I’d like to think that I’m a pretty decent person…
I’m polite, I smile at strangers, I don’t mind lending a helping hand, and I do my best to treat everyone with the respect they deserve. That is… until I get hungry, because then it’s a whoooooole other story…
… kind of like that but with less testosterone. The point is that when I get hungry, I get plain mean. Irritable. Snappy. Rude. Impatient. I get what I like to call “Hangry,” and God help you if you come between me and my next meal.
Okay, so that might be a slight exaggeration, but you get the idea. Hunger goes up, mood goes way down.
And to make things even more pleasant, oftentimes anxiety will decide that it wants in on the fun as well. I’ve mentioned before how a drop in blood sugar can leave me feeling like I’m having a panic attack, so when you throw that into the already messy equation, I just become one big headcase.
It’s kind of frustrating. The way my body reacts to being hungry, you’d think that I was still starving myself. Now before anyone goes jumping on me for not eating enough, I should probably say that this sort of thing doesn’t happen very often, as I’ve gotten pretty good at preventing it. What’s annoying is that it still has the potential to happen, and it doesn’t take a whole lot – one missed snack, one delayed meal, and that becomes enough to send me over the edge. Apparently, this isn’t exactly normal…
Most people I know can go a pretty decent amount without eating, and almost no one I’ve come across experiences the same sort of homicidal tendencies when their stomach starts to grumble. Me, on the other hand? 2-3 tops and I start feeling shaky. I know these are all lingering effects of the years I spent starving myself, but come onnnnnn… How long am I going to keep having to pay for past mistakes? Granted, things are definitely on the mend, but I can’t wait for the day where I don’t have to be hyper vigilant about my hunger levels and how often I eat. Until then, I guess I’ll just have to go on keeping an emergency stash of food with me at all times…
… which is something that I guess I can live with 😉 And thus concludes day 2 of NHBPM… Writing about the weirdest thing about your health. Woop! Happy Friday!
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When I get too hungry, I _________.
Do you have any weird health related issues that you have to deal with?
Oh wow, I am an ANGRY hungry person. My poor husband. 😉 It’s so complicated when your body is learning to trust you again after restriction. I’ve found that as time goes by it’s not as urgent or intense – I have better warning signs, or maybe I’m just better at paying attention to them. 😉 Some of us just need food more often, though, so I think it’s cool to go with it!
I’m the same way. If I don’t eat every 3-4 hours I get shaky! And I eat PLENTY! lol. I also get really mad. My body doesn’t like going without food. I think we have a lot in common girl!
I am the SAME way! I honestly don’t understand how the people I work with can go like six, seven, EIGHT hours sometimes without eating! Four hours TOPS for me…and that is the absolute max…which usually works out to be 3 larger meals and 2-3 snacks throughout the day. And I hate it when people comment and say stuff like, “How do you stay so skinny? You eat like ALL the time!” Like it’s a bad thing?! Wth? I wanna be like, “Well lucky for you I eat as often as I do so my mood doesn’t tank and I smack you in the face for saying that!” Oooookay, rant OFF! 😉
I am the exact same way!! It’ gotten so bothersome that I even took notice of it recently. I haven’t really met anyone else who experiences what I do (well now you and a bunch of other bloggers!), and when I mentioned it to a few people they just brushed it off as nothing to worry about. I dunno though – I totally freak out if I go 2-3 hours (even 1 hour) past my hunger cue and get irritable, bitchy, hangry, and even emotional. And yes I hoard food everywhere to try and avoid this! Maybe it is a physical thing and something is off with our bodies?
Yup the “whistle while you WAIT” is kind of key here…so cheers to chocolate stashes and the like right? Actually….keep on doing that even when the crashes are gone lol.
PS- I am doing this NHBPM too thanks too you…writing with prompts is interesting huh?
They definitely give you some interesting things to think about 🙂