I currently have almost zero conception of what day of the week it actually is.
Tuesday felt like Monday; I don’t even know what the heck happened to Wednesday; and today feels like a Saturday. The only thing I’m actually sure of is that it’s September. Wait… it is September, right? Okay, yeah — it is. And because it’s the beginning of a new month, and I like to keep a record of what’s currently going on in my life so I can look back and laugh at myself one day, that’s exactly what today’s post is all about — a nice little survey of life as I currently know it.
I hope you guys have an awesome Friday (err… it is Friday, yes? yes), and I’ll see ya on Sunday for some Link Love!
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Current book: Heir of Fire by Sarah J. Maas. After months and months of waiting, I can finally find out how one of my favourite series ends… and all I can say is that it better end the way I want it to, or a lot of unpleasant words will be uttered. I’ll keep you updated!
Current music: I Need Your Love by Calvin Harris & Ellie Goulding; also known as the song that Amanda dances around to in her apartment, hoping that no one is watching her make a fool out of herself 😉
Current guilty pleasure: Eating my meals straight from the pot. You guys… it’s finally reached that point and I started doing what I never thought I would — not bothering to plate my meals and just eating them straight from the pot. Not every time, mind you, but it’s definitely become a more regular thing. Not good! But who wants to wash extra dishes?!?
Current nail colour: I really wasn’t kidding when I told you guys that I fell in love with Sally Hansen’s Hard as Nails nail strengthener… And apparently my nails share my sentiments because they’ve never looked better! Recycled pic because they look exactly the same and it’s incredibly awkward to try and take a picture of your own hand with a massive DSLR.
Current drink: Starbucks Vanilla K-cups. I’ve made the switch from hitting up Starbucks in the morning to going later in the afternoon when the cabin fever really starts to set in, which means I’ve had to start making my coffee at home. I came across a box of these in Safeway a while back and decided to try them out.
Current food: I haven’t busted into my stash quite yet, but it’s only a matter of time before I’ll be eating ALL things pumpkin…
Current obsession: Frozen mangoes. This stuff is ridiculous. I originally bought it to toss into smoothies, but it hasn’t made it into a single one so far because I just can’t stop eating it straight from the bag. I can’t help it! It’s so sweet and creamy — basically impossible to resist.
Current wish: That I had the power of teleportation. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again — that would definitely be my super power of choice. Oh, the places [I’d] go… 😉
Current need: The motivation to attack the e-mails that have been piling up in my inbox instead of sweeping them under the rug and trying to pretend they don’t exist 😆 Oh, and a few cups of really strong coffee wouldn’t hurt either. If I owe you an e-mail, I’m sorry! I’m getting there.
Current triumph: Finally getting that memory card for my camera that I’ve been needing since… oh… April 😉 It only took me 5 months, but now I can get all sorts of snap-happy again. Woot!
Current bane of my existence: I had an answer to this question at some point, but then I forgot what it was. It must not have been that big of a bane… I mean, Spike had an accident on the floor this morning (read: I tipped over his pot and some water leaked out), but that hardly counts as bane-worthy material…
Current indulgence: Late night drives. I don’t talk about this too much on the blog, but cars and speed are the loves of my life. I spent the majority of my late teens and early twenties either driving a car, tuning a car, or racing a car, and there’s seriously nothing in life that relaxes me more than a late night cruise in the summer with the windows rolled down and the music going. Hands down the best form of therapy there is.
Current procrastination: Cleaning the keyboard on my laptop. I eat most of my meals by my computer, and you can definitely tell 😳 The R, T, Y, U, F, G, H, and J area is particularly bad. Oh geez. I never took a good look at it, but it really is! Okay, that’s just gross… going to grab some Q-tips. Excuse me.
Current blessing: I’m going to have to repeat last month’s answer and say that I feel incredibly blessed to have a job that I love. Sometimes I have a hard time answering people when they ask me what it is that I do for work because it honestly doesn’t feel like that. I wake up every morning just itching to get started, which is what I always wanted from a career. Really couldn’t have asked for more.
Current excitement: I may have already mentioned that I’m ridiculously excited over the fact that it’s finally fall? Heck, it’s not even technically fall yet, but I’m still saying that it is because I’m kind of done with the heat and high-energy of summer — too exhausting. Give me my cool and calm fall days! And baggy sweaters, boots, scarves, etc., etc…
Current mood: Tired. It’s late Thursday night and I should be sleeping. Did that sentence even make sense? Let’s hope so.
Current link: All your fabulous Thinking Out Loud posts! I always do my best to read and comment on every post that links up because I feel like it’s the least I can do if you take the time to contribute! Well, that and I love the random thoughts — you guys are fabulous.
Your turn! Give me your current:
1) … food.
2) … guilty pleasure.
3) … procrastination.
4) … blessing.
5) … mood.
More places to find me!
E-mail — [email protected]
Twitter — runwithspoons
Facebook — runningwithspoons
Pinterest — runwithspoons
Instagram — runwithspoons
Bloglovin — runningwithspoons
Ahh my keyboard is gross too! I haven’t even attempted to really clean it out. How do I do that?! I just try to wipe up any obvious splotches on the keys, but there is definitely gunk underneath them that I need to deal with.
Current food: late summer produce from the farmers market. I can’t get enough!
I’ve been loving adding frozen mango to smoothies lately, too! I just buy a mango and cut it up and freeze it. Its one of those things that I forget to buy for months and then I get so excited when I remember!
Ok I have to admit I’m starting to get a teeny tiny bit excited for fall, which I hate to admit, but I’m kind of over this humidity now:)
I’m with you on the fall (ahem, autumn) excitement – my summer wardrobe never looked great to begin with so I’m happy to put it away! My squash obsession restarted again this week. Giggidy!
Oh and the keyboard hygiene.. mine reads like a story of everything I’ve ever eaten! Thank you for the reminder to get the babywipes out…
IT’s a sign. You have a picture posing with a camera.
I hope the ‘current excitement’ lasts 2 months. 2 MONTHS!!!!!!!! 😀
Having a job you love can be your blessing EVERY time, it’s a huge deal. I hear people complain about their jobs and feel SO blessed to love mine so much. I am ready for all the pumpkin..READY!
1) … food… I just ate random cereal. Puffins knock-offs since my store didn’t have Puffins! Carb-loading for my race tomorrow, right?
2) … guilty pleasure. Can’t stop, won’t stop with the nut butter.
3) … procrastination. Reading, going to bed haha.
4) … blessing. Hmm… to have people in my life that are supportive of my decision!
5) … mood. A little stressed, but that’s normal, right?
Cereal before a race (or… anytime, really) is always a good idea. Hope it was an awesome one for ya!
Amanda, yesterday’s photo of you brushing your teeth was adorable! When living alone why create more dishes than absolutely necessary?
food: The obsession with watermelon is still going strong
guilty pleasure: Okay, I’m a little late to the party but I finally joined Facebook last week. I always swore I wouldn’t establish an account because you know, I’m a cool nonconformist like that. So, I wasted an entire working searching for just about every person I have ever met. Primarily I do research, I’m not actually “friending” most of these people but I have learned some VERY interesting tidbits…
procrastination: Everything? See above.
Blessing: My supportive friends
mood: Hopeful
Food – Almond croissants. So, so good. Especially with hot tea.
Guilty Pleasure – Fashion Police. Which makes me so sad that Joan Rivers just died.
Procrastination – Cleaning my car. It’s been on my list of things to do for weeks. Maybe now that it’s not ungodly hot outside I’ll get it done.
Blessing – My husband. He really is pretty great.
Mood – Calm and thankful. For so many things.
Have a great weekend!
I hope you have better luck on the ending of the series than I’ve had recently… Throne Of Glass right?!
I have just had a grave revelation: in addition to lacking a storybook fall we don’t get into all those magically exciting pumpkin, spicy grooves. Bummer.
Currently reading – the Alex Rider series: Scorpia
Eating – all the cheesecake and chocolate. Can we say major PMS cravings!?
Mood – has all the colours in the rainbow and is proving exhausting 😉 .
Hahah I never clean my keyboard, it’s freaking dis.gust.ing. I’m glad I’m not alone.
I know about your car obsession!!! And guess who is the new owner of a 2007 Volvo? MOI. Yay!
1) … food: peaches
2) … guilty pleasure: handfuls upon handfuls of gf pretzel sticks
3) … procrastination: this safe deposit form I have to write up for work.
4) … blessing: my dad and his magic ability to be in the right place at the right time.
5) … mood: HAPPY
love yaaaaa
YAY! I saw it on IG the other day! You two make a gorgeous couple 😀
Hahaha i am often in the mood for sleep!
