Happy Wednesday, friendly faces! And welcome to life as I currently know it 😀
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Current book: Nutrition textbooks, mostly. I’ve still been reading daily (I have a harder time falling asleep if I don’t read before bed), but I haven’t had a chance to pick up anything new in a while so I’ve just been grabbing old, easy favourites. And even then I only manage to get through a few pages before I pass out like a log 😆
Current music: I See Fire by Ed Sheeran. I caught the tail end of The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug on TV the other day, and kind of fell in love with the song that was playing during the end credits. So calming.
Current guilty pleasure: Curling up on the couch with a warm blanket, a cup of hot chocolate, and the fireplace going. Have I mentioned that I love this time of the year because the cold, dark evenings make me feel less guilty about hanging out at home? Now all I need is a Christmas tree…
Current nail colour: I’ve lost count of how many months in a row my fingernails have been rocking Sally Hansen’s Hard as Nails nail strengthener, but my toesies are currently adorned in Butter London’s Wallis…
Current drink: Starbucks coffee. I’m back at Bux after cozying up to my Keurig for the past couple of months, and I’ll fully admit that it’s because of the introduction of the red cups. Sadly, I have yet to actually come across a Starbucks that’s brought out the red cups, so stop taunting me with your pictures on Instagram!
Current food: ALL the potatoes!
Current obsession: All the… potatoes? 😯 I really can’t think of anything!
Current wish: Promise not to hate me if I tell you that I’m wishing for snow? Because I’m wishing for snow. It’s just that… well… we’ve kind of reached that point in the year where the trees are naked and everything is ugly and brown, so I’d really love to see some snow cover it all up and make things pretty again. That and I need a good amount of it to go snowboarding
Current need: Exercise and fresh air. With how crazy busy life’s been over the past handful of months, keeping active and spending time outside have been some of the only things keeping me from losing my mind completely.
Current triumph: The fact that I not only walked out of my last dentist appointment cavity-free, but that both my hygienist and dentist were super impressed with how clean my teeth were… which is a huge deal considering I’ve been “blessed” with teeth that are more prone to cavities than normal. I tell ya… oil pulling works wonders.
Current bane of my existence: So the other day I got this cut on my thumb that literally came out of nowhere. I wasn’t playing with paper or knives (both of which can cause extremely painful lacerations), when all of a sudden I looked down and saw this sucker right here…
… which you may not want to look at if you’re squeamish 😛 I know it may not look too bad, but the fact that it’s a deeper horizontal cut means that it’s [<<do not read if squeamish>>] opening all.the.time, and it hurts like a mother trucker. That and I almost set my bandaid on fire when I tried to light a candle. HEAL!
Current indulgence: Me time. Is it sad that it’s gotten to a point where I actually have to schedule in me time so that I don’t feel so bad for taking time off?
Current procrastination: I can’t help but laugh because my answer to this one is packing again. I think I’m just going to accept the fact that I’m horrible at packing, and I’ll stress about it for days prior to my trip, but only start actually doing it about an hour or two before I leave. In my defence, however… I do make lists. Sometimes.
Current blessing: Unusually good sleeps. I went through a period where I was waking up super early, but lately I’ve been managing to sleep in until 5:30 or 6, which usually puts me at a solid 7 hours a night. Aaaaand watch me have just jinxed myself by saying that…
Current excitement: As evidenced by the packing [procrastination], I’ve got a trip coming up that I’m super excited about, but I can’t spill the beans just yet. Soooooooooon.
Current mood: Excited! But also exhausted. It’s a bit of a weird combo.
Current link: Jaclyn Hill on YouTube. I used to spend hours upon hours watching makeup tutorials back in the day, and Jaclyn’s always been one of my favourites. Not only is she an amazing makeup artist, but she’s so much fun to watch. I definitely recommend checking her out!
Your turn! Give me your current:
1) … music.
2) … food.
3) … triumph.
4) … procrastination.
