Today is the day!
Depending on when you’re reading this, I’m either: at home waiting to go to the airport, at the airport, on a plane, or in Hawaii. Squee! I seriously can’t wait to see something other than snow and grit, and to be able to go outside without my eyelids trying to freeze together whenever I blink. A little sun wouldn’t hurt either — I’m pretty sure I’ve reached the point where I now glow in the dark.
Anywho, seeing as it’s a new month and all, and I like to use the blog to keep track of what’s going on in my life, I figured it would be a good day for a currently survey…
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Current book: Red Rising by Pierce Brown… again. Which means I’ve now read this book twice — back to back... It wasn’t exactly intentional, but I hadn’t decided on anything else after I finished it the first time, and it was ever so conveniently laying on my nightstand when I was looking for something to read before I went to sleep… I figured I’d just read a few chapters to get me through that one night, but it ended up sucking me in again. It’s good stuff.
Current music: Because I’m happyyyyyyyy #clapalong
Current guilty pleasure: Still playing the occasional video game. And by occasional I mean whenever I have some spare time… and by video game I mean World of Warcraft. Whaaaaat? Gotta do something while I’m cooped up in the house thanks to the beautiful weather we’ve been having 🙄
Current nail colour: As is typical Amanda fashion, I’ve put off painting my nails until the very last minute. So while they’re naked right now, they’ll be rocking something along these lines soon…
Current drink: Water, water, and more water. Travelling dehydrates me like nobody’s business, and I end up looking haggard and feeling exhausted if I don’t pump myself full of fluids. Besides, it gives me more of a reason to get up multiple times to use the bathroom on the plane… although I have this secret fear that turbulence is gonna hit when I’m in there and… yeah… it’s not a pretty picture 😯
Current food: Travel snacks! Never leave home without ’em 😀 I’ll try to get a WIAW post up this Wednesday highlighting some of the ones that I’ve packed, but I haven’t written it yet and you guys know how bad I am with blogging on the go, so no promises…
Current obsession: Still chocolate. I’ve been craving the cocoa like nobody’s business, and the worst is when the craving hits at 9 AM because I just can’t say no…
Current wish: To have the power of teleportation. How awesome would it be to be able to blink and instantly be in some other place?!? No more waiting in airports; no more traffic jams; no more crazy expensive plane tickets. It would make the fact that all my blends are spread out across the globe so much more bearable.
Current need: Things to keep me occupied on the plane. I don’t know what it is, but nothing seems to hold my interest for long when I’m flying. Not reading, not gaming, not listening to music. Ugh. All I can say is that there’d better be a good in-flight movie (or two).
Current triumph: Not overpacking. I have a tendency to pack a lot of stuff, figuring that I would rather have it and not need it, than need it and not have it, but no… I would rather not have it if I don’t need it. I would rather make-do with what I have and not cart around a bunch of extra stuff that I almost never end up using.
Current bane of my existence: Airports, long lay overs, and the thought of sitting on a bumpy plane for 6+ hours. I’m not afraid of flying, but 3 hours is pretty much my cutoff before I start going out of my mind from boredom. Also, Albertan weather… but that thankfully won’t be a problem in a couple of hours 😀
Current indulgence: This is going to sound a little ridiculous but… new luggage. I’ve been travelling with the same suitcase for the past 10+ years, and while there’s nothing exactly wrong with it, I originally bought it for a 5-week trip I took to Europe, so it’s a little big… and heavy. I was in the mall this weekend and just couldn’t say no to a smaller, lighter, and more stylish suitcase. In my defence, it was on sale 😉
Current procrastination: Erm… uhh… actually finishing packing aforementioned suitcase. I should probably get on that, seeing as I leave in a couple of hours. So typical.
Current blessing: I’m just kind of diggin’ life in general.
Current excitement: I may or may not have mentioned that I’m headed to Hawaii today? Yeah. Just a tad bit excited about that one…
Current mood: Scratch that… I’m freaking over the moon about that one
Current link: Tripadvisor. Gotta make sure I check out all the best things to do in Kauai…
And on that note, I should probably get going so that I can actually finish packing. I have a few posts planned for this week, but I’d really like to spend some time unplugged, so I won’t be checking in too, too often. I’ll most definitely see you guys on Thursday for Thinking Out Loud, and be sure to follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram for more regular updates.
If you could have any superpower, which one would you choose?
Give me your current:
1) … song.
2) … guilty pleasure.
3) … food.
4) … bane of existence.
5) … obsession.
More places to find me!
E-mail — [email protected]
Twitter — runwithspoons
Facebook — runningwithspoons
Pinterest — runwithspoons
Instagram — runwithspoons
Bloglovin — runningwithspoons
Have an amazing, wonderful, safe trip Amanda! You deserve the time away! xo
Aloha Amanda! Have an amazing trip. I’ve never been to Hawaii but I have never heard of anyone not absolutely loving it.
song: still loving “Below My Feet” by Mumford and Sons
guilty pleasure: Sunday crosswords when I should be getting other things done
food: dried figs (why have I never tried these before?)
bane of existence: lack of sleep
obsession: volunteering
Also, wanted to compliment you on last weeks’ NEDA series. I thought it was very well done. I tend to shy away from anything eating disorder related because I want to distance myself from that identity. You handled there subject so well; very raw and honest yet hopeful at the same time. Bravo!