Can’t wait to see what you bust out with the pumpkin – I know it will be soooo good 🙂 I’m so guilty of the eating out of the pot thing – sometimes it just has to happen 🙂
My current food – Trader Joe’s Crunchy Salted Peanut Butter with Flax and Chia seeds – I’ve added it to everything this week
Guilty pleasure – treating the squat rack like a jungle gym – i did s back flip off the bar last night
Procrastination – real work 🙁 ugh oh and cleaning the cobwebs off my front porch – it’s almost late enough in the year they can be considered a decoration right?
Blessing – Dave and his genious skills behind the scenes on the blog (and for being my photographer for fitness pics!
Mood – barely awake and its 1:30 pm on Friday – must find coffee!
Looove all of this! There could be worse indulgences than late night drives 😉 sounds like a blast to me! And those pumpkin recipes look simply to. die. for. I can’t wait to whip out the pumpkin this fall and start creating! Plus, I need to check out that nail strengthener… I could definitely use some of that in my life. Happy Friday!!! (I have been SO confused with the days of the week this week too!!)
Such a cute photo with the camera! Driving is so therapeutic isn’t it? I’m not hugely knowledgeable about cars but give me a long journey, some good music and a Starbucks halfway and I’m a happy girl.
My current food – frozen cherries. They’re my version of your mangos. I have been found standing by the freezer before 😉
Guilty pleasure – treating myself to some new clothes when I SHOULD be saving for grad school… Well, I can hardly go to lectures naked can I?!
Procrastination – updating my CV…it just seems such a mammoth tasks. I have begun though!
Blessing – my dad helping me with my move and sorting my house 🙂
Mood – calm and sleepy…
My computer keys are gross too. I try to remember to wipe them down with a clean wipe every week, but I eat at the computer all the time so it’s constantly dirty.
Current food: smoothies with the many bags of frozen peaches my mom tossed in the freezer this summer!
Guilty pleasure: binge watching Game of Thrones.
Procrastination: Being at work (school) and actually starting to read a bunch of scientific papers.
Blessing: Getting to begin my Masters program at the University of Alberta this week!
Mood: Solemn. I haven’t had coffee yet 😉
A fellow Edmontonian?! No kidding! HI! 😀
Hi! If we can find other Edmonton bloggers we should definitely do a meet-up!! I’d love to meet you!! P.S. LOVE your travels to the Rockies!!
Girl! We should do a meet up even if we CAN’T find other bloggers — us Etowners are a rare breed! E-mail me! Or I’ll e-mail you… whichever comes first 😀
1) … food: HUMMUS
2) … guilty pleasure: raw cookie dough
3) … procrastination: cleaning the bathrooms (I’m going to do it today though!!)
4) … blessing: my little Hunter. He’s just too cute for words lately.
5) … mood. content!
Happy Friday my dear! xo
How do you clean your laptop? I eat while on the laptop too and have no idea how to clean it. Thanks. Love pumpkin!!
I just take a damp cloth and wipe it down when it’s turned off — easy peasy 🙂
I didn’t realize that book came out this week. Whee!! I know what I’ll be reading this weekend!!
Is that an S4 I spy? Nice choice!! 😉
Your current indulgence = my second love (behind my husband of course). Altough I am currently in the midst of planning (and spending a lot of money) for a big project on my hobby car. I actually have two cars: a daily driver and one that’s a smidge faster. I bought it college with dreams of building it and that I’ve been graduated for a year or so, I actually have the money to fund said project lol. I love to dragrace and I find winter is the perfect time to work on it, as the track will be closed…. But I absolutely agree with you. There is nothing that cheers me up more than taking my car for a spin.
I love that you know exactly what I’m talking about <3 And good luck with your project car! May it win many races 🙂
Eating out of the pot…done that! When you’re alone it just seems silly to put things on a plate.
1) … food. Definitely eating my body weight in pumpkin-flavored everythings, but I cannot get enough Mexican lately. Chipotle and these burritos from my local organic store are… UGH. I just want them all.
2) … guilty pleasure. Pedicures specifically the 10 minutes they massage my feet. And running.
3) … procrastination. The everlasting drama and headache of trying to figure out what my passion is for life. Ooof.
4) … blessing. My mom. My ability to even run 5 miles. Elmo.
5) … mood. I am in a sort of awkward mood lately where I feel relatively happy until I start to think about things… So, pretty much any down time I get I find myself just laying in bed or zoning out. :/
Your current indulgence —> we are definitely doing that sometime. in your car because yours is prettier than mine. I do seriously love driving though. That was me on my way to and from Toronto on Wednesday and I loved it. I just don’t like parking, apparently…
YES! Hurry up before the snow falls 😛
Teleportation. All I want in life is the ability to teleport myself. A gal can dream!
I am totally with you on eating meals straight from the pot. Can’t beat it!
I love frozen mangoes!! So good!
I’d say my current mood is pretty stressed and emotionally exhausted for some personal reasons…otherwise, simply just plodding along!
Love this post!!
Hell yeah to eating out of the pot! It is called being efficient! Less dishes, less work, more time for blogging! Ha!
I actually believe keyboards are the dirtiest item in the house..not the toilette…uh-uh..but the keyboard.
If only we shared what we do while blogging…Ha!
Ugh I seriously need a new memory card!! I have a 32gb but it’s still full! Have to keep deleting pictures. Also nothing stresses me out more than cars. They would qualify as the bane of my existence!
I’m so obsessed with that Calvin Harris track right now- so so catchy! And you know I feel you on the frozen mango chunks- so addictive..please try them with almond butter next time :)! My current procrastination is packing (what else is new ha)- I am off for a weekend getaway so fortunately packing will be fairly straightforward…I am just feeling lazy to start!
my mom and aunt were just telling me about sally hansen’s nail polish and hard as nails! I think I need some 🙂
I think so too 😛 Definitely good stuff.
Current food and current guilty pleasure are one in the same for me – ice cream! I restocked my supply. 😉 Woohoo!
The other night I didn’t get to cooking dinner until after 8pm so I grabbed a fake sausage from the fridge, cooked it up, cut it in the pan and ate it right out of the pan and dipping it right into the tub of hummus. …talk about lazy dinner. And probably a good thing I’m single and don’t have to share my food with anyone. I don’t often buy fake sausages or hummus but it’s one of those weeks when I’m SO thankful I did!
I always eat out of the pan, actually sometimes I’m so lazy that I eat on throwaway plates… The things I will do to get out of washing up! My current favourite food is dried cranberries, they allow me to get my sugar fix without feeling too guilty.
1) … food= ALL FRESH BERRIES! I’m going to be so sad when they’re gone for the year 🙁
2) … guilty pleasure= eating fresh cherry tomatoes and green beans straight from the veggie garden- no washing, no problem 😛
3) … procrastination= planning my filming/editing schedule for September. Yikes!
4) … blessing= being able to keep doing YouTube and working on making it a job! You’re absolutely right- when you’re doing the right thing, it doesn’t feel like work.
5) … mood= calm- surprisingly, the back to school stress hasn’t kicked in quite yet!
That’s so great to hear that it’s going well for you, Ella! One day I might dip my toes into videos. Maybe 😆
I love frozen cherries. I eat them straight from the bag and only buy the very cherry berry blend for the cherry part lol. I cleaned my keyboard yesterday! I didn’t want to embarrass myself on the plane today…
I’m with you on never knowing what day it is. Heck I had Monday off and that feels like WEEKS ago. No bueno. You’re pretty bad ass with your love of cars! I wish I had taken the time to learn more about them so that I could FIX them! My dad is a pro at it but I never cared enough to learn from him.
I actually think there are supposed to be a few more Throne of Glass books after this one (at least according to the web!) I just got my copy yesterday and dove straight in and can’t wait to find out what happens.
More?!? You just totally made my morning! I get total withdrawal after finishing off a series, so that’s great to hear!
First – I must say – the fact that you take the time to comment on every link up is further proof that YOU ROCK!!! Seriously, it’s been an honor getting to know you, Amanda, and I have so appreciated your heartfelt comments in my short time blogging. Second – also SERIOUSLY – I will help you tackle your emails if you make me some of that AH-MAZING food – deal? 🙂 I adore mangoes but have never ever tried them frozen – maybe I should? or maybe I shouldn’t? I have too many addictions – currently!
My current food (and guilty pleasure) is a piece of cookie cake my daughter made me – My current procrastination is eating said cookie cake instead of working…and blessing would be my daughter! My current mood is happy it’s Friday!!!!
Hope you have a wonderful weekend lovely lady!
Awwwr right back at ya, lady 🙂 It’s definitely been a pleasure! Also… I can for sure pay in food, and the position is still open 😉
It is totally acceptable to eat out of the pot/pan. Less dishes is always a good idea in my book! And if that is your car I am soooooo jealous!
I love your link up parties. I’m going to have to try that nail strengthener I was blessed with my mommas thin thin nails and washing a million dishes a day doesn’t help the poor things.
Definitely give it a shot, then! I was skeptical at first too, but I really did notice a difference.