Hi friends! ๐
Aaaah you guys are wonderful. Thank you for being so sweet and supporting my survey addiction by playing along and sharing your own answers. What would I do without ya?
As for the hush-hush info that I was going to share with you, the news is that… well, that there is no news ๐ I thought that I had found a new place to call home, but after some careful consideration, it turns out that it wasn’t exactly what I wanted, so I decided to pass.
Unfortunately, that means that there’ll be more running around like a headless chicken in my immediate future, which means that a lot of my meals/snacks will continue to be eaten in this manner:
Love it. Except not really.
I’m the kind of person that likes to sit down and enjoy a meal, like so:
[buckwheat kasha with sautรฉed mushrooms, onions, and spinach, topped with sunflower seed butter; roasted asparagus coated in olive oil and garlic, topped with marinara sauce and hemp seeds]
Even though I rarely ever actually sit down at the table to eat (hello desk, couch, bed, etc.), I still like to be able to enjoy my food in a leisurely manner – I hate feeling like I have to rush through a meal.
Well, because I eat slow, for one thing. Ever since I was little, I was always the last one to get up from the table; it’s just how I work. And for another thing, eating too quickly makes me enjoy what I’m eating a lot less. I like to savor my meals, to make the act of eating an experience as opposed to a mere necessity.
[Greek yogurt with a muffie salvaged from the depths of my freezer]
Unfortunately, that’s not always possible. School. Work. Obligations. Errands. Lifeย shows up and gets in the way. You can’t always eat when you want. You can’t always eat where you want. And you can’t always eat what you want. Le boo.
I used to have a bigย problem with this. When I was recovering from my eating disorder, I basically lived to eat. My whole day revolved around my scheduled meal times, as I would haveย to be at home at certain times so that I could eat certain things. Grabbing something while I was out was out of the question, and packing snacks? To be honest, most of the time I would rather pass on whatever it was that required me to be out for extended periods of time, and choose to stay home instead. Home, where I could eat whatever it is that I wanted in peace and quiet.
[Greek yogurt, fresh strawberries, Kashi GoLean]
Obviously, that’s neither a very practical or realistic approach to life. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to savor and enjoy a meal, but there isย something wrong when that’s allย that you want.
Food isn’t simply fuel, but neither is it life. I don’t believe that we should only “eat to live”, but neither do I believe that we should “live to eat”. A balance needs to be struck, and I’m still working on finding mine.
My days no longer revolve around scheduled meal times, but they do tend to be influenced by them. If I have a lot of errands to run, I usually try to take care of them in a way that will allow me to come home for lunch/dinner. If I want to exercise, I usually try to do it after I’m able to eat a snack. Sometimes things work out the way I want them to, and sometimes they don’t. The difference is that now I’m actually able to adapt to situations where I can’t have my way, whereas before I would simply pass on them. Snacking in the car and packing lunches may not be my favorite thing to do, but that’s life…
Suck it up, smile, and enjoy ๐
[eggy bananfied steel cut oats, a fresh peach, melted coconut butter, cinnamon]
. – . – . – .
What’s your take on the whole “eat to live” vs. “live to eat” issue? Should food simply be seen as fuel, or is it something more? And how do you balance the two?
Do you eat more of your meals/snacks at home, or while you’re out? Which do you prefer?
I’m with you – I like to eat at home and enjoy my meals, because I like to enjoy food – but if I need to pack up lunch (like I did every day last week!) it’s fine too – sometimes it’s fun to make something different and portable just cos..it’s different. Snackwise, i LIKE the excuse to not be at home cos it means I’ll eat through my bar stash :p Bars eaten at home are over too fast, but are perfect on the run ๐
Food is definitely more than fuel to me but not my life. Like yourself, I used to plan my life around mealtimes and leave no room for flexibility. I’m glad I saw the light and while I do prefer to sit down and enjoy a balanced meal, sometimes snacks/bars are more appropriate so I just roll with it.
