Because there’s a good and bad side to everything…
Fabulous… the success of the first Thinking Out Loud linkup. Floored. Absolutely floored. In no way, shape, or form did I expect such a positive response on the first run, and you guys absolutely blew me away. I seriously had such a blast reading all of your random thoughts, especially because it introduced me to a lot of new-to-me blogs that I’m kind of smitten with. Definitely looking forward to making it a weekly thing here on Spoons, and there’s now a special page for it up top ^^ for anyone who wants to learn more.

Not so fabulous… having to wait another week to do it again 🙁
Fabulous… it’s Friday!
Not so fabulous… Despicable Me 2 is now out on DVD, but I can’t watch it because I put it on my wish list and have to wait until Christmas to open it. But!… it’ll make Christmas extra special 😀
Fabulous… spending a cozy night by the fire with the tree all lit up.
Not so fabulous… spending a cozy night by the fire with the tree all lit up because my furnace stopped working and I literally couldn’t move more than 3 feet away from the fireplace without the risk of freezing.
Fabulous… mooching heat by hanging out in my building’s gym.
Not so fabulous… having to go back to my cold condo after 20 minutes because I couldn’t last on the treadmill any longer than that. Okay that’s a lie. I was in there for 40 minutes, but 20 of those minutes were spent “stretching” (read: browsing the internet on my iPad) on the mat.
Fabulous… coming up with a delicious new recipe for a thick and creamy kabocha pudding.
Not so fabulous… not paying attention to the measurements, thereby not being able to share it with you guys. DO OVER!
Fabulous… heading to the mountains tomorrow! Whoop whoop!
Not so fabulous… still needing to pack for aforementioned trip to the mountains.
Fabulous… The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug comes out today!
Not so fabulous… the fact that I probably won’t be able to see it until I get back next week…
Fabulous… Christmas — T minus 12 days.
Not so fabulous… Christmas shopping — I haven’t even started 😯
Happy Friday [the 13th], friends!
Your turn! What’s been:
Not so fabulous…
And… how are you doing on your Christmas shopping?
OH! AND… anything special on your Christmas list that you can’t wait to get?
Oh no, I hope you get your heat working again soon! Even with a nice warm fire it’s not fun to have no heat.
Happy Friday! Love this post 🙂
Fabulous…Work being quiet for the next three weeks.
Not so fabulous…The weather. Damn Canadian winters.
Christmas shopping? ALMOST done. Need to still get my Dad something. What do you get for the person who has everything?
Anything special on your Christmas list that you can’t wait to get? The Vitamix. I know. A bold request… We’ll see 🙂
PS – Can’t wait for that pudding recipe!
Happy Friday, Amanda! I hope your heat gets up and running asap! That’s no fun!
I would love to live somewhere where I could snowboard all the time well it would be skiing for me! Your definition of stretching is funny lol I do that a lot!! What’s fabulous for me is that I’m done with my finals and tonight I’m leaving with two of my best girlfriends to head to Las Vegas for the weekend!
Oh gosh — have the most AMAZING time in Vegas! I seriously love that city.
I, probably, as many here, can’t wait to see your new recipe! I still had one pumpkin that about two weeks in my case lie… Quite strange, considering that recently I added pumpkin in ALL food 🙂
It is fantastic that New Year will come already soon… And my examinations too! Obviously, bad party.
I don’t think of gifts much because I is far from the family and friends, and for new university friends I will think up something lovely – can, I will bake cookies or something it seems 🙂
I alwayssss forget to measure things hahah I just throw stuff together and hope it tastes good and then if/when it does I’m like oh shoot. Your tree is beauuuutiful–I am jealous. What’s fabulous? It’s Friday and I don’t really have plans this weekend, which I’m kind of excited about. Not so fabulous? My hip flexors being tight when I sit at work…aka all the time.
Done with Christmas shopping and sooo happy I am. You should probably get on that…haha and good luck at the malls. Seriously, though.