5) … mood.
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1) Hard rock, because it gets me super psyched for my lifting sessions.
2) I made homemade mayo the other day and can’t stop talking about it. It’s perfect. I plan to make it into some kind of dip tonight for my fries.
3) My first modeling gig was this weekend 🙂 It was so not a big deal at all, but the fact that I was asked to do it was probably the biggest compliment ever.
4) Work. I can’t get into it today. Which is why I’m commenting on your blog instead of making phone calls.
5) Good, but ready to go home. See #4.
Congrats on the modelling gig! That’s super exciting news and something you should never downplay 😀
Totally don’t hate you for wishing for snow… I equally don’t want it and do want it. Don’t want it for the cold that it brings along but do want it because well snowboarding. All about the red cups and I finally spotted some at the local Starbucks yesterday. Finally. Also all about potatoes, any kind and every kind… red, gold, sweet, purple… you name it. Something about the colder weather 🙂
Ugh, those little finger cuts are the worst! So annoyingly painful and they never seem to want to heal.
1) music: Amaranthe,Tove Lo, Ellie Goulding
2) food: eggs on avocado toast. I CAN’T STOP. But maybe because Jo and I bought EIGHT avocados last week.
3) triumph: Umm, I moved across the country?
4) procrastination: today’s round of job hunting. I’ll get to it, I swear.
5) mood: hopeful. And a little bit hungry, to be honest.
😆 I almost put hungry in my answer as well, but it’s not so much hungry as “always willing to eat.” Aaaaand you better be job hunting as I type!
I always read before I fall asleep…It is my time to fully unwind and I find it so relaxing and therapeutic! Even if I only read 2 pages, that works for me. But I love reading in general. Have a fabulous day! XOXO
Loving any Ben Howard music right now, organic peanut butter, organic butter after a time of being dairy free and gettin very distracted by Pinterest 🙂
I’ve always been skeptical of the oil pulling thing but your post made me consider it again…I HATE the dentist and always leave with sore gums. But I’m also afraid it would really test my gag reflex…
It does feel a little bit strange at first, but I promise you get used to it! My advice is to start with a small amount and work your way up to a full tablespoon. And use a better tasting oil like coconut instead of something like olive or sesame… It’s not as bad then 🙂
Oh man. Ed Sheeran everything is my jam lately. The amount of times I’ve listened to his new album is almost concerning.
Congrats on the dental visit. As another person who is terribly unfortunate in the cavity department, I might have to try oil pulling!
I swear by oil pulling too. And using coconut oil for just about anything I can think of as well…haha!
Yeah for sleep! I’ve been getting really good sleep lately and thankful for it too. Sleep is something that is not easy for me to get. I think the cooler weather and darker mornings have helped too. 🙂
St. Albert stores have red cups!!
Hi, I miss you! I LOVE Butter polish but I find it always chips so quickly. Hows the sparkly stuff? Any better?
1) … music. Banks, alt-j, Broods…
2) … food. oh the usual. jars of nut butter, avos, apples, burritos…
3) … triumph. i’ve been knocking out 9-10 hrs of sleep each night!
4) … procrastination. this. hahahaha
5) … mood. excited! happy! joyful!
I miss you too! Come to Edmonton and visit! And the sparkly polishes chip just like the normal ones do, but they’re a -tad- bit better with a base and top coat. They last forever on the toes though!
Ugh I understand completely that pain on your thumb. It’s the worst. On a better note, your nails look absolutely fabulous. You should basically be a cosmetologist. For me currently, I’m just enjoying life as it comes. It’s been a very busy month already for me. I’m ready to relax but I don’t see it coming anytime soon.
Hopefully a good chunk of it is exciting wedding planning stuff 😀
I always burn my hands, seriously it’s crazy how often I do it. But I never realise at the time, only after when a blister suddenly appears… My poor hands 🙁
The new Ed Sheeran song released here in the UK is called Thinking out loud! Every time I hear it I get annoyed as I think ‘ noooo Ed, ‘thinking out loud’ belongs to Spoons !! Haha!