Thanks Sarah 🙂 That was definitely my goal going into it. And have you ever tried dried figs dipped in almond butter? IN.SANE.
Hope you have a wonderful time in Hawaii, so envious, just want to be somewhere hot!
Even though it was still freezing, the sun came out here in Glasgow, Scotland today so that always makes me smile!
Hawaii – its where I need to teleport myself to..maybe I can fit inside your suitcase.have a great time..
Have a great time in Hawaii my friend! You deserve it! xoxo
I wish I could reverse, stop and toward time. That way I would feel
more in control of my days! Have a great trip and hope you get lots of unplug time.
That reminds me of the movie Click! Have you seen it?
Yes, I have & I didn’t even think of that until you mentioned it! Based on the movie, it could be dangerous!
I love the song Happy! I actually used it in today’s post as well!
1) Macy Gray everything. LOVE her. Such a unique voice
2) dried cherries dipped in sunflower butter
3) sauteed mushrooms topped with a fried egg
4) work
5) figure skating (watching, not doing)
Have SO much fun in Hawaii, girl!! I love all of the bright colors in your suitcase and the bright colors that are soon going to be on your fingers. Soak up that warmth for all of us 🙂 xoxo Safe travels!
Song: Dark Horse by Katy Perry
Guilty Pleasure: ICE CREAM and chocolate second
Food: Ice cream
Bane of my existence: This cold weather and snow
Obsession: Running – training for my first half. It is taking over my life and I am loving it!
Go girl! I bet that must feel amazing. I really miss having a fitness goal to work towards…
I hope you have an AMAZING time – so well-deserved! Soak it all in!
Teleportation or flight. Either would be convenient these days! Have an amazing time with your man in the islands girl! Soak up some extra sun and sand for me 🙂
Have a blast in Hawaii! I’m so jealous, as I freeze my butt off over here in New England <<< bane of my existence. I'm also really digging the chocolate lately, especially dark with sea salt! I grabbed a Theo bar at Whole Foods last week and finished it this weekend. It lasts much longer than any other type of candy or chocolate because of the bitterness, but that's why I like it!
I am so a last minute packer. like really last minute packer. I have to say that I am pretty bummed my Red Rising book is still like 50 on the list at the library for holds…. come on people. don’t they know i need to read this.
So lucky that you’ll be spending the next days in Hawaii! Have such an awesome time!!!!!
I’m going to seriously need to pick up this book. It really sounds like it’s a good one and I’m looking for a new book to read.
My current favorite is yoga! I feel so much happier when I’m regularly practicing. And my favorite food is baked the Mac n Cheese I made for dinner last night. Cheese + pasta= heaven.
When they invent teleportation, I call dibs on being your first stop 😉 And I’m even more jealous of your trip, considering that the car wouldn’t start this morning so Eric had to cab it into work…fingers crossed it works when I go test it out later.
P.S. this is the first time I’ve heard that song….damn, that is a happy song.
Have a fabulous trip love!! <3
Doesn’t it just make you wanna bust out the dance moves?! And when they invent teleportation, I say we hit up Vegas or something… Seriously the best place ever for an awesome girls’ night.
Have a wonderful trip to Hawaii girl. If you happen to see my best friend (the girl I’ve talked about in posts – and just so hapens to live in Kaui), tell her hi for me if you will. Ha Ha! In all seriousness though, HAVE FUN w/ your main man!!!!! Can’t wait to hear all about your adventures (and see all the stunning photos I know you’ll be taking) once you return.
When you get this text me and I will tell you my favs from Kauai! Also I wish I had caught you before you left so I could have sent you a huge virtual pre-hug trip. Instead you’ll get it from the other side of the earth. Enjoy the sun for me <3 <3
I’d say “glowing in the dark” is a superpower 😉 . I don’t know if mine qualifies..but I would like to read peoples minds.
Gosh, that is a long flight..but it’s to Hawaii!!! So, worth it right 😀
Your Current triumph is worded like quite a riddle hahaa.
Pastel nails: winner!
Aaaand Red Rising totally slipped my mind..dang it must be brilliant if you’ve been through it twice already.
Uhm. Extreme jealousy going on here. PLEASE bring some sunshine and sprinkle it over all of us when you return!!
I hope you have the BEST time.
Also. I’m the QUEEN of overpacking. Especially food. I pack lots of food.
1) … song. – I have something from the radio this morning stuck in my head but I can’t quite place it
2) … guilty pleasure. – Chocolate.Chip.Cookies.
3) … food. – See number 2.
4) … bane of existence. – It was 65 degrees yesterday. It is snowing right now.
5) … obsession. – running. outside. in 65 degrees.