I’m definitely an eat at girl home. I love to eat at my house or at least my bf’s house. I really don’t like eating on the go or in a hurry. All your meals look delish ๐
In order to fully enjoy a meal I must be sitting down at a proper tablesetting. I learned this from reading “French Women Don’t Get Fat” and really, I could never go back to eating Taco Bell on my commute. And yes, I used to do that daily – gross, right?
Most days I eat to live but when I’m on vacation or on a business trip I definitely learn to enjoy food more and I end up living to eat. I did this the entire last week!
I’m a pretty slow eater too. I eat my morning bowl of oats while reading blogs which usually takes at least 30-40 minutes. Gotta love distractions ๐ I don’t think food should only be viewed as fuel because it brings pleasure and joy, but I don’t think it’s good to only live to eat either. A balance between the two is something I’m looking for as well. I used to panic when I wasn’t able to be home and eat a meal. I enjoy being at home to have a meal much more than grabbing something on the go. Lately I’ve learnt to pack a granola bar or a snack with me. Although, I still forget sometimes and don’t enjoy it as much, I’ve found a way to deal with it instead of dragging through my days without energy because I’m not at home having my set meals. I’d love to hear what kinds of snacks you pack. I’m getting sick of my granola bars haha.
Haha I suck at packing snacks as well. I can’t eat a lot of the bars out there because of my allergies to peanuts, so I usually have to make my own. This is where cookies, muffins, cookie dough balls, or a banana with a jar of almond butter come in handy ๐
Hmmm, I think there are downsides to both. I would like to say I live to eat, but I also live to do many many other things that I love. I love food (obviously), but it’s not the sole obsession in my life. That’s not healthy. I hate having to eat while driving. I’m a bad enough driver when I’m not digging into a jar of almonds (which I was totally doing on the way to work yesterday…).
This is really interesting! I think that food should be enjoyed…but I also think that the foods we eat should be ones that fuel us (at least most of the time…indulgences should still happen). I’m not really sure how to balance them…but all I know is that if I thought of food only as fuel, I don’t think I would be too happy out it. I like my food…and I should be able to enjoy it. What is life if I don’t?
im so sorry to hear about the apartment. ;( I cannot imagine how stressful it must be. I just hope that you find your perfect place sometime very soon ๐
I definitely relate to this, obviously suffering from and eating disorder myself, I have in the past found it much easier to stay home and have food as my only focus and that I could eat anything I wanted whereas being out didnt always give me my safe foods. But your right in what you say, it is absolutely no way to live your life, and your life shouldnt revolve around food. Im finally learning that.
Love Jess
I do prefer to eat at home– just because I can eat what I crave, and I like eating in privacy… it makes me a bit uncomfortable to eat around other people (old ED habit? Not sure…). But I definitely agree that there should be a balance between eating to live and living to eat— food is NOT just fuel, as you said, but it should not consume your life (been there, done that, no fun!)
Im sorry to hear about the apartment but im sure something better is waiting for you! Im a true believer that everything happens for a reason!
I too agree that there needs to be a healthy balance between the two – living and eating in a healthy manner! I too prefer to have many of my meals at home.
I totally agree that there needs to be a balance between the two! I used to live to eat too – like you, I would totally schedule my day around food and always make sure I was home for my meals/snacks. I’m a lot better about it now, but sometimes I still do it. But it’s mostly because a) I have to worry about my allergies and b) it’s a lot cheaper to eat at home!
Ugh the allergies aspect of it sucks. I’ve never had an easy time eating out just for that one reason…
I think it’s really tricky to strike that balance…
I don’t want to “eat to live”, because to me, that takes the enjoyment out of food!
and “live to eat” is just as bad! How about EAT & LIVE? That sounds good to me ๐
Eat and live. I love it ๐
I really don’t like eating out–glad to know I’m not alone b/c my family things i’m actually crazy…they eat out almost every meal, every day. i just find comfort in making everything myself, getting the portion size i want, etc. live to eat, eat to live…i’m finding balance too and it’s so hard–i think it just takes time and a certain attitude ๐
Aw sorry the apartment didn’t turn out to be ‘the one’ lovely, you’ll find it soon I promise! And it will be soo worth it ๐
Hmm this is a really interesting topic. Obviously having an ED and in recovery in the past food became very much fuel, almost like a medicine and I struggled to ever see how food could become enjoyable again, especially after going through the hellish routine of being an inpatient. It definitely felt like I was just living to eat because that was all that I was doing and it felt terrible. Now I’m finding a balance of enjoying my food, trying to not stick to a routine, taking time to think of inventive flavors, and simply taking life as it comes and food just being a part of it to keep me going.
