Hey boos!
Loved reading about all of your quirky habits – it made me feel a lot less crazy. Kidding. Kidding 😉
It seems like everybody has something that they’re pretty particular about when it comes to food, and honestly… I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that. I mean, in the grand scheme of things, does it really matter that you like to eat with a small spoon? Or that you eat your meals in a certain order?
Even if those kind of preferences did arise at a time when you struggled with disordered thinking, as long as they’re no longer severe enough to interfere with your daily life, then I’m all for it. You like what you like, and if such simple things can make an experience more enjoyable, then hey… why not? It’s time to quit being so nit-picky and stop labelling every little thing as a problem.
I admit that I can be quite guilty of that myself, but more often than not, the little quirks that I notice don’t worry me because, when I look at the bigger picture, I see that everything is juuuuust fine. Take what happened this morning for example…
I’m sure that you guys know how much I love having my eggy bananafied oats for breakfast. I’ve been adding egg whites to my oats for so long that I couldn’t even remember what oatmeal tasted like without them; until this morning, that is, when I opened the fridge and saw…
No. more. eggs.
And this is exactly why I’m moving out – so people can’t steal my food. Kidding. Kind of.
The point is, no eggs meant no eggy oats, and no eggy oats meant no breakfast 😯
Kidding. Obviously. I wasn’t about to starve myself just because someone (Mom. Dad… I don’t know which one of you it was, but I’m giving you both the stank eye…) was a meanie and took the last egg without telling anyone. So what’s a girl to do when she’s starving and her reason for living getting out of bed in the morning has been unfairly snatched away from her?
Go with the flow and work with what she’s got…
The same, but different.
I cooked my oats as I always do, simply omitting the part where I add in the egg white (le boo 🙁). To make up for the missing protein, I made a frosting by mixing protein powder with almond milk (a la Katie), and poured that over top before going to town with the almond butter and pudding goodness…
Did I enjoy it as much as my regular bowl? No, but it was still good.
Was it the end of the world? No, life went on, as it always does.
Sure, breakfast wasn’t as good as I would have liked it to be, but it was just one meal, and it did the job of satisfying my hunger and letting me go on with my day. Besides, it’s not like I’ll never eat breakfast again (Eee… how horrible would that be?). There’s always tomorrow to have my beloved eggy oats, buttttttt I figured… why wait that long… and cooked up a batch for dinner tonight…
Ahh. My day is complete 😀
Obviously, had the option been available to me, I would have chosen to have my eggy oats at breakfast. That would have been my preference. I like them. I want them. Nothing wrong with that. But if I can’t have them? Then I go with the flow… and that is how I know that I’m recovered – because I’m able to adapt to unplanned circumstances. If something like this would have happened to me when I was in the depths of my eating disorder, you could bet that I would have been in the store buying eggs at 6 AM – there was no way I would have been able to handle such a “life-altering” change in my plans.
But now? Now I roll with the punches.
Another example. The other day, I had just finished eating my pre-workout snack…

[cottage cheese, banana, cinnamon, almond butter protein frosting]
…and was literally lacing up my sneakers so that I could head to the gym and get my workout in, when I got a call from my real estate agent saying that I needed to come in and sign some papers 😯
Could I do it later? No, it needed to be done now. But… but… fiiiiiiiine. Thanks to the joys of dealing with banks and endless amounts of paperwork, I didn’t end up getting my workout in that day, which is something that I would have completely freaked out about in the past. But such is life. Things come up. Plans get changes. Wrenches get thrown. And when that happens, all you can do is…
Go with the flow.
It’s not the end of the world if something doesn’t go the way you planned. There’s always tomorrow. And the next day. And the day after that. A bad situation can be turned into a good one. A frown turned upside down. You just have to be a little bit flexible and realize that different can still be good, even if it’s not what you originally wanted.
. – . – . – .
How do you handle it when your plans get thrown? Are you a “go with the flow” kind of person? Or do you have a hard time dealing with the changes?
