For some reason, I really wanted to start this post by saying “Happy November!” I know November has technically been around for a good handful of days, but the first Monday of a new month always feels more legit, no?… No?!? Fiiiiiine 😛 In any case, happy Monday and happy November! And what better way to kick off the beginning of a new month than with a look of life as I currently know it…
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Current books: A Dance With Dragons by George R.R. Martin. I read this book when it first came out a few years ago but I didn’t want to buy the hardcover version because it wouldn’t match the rest of my collection (OCD problems). Thankfully, the paperback was finally released last week, so I snatched it up and started refreshing my memory. I love this series, but daaaaaamn… I forgot how meticulous Martin is about every.single.detail :shock
Current music: Royals by Lorde. I should probably mention that I don’t like this song, but it is constantly getting stuck in my head. The worst part about it is that I don’t even know the lyrics, so I just end up absentmindedly humming the melody.
Current guilty pleasure: Rereading old books that I used to read when I was in middle school. We all have those books that take us back to our early teen years, right? Sometimes when I’m feeling stressed out or funky, I’ll pull those out and start reading. Works every time.
Current nail colour: Seeing as it’s a new month and all, I decided to retire my staples from October and try out something new… Opi’s Sprung.
Current drink: Teeccino. I love coffee and would happily drink it all day long, but I have a feeling that both my stomach and nerves would hate me if I did. Enter Teeccino, a herbal coffee alternative. It brews like coffee and tastes [pretty much] like coffee, but there’s no coffee in it, and therefore, no caffeine. Instead, it’s made from roasted barley, carob, chicory, dates, and almonds. I’ve been enjoying a cup or two of this when I’m craving something warm and slightly more comforting than tea, and yeah… it’s good stuff.
Current food: Barney Butter’s Chocolate Coconut Almond Butter 😯 😯 I’m pretty sure this one doesn’t need an explanation beyond these three words: chocolate… coconut… almond butter. All day, every way. Please and thank you.
Current favorite show: I’m seriously going to have to just get rid of this question because, again and again, I don’t have one.
Current wish list: The holiday gift sets from Sephora. I’m trying really hard to refrain from buying these before Christmas, but… ugh… my resolve is slowly crumbling. So much gorgeous makeup at such good prices. Ahhhhh 😥

Sephora Favourites – Superstars // Tarte’s The Tarte of Giving Collector Set
Current needs: This makeup-filled advent calendar from Benefit. Okay, so I don’t exactly need it need it in the traditional sense of the word, but I, which is basically the same thing, right?
Current triumphs: Showing enormous restraint and not buying any of the aforementioned products. Although, I’m not going to lie… the Advent calendar has a good chance of happening. Maybe.
Current bane of my existence: Long dark mornings. Daylight Savings helped a bit, but the sun still takes forever to rise. Why is this a problem? Two reasons. First, it makes taking [good] pictures of breakfast a big challenge #foodbloggerprobs. Second, it means I have to wait forever to go for a run when I want to go now #runnerprobs (never thought I’d be saying that)
Current celebrity crush: Another question I should probably just get rid of…
Current indulgence: A new snowboard. Remember how I mentioned that I was kinda, sorta, maybe shopping around for one? Well, I finally found her this weekend. Squee!!
Burton Feelgood Flying V board with Burton Escapades bindings.
Current slang: Zut alors! Also known as: darn, dang, shucks, oh dear, and/or good heavens!
Current blessing: Life in general — it’s been treating me pretty darn well lately.
Current outfit: Boots, skinnies, scarves, and jackets. Comfy and cozy is the name of the game.
Current excitement: I want to say the fact that winter’s coming because it means I’ll be able to start snowboarding soon, buuuuut I’m pretty sure that answer would get me more than a few stank eyes, so instead I’ll go with… a healthy donut recipe that I’ll be sharing with you guys tomorrow.
Current mood: Hyper. Why? Taste-testing, naturally 😉
Current link: Don’t give me that look! I’m writing my Christmas list…
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Happy, happy Monday, friends! Kick some a** this week 😀
Am I the only one who doesn’t have a celebrity crush or favourite TV show?
What are some of your favourite books from your youth? Do you ever reread them?
What are you currently (in general)…
1) … reading?
2) … wanting?
3) … eating/drinking?
Seriously, I hate the celebrity question on this…and since I don’t have cable and only watch Netflix when like once or twice a month, my favorite shows don’t really change that much…I’m pretty sure it’s going to take me the next 3 years to get up to date on New Girl! Ha! I think if I keep this currently thing going next year, I’m going to tweak it a bit…that way can keep my favorites, ditch the rest, and my post won’t be creeping up on 1000+ words!