You need to come to Calgary – we have red cups!! I have one on my desk right now 🙂
ButterLondon is my favourite for nail polishes. But I may have a slight addiction to nail polish, even if it does chip after 3 hours. Oops 🙂
I adore Butter London polishes. I have been wearing them since undergrad. Love all of them–and the names! I have a sparkly blue one called Scallawag. How can that not just make you smile!
Too funny! I was watching the Desolution of Smaug the other night too. Great song. -)
I was just saying last night how much I miss the fireplace we had at our last house. They are so relaxing! Especially when you have a big cup of that hot chocolate…mmm.
And I feel ya on the packing. I’m horrible at it so I tend to procrastinate too. Btw, where ya goin’?
Toronto, but shhhh — I’m not supposed to say anything just yet.
My hands have a bunch of little cuts right now, but it’s just because it’s so dry and chilly and windy here. But I have a whole winter full of that coming up, so I’ll just have to deal (and use a lot of lotion). And I’m actually kind of looking forward to snow (and hot chocolate season!!), too. I can’t wait to see campus all covered in white. I’m sure that feeling will go away as soon as I have to trek to class in it, though. Oh well 🙂
I knew it. You’re coming to visit me! 🙂 Hehe… I still have yet to try Butter nail polish. I’ve heard great things and they have fab colors so I need to get on it!
THE RED CUPS!! I am a little bit ashamed to admit it but I’ve fallen madly in love with them. The barista (but male…is there a word for that? Baristo?) went to give me a plain white cup and I just had to ask for a red one! No way was I not having that paper wonderfulness in my life.
Baristo 😆 Oh that’s wonderful. And I actually asked them about the red cups, but they said they didn’t unpack them yet. Whaaaat? Slackers!
I am by no means a fan of winter, snow, ice or anything that makes me cold really, but I do love me some fuzzy warm blankets. I think I have about ten, no joke. Couple one of those with some snuggles from my kiddos and I am only happy camper.
I think you may have convinced me to give the oil pulling thing a shot…
Love potatoes…of all varieties! Yum!
Those little cuts on your fingertips are the worst! They burn and it feels like they take foreverrrr to heal.
Geez, Starbucks needs to get their shiz together! I completely forgot about the red cup, and now I must go get one!!! And that song reminds me, the last part of the Hobbit comes out next month!!! Aww, I’m so excited for it!
Can I come and join you on your couch? I swear I am not a creeper. I even drink Bux Coffee with you, promised 🙂 It’s SO ugly and grey and rainy and cold here that all I want to do is going home and doing just that. OR snowboarding!! I totally feel you – I rather have snow and christmas season than this sad end of fall. But hey, I first fly to Israel to the beach. Seems weird 🙂
I’ll make two cups of hot chocolate and grab an extra blanket. See you in… 12 hours? 😆
I hate cuts like that! So painful, I usually get them in colder weather from my hands being too dry. I’ve been in a so so mood this week. I have some biscotti in the oven and I’m hoping that helps!
Hot chocolate is my guilty pleasure in the colder months too 🙂 nothing better than curling up with a cozy cup of it on a cold night. That nail color is great for fall! And I’m allllways obsessed with potatoes. The most versatile food in the world! Plus, the perfect vehicle for both ketchup AND cheese. Perfection 🙂
I was going to ask you yesterday if you were still oil pulling. Maybe I will try it again. I haven’t been reading at all lately. It’s not a good habit.
I’ve tried oil pulling a few times and kind of fell of the wagon. I just forget! I even set the jar on the island in my kitchen to remind me and I STILL forget. Maybe I should put it in the bathroom next to my tooth brush? Lol
1) … music. – ALL the Christmas music! I know I’m early, but Christmas Radio on Pandora is my jam.
2) … food. – Chobani Greek yogurt with oats in apple cinnamon flavor. It’s new and delicious!