I remember the days of me having panic attacks from my food not being available that was part of the plan, it was awful. That’s no longer the case, I’m usually pretty good about flip flopping things around and making it work.
I’m still working on “going with the flow” for others things though, because life is to short to try and plan everything. It won’t work.
Hi Amanda<3
Love this!! That you feel good about just going with the flow is fantastic! I used to be more regid about small stuff before. But now,as long as Im in my own kitches so I can make changes that makes me feel safe, Im ok.
But changes like going out for an unplanned dinner, kafe date or any situation that might calls for unplanned food- is much harder for me. I like to know the day before! I would like to be more spontaneous!
Hmm, I’ll have to give that protein “frosting” a try sometime soon! I’m a little weird…I really don’t like change and sometimes I have to just have a pout session for a bit, but then I’m really good at rolling with the punches and accepting it afterwards. There’s been SO much that’s happened in my life over the last couple of years that I just don’t see the point in dwelling on little things…or even big things that are just out of our control. No use in crying over spilled milk, right? Spilled hummus…now THAT’S another story entirely! 😉
Amen! No point in throwing a hissy fit or starving yourself. Just simply “go with the flow”. LOVE IT!! 🙂
Oh man… not all the time, but sometimes I have a really hard time not getting irritated when plans change, or things don’t go my way. But then other times, when plans change so last minute, the lack of time doesn’t leave an opportunity for me to freak out. lol I realize in the last few months that one thing that really sends me into the deep end is when I feel like I have no control over my schedule. When I feel like I don’t have any say, or any control, over my life/schedule/plans and etc, I tend to get irritated, mad, upset, and anxious. That’s when I start trying to gain control in “other areas” if you know what I mean. I never thought I was ‘one of those type people’ who needed to feel in control, but lately I’ve realized I am. And…I’m not sure how to go about fixing that. lol
I think perfectionism has a role to play in all of that. We feel like there’s a “right” way to do things, and if anything deviates from that plan, it makes it less than perfect, and therefore “wrong”. But it helps to remember that just because something is different, doesn’t mean it’s bad. Everything can be turned around 😀
cool post! although going with the flow is easier said than done on some days! i’ve never added egg whites into my oats before……i might have to try it if only to see what it tastes like. I can’t imagine it!
I try my best to “go with the flow”– but not gonna lie, sometimes I get a little irked when plans change last minute on me. I’m trying to get better, I promise!
Oh my gosh, I used to be completely incapable of going with the flow, especially with food (I’m an ED survivor as well). Nowadays I’m much better – the only thing I can’t handle is being hungry – like stranded somewhere for more than five hours without something to eat – but I’m usually good about always carrying energy bars etc around with me. Oh and I suppose my sleep schedule – I’m a serious runner and a full-time student, so I train pretty early in the AM – I don’t like it when life keeps me up late! I stay up when I have to, and I’ll pass up some sleep for quality time with friends (I used to decline hanging out in favor of sleep), but I’m not completely happy with it haha.
also would you mind sharing your oats-to-egg whites ratio?? I find that plain oats just don’t do it for me, and you make the eggy oats sound like something i MUST try! 🙂
When I’m using steel cut, I use 1/4 cup of oats. When using rolled oats, then 1/2 cup of oats. Then I use one or two egg whites, depending… it works both ways. So basically, 1 or 2 whites for every serving of oats 😀
I have such a hard time going with the flow. I am so Type A, when changes happen I freak and stress. My finance on the other hand is the opposite, his personality has actually helped me a little.
I hate going with the flow!!!! I’ll do it if I have to… but I would hate that thing with the realtor!!!! It seriously bugs me when people finish a package of food (like eggs) and just leave the container in the fridge, empty!!!
