Why herro, there! (No, spellcheck, I did not mean hero)
So things have been sorta serious around these parts lately, and while I don’t mind all the deeper discussions (okay let’s be real here, I kind of love them), I’m also a pretty big fan of the lighter fare… especially on Fridays. And heyyyy, would you look at that! Today just happens to be a Friday 😉
That being said, let’s have a little fun. I’ve always enjoyed filling out these currently surveys, and the last one I did was back in April, so I figure it was high time I filled out another. You know… because I like to keep you all updated on my life… or something.
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Current books: Right now I’m reading And Then The Mountains Echoed by Khaled Hosseini, and it.is.good. I had really high expectations for this book, seeing as I loved The Kite Runner and A Thousand Splendid Suns so much, and I’m happy to say that my expectations have definitely been met. Man has some serious writing talent. I may or may not be slightly envious.
Current music: I dare you not to get up and dance to this… In fact, I double dare you. Bonus points if you know all the lyrics and can sing along like I can.
Current guilty pleasure: Naps. My sleep schedule can get pretty wonky sometimes (hello, 4 AM mornings), so squeezing in a 15 or 20 minute power nap has been my saving grace… and it’s probably equally as pleasant for the people that have to deal with me on a regular basis as well.
Current nail color: OPI’s I Theodora You. I got this polish a few weeks back and I’ve been wearing it ever since. Not necessarily because I love it that much (although I do), but because I just haven’t felt like putting any thought into my nails, so I’m sticking with what I know works… for now.
Current drink: For the sake of variety, I’m going to switch things up and not mention my favorite Hot Cinnamon Spice tea this time around, even though that’s how I start every.single.day. Seeing as it’s getting warmer outside and all, I’m going to go with kombucha instead. I love this stuff and what it does for my stomach; as long as we’re not talking about the skeevy green one…

Current food: This is going to sound ridiculous, but jam. Yes, jam. It started with ABJ sandwiches…
… continued with a random spoonful that I decided to throw on my oats one morning…
… and escalated to me craving (and eating) it straight out of the jar…
Blueberry is my favorite, but sometimes a girl just needs a little variety. It is, after all, the spice of life.
Current favorite show: Gossip Girl. I’m finally on the last season, and while I don’t want it to be over, I’m looking forward to seeing how it all plays out. After that I plan on moving on to Lost. Yes, I am behind…
Current wish list: A pony. I kid, I kid – I don’t want a pony (I mean, I do, but not realistically), but that’s pretty much my go-to response when I can’t think of anything else to say. When someone asks me what I want for my birthday? A pony. Christmas? A pony. Easter? A pony… You get the idea.
Current needs: A little more patience… preferably, like, now 😉
Current triumphs: Saying yes and taking a few leaps of faith in both my personal and professional life. Change is never an easy thing for me to deal with, and neither are those pesky what if thoughts... But what if it turns out to be great? I’ll never know unless I try, so that’s what I’m doing…
Current bane of my existence: Pollen. Miss (Mrs?) Nature? I love how everything is pretty and green and all, but can we please stop with the nasty yellow dust already? My allergies are kind of killing me over here.
Current celebrity crush: Jennifer Lawrence. Serious girl crushing going on…
Current indulgence: Does spending a lot of time reading count? Because I may or may not be neglecting other duties (ahem-folding laundry-ahem) for the chance to spend more time on the couch with my books. If not, then I’m going to go with buying beauty products, because I think it’s clear that I have a problem habit love for them at this point.
Current blessing: Finally feeling like I’m waking up to life. It’s kind of nice.
Current slang: Ermahgerd; also known as: an annoying way of saying “Oh my God!”…
Current outfit: I’m currently in a casual tee shirts and jeans phase. So here’s my tee…
… and you’re just going to have to trust that I’m wearing some pants as well… or am I?
Current excitement: Mum’s the word 😉

Current mood: Hopeful. Happy. Excited.
Current link: Marc and Angel Hack Life. A lovely reader named Vanessa (hi girl!!) recently reached out to me and included this link in her e-mail. It’s a really great place to find tips on how to live life in a more positive and proactive manner, and I kind of spent hours going through articles like 15 Ways to Live, and Not Merely Exist and 30 Things to Stop Doing to Yourself. I definitely recommend checking it out.
