Oh. you. guys.
Why d’you gotta go warm my heart like that? Your comments on my last post… gah! Absolutely blew me away. You guys are definitely some of my most favorite people in the whole entire world 😀
And speaking of favorites, I’ve been seeing a lot of “Friday favorites” posts popping up around the blog world over the last little while, and since I like to keep my Friday posts light, and I have a massive collection of pictures that somehow never make it to the pages of my blog, I thought I’d do a favorites post to give you guys a little glimpse into what I’ve been loving this week… hope you enjoy!
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Dessert for breakfast…

Oats with pudding and almond butter. This is by far my favorite breakfast. No matter how many times I try and switch things up in the morning, I always come back to this combination. Is it the healthiest way to start the day? Eh. Probably not. Do I care? Clearly… which is why I eat it more often than not…
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Breakfast for lunch…
Since dessert for breakfast doesn’t really count as breakfast, I figure having a real breakfast around lunchtime is a good idea. Lately it’s been in the form of my favorite yogurt mess (Greek yogurt, Kashi Honey Sunshine, puffed wheat, Puffins, trail mix) and a smoothie. Oh, and speaking of smoothies…
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Frozen mango…
Oh. my. word. I got a little burnt out on bananas the other day (don’t worry, the condition has since cleared up), so I decided to throw some frozen mango into my vanilla tofu protein pudding in place of the banana. Can we say new obsession? Yes. Yes we can. This one’s a winner for sure…
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Spending time outside…

The weather has been absolutely gorgeous [for the most part] since summer officially arrived, and I’ve been spending every available moment outside soaking in the sun.
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I. am. addicted… The other day, I ate an entire cantaloupe that was literally the size of my head over the course of the afternoon. Oh come on… like you’ve never eaten your weight in fruit before. Don’t lie!
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Books, books, and more books…

One thing that I love about being done with school is that I have more time to read for pleasure since I no longer have to spend all of my time with my nose buried in a textbook. I just finished up Divergent, by Veronica Roth, which actually reminded me a lot of The Hunger Games – so if you liked those books, you’d probably like this one as well. Now I’m in the middle of The Help, and really loving it as well.
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Sweet and Savory Oats…
You probably saw this one coming… Sometimes I eat “real” dinners, but more often than not… I don’t. I used to be really big on the whole “dinner has to be dinner food” thing, which meant that dinner could never be sweet, needed to have lots of veggies, and had to have the right amount of protein/fat/carbs; but after being left unsatisfied after too many of those kind of meals, I decided to scrap that idea and just started going with whatever I was craving instead. The result? A happy tummy, a satisfied mind, and, dare I say it, more energy and less digestive complaints than ever before? Win, win 😀
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What was the last book that you read?
What have you been loving this week?
I think it’s awesome that you eat what you want when you are craving it instead of what you are ‘supposed to be eating’.
For me, it’s hard to know exactly what I want, though. Since I didn’t eat so many foods for so long, it’s like I want everything!
But I’m working on the balancing act 🙂
And I am almost done with Mockingjay! the third book of the Hunger Games. I couldn’t put these down!
I am planning on reading the Help soon 🙂 I heard it’s great!!
Loving this week? Hmm.. well I LOVED my long run this morning. And my big bowl of oatmeal afterwards 🙂
I love the Help!!! Such a good book and the movie’s coming out soon!!! I recently finished Keeping the Moon and The Dive From Clausen’s Pier. 🙂
I’ve never tried frozen mango but I’ve had it dried and fresh! I love love love mango so much. Although my mother denied me trying it for a long time because she had never eaten it herself (as in- she didn’t know how to tell it was ripe, how to go about eating it, etc. She had eaten it at restaurants, I’m sure). I wish I would have tried it sooner! It’s like a sour peach, and I love sour things. And peaches. And eating my weight in fruit. HAHA!
I’m like you- I can appreciate a good “dinner”-dinner, but nothing satisfies me like oatmeal or yogurt or something sweet, no matter the time of day! I do love my tofu, though… nomnomnom!
Dessert for breakfast is so the way to go! I had a day like that a bit yesterday, oats with chocolate in the morning and a chocolate cherry green smoothie for lunch! Oh, and I’m totally with you on the melon although for me its all about the strawberries right now! Hope you have a great weekend 🙂
Great pictures, I loved The Help too and I totally eat my body weight in fruit (not sorry about it one bit). I love my peanut butter and pumpkin oats in the morning and I’m a big omelet fan for dinner so I don’t play by those dinner rules either. Right now I’m reading The Secret Lives of the Kudzu Debutantes by Cathy Holton…not bad so far, I’ll keep you posted!