Lol actually the package was in the recycle bin. I just fished it out for picture purposes 😉
Going with the flow is definitely something I struggle with….but I am working on it. Things can’t always go my way so I have to learn adapt and reeeeelax a little bit more. 🙂
this was a reallyreally good post! I need to learn to be more flexible too. Life always does go on 🙂
No eggs! Oh NO!!! But you adjusted so it is all good 🙂 No freak outs here!
Me on the other hand, I have to be honest, I freak out a little when we are missing a food I was really looking forward to or craving. You come home craving a banana smoothie and there are no bananas! I have to slow down, take a deep breath, listen to my body (haha, this sounds familiar) so I can figure out what I can eat instead to satisfy it.
i’m sorry about your lack of eggs! funny how the one day you are out of eggs, i actually decided to make eggy banana-fied oats. they were just as yummy as you make them look. good luck with your condo extravaganza!
I trryyy to plan ahead so I can have my faves at breakfast, but if I wake up and someone ate the alst banana, all hell breaks loose. No joke.
Haha yeah I’m not sure how I’d handle missing bananas. Eggs were rough enough, but I liveeeeee for bananas.
i love saying that im a go with the flow kind of girl….but im not – i love to plan and i love to see a plan thru!! xoxo
I like to think that I go with the flow, and on most things I think that I do. Sometimes, though I can get a little crabby and upset if something doesn’t go as planned. I’ve definitely noticed that I have become more able to go with the flow when it comes to working out. I used to be so rigid about how much time I exercised, the amount of calories I thought I was burning, etc. Now, if I miss a day or have to cut my workout short…so be it 🙂
I’ve gotten better at going with the flow — in the past I would freaked out and there are still some days that when my routine gets shifted I tend to feel so anxious and unsure. So now I look at those moments as learning experiences — I can always work more on how I react to certain situations.
Eeep! The egg adds so much to oats. I can imagine how it could be a little-less-than perfection, but still good nonetheless, eh? Oats oats oats! Always good.
I’ve become much better at going with the flow in recent years. I used to have a mental breakdown anytime something changed after I finished chemotherapy- “I DON’T WANT TO GO TO CAMP! I HAVE TO TAKE THE BUS! I’VE NEVER TAKEN A BUS! WHAT IF I DON’T LIKE IT! AHHHH!- seriously. Mental. Breakdown. But I’ve learned to better cope with my anxiety as I’ve gotten older, and things are so much easier! It’s a wonderful feeling to accomplish something you weren’t sure you’d be able to do- no matter how small it may’ve been!
Nowadays if plans get thrown, my goofy personality kicks in and I’ll make fun out of just about anything. No, really. Driving three hours in terrible traffic? Talk in funny accents and dance around to terrible music with my dad in the car, of course! Going shopping? Ride the cart down the aisles! Yerp. I’m a kid.
I totally LOL’d at the “stank eye”. I know that look.
Get your fingers out of my peanut butter chocolate trail mix tub! RAWR!
Don’t worry…. I wouldn’t be putting my fingers in your PB chocolate trail mix tub 😉
I get kinda kookoo when stuff doesn’t go according to plan-I’ve gotten much better at being flexible though. In my ED, I used to explode at my dad for touching my yogurt or apples in the fridge because I didn’t want to lose the foods I deemed permissible. I could be pretty diva-ish haha I’m sure glad I’m not that hardcore anymore. I mean I still lash out when my parents steal the last of my favorite food, but not nearly as harsh 😉 Once I’m in my apartment though? All bets are off, the yogurt shall be mine mwahaha! 😀
“quit being so nit-picky and stop labelling every little thing as a problem.”
a.freakin’.men. I think that every little thing – habit, quirk, like, dislike – is often nit-picked a little bit too much…almost like people expect there to be something wrong with you if you have a food blog. I hate that I have to add disclaimers to some things I say just so I know one person (aside from my usual audience, I mean) doesn’t take something the wrong way. hrmph.
I’ve found that things don’t come up missing unless it’s something you really want and are practically imagining eating. But, yeah…I’d way rather improvise than drive to the store. lol.