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Are you a napper?
Current girl crush… Go!
What are you currently…
1) … reading?
2) … doing?
3) … eating/drinking?
I am so impatient. I am impatient with myself. Impatient with others (although I tend to be more patient with others…). Something I need to work on. I also hate being left in suspense, although I know the saying is “good things come to those who wait.” Baha. 😉
Currently reading The Moon and More by Sarah Dessen.
Currently reading blogs during my lunch break at work.
Currently eating…/just ate… a thermos full of soup. Like usual.
current (ok lifelong!) girl crush is Sandra Bullock. i know she is a lot older than me but she is so darn funny & classy! miss congeniality, the proposal, all about steve. yep she is fabulous.
new foodie obsession this week- Kevita drinks! lemon cayenne clense & coconut are bomb, i go to the store just for them 🙂 also new beauty find: Essie in this awesome dark purple glitter color that lasts forver but i can’t remember the name sitting here at my desk……looking at my toes & it is not coming to me. ah well toes look great! jam! i must make some this weekend now. berries & chia & french vanilla stevia drops = summer goodness! thanks for the jam reminder
Currently reading… magazines. Whomp, whomp. I bought a book but haven’t started it yet!
Currently drinking unsweetened ice tea with lemon!
Currently reading your blog, duh 😉
I WISH I was a napper but I could never get myself to do it even when I was younger. It stinks!
I love Jennifer Lawrence and Kelly Ripa. Also, Emma Stone! Too funny!
Flowers AND teddy bears?! Jealoussssy!
The gingerberry kombucha is my fav! I bought Synergy which I used to love and just can’t tolerate it anymore. Definitely going to have to pick up my new fav on my next grocery trip.
For me… I’m currently reading “Add More Ing to Your Life” by Gabrielle Bernstein. I’ve read her other books but wanted to get back to basics. I do need it..
I’m currently at work (shhhh) but I would love to be napping right now! It’s raining and its the ideal napping weather. boohoo. I do get to leave early (summer hours) so maybe I’ll sneak one in later. 🙂
Happy Friday! 🙂
I went through the same thing with the Trilogy ‘bucha! It used to be my favorite, but now I just can’t get into it. I’m not sure if you guys have the grape flavor down there in the States, but that’s the one I’ve been loving the most lately. And today is a pretty dreary day here too… you know it’s bad when the cup of coffee you just drank down makes you even more sleepy…
Ahhh more flowers! You will be receiving an inquiring text later today 😉
Yes on jam..I must admit, I will gladly take spoonfuls right out of the jar. Such good stuff….I love my blueberry, but I’m doing strawberry right now for the sake of variety.
Agree with you on the Jennifer Lawrence thing. She’s just one of those celebrities that you really just want to be best friends with, she’s so real…and hilarious.
I never take naps. I should, but I don’t…I guess by the time I get home from work there’s so much to do that I don’t get around to it.
Currently reading: this post…and the Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett. I figured I’d find out why my mom loved the book so much.
Eating: nothing…but I’m starting to get hungry, so I’m happy that it’s lunch in 45 minutes.
drinking: water…but I’m thinking that a cocktail of some sort is needed tonight. Woot Friday!
And Eric and I quote ‘ermahgerd’ back and forth to each other pretty much all day…it’s a pretty fabulous saying :-p
Happy Friday love! <3
LOVE LOVE LOVE that quote from J Lawrence! She’s amazing and a great role model. As for napping. Yes, definitely and I actually need one right now 🙂 I can’t wait to read all about your teddy bear and your flowers <3
You and me both! We’re having some cloudy, low-pressure weather around here, which is totally making it hard to stay awake. I mean, you know it’s bad when the cup of coffee you drink just makes you even more sleepy…
Oh, I want a pony too! I’ve always wanted one of those miniature horses…they’re just so darn cute!
I really need to get that nail color!
I love napping (when I can)! It really helps reenergize me.
Right now I’m currently reading The Bet by Rachel Van Dyken. I’m only 2 chapters in, but so far so good.