Soooo jealous of your trip babe! Ninja and I were just dreaming of heading back to Hawaii. We haven’t been since our honeymoon…so almost 5 years now! Either way, I know you are going to have an awesome time! And can I pleassseeee get the teleportation power? Not only would it help me with my packing, but ALSO my fear of all things airports an flying! I have a 3 hour flight tomorrow to get to Texas and I may or may not be FREAKIN out. Ive got my tablet and movies to watch but that doesn’t distract me much when Im 30,000 feet up. Its just wigs me out!
Muah! You’re going to have an AMAZING flight! And you’ve gotta admit — there are some great views from up there 🙂
I am literally squealing with excitement for you!! YAY!
I was the exact.same. with chocolate yesterday. Breakfast dessert? Snack dessert? Lunch dessert? YES. PLEASE. Made me just like that song – which I only heard for the first time on the Oscars! Too good.
Have SO MUCH fun on your trip! This frozen wasteland will miss you. 😉
Ah have a blast girl! Hawaii is a place I’ve always wanted to see!
OOh – I so love that song-it sure makes me haaaappppyyyyy!!! And the dance that goes with it, it just takes more willpower than I have to not jump up and not do it! 🙂
Safe travels lovely lady! Hope you and J have a wonderful vacay!
Oh my gosh have SO MUCH FUN in Hawaii!! I am obsessed with dark chocolate covered pistachios right now. And if I could choose a superpower- probably be invisible!
Have the best best best best time! I will miss you but you absolutely need to unplug(maybe I should too even though I won’t be away)…Anyway, I love the new Essie colors. Over the weekend I went with Mini How High and the girl tried to tell me it’s a new shade of pink but I know better and know it is an old stand-by classic.
Will miss you too! Stalk you when I can <3
Have the best time! I can’t wait to hear and see pictures from there (well, anyplace without snow works, too haha!)
Current favorite food is my banana bread I made yesterday. cant.get.enough!
I wish I could teleport on a daily basis lol or aparate…same thing I suppose. I’m also obsessed with “Happy”–it just makes me..well…happy! Have so much fun in Hawaii!!
Oh man, have an amazing trip!! Relax, sleep in, and soak up all the sunshine. So wish I was stuffed into your suitcase 🙂
I can’t stop eating your flourless muffins [are they laced?] and I can’t stop watching Grey’s [that I feel totally guilty about] and I’m currently obsessed with pinning all kinds of preppy springtime outfits. Today’s snow day is encouraging the continuation of all three of these things.
So jealous! You’re going to have fun fun fun!!!
Btw – loving those nail colors and that song. Happyyyyy
First of all I so wish I could teleport! Hello apparating everywhere (I love a bit of Harry P) So that would definitely be my super power.
I just recently got back from Sydney and the flight was soooo long. Films, snacks, books and being thatttt person that cracks out the tree pose got me through!
1) … song … Lorde Tennis Court – on repeat!
2) … guilty pleasure – The Only Way is Essex – terribly trashy yet amazing UK reality TV show
3) … food – I am loving some Thai curries this last week!
4) … bane of existence – constant London rain
5) … obsession – Raw Chocolate – I tried this in Sydney and I just cannot get enough. If only it wasn’t 7 million pounds per very small bar… Deffo need to get on making some!
p.s. – I hope you have an amazing break!
Sydney? Ohhh it’s my DREAM to go there! I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve been tempted to book a trip, but it’s something like 20 hours of travelling, which I can’t even imagine. One of these days!
Do it! The travel is so worth it – best holiday of my life 🙂
Let’s go together! Enjoy Hawaii!
Sooo jealous you’re going to HAWAII!! That’s amazing!
Current Song: I’m The Man – Aloe Blacc
Current Guilty Pleasure: dark chocolate ANYTHING
Current Food: Just had a DELICIOUS morning post-workout smoothie 🙂 om nom nom!
Current Bane of my Existence: this cold weather because it makes the air so DRY. Affects my skin, breathing, everything! Grrr.
Current Obsession: sweating – any kind of new workout. I want to do it!! 🙂
Gah! Tell me about it. I have to baby my skin, hair, and nails SO much right now… and they STILL hate me. Winter is kicking my butt.
The nail polish reminds me that yes, spring will eventually come. Love the colors! My husband and I have had some of our best vacations in Kauai
Ahhh packing… I’m guilty of overdoing it too so kudos to you for keeping it light.. even if you did procrastinate your face off [don’t we all!?] Have oodles of fun darling!!!!
Have fun!!! I’m so excited for you! I’ve always w a trip the Hawaii! One day I’m sure I’ll go and when I do I’ll ask you for great things to do!
My current bane of my existence is the cold weather. We just got more ice here in Missouri.
My current obsession is learning new songs on the piano!
Oh, goodness. I have to admit that even seeing those pictures of Hawaii makes me long to go somewhere warm and tropical. This winter is never ending and just so brutal. I’m a teensie bit (okay, a HUGE bit) jealous of you. :/ Have fun though, lady!
Have a wonderful time in Hawaii! I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a tad bit jealous! 😉 I could totally use a tropical vacation right now!
Yes to water! For some reason over the past week or so, I’ve been seriously dying of thirst. Water is my go to drink and I can’t get enough of it these days.
Current bane of my existence…cold and snow! SO over it!
Girl… you and me both. -40C. That’s all I have to say about that 😡