I much prefer to eat my meals/snacks at home as it means I can take the time to enjoy it more and also I love reading blogs or magazines whilst I eat ๐ If I haven’t packed something and I’m out and about, I start to get panicky if I start to feel hungry because I hate the feeling of hunger now. Definitely something I need to work on..
I think your so right about having a balance. I love my food and making time to take over eating it and really enjoying it as I often don’t feel fully satisfied if its rushed. I prefer eating at home for that reason! I think a balance is very important especially when you work, sometimes I am literally wolfing down a snack bar between work meetings just to make sure I’m fuelled for my workout later, I don’t get a lot of joy eating like that, but sometimes that’s the way it has to be. I think food is such a multi faceted thing, yes its fuel but its also pleasure, a way to connect to the environment, our bodies, life itself even, but at the same time it is still just food, I guess that’s where the balance comes in ๐ Great post x
Ah I remember a few months ago I would refuse to eat anywhere but home. I refused to bring any snacks with me to school and wouldn’t eat from 6am-2pm most days. Now I bring lunch and snacks with me every time I leave the house, I can’t go 3 hours without having some kind of substance! I prefer to eat at home still because I’m also a slow eater and I like to enjoy my food as well.
I used to be just like you in the sense that I planned my whole day around what and where I would eat. Too be honest after a while it DID get really tiering – because there were so many things that I wanted to do that I couldn’t because of my meal schedule.
On the other hand I do enjoy taking the time to savor my food and I try to do that as much as possible. But when necessity demands that I grab something in a hurry I won’t just skip a meal because I “can’t enjoy it”. Food is necessary, even if it’s not always as enjoyable as we’d like it to be.
I used to eat mostly at home until I started working. Now it’s been more or less on the job – with the exception of breakfast of course. And I work with it! Sure first it was hard to know how to juggle and fit everything in – but now I’m more or less used to it. And it feels a lot better to be “free” then having all sorts of food rules that keep you from living your life.
Great post !
i love that you said that you’ve found an in-between place between the whole “eat to live” and “live to eat” mentality – i totally agree, because while i think food IS fuel – and will always be fuel, i think food is also a pleasurable and social experience. sometimes, when i’m busy and in a rush, food is merely fuel; other times, when i’m meeting up with a friend and not hungry, i still eat because i want to socialize and hangout. i will always be passionate about food and cooking, so in that sense part of me does live to eat, but that’s not all i live for – eating is just one aspect of my life – and i do like it that way! love your thoughts as always.
I love your approach to this and I am so glad that you have found your way to balance eating and living!
I think that food IS a fuel, thatยดs without any questions. But at the same time, especially in times of cooking shows, cook books, fancy restaurants etc. is food something more, it is a culture of itself, it is a favorite pastime to many people, it is a popular conversation topic. Lives of many families revolve just around eating, often meal times are the only times when people sit together around one table and spend some time together.. So when eating is such a big part of our lives (because it is impossible to stay uninfluenced by that all), we should really try to find a balance, because we donยดt want to be slaves for our meal times, but we still want to enjoy a good food with our family/friends/alone..
I prefer eating at home, because I also need to have my time, eat slowly and sit with my meal, not jut run around in a stressful manner. But sometimes thereยดs no other choice than to pack some snacks or to eat in a caffee/restaurant..I am trying to be ok with that as well ๐
Obviously food serves more than a purpose besides fuel- it’s often part of a social event/gathering, serves as a creativity outlet, and many other purposes. However, I think we need to eat to live more than live to eat–unless all your aspirations and your career are based around eating. I think of food as an enhancement to life- it’s necessary so I make it as fun, creative, and wonderful as possible 90% of the time (the other 10% is when I have to eat out of need- like grab n go snacking etc).
Oh, so sorry about the apartment situation! I really hope it works out for you soon!
I agree- there should be balance between eat to live and live to eat. Although I have some issues with the whole eating thing, I dont want to see food as just fuel. I am like you- I need to be able to enjoy my food, or else Ill skip it. I prefere to be home (maybe thats why I stopped eating at work for so long..) and be able to eat slowly and enjoy whats on my plate. Im happy to see that you feel free enough to eat in other situations now. LIfe isnt always at home (and how sad would that be?), its all about balance!!
Being someone who has struggled with disordered eating, I have to focus more on the “eat to live” mantra because food easily becomes too much of an obsession. Sometimes, I have to remind myself it’s just food, and there are SO many more important things to treasure and fixate on!
Of course, it’s got to be a balance. Food is meant to be enjoyed. But I have to believe it is not meant to be the center of our lives.
I’m striving towards the “eat to live”mantra, but in an enjoyable, healthy, & balanced way. ๐
I esp. like my breakfasts to be prepared and eaten leisurely at home. I do ilke to take my while eating unless im super hungry. I also think its fun to dine out and get things on the go/ bring a picnic.
I agree with their being a balance between the whole food issue. It technically is fuel, but there is something more to it ๐ I like to prepare and eat at home too! I love to create and tweak things my way and see how it turns out.
Ooooh – touchy subject for me – no comment! But just wanted to say I LOVE your pics. …and I seen your reading “The Alchemist” and it’s on my list!
It was a great book. I think you’ll definitely enjoy it ๐
I definitely eat to live– and I think once you cross the line and begin living to eat, eating disorders erupt.
I love preparing my own meals at home because I can moderate my portions and see all of the ingredients that actually go into the final product.
Looking for an apartment can be such a pain in the… butt. This time I decided to skip this part. I just said yes to the first place my future flatmate found and even though it is not perfect, I am sure I can make it feel like home. After all, I have lived in much worse places during my university years ๐ . But if you are planning to live there for long, you’d better not say yes before you are completely sure it is the perfect place for you. I wish you luck next time.
As for eating on the run, I hate it. I can’t really feel the taste of the food when I am eating while working, walking or even riding my bicycle (one hand on the handle-bar, the other holding the so called meal). My social life used to suffer a lot in the past because “I can’t hang out with you, guys, because I have to go home to have dinner.” Now I don’t let this control my life but I still prefer eating leisurely at home.
I’m a slow eater myself unless I’m starving and it’s like 7:00 PM and I haven’t had dinner yet.
I thing I eat to live now. When I did have an eating disorder, my day revolved around food except I didn’t eat until dinner time. It was crazy.
You’re a genius!! I love how you worded this post. It really made me think. I believe you’re absolutely correct, there’s a balance. I struggle with that a lot, making my life about meal/snack times, and when I can’t eat them at home relaxing and not rushed, it’s so frustrating. How do you get over this though?
It actually started to go away on it’s own once I started eating more and got to a healthier weight. When the body is starving, the only thing that it wants is food, which is why we start to obsess and stop caring about everything else. But when the body gets what it needs, it allows you to move on with life and you start to take pleasure in other things besides food. When I was sick, all I cared about was eating… I lost interest in all my hobbies and the things that I used to love. When I got healthier, all my other interests came back, and I got pleasure and satisfaction from more than just eating lunch or dinner. It’s all part of recovery ๐
I definitely have to learn to eat slower and savor my meals instead of just eating them quickly to get it over with.
I agree with you in that it should be a balance between the two. Yes, food is fuel but food also brings pleasure and is something to be enjoyed and often to be looked forward to. But when it gets to the point that all you think about is food (in my experience) it’s definitely not a good thing. Balance is the key here! I eat most of my meals at home but that’s only because I work part time. There are days (like today) where I have snacks and dinner out because I’m enjoying time with friends. I enjoy going out for a hot chocolate with friends and stealing their marshmallows as well as going to a restaurant and disturbing everyone around us with the flash of my camera. I HATE eating “on the go” though. But sometimes you just gotta do what ya gotta do.
You are so lucky that you’re a slow eater…..I eat like a maniac! WAY to fast! But I am working on slowing down ๐
To me food is more than just fuel….its something I really enjoy and look forward to! Some people may say that stuff like that shouldn’t be applied to food but thats just the way I feel about it. I lOVE food!
When it comes to looking for an apartment I definitely think you have to be 100% certain its what you want- rash decisions= disappointment and regret. You will find a lovely place( with wonderful lighting to take amazing foodie pics no less!) Soon enough, I’m sending you luck!
I pretty much struggle with the whole live to eat thing-my days do pretty much revolve around my eating(& exercise )schedule. I pass up a lot of opportunities to be home at certain times to eat certain things- like you said. Something to work on I guess.
That buckwheat kasha dish looks YUM! I need to eat more grains- I love’em but always forget about them/ can’t be bothered making them-i think ill try that dish.
I definitely agree with you here. I think it has to be a careful balance. You don’t want your life to revolve around meals necessarily, but what is life without food? It brings joy, pleasure, fuel.
I think it’s perfectly healthy to try and plan your day around meals. Wanting to be able to eat what you’re craving when you get hungry is totally okay! It crosses the line of “healthy” for me, though, when- if your plans were to go sour- you can’t / refuse to adapt to the situation.
I very much enjoy eating my meals like you- at home, in front of the computer or a TV. It sounds terrible, but I love watching my favorite shows over a good bowl of oats. Plus it slows me down eating when my mind is occupied by more than just my food. I tend to be… a shoveler. HAHA! When I like what I’m eating I have trouble putting the fork / spoon / spork / spoo-icks (lol@myutensils) down, and before I know it I’m scraping the last bits up! I wish I was naturally a slow eater, I seem to always end my meals wishing I’d slowed down to savor them a bit more. Eeep!
By the way- I picked up the banana split mini (ohmigoshBABYSIZED!) So Delicious ice cream sandwiches, AND I picked up their soy chocolate ice cream. Nomnomnom. I’ve missed my ice cream….
Love you girl! You never cease to inspire me / provoke thought.
Argh so jealous! But I’m glad that you’ve been enjoying your ice cream ๐ Life without it (especially in the summer) is just criminal. <3 <3
Interesting post my dear! I used to live to eat during my ED, now I eat to live and feel so much better ๐ Sorry to hear about the apartment, maybe something bigger and better is out there waiting for you! Hope you’re having a great weekend, love ๐
I actually don’t look into it, I just live each day and really don’t look deep into things like that, I just know I like to eat and food makes me and my body very happy : )
Sorry about the news on the apartment, it wasn’t meant then girl, another place will come along!
Love u! Have a great night!!
i love diving into the back of my freezer to see what lurks..its always a mystery and ALWAYS a surprise ๐
ive gone between what is right- eating to live or having a little bit of living to eat. so ive come to a consensus within myself- i must always eat to live but i choose to make a little of my life about eating. i definitely keep my focus on what things besides food sustain me and improve my life…and at the same time i remember that its okay to love food and think about food…but the line between thinking and obsession shall not be crossed ๐
I think that’s a great balance, girl! Food can’t be our sole enjoyment in life, but it CAN be one of them.
I love the fact the food brings people together. I wouldn’t say that I live to eat, but I’d definitely say it’s a major part of my life and I definitely try to make it an experience by sitting down and enjoying my foods ๐
Such an interesting concept, I’ve never really thought about that balance before yet it’s so important. I definitely agree that there needs to be a balance and it’s definitely something I need to work on. I often savour my foods and like to be home to enjoy them, however this summer with working 8 hours a day I have really learned to go with the flow around meal times and such.
I have never had buckwheat kasha before, but that clearly needs to change since your looks so amazing!
I eat to live. Food shouldn’t be the center of life or thought, in my opinion.
With dance, I eat a lot of my meals at practice or traveling at competitions (in the form of snacks/small bites). Otherwise I eat at home.