I’m feeling like breakfast for dinner tonight. Specifcally, scrambled egges and satueed spinach in a brown rice wrap with a piece of chicken sausage. Ok…now I’m making myself hungry!
I just have to say…I really want to know about those flowers and teddy bear! 🙂
I’m currently in between books, just finished Caitlin Moran’s Moranthology which was wonderful and about to start a book called Be awesome! Currently drinking juice, lots and lots of juice 😉 and girl crush at the moment is a tough one, Karen O from the Yeah Yeah Yeahs 🙂
What are these things of which you speak?
Do you mean horizontal life pauses?
If so, then yes.
All the time. (0:
Horizontal life pauses… My mind does not necessarily go to the most PG-rated place when I hear it like that 😆
AMANDA! Scandalous!!
Jam is the Jam (how lame is that!?!) I love to add it to yogurt bowls, toast, cottage cheese, so tasty! And YES for naps! With my new earlybird mornings somedays I need a 20 min. “recharge” mid-afternoon! And I’m loving it! Currently I’m going to snag another cup of coffee & a cookie & head out the door to meet a girlfriends new baby 🙂 Happy Friday lady!
Please spill the beans, Amanda! The wait is just too much to bear for me :D. I mean, I do have some guesses but it’d be nice to know whether I’m right or not.
Actually, I’d intended a nap today when coming home after my way-too-early doctor’s appointment. Really, though, I’m not a napper because they make me feel even more tired and leave me a bit sluggish. My dad’s a power napper doing very well with a 15-minute-nap during his lunch break but I have yet to find them a way to recharge or catch up on lost sleep.
I’m not currently reading any book but want to buy “Gold” by Chris Cleave on the weekend. Little Bee was fantastic and after reading an extract of the new one on my Kindle I’m excited for that one, too.
Thanks for sharing those links to you and Vanessa! It’s really worth reading the articles and (!) turning the advice given into action.
I hope the pollen’s not going to bug you too much this weekend. Happy Friday!
You’re KILLING me with your “mum’s the word!” HAHA Why am I so intrigued by this!?! I feel like we are real friend in real life of course so I am like GIRLL SPILL IT!! BUTT I know in time you will! I hope, and if not..that’s cool too! HAHA! J.Law is my favorite celebrity EVERRR. She is adorable and hilarious. I think she and I would get into a lot of fun trouble together. HAHA.
I’m currently drinking black coffee..like literally currently. Out of a brand new mug that makes me soul swoon! I am reading, “Battlefield of The Mind.” Gotta love some Joyce Meyer whipping my butt into shape! And well I am currently reading blogs!! The best relaxation of the day! Have a great weekend gorgeous lady!
Bonus points if you’re drinking out of a “coffee makes me poop” mug 😉
I think I have that exact nail polish! I’m loving pastels lately! I need to redo my nails… they almost look like a french manicure they’re so chipped!
I certainly feel you on the napping. I have found that waking up at 5 (only really an hour after you), napping saves me a lot of the time. I can’t nap for more than 15 minutes other wise it will turn into sleep then I won’t go to bed at night.
I know I’ve told you a few times but I do really like that nail color a lot.
Ugh, you’re making me want to quit my other book and I’m usually not a book quitter! Lately, I’ve been adding almond butter and honey to my oatmeal. It’s heavenly and right up your alley! 🙂
AB and honey is pretty much tied with AB and jam in my books. I guess nut butter with any kind of concentrated sweetness is a big win.
I’m OBSESSED with Crofter’s grape jelly. It is soo good. I made a french-toast-pb-jelly delight on the weekend… oozing with grape jelly!
Oooo! I haven’t had grape jelly in forever! I think I may just have to add another jar to my collection…
I am always in need of more patience. I love your nail polish and the casual look. Brandon always says I look sexiest in jeans in a t-shirt so it makes life easy! I’m currently reading The Fault In Our Stars and its great so far!
Jenifer Lawrence is just plain cool. I felt beyond bad for her when she fell at the Oscars! If anyone can pull it off though, she could. She seems like she could be your best friend, so real.
OMG, anytime someone asks me what I want for something (Christmas, bday, anniversary, etc) I say a pony! Clearly great minds think alike 😉 I have yet to get one either, and I continue to pout about it each time I’m done opening gifts and one hasn’t appeared. Joe told me a few months ago that we can either get a pony or a puggy but not both. I think that’s just selfish, since clearly a pug riding a pony would be the best thing ever, right? He is so unimaginative sometimes 😛 And I completely agree with you about Jennifer Lawrence. I love her and think she’s pretty amazing 🙂
I adore Marc & Angel Hack Life. Just saying.
My girl crush is ALWAYS Kristen Bell. Speaking of which:
😆 😆 😆 Oh thank you for that. I’m literally dying here.
Yay, happy to share! I was so psyched that things converged like that for the video to be doubly relevant. 😉 Have an awesome weekend!!
Must text today 🙂
Jennifer Lawrence is totally my girl crush too…along with Kelly Ripa. I just love her and her awkwardness.
And I also love your face;)
Oh gosh, it’s funny you mentioned jam because I’ve been eating non stop AB and jam english muffins, but I also made a huge pot of rhubarb and strawberry jam and it’s the jam. I can’t stop eating it on everything. Oats especially. I didn’t even know it would be good on oats, but it totally is.
And since your book recommendations always are amazing, I need to check out your newest one.
Happy Friday love!
I think I’m going to download Khaled Hosseini’s new book on my Kindle so that I can read it while on vacation next week. I absolutely loved his other two books so I have no doubts that I’ll also enjoy this one. And I am loving Daphne Oz (Dr. Oz’s older daughter) right now. She just seems so cool and genuine. And I love her philosophy on life. 🙂
The only time I ever find myself napping is if I don’t feel well and I always wake up from a nap more grouchy… never a good thing so I try NOT to do it.
I can always use a little more patience!
Currently on the couch drinking glitter and gold tea from David’s…my favorite.
Current girl crush (for a while) Ginnifer Goodwin…she is so freakin adorable and I would love to look as cute as her in a pixie cut.
Currently reading For Darkness Shows the Stars by Diana Peterfreund. I’m glad you’re loving the Khaled Hosseni book…I preordered mine from Amazon cause I love him so much. And I didn’t want the kindle version even though I prefer my kindle now.
And I wish I could be a napper…would help a lot when I’m on nights!
I’ve never tried that tea, but it sounds amazing… especially the whole cinnamon and orange peel part 😉 And you’re going to love Hosseni’s book. It’s just as moving and raw as his other two.
I love Jennifer Lawrence, especially after that quote you have up of her! Yay for normal eating actresses!
100% with you on the J.Law girl crush. She’s awesome. I’m currently reading Witness by Sandra Brown, but I can’t wait to read And Then The Mountains Echoed.
Ah I want to get into Lost so badly!…except once upon a time I watched the first episode and a half and got freaked out of my mind (I hate anything even remotely scary…Vampire Diaries was a huge accomplishment for me). So there’s that.
Fun fact about pants: a few months ago, my friend had a Skype interview with a company. Since they were only going to see the top half of him, he wore the typical button-up/tie/jacket, but he wore gym shorts instead of actual pants. During the interview, he accidentally stood up during a point in time and they saw the gym shorts…he still got the job, so I guess they didn’t look too terrible. 😛
Wait… Lost is scary?! Gah! I’m the biggest wimp when it comes to that kind of thing! The last horror movie I watched was The Ring in 2002, and I pretty much swore them off for good after that. Hoping I’ll be able to handle it 😆
Ohhh, I just love Jennifer Lawrence. I really think she is the most natural, down to earth woman in Hollywood. Plus, she’s outrageously hilarious (i.e.: http://www.buzzfeed.com/kmallikarjuna/the-best-jennifer-lawrence-quotes-of-2012)
Your Save A Horse, Ride A Cowboy reference made me sad. This will be the first Calgary Stampede I’ll be missing in years :*(
Pollen is for SURE the worst thing right now. I hate that I can’t enjoy summer’s beauty without sneezing my face off!