You have such a beautiful home, Amanda. I’m jealous, I can admit it 😉
Fabulous for me: getting to bake more Christmas cookies this weekend, my Aunt from Atlanta coming to spend the holidays with us, and I get to make a big breakfast for my family tomorrow.
Not so fabulous: I’ve actually got no complaints to think right now 🙂
I haven’t done any Christmas shopping. Like, at all. It’s just terrible. *hangs head*
I haven’t started Christmas shopping yet either!! Uh oh. I seriously have to get a move on that because I have t-minus one week to grab a present for a family gift exchange. Have so much fun on the mountains! Get it girl.
That’s a bummer you don’t have heat in your condo… brrr!! Also, bummer you have to wait to watch Despicable Me2… can you believe I’ve never seen the first one? It looks cute, I really want to though. I’m really hoping for a spiralizer for x-mas, but have no idea if anyone got it for me… bet you can guess what I’ll be buying after x-mas otherwise! 😉
You NEED to see it! It was one of those movies that I totally glanced over as well, but J made me watch it and it became one of my favourites.
I just stumbled upon your blog and I love it! Your tree/living room is absolutely perfect <3
That kabocha soup looks AMAZINGGGG. I cannot wait for you to do-over and do tell! 😉 Ha, cheesy, I apologize.
My fabulous was having all of my Christmas shopping done! Not so fabulous, walking the gift bags out to the living room, one of the bags broke, thus, all the gifts inside shattered. DO-OVER. Seeing that Yankee candle and coffee mug break sent me through the roof. So I’ll be right there with ya doing Christmas shopping 😉
Be safe on the slopes this weekend! <3
Fabulous is hot coffee in the morning while sitting next to the Christmas tree.
Not so fabulous… spilling coffee all over your family room carpet. Yeahhhh.
I bought ONE gift so far. One. Not two. One. Oy.
At least I made Christmas cookies last night… It counts for something, right?!?!
One gift is still one more than I have 😉 And Christmas cookies could always be passed off as presents.
Your pudding looks divine! Swoon!!! And how cozy does your tree look by your fireplace! Sorry to hear about your furnace! No buenos!
Fabulous… my Christmas shopping is almost done! And I did most of it online-score!
Not so fabulous… wrapping said gifts! I hate wrapping! LOL
I HAVEN’T STARTED CHRISTMAS SHOPPING EITHER! The first gift I pulled up to buy is on back order until February so I’m trying to decide what to do!
Fabulous: back to work with Big Kid today!
Not so fabulous: Peanut is in the Children’s Hospital here thanks to an infection he picked up in Philly and will have to stay there for a few more days (but it’s fabulous they’re back in Pittsburgh and not stuck across the state anymore).
Not done with our Christmas shopping sadly, but we’re not coming home on Sunday until we are, so that will be a win! And I can’t wait to open Despicable Me 1 and 2…everyone will enjoy watching those soon after 😀
Christmas shopping is DONE. Well, I’m calling it done at least 🙂
I have NO IDEA what I’m getting for Christmas. I’m visiting my mom Christmas Day, last year it was Body Shop and chocolate so I’m expecting something similar this year. From my dad? No clue. Gift cards would be awesome 🙂 I’ve just been buying myself gifts this year – being a grown up is awesome.
Still jealous over your Naked3 palette 😛 I think the dog sled carrying mine went missing a la Balto 😕 And yes, being able to buy your own gifts has it’s perks, but it takes away some of the magic from Christmas!
You had so many people link up to your post yesterday! That is super exciting! Your house looks super warm (especially in this cold). I need to do a few more things towards Christmas shopping and also it’s the boyfriend’s birthday next weekend.
Wow girlfriend you had such a great link up! Love it!! Maybe I’ll participate next week 🙂
Enjoy the mountains this weekend. Hopefully you stay warm!
Your house decorated for Christmas.. holy Beautiful! Oh goodness girl, can I move in?
fabulous… catching up on some DVRed shows this weekend
Not so fabulous… finding out I could be out for 2-4 weeks 🙁
That photo of your tree and fireplace is GORGEOUS! Wow!