I am always impressed by the SIZE of the books you read! I would be so intimidated by that one…I mean, I think the last book in the Twilight series was the biggest one I’ve ever read and that was only like 400 pages I think. One of the main reasons I STILL haven’t tackled the Harry Potter books! 😯 And I am totally with you on the childhood nostalgia reading. A couple months ago, I broke out A Cricket in Times Square! Haha! What I need to do though, is get my hands on some of the old Babysitter’s Club books! 😀
Not gonna lie — the length of that damn book is definitely intimidating. It’s almost 1100 pages, so it gets a little depressing when you spend a good chunk of time reading and barely make a dent in the book.
I just finished rereading Stephen King’s Cujo, which was a book from my youth. That and Sweet Valley High. I was an odd child or just an avid book reader. I’m getting ready to pick up the fourth book in George Martin’s series.
I need to try that Teecchino. I’m fascinated.
Congratulations on the new snow board. Very exciting news, and I bet you can’t wait to hit the slopes.
I also am obsessed with Royals too, but no shame I googled the lyrics so I would know them properly. I love re-reading old books too and recently re-read the Enders Game series and was excited to hear that they are now actually making it into a movie. I am scared that they will ruin it but I am hopeful that it will be good.
I don’t think I have any celebrity crushes either, I used to have a lot when I was younger but now I am just Meh about it. I find celebrities attractive but no one that I consider a ‘crush’ as such 😉
I just finished a new Jodi Piccoult book last night so am in need of a new book.
I am wanting it to be Friday as I have the day off for a wedding.
I am about to eat lunch leftovers from last night of Japanese Cabbage Pancakes.
You realize that anytime you or Lisa recommend a makeup product I HAVE to get it? Thanks a lot! Oh goodness, I am dying for those makeup kits now. SO fun!!!
I’ve recently just started wearing makeup again – I’ve found Clarins doesn’t burn the shit out of my eyes like other stuff, so I’m excited. 🙂
1) My boyfriend took me to a used book store and made me pick out a novel to read because I NEVER read novels and always end up reading non-fiction. I chose a book called “Angel’s Tip” which is a suspense novel. I just stared it last night….we’ll see how it goes!
2) I want it to be Friday!
3) Coffee. Pumpkin Spice. With Vanilla Soymilk. Dry. (wait…that’s alcohol.)
YAAAAAY it makes me so ridiculously happy that you’re running again!! Now when you come to visit London (which you WILL right?!!) we can run together whilst chatting about our shared childhood love of Tamora Pierce books (I was OBSESSED) and shared current love of George R R Martin 😀 Also please bring that Barney Butter with you. P.S. I am totally getting that Benefit advent calendar omg it looks awesome!! <3
I can never go to Sephora without buying something! There’s just always something new I NEED to try! 😉
Love that new snowboard!!! So cool! I’ve gone snowboarding a couple times and never really got the hang of it, but it’s always fun. I do ski really well though, so I at least have that going for me haha!
Snowboarding definitely takes a while to pick up, but skiing is just as good if it gets you up on the mountain 😀
Reading: What I talk about when I talk about running (love it)
Eating: bbq chips
Wanting: some persian ghormeh sabzi (it’s a delicious dish with rice.. I *love* it)
Oh my goodness I love finding other people who’ve read Tamora Pierce’s books. I do the same thing–rereading when feeling a little in a funk.
Actually recently I downloaded audiobooks of just about all her books and have been listening to thm while walking or working out (as my reading time is devoted to school work :/)
I’ve never tried Barney Butter, but that almond butter flavor sounds crazy good–cocoa, coconut and almonds are all great on their own but combined is kinda dangerous!
I’m currently wanting more boots. I have an obsession with riding boots and ankle booties and I only have one pair of each right now. I’m justifying my want for them by saying I need more to match with all my clothes 😛
Um, I’m itching to see that donut recipe! I’ve been drooling over your instagram picture all day.
And I’m currently lusting over the boxed sets from Sephora too. The “Superstars” one was already sold out when I was at my store last week- apparently it’s really popular! I’m going to try to order it online, if possible!
I’ve heard really amazing things about it, so I’ll probably have to bug someone to buy it for me, stat. I might end up ordering the calendar though, seeing as it’s only available online.
I definitely need to get that chocolate coconut almond butter in my life…
Reading – textbooks for homework + exams. =(
Wanting – free time so I can blog. Its eating away at me, and I don’t like it!
Drinking – chai tea latte with almond milk + coconut creamer (french vanilla!)
Eating – well I guess it is about ‘snack time’…
Reading – an Alex Cross novel my MIL lent me that’s not all that good…
Wanting – New couches, new home decor, new house!