Jennifer Lawrence is my celeb girl crush, too. I just watched “Silver Linings Playbook” and loved it, but I love her in all her movies. I think as a person she just seems so real, too, which is so refreshing.
I’m definitely checking out that link…I need more articles like that in my life.
Have a happy weekend!
She definitely seems really down to earth! I’m just hoping that she doesn’t succumb to the pressures like so many before her 🙁
Happy Friday, Olivia! Hope your allergies are kind to you this weekend.
I actually did this survey yesterday!! My girl crush is also Jennifer Lawrence, but I have lots of love for Rachel McAdams. I nap sometimes, but usually on weekends only. Naps will mess up my sleep cycle during the work week! Also- I love the Blood Orange Cflavor of Crofters jam!! Bitter but so so good! And your ‘excitement’ anticipation is killing me! He he Happy Friday!
Love that dog pic! Made my morning. Oh, and yea… you look good too. 😉 teehee
I’m set to pick up Cutting for Stone (a novel) at the library today, but I’ll have to keep an eye out for that Hosseini book. I read and really really really enjoyed those two others you mentioned, so I bet I’d like this one.
Happy Friday!!!!!!!!!! (#excited)
I love Jennifer Lawrence,. after the hunger games she was one of my fav’s!! I also love Katherin Heigl, but I havent seen her in much latelty! Ill remember to not read your blog when Im hungry too. thats why I stay away from pinterest most days!
Hahhaha I had to laugh at the pants comment. That’s the beauty of a screen. Nobody has to know what’s going on from the waist down. Maybe I should just never leave my house. Sounds like a pretty nice life to me! I’m big on the reading right now too. I’ve gone through 7 books in a week and a half. I guess you could say it’s my latest obsession.
7 books in a week and a half? Yowza… that would be like my dream. Were they all good ones? Any recommendations?
I’m currently nearing the end of the epic Shantaram. It’s such an amazing read and gives a real insight into the Indian crime scene in the 1980s.
Blood orange jam?? That sounds amazing!! I am guess that I probably cannot find it here, though :(. I think that I need to go to Canada just to stock up on food products ;). I am still really wanting some of the ketchup Pop Chips!
So I’ve always been more a fun of the nut butter & banana combo but now I’m suddenly craving a good ol’ PB & J…mmmm that sandwich right there looks like perfection, Amanda :)! I absolutely adore that Jennifer Lawrence quote- she is such an inspirational and role model…finally a celeb who likes to pack in the food!! Speaking of food, I am currently eating some cantaloupe with almonds. Apples are normally my go-to fruit buuuut the cantaloupe lately has been way too sweet to resist!
I love that girl… I’m just keeping my fingers crossed that she’ll stick to her guns and not succumb to the pressure like so many before her… And then try to blame weight loss on some “mysterious” surgery /endrant.
Eek, I love this post!
Okay so you got me hooked onto almond butter not I’m just gonna have to seek out blueberry jam to get it on my breakfast 😉 The last season is AMAZING. I am so sad Gossip Girl is finished I wanted it to go on and on and on for ever. And the current excitement sounds VERY exciting…
Love the little updates on your life! I’m totally with you on the power naps! Change is always a good thing! So excited to see what you are taking leaps to do. Can’t wait!
Ah, I love these Currently posts! And I want a pony too. Or even better a unicorn.
I always nap in the train back and forth my 2 cities. This can turn out to be an embarrassement if you know what I am talking about 🙂
I am obessed with jam too, but I refuse to eat any other than my Mom’s homemade jam. Crack, I swear.
Doing – I packed my stuff and will be flying out in 4 hours!
Safe flight, love! <3
Ok I have one big guess as to the mystery thing with the flowers and the teddy bear… I’m excited to find out if I’m right 🙂 currently eating/drinking- blonde nonfat misto as per usual, and a donut, because its national donut day and it was hard to say no to a free donut. its good 🙂 J.Lawrence is awesome. love her. happy friday girlie!!
After reading your post this morning, I checked to see if we have National Donut Day up here in Canada… aaaaand we don’t. Our main chain, Tim Horton’s, isn’t celebrating. Fail, Canada. Epic fail.