I’ve found that lately I’m getting much better at dealing with thrown wrenches, too 😛 It’s kinda fun, actually!
Ugh I know what you mean about feeling like you have to play the defensive just because you have a food blog. Sometimes it feels like people are just waiting to jump on you over the silliest things…
It’s funny, a few years ago I had found this clip in a magazine, and I took it out because I wanted to use it as a hanging on my door to distinguish that it was my room. On this card it said, “Change it up”, whenever my ex would walk by it, he’d be like “Sam, this is a lie, you don’t like change at all”. It’s funny, as human beings we are highly able to adapt to change, but in the scheme of it, who seriously likes change? Not many of us, we like to have things in order, and things that feel comfortable to us, that’s why we get used to habits. Years have passed since I had the “change it up” on my door, but after a lot of self-reflection, and figuring out personal things in my life, I can officially say that I am comfortable with “changing it up”, I may not always like it, but, as you said, go with the punches, that’s exactly what I’ve been doing, and funny enough I feel more human for it, I don’t feel like a robot like I once did.
I’m pretty bad about going with the flow. I like to plan, and know what’s going on ahead of time, mostly. And I’d really like to be more spontaneous, and am trying to work on it.
I find that if I’m hanging out with friends I’m pretty open to doing whatever, since I’ve already mentally blocked out the time to hang out. But when people all of a sudden drop by or want to hang out, I’m working on it.
As for food, I sometimes think about what I’d like to eat in advance, but there are lots of meals that I just pull something together, especially when there are leftovers. Gotta play the Using it Up game! 🙂
It amazes me (not in a good way) how such insignificant obstacles like an empty carton of eggs have the ability to ruin a day in the life of someone with an eating disorder. It just goes to show how lost priorities can get in the depths of a disordered mind. I’m glad you’ve overcome that part of your life and are able to see that life is not predictable, and that each day is not going to pan out exactly like the day before. If you’re living your life without any major tragedies (death, illness, poverty, etc.) then you should wake up every morning feeling lucky. This is what I think about when plans stray off path: it could be worse. It could always be worse. Sometimes it takes unexpected obstacles to show us that we’re strong enough to get through minor changes in routine.
I’ve never been a “go with the flow” person, and the ED didn’t make that any better. I know it’s a bad sign, but I won’t do anything that interferes with my daily workout. I’ve missed a fair amount of happy hours and other fun times because I “have” to go to the gym. Yeah, I need to work on that…
I love this! First, because I love to have oatmeal for dinner (and breakfast and lunch…obviously), but also because I so enjoy being spontaneous now that I’ve recovered 🙂
I know this is a random question but where did you get those little bowls? They’re so cute 🙂 .
I picked them up in Winners, and the brand is Tag http://www.tag2u.com/Citrus-Kitchen-Measuring-Bowls/451257/Product
I’m a little late, but I was reading through your post from yesterday and it reminded me of how when I was younger I used to make sure I chewed everything I ate equally on each side of my mouth. Talk about weird eating habits! But on to today’s topic, I think I’m very go-with-the-flow, but for me it took moving in with someone to really get me out of my “stuck” ways. Other people don’t always stick to your plans.
I’m a new-ish reader by the way, and I absolutely love your blog!
Thank you for saying hi, Elle! 😀
I pretty much suuuuck when it comes to going with the flow:/
I’m maybe a tad better with the food aspect than I have been , but I’m very rigid with my exercise plans- I think ill always be struggling/ striving to get a better balance with exercise and not letting my life revolve around it.
I actually find soaking my oats overnight prior to cooking(I do this everytime I have oats) gives a similair- not exactly the same, but GOOD!-texture to using an egg white. I don’t actually like oats at all without doing this!
” that is how I know that I’m recovered – because I’m able to adapt to unplanned circumstances.” Love that and never thought about that being some sort of proof to being recovered. If things didn’t go according to plan back in the ED days, I would probably come close to tears and throw a bf. But now, yes I’d rather stick to the plan, but I understand that things come up and it’s okay to adapt to different situations. I’m glad I’m not the only one who gets bummed out to the max when breakfast isn’t in the range of perfection!
Hi lover!
I am glad you tried protein frosting, but sad you did not love it! I love it with sunwarrior! its the BEST!!!!! Plus with almond butter mixed in too!
Girl, I am so go with the flow, its how I have always been, I just do what makes me happy each day, love to the fullest each day, and roll with whatever is thrown my way ; )
I hope you have a great night! Mike was VERY pleased on the Essie sale ; ) seeing that i usually spend 8 bux usually for one polish ; p
good night! xoxo <3
Oooo no. I liked the frosting itself, just putting it on oats kind of made them too runny, and I like my oats dry lol. And yeah the prices on those polishes are craaaaaazy, but it’s so worth it 😉
ahh i hate it when that happens! Sometimes it can get annoying when things don’t go the way we planned for it to, but I guess it’s life and it takes us in different directions all the time. I’ve learned over time that when plans get thrown, why waste time dwelling over it when it’s already done?… it’s best to just go with the flow 🙂
I’ve become so much better at going with the flow… it’s amazing how things can change and you learn to just DEAL with it. Congrats for flowin’ today, girl! At least you know you’re covered for the next 12 or so days with the eggs 😉
Haha I wish. Eggs go faaaaaast here.
Learning to go with the flow is so important in recovery. I literally posted something this morning about how important it is to not feel like you have to adhere to the routines and schedules you make for yourself. Great minds think alike! Where do you get the caramel pudding by the way? What type is it?
It’s a beautiful thing to break free from all of those routines, for sure 😀 And the pudding is Belsoy http://www.belsoy.ca/homepage/_en/index.html
I used to FREAK OUT if someone took something I wanted to eat. Or even worse, if someone gave me something to eat that I didn’t intend on eating.. wowweee I would get so scared. I’m a lot better with that now. I’m a little less lenient about exercise, but more so than I used to be. I’m fine with taking an extra rest day here and there if I feel I need it, but I feel like I’m skipping cross country practice if I don’t get a workout in when I’m feeling good. Even if there are no formal practices right now, I feel like I need to do something!
it used to be impossible for me to go with the flow, but i’m learning and it’s getting easier now–a few months ago, no workout and no egg whites would have brought instant tears to my eyes and a bad mood to last for hours–it’s not worth it when there is so much to smile about!
at the risk of sounding bizzare, go with the flow makes me think of two things. The Queens of the Stongage song/video annnd findig nemo (“just keep swimming!” hehe)
No more food stealing at your baller new place! =) I’m jealous! I live with a human garbage disposal that always takes my favorite foods. lol
I’m a big planner, but since I also live in a little place I like to call “the world” my plans tend to get thrown off track quite often. With three siblings and two parents they’re are plenty of surprises! I think the past year I’ve managed to get better at going with the flow of things. When I’m at work I usually plan out what I’ll make when I get home for dinner. The other day I got home and my brother had finished off all the greek yogurt, which was gonna be a part of my dinner masterpiece. But I went with the flow and had hummus with my dinner instead 🙂
I honestly feel like I’m able to “go with the flow” more nowadays. It’s a beautiful feeling.
It’s taken me a while since I have always liked pre-planning/logistics/rule structure, but I can finally say that I’m game for spontaneity. I studied abroad in India during my junior year of college, mostly to shock myself into being spontaneous and letting go of the obsession I had with my routines that made it difficult for me to do anything else (when most of the time I wanted to but was confined by my routine compulsions).
Yes, I still plan parts of my day but if something comes up it’s no longer stressful and I have the skills to adapt/substitute/whatnot. It’s life, you only live it once, and I personally don’t want every day to be the same mundane experience.