Great pictures, I loved The Help too and I totally eat my body weight in fruit (not sorry about it one bit). I love my peanut butter and pumpkin oats in the morning and I’m a big omelet fan for dinner so I don’t play by those dinner rules either. Right now I’m reading The Secret Lives of the Kudzu Debutantes by Cathy Holton…not bad so far, I’ll keep you posted!
gorgeous photos! last book I read was Audrey Hepburns autobiography (succcch a fan) and this week I’ve been loving protein french toast (extraaaa eggs in the batter!)
yum I’m loving the cantaloupe. I’ve been downing melons and cantaloupes like it’s no one’s business. Kyle and I go through at least 1 cantaloupe a day easy. I just bought the new rules of weight lifting for women! I’ve been seeing it pop up everywhere and I finally went out and bought it. I also just finished James Patterson’s book 10th Anniversary!
dessert for breakfast.. GOOD CALL!!!!! i loveee cantaloupe!! i had it yesterday twice!!… SKinny was the last book i read!!
i missed you darling! i’ve been thinking of revamping my blog too. hope all is well! and i totally approve of breakfast for all 3 meals a day :]
Love it!!
Some Friday (Saturday..) favorits of mine : Sweet potato+maple+AB+cinnamon, the colour of my new running shoes, the members of the gym I work at (they are too cute), YOU, Rapunzel chocolate and the salary I got this month (more than doble of what I usually get :DD)!
Have a great weekend Sweetie <3
Ahhh Puffins and Kashi Sunshine – perfect combo!! 🙂 I’ve been eating my weight in fruit for weeks now, I just cant get enough! And I’ve been buying fresh mangoes and chopping them up to put in the freezer for smoothies too!
I don’t read that many books to be honest, I’m a fashion magazine girl 😉 Not the trashy gossip ones though and ones full of diets *rolls eyes* so annoying!
Lovin’ this week? Tonnes and tonnes of fruit, yogurt messes, cookies and muffins (as always :P) and all of your amazing posts – honestly, they make my day everyday!! 🙂
gosh, you seriously have the best photos! I’m not even a cantaloupe fan and I want to eat that cantaloupe! major props to you and your photo skills 🙂
I am however a huge fan of dessert for breakfast and breakfast for lunch or dinner! can’t get enough breakfast. ever.
I’m currently about 87% into Jane Eyre (yes, 87%. my lovely kindle lets me be so specific) 🙂 The last book I read before that was a very short novella called The Lake by Banana Yoshimoto (yes it’s a pen name) and in between I’ve been reading the Nana manga series by Ai Yazawa (I’ve never read any manga before this series but it’s seriously addicting!)
I LOVE all of your Friday faves. There is always a good time of day for eating oatmeal, sweet or savory! 🙂 And I have been eating cantaloupes (and other melons) on a daily basis lately, in amounts more than big 🙂
Lately I have been loving oatmeal with tahini+raw cocoa+raspberry-banana softserve. Melons. Summer storms. Russian literature.
The Help was the last book I read and I absolutely loved it! As I was nearing the end, I majorly slowed down my reading pace and savored each page! And I’m so with you: breakfast for breakfast, lunch, and/or dinner is perfectly fine!
This week I’ve been upping my weights and totally loving my workouts. I feel like I’m cheating on running! I’ve been reading a lot this week too, I love the little things that I have extra time for in the summer 🙂
mmm i love so many of these things! dessert for breakfast = yes. i love eating chocolate at breakfast. i also love having breakfast for lunch, because i just really love breakfast. ive been eating melon almost everyday and though i havent been reading many books lately i do love them. the last book i read was gabrielle hamilton’s memoir blood bones and butter which i HIGHLY recommend. so good. ive been loving hikes and spending time with friends. and coffee. especially iced coffee =)
I wish we got the pudding that you have on your oats in NZ because I am really eager to try it! Daaaaaaaarn!
At the moment I’m loving The Kite Runner. It is absolutely amazing so far and I’m not even half way through!
This week I’ve been loving the fact that it’s supposed to be winter here and it doesn’t even feel like it. LOVE 😛
I’m pretty sure I’ll be reading Atlas Shrugged for the rest of my life. Note to self: do not purchase books longer than 500 pages tops (let alone double that and then some). I really loved The Help. I was afraid the ending would be disappointing (a good ending is so hard to pull off), but I was pleasantly surprised by how well she wrapped everything up 🙂 I’m not a fan of cantaloupe. I know, feel free to unfriend me.
I think your bright, crisp, incredibly delicious looking photos have definitely been one of my favorites this week, can’t lie. Another favorite has been the ability to eat not-so-fancy meals the past 6 days while hubby + bro-in-law prep for a marathon weekend. No recipe books, no print-outs, just a protein, a grain, some spice, veg, and a pot or pan. Simplicity tastes deliciously satisfying!
Happy weekend!
Dessert for breakfast, sounds yummy. Who says dessert has to be at the end the day?
