Amanda…hope it’s filed with lots of love, laughter & Mini Eggs :)!
Have a wonderful Easter Amanda!
Those chocolate flavors sound amazing!! YUM!! Happy Easter to you, and have a wonderful day with your family!! My favorite tradition is probably getting a basket of goodies, and having a great dinner!