Fabulous… It’s FRIDAY! Not so fabulous… The weather. It’s dreary and gross looking!
Your house looks SO COZY! But I hope that furnace is back up and running asap!
I just started Christmas shopping this morning ha! So I’m right there with ya on being late. But there’s something to be said for doing it somewhat last minute…I think I’m more creative under pressure 😉
Fabulous: FINALLY starting that Christmas shopping and having some time to do it this weekend.
Not so fabulous: I have no idea what to get for half the people on my list and I have a much smaller budget this year!
Thanks for hosting Thinking Out Loud yesterday- it was so much fun! Can’t wait to do it again 🙂
Thanks for joining up, Anna! Good luck with your Christmas shopping.
Wow, as a kabocha fan for several years now, I am very intrigued and curious about the kabocha pudding recipe and definitely look forward to seeing it!
You mean…that’s not the right way to stretch?! I’ve been doing it wrong all this time… :-p
And I am jealous that you have a fireplace. My parents have one, and when I was still living there I had a permanent seat right in front of it all winter. It was so, so lovely.
And I’m intrigued by this pudding! Good thing I always have kabocha in the apartment :-p
Fabulous: Atti getting the cone off and his eye healing.
Not-so-fabulous: without the cone in the way, he’s remembering how much he likes to chew on my couch cushions…good thing he’s cute 😉
Happy Friday love!
😆 Poor Atti! Maybe that’s his way of saying he wants new toys for Christmas?
Ah hope it warms up in your place soon! Good idea to head to the gym 🙂 Have fun snowboarding this weekend!
Love your tree and fireplace, looks so festive! Bummer about the furnace being out, hope it’s fixed now? I have finished Christmas shopping for my mother and brother. Just need to figure out my dad, and then a few friends and their kids. That’s the hard part lol!
Fabulous…. my boyfriend came to visit me!
Not so fabulous…. he is currently broken out in hives from an allergic reaction to soap AND suffering an overly nasty head cold + sore throat. I think we will be cancelling our supper reservations for tonight and opting for a cosy night in…complete with antihistamines and hot ginger tea for him!
Your tree is so beautiful! Have fun snowboarding 🙂
Is that picture from your condo? It is absolutely gorgeous, very classic and elegant looking tree.
Need that pudding. Please!
Fabulous…last night I ushered at the playhouse for our Christmas production. It was a blast! Very campy with loads of contemporary music, witty banter, dancing, and a snow machine in the courtyard. The children in the audience were delighted. Being California natives this was probably the most snow they’d seen!
Not so fabulous… I have not even started shopping for Christmas or writing Christmas cards or packing for my trip home or anything else that I planned to get done. Could we transplant a few days from dreary February or March to buy me some time?
Happy boarding! Stay warm, I do not know how you survive in a furnace-less Canadian condo. Brrrrrrrrrrrrrr! I’d send you some sun if I could afford the postage…
Thanks Sarah! Yup — that’s home sweet home. And I’m fully on board for the movement to transplant days from later. I seriously have no idea how I’m going to get everything done.
You are so creative! I love the different themes you come up with and this (fabulous not so fabulous) is definitely on my top 5 favorite blog theme list! Fabulous: My lesson plans are done through next Week… woot woot! Not So Fabulous: I still have to show up to implement said lesson plans.
Ha! I love the Keep calm and Santa pic! Your condo looks gorgeous! Fabulous was getting done with Christmas cards and mailed out earlier in the week and hitting up the food store last night to get all of my baking supplies out of the way! Baking is next…and it should be fabulous. I hope…I was awesome last year. Hope to replicate! 🙂
Happy Friday!
Girl, that pudding!! Please search your brain for the measurements! 🙂
Fabulous was last nights office-christmas-party. Not so fabulous is today – dead tired (in bed at 4am) and a little hungover. So worth it.
I have part of the present for Mom. That’s it. I’m horrible. What do you get for J? I have no freaking idea what to buy for Sandro.
Happy weekend my favorite blend!!
Ha! Oh I remember nights like that. Always worth it.
And we opted out of buying presents this year since J was up here visiting me and I’ll be going to visit him after the new year. Shopping for guys is seriously always the worst, though. I don’t even know what to get for my dad…
So happy your link up was a major success! Your living room looks beautiful! Hope you get the furnace fixed today.
I keep my house so cold I probably wouldn’t notice the heat not working lol. I hope it is fixed for you soon…Have a blast this weekend, especially since you need a break from the kitchen! I never write down or remember my “recipes” which really makes it hard when I want to share them or even recreate them a second time.
Ooooh…your tree looks so pretty! Oh my kabocha pudding…I’m excited about that one for sure!
About 2 years ago, our furnace stopped working during the coldest week ever. It was horrible! I camped out by the fireplace too. I totally feel your pain!
Fabulous…it’s FRIDAY!!!! Not so fabulous…I still need to finish up Christmas shopping – I’m so behind this year.
FRIDAY!! best fabulous ever!! (ok maybe not more than finding out what i’m having haha) not so fabulous? these cold temps!!!! fabulous?? potential for snow days at school!!!!!!!!!
Happy for you, lady! Congratulations again 🙂
I want kabocha pudding, and elf, preferably in bed, right now. Gahhhhhh Amanda I don’t want to move! I’m way too cozy and it’s freezing outside. So I guess that’s my not-so-fabulous
That pudding *drooool*..of course I will most likely be converting it to butternut squash pudding 😉 . I watched Dispicable Me 2 twice and LOVED it. Ohmygoose how are living without heat!?
Fabulous is… seeing out-of-town family after ages <3
Not so fabulous… drowning in paperwork that I haven't even started on :-/
Have fun snowboarding!
I( really want to see the hobbit but I am waiting for my sister. so weird, but whenever I hear a trailor for that movie I think of you. Just so your type of movie, wish we could see it together. Glad you are happy with your overwhelming success of your link up. I personally love the theme so I am a fan. Your apartment is adorable with the tree.. mine has zero decorations… still. whooops
But you have an excuse because you’re GOING HOME SOON! 😀
Sorry about your heat! Hope you were able to stay warm lastnight! I live in Georgia where we consider it cold if it dips below 60° F so I cannot even imagine Canadian cold! brrrrr…..
I am almost completely done with my shopping just have to place one more order and I think that will be it! I have asked Santa for a Clarisonic Mia 2 so assuming I’m on his nice list I will look forward to trying that out very soon! Stay warm!!
I love my Clarisonic! Although be prepared for your skin to go through a minor purging phase when you first start using it. It doesn’t last too long!
Thanks! That is really good to know!
I’ve never had kabocha or heard of it made into pudding. Looking forward to seeing that recipe!
Hahaha – your definition of “stretching” made me laugh – sounds a lot like my definition of “yoga” 🙂
Sorry bout your furnace – gah that’s not cool in your neck of the woods…oh wait, i think i should say – that’s just brutally cold! That pudding looks seriously delish!!!
You rock for putting a “thinking out loud tab” up top!
I haven’t even started shopping yet…I NEED a coffeemaker…not sure my old and “sparky” one will last till Christmas …might include it as an early Christmas present to myself when am out shopping Saturday! 🙂
Fabulous would be the Christmas Initiative carried out by my church this Saturday that I am super psyched to be helping out with! While I am not crazy bout shopping – I do love shopping for others…and enjoying the decorations around! Not so fabulous would be my Mr. “sparky” coffee machine!
Ack! A coffee maker on its death bed is definitely cause for concern! Have you ever considered getting a Keurig? I’ve had mine for a couple of months now and I seriously -adore- that thing. Minimal clean up and you can brew your own coffee if you get the filter.
Hope your Christmas Initiative goes fabulously!
Ah I hope your furnace gets fixed soon! It’s too cold for all that!
Fabulous – getting to cook and bake lots of goodies for next week’s three Christmas parties
Not so fabulous – lots of snow and ice coming by way tomorrow that will make going to the grocery store difficult!
Happy Friday girl!