Eating/drinking – Sleepytime vanilla tea 🙂
I’m slightly jealous of all the cool products that you can get in the States. Actually, if you could see the nut butter collection in grocery stores here, you’d think the Superstore’s selection was amazing. Australia needs to up their game! So sad.
I was obsessed with Babysitters Club (elementary) and Sweet Valley (middle school).
Lastly, I don’t have celebrity crushes either. Not into it!
I’m so excited to get through A Feast for Crows and start reading A Dance with Dragons! Actually I’m kind of not because that means then I have to wait forever for the next book to come out as well as the next season of the tv show. I think I might be subconsciously reading the 4th book slowly on purpose for that reason. 😛
In terms of childhood books, I love rereading them! Kit Pearson’s books (A Handful of Time, Awake and Dreaming, The War Guest Trilogy) were some of my favourites. I also loved Bridge to Terabithia, Harriet the Spy, the Anne of Green Gables series, and so many others! I think my childhood was actually when I did the most reading.
I don’t really have a current favourite tv show, but I definitely have some celebrity crushes. Namely Ryan Gosling. And randomly Joshua Jackson. I saw a picture of him in a tabloid at the gym the other day and thought he was pretty adorable haha.
I read through the 4th book pretty slowly as well, but I think a lot of that had to do with the fact that I didn’t like it as much as some of the others. Book 5 is MUCH better because it focuses a lot more on my favourite characters, whereas they were pretty absent from book 4.
We have mini bundt pans at home, but no doughnut pans. They’re just not the same… Oh, and I saw your doughnuts on Instagram and I am incredibly excited to see what they entail tomorrow 🙂
I reread my favorite books all of the time. I would say that 50% of my reading consists of old books. Nancy Drew, Harry Potter, Sarah Dessen (not really “youth” I guess, but definite rereads!), The Hunger Games, Mary Kate and Ashley (<<< It was ONE time. Haha. ).
Currently I am reading Bitter Kingdom which is the third book in Rae Carson's series. I've never read any of Tamora Pierce's books but I recognized the name because she wrote a blurb for Carson's first book. Lol. Small world 🙂
I want to go to the slopes so much this year to ski but I can never find anyone willing to go with me! Maybe this year I can finally convince someone.
Oh my, I love the Tamora Pierce books! I tore through my copies quite roughly when I was younger (someday I’ll have to get new copies that aren’t quite so beaten up) that makeup filled advent calendar looks AMAZING… though not quite as amazing as the coconut chocolate almond butter 🙂
Can’t say I have a particular celebrity crush- not where looks are concerned, anyway. I don’t know I just feel like I grew out of that after high school. There ARE certain celebs who’s work I really admire though. Forest Whittaker and Jeffrey Wright are examples: I’ll watch just about anything they’re in.
Now tv shows? I can’t pick just one: not when there are Breaking Bad, Games of Thrones, Mad Men, The Walking Dead, Scandal and Boardwalk Empire to choose from. Spoiled for choice is an understatement.
What am I reading? Forever Amber by Kathleen Windsor. Anyone who loves historical fiction MUST read this book. Period.
What am I wanting? I’m going to Boston for the first time in a few weeks- I’d like time to speed up to take the trip.
What am I eating/drinking? Vanilla Almond Butter Bars- YUMYUMYUUUUUUMMMM
I could find some goodies at Sephora, that’s for sure! Did I tell you I finally bought almond butter? I thought of you when I bought it. Apparently my tastes have changed. I used to hate it, but now I like it. I’m sure that one you linked up to would be deeeeelicious!
It makes my heart happy to hear people loving up some AB… I find it all depends on what kind you get — there are some that I don’t like, but the ones I do? Heavenly.
That almond butter is beyond words! I wish it weren’t so darn pricey for that tiny little jar! It disappears in no time (or is that just me). Don’t make jokes but I’m currently reading Melissa Joan Hart’s new autobiography. So far, so good! Of course it’s no masterpiece but definitely something that makes me reminiscent of my youth! 🙂
I’m totally the same with with matching series. I will not get the hardcover if the rest of my series is softcover (which they always are because I don’t like reading hardcover). AND I love reading old books from my adolescence. Children’s literature is incredible and I think I will continue to read kids books till I’m a grandma (wait, I thought I already was a grandma…anyways…)
😆 Definitely feeling you on grandma status, lady. Between my early bedtime and my love of bran? Soon I’m going to need a walker 😉
Wanting – new boots ! Preferably leather ones 🙂
Also, super anxious and excited about the holidays because I love being around friends and family that come from out of town. Ppl that I’m closest to don’t live locally anymore 🙁