I’ve been wanting to read the help. I’m actually on the waiting list right now. Whoever currently has it needs to hurry there butt up 😉
Last book I read was sense and sensibility. I actually just went to the library today and got some new books. Can’t wait to get my readin’ on.
Haha I buy myself fruit the will be gone that day. Love eating my way through a watermelon…anyday! 🙂 Love the idea of pudding in oatmeal…
i love your blog. you make me feel normal, its a great sigh of relief.
Your favorites are beautiful. Oats, yogurt, fruit and almond butter…whats not to love? And using cantaloupe as a bowl, I wouldent have it any other way :).
I read The Help also, and loved it. I just finished The Mulberry Tree by Jude Deveraux and found it suprisingly good. It was a fortunate accidental read.
I have been loving my frozen Yogurt Bowls lately. They take awhile to eat from being in the freezer and the crunchy cereal is the perfect topping.
Stay gorgeous!
I have totally eaten my weight in fruit before…talk about fiberific!!! All your food looks delish as always…but that mango pudding looks especially good! I don’t like fresh mango but for some reason I love it frozen!
Your day is my dream day–good books, breakfast for every meal, large amounts of oats, and sunshine-y weather. LOVE IT!! 😀 I must copy your lunch time greek yogurt mess, too, it looks delish!
You’ve been loving some good stuff! I have breakfast for lunch all the time, too except it’s usually in the form of eggs or french toast.
I should probably read more than I do but I have a really, really hard time getting through an entire book. Even if there’s only 20 pages left I end up not finishing it somehow!
i just want to come live with you. man…your food always looks so amazing!! stunning photo skillz, too. basically, i just adore you 😉
sad to say, i can’t remember the last book i read :X I keep saying “I need to get a book” lately because I’ve actually felt like reading something…but have been failing to make it to the library! *hides face in shame*
i just want to come live with you. man…your food always looks so amazing!! stunning photo skillz, too. basically, i just adore you 😉
sad to say, i can’t remember the last book i read :X I keep saying “I need to get a book” lately because I’ve actually felt like reading something…but have been failing to make it to the library! *hides face in shame*
have you ever considered pursuing photography as a career? I love your pictures!
I have breakfast for lunch 99.2% of the time 🙂 Why not?
This week i’ve been lovin; iced coffee, sunshine, and jewelry shopping for prom!
Books- Cutting for Stone, and The Forgotten Garden.
I eat my weight in fruit everyday, and cantalope is one of my favorite fruits. A bookstore close to where I live has a buy 3 books get the 4th free, and I am super stoked to go buy 4 books. One of which will be The new Rules of weightlifting, the other three I’m not sure yet, but I’ve heard a lot of good things about The Help 🙂
I have been reading so much lately too! I have flown through so many books. I love summer soley for reading! 🙂
Hooray for breakfast for lunch! It’s so hot that I’ll probably do the same today. A big bowl of yogurt with all-bran cereal (the thing I’ve been loving this week) sounds like a good idea for lunch.
I can’t find anything good in English so I am rereading old books. For now I don’t mind it 🙂 .
Ah, I love frozen mango in smoothies. Even better is mango AND banana. Frozen mango was on my grocery list today, but the store I went to was out, so I bought frozen peach slices instead…which are also great in smoothies!
By the way, I used to be like that too…about dinner food. I thought it should consist of classic dinner ingredients, and contain vegetables. Breakfast was for breakfast. Funny how so many people suffer from the same disorderly thinking. None of it even makes sense! During the time in my life when I was underweight, I never fell into a distinct eating disorder category, but I realize now that a lot of my thoughts were similar to the thoughts of girls with eating disorders. I think my biggest problem was not eating what I truly wanted. I’m so glad to see people (like you) eating breakfast for dinner and not giving a shit! It makes me happy. That’s the way life should be.
Anyway, the last book I read was “A Friend of the Family” by Lauren Grodstein. I liked it! I’ve been doing a lot of pleasure reading too. It’s great!
Brinner is always a staple here at least a few times a month =) some days i’ll have dinner foods for breakfast and breakfast for dinner and by the next day I dont know which way is up and which is down =) haha
love ya! happy friday!!!!
Pancakes for dinner is a staple around here. Nothing wrong with it 😉
Haha I just did my faves too! We are SO twinsies, specially since I am a HUGE dessert for breakfast and breakfast for lunch person! 😀
I LOVED The Help!! Amaaaazing book!! I’m currently reading an Amanda book. You’ll see 😉
Loving this week? Er, CARAMEL PUDDING ON MY OATMEAL and you 🙂
You must read “Room” by Emma Donaghue.
It blew me away. Honest. What a book.
Before that I finished up “Summer & The City” (the second book in the Sex and the City prequels).
Reading “Matched” now and have 2 more ready to go.
On another note,
I wish I had your bravery.