3) … triumph. – I can’t think of anything really. Maybe it’ll be cleaning my house this weekend?
4) … procrastination. – Cleaning said house.
5) … mood. – Happy! Life has been great!
“Happy! Life has been great!” <-- Love it!! 😀 And I keep a jar by my Keurig because that's what I make a beeline to first in the morning, so I'll always see it.
Reading even textbooks is a must for me too!
Starbucks coffee EVERYDAY!
Potatoes EVERYDAY too 😉
I have all these random cuts on my fingers too! It baffles me!
I love that Ed Sheeran song! I downloaded his whole album and I love it. My current procrastination is my email inbox. Literally, as in, I’m commenting on your blog when I should be doing my work emails haha.
😆 I’m totally the same! You don’t even wanna know the lengths I’ll go to to avoid my inbox 😛
So – we have the red Bux cups! Yup – and All the holiday flavors – here in Atlanta! Also – I got wind that Bux might be having a BOGO free on their 3 holiday flavors beginning in mid November – so hope they are up in your neck of the woods by then!
I don’t often wear nail polish – but yours looks fantastic!
My current food has been soups and stews – ooh and healthy pumpkin/chocolate brownies 🙂
I know exactly what you mean by “excited and exhausted” – I am and have been there many times!
Wishin you safe travels – when you go!
1) Shake it Off (T Swift)
2) Almond butter….everyday
3) Consistent morning workouts
4) Nothing right now
5) Happy!
My current food is cough drops if that counts – I can’t get rid of this cough. I love that mail polish color – so pretty for fall!
Oh noes! Everyone seems to be coming down with some kind of nasty bug lately. Hope you feel better soon, Angela!
I’m loving Ed Sheeran too. I can’t get enough of “Don’t.” And my Bux JUST got the red cups yesterday, I may or may not have eeee’ed and gone kinda fan girl for the cups. The baristas (who know me well) were like “You ok, Charlotte?” Mm hmm, I’m good now 🙂 Also you’ve inspired me to cook up the sweet potato that’s in my fridge, have a wonderful Wednesday m’dear!
Maybe it’s because I haven’t heard it often enough yet but Ed Sheran’s new song hasn’t quite convinced me yet. As I’m typing and thinking about it now, though … Hm. Up until now I’d have gone with Taylor Swift but depending on Spotify as my radio I can’t anymore 🙁 .
If you ever find a moment for a new non-textbook I highly recommend “The Rosie Project”.
Hot chocolate and a warm blanket sounds like heaven! And I am also into all the potatoes lately! I’ve been roasting, frying, trying different seasonings, and it’s all good!
Congrats on clean teeth! It’s funny, I have zero cavities, but my teeth get pretty dirty between dentist visits! I am a brusher but not a flosser. It’s one of those things I know I SHOULD do, I just don’t do it.
#storyofmylife with SO many other things…
Oooohoo! I haven’t heard that song by Ed Sheeran! I am still obsessed with Don’t! I really want his album now, I am liking this one so far! I have been enjoying unusually good sleeps too, which is SO nice!
Woo for sleep!! I was hoping you were sleeping in and not waking up at 3 or 4 anymore 🙂 Also, I have 2 cuts just like that on my thumb and index finger. I DON”T KNOW HOW THAT HAPPENED! They hurt, and just won’t heal. Ugh. Uhm, can we put up our Christmas Trees and be ok with it now?! I would love some snow next week, after my race is done. My current music is silence as kids are working on algebra, ha. Current procrastination- responding to comments on my blog.. after a few days of not answering, I get overwhelmed!
I know what you mean! I try to pick away at answering comments before they build up too much, because otherwise I get way too overwhelmed and just start from scratch with my next post 😆
I love that nail color and I also have a painful cut on my finger….UGH. Current mood: happy and quite content 🙂
I’m guessing a certain ring on your finger has something to do with that? mrgreen: