Happy Monday, friendly faces! 😀
I hope you guys had an awesome weekend and that you’re ready to tackle the new week. I’ve been scrambling to get a few things done before I leave for Vegas on Wednesday, so I’m going to keep this intro short and sweet and simply say that it’s time for another currently post…
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Current book: Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card. I’m enjoying this book for the most part, but there’s still something about it that feels a little… off. I’m about 3/4 of the way through, so we’ll see how I feel when I finish it.
Current music: Maps by Maroon 5. I have a feeling this is going to be one of those songs that I’m going to listen to non-stop (already happening), get sick of, and hate for the next 2 years 😆
Current guilty pleasure: Still playing FarmVille 2. Hush.
Current nail colour: Hard as Nails from Sally Hansen. It’s just a clear coat nail strengthener, and while I didn’t really have any problems with weak nails to begin with, I just wanted something clear after getting fed up with constantly chipping coloured polish… and I figured the extra little oomph couldn’t hurt.
Current drink: Good old water. With the summer heat and all the biking I’ve been doing, I literally haven’t been able to get enough water in me… I probably drink anywhere from 3 – 3.5L a day.
Current food: Blackout chocolate from Alter Eco. I tend to go back and forth between dark and milk chocolate, and after having a pretty good run with milk thanks to an abundance of Easter candy, I’m currently back on the dark side. I especially love the fact that this bar is, for lack of a better word, so crisp.
Current obsession: Biking and hiking and spending as much time outside as humanely possible.
Current wish: That my hands didn’t break out in heat rashes whenever I spend as much time outside as humanely possible. Kind of annoying… and itchy. Not to mention it looks like I’m suffering from some sort of strange disease 😯
Current need: A good cream for aforementioned condition. And a haircut/trim.
Current triumph: Graduating from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition and becoming a certified health coach 😀 I’ll be going back to school again in the fall, but it’s been great to get the foundations of my business set up and start working with clients. Squee!
Current bane of my existence: All the paper/legal work associated with starting a business 😡
Current indulgence: ALL the chocolate. Do you think I have enough?
Current procrastination: Packing my suitcase for Vegas; but when do I not procrastinate on that? My plane leaves early Wednesday evening, so I’ll probably start packing on Wednesday afternoon #storyofmylife.
Current blessing: I feel like I say this every month, but just life in general. I’m in a pretty good place right now 🙂
Current excitement: Vegas, baby! Two more days!
Current mood: Satisfied. Happy. Content. Excited. Blessed.
Current link: YouTube. I’ve been spending way too much time watching YT videos lately, with some favoroite channels being The Sacconejoly’s, Thatcher Joe, Missglammorazzi, Zoella, Jaclyn Hill…
Hope you guys are having an awesome day! 😀
Give me your current:
1) … book.
2) … food.
3) … triumph.
4) … excitement.
5) … mood.
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I love your current moods! My current excitement is having my parents visiting later this month! 🙂
Congrats on graduating from IIN!! Eeeeeeee! I have a feeling I’ll be asking you a few questions in the upcoming months… if that’s ok. Also OBSESSED with that Maroon 5 song. So good.
Of course it’s okay! I’ve always found it super helpful to stay in touch with fellow IIN students… otherwise it can all start to feel a little overwhelming.
You’re gonna have a blast in Vegas. 🙂 I always pack early. I’m just so excited about wherever I’m going.
Congrats on graduating from IIN! I can’t wait to enroll next year.
And I need that nail hardener and your chocolate stash badly. Mine keep chipping, which is irritating, and I’m all out of chocolate, which is not ok. Rant over 😛
Book: just finished storm front (first of the Dresden files), which was recommended to me by a friend of a friend. Not bad, and I’ll probably read more of the series to see where they go, but it wasn’t my favorite either, and I don’t expect that to change
Food: just finished dipping pretzels in Justin’s vanilla almond butter
Mood: wistful….loved being in nj with fam and friends for a week and really want to go back ha
Excitement: mm going to a water park with my run club friends on Sunday will be fun. And November 14 when Joe graduates will be glorious
Triumph: being able to go with the flow on vacation last week for the first time in years. We ate out just about every meal and most of the options were bar food. We ate different times than I’m used to. And I rolled with all of it. Hasn’t happened in years. Even my aunt commented on it and said that she was proud and happy for me to be in a good place. Nice to hear 🙂
Awwr girl that’s so amazing to hear! Super happy for you 😀
Hey Amanda,
I actually just moved to Vegas with my husband a few months ago from chicago. We love it here. We have had some unusual rain and storms so hopefully they are gone before you get here! Oh and if you need a break from the heat, about 20-30 min from the strip is AMAZING hiking at Mt. Charleston. Its about 20 degrees cooler and you will feel like you are up in the Colorado mountains! Beautiful! Have fun!
Thanks so much for the hiking recommendation, Ryanne! I was actually hoping to spend some time out of the city as well, and that sounds perfect 🙂
Wow, it seems like just yesterday you mentioned your plan to study with IIN and now you’re a graduate. Congratulations, girl! Fingers crossed for quickly sorting out the paperwork. I just had to get a bunch of that done [for a different reason] and it was so.much.fun. Only not. Especially when you need to print out half a dozen pages and your printer kindly decides not to cooperate.
Current book: Too many. Though I figure too many is kind of impossible? My definition is: when there are too many to make a decision which one to actually follow through first. Reading multiple at once can be a little tricky.
About the chocolate: Let’s see… If you’re anything like me I’d say you’re good to go for about three weeks 😉 .
On a random note I’m always bummed when I can’t watch the music videos you post because they’re not available over here. And even more so now that we’re talking Maroon 5 and I can’t seem to find a proper video through the German Youtube page, either.
Never too much chocolate! Although I’ve been really good and staying away from sugar these days. I’m obsessed with that new Maroon 5 song. I downloaded it last weekend.
Dark chocolate doesn’t actually have that much sugar, and it’s actually packed with antioxidants that are pretty darn good for ya 🙂
Have fun in Vegas! I just came back yesterday. And oh my god, your chocolate stash is too much for me to handle. I need you in my life when I go into my pantry hoping to find a dark chocolate bar that I know is not there. Wah. By the way, congrats on IIN. I graduate in September!
Girl, I need a haircut too! And a color because my grays are showing… 😉
Congratulations on graduating, Amanda!! That’s so exciting! I hope you have a blast in Vegas too. I know everything that happens there stays there, but I hope you give us the inside scoop when you return 😉
Current food: nectarines and blueberries. Currently craving a cobbler that involves the two.
Current excitement: Florida in 6 days!
Vegas is going to be so much fun!! I can’t wait to read about it!
Current food: I’ve been eating so much buffalo chicken lately! It is thebomb.com
Book- there’s 3! “A Homemade Life” and “Delancey”, both by Molly Wizenberg, and “The Yonahlossee Riding Camp for Girls” (I forget the author and the books upstairs…). The first 2 are food writing- memoirs/stories with recipes sprinkled throughout. LOVE. Molly is also super sweet, I’ve met her once at her pizza restaurant (!!!)in Seattle and once at a book signing. HIGHLY recommend!
food: CHERRIES. not the weird yellow orange ones though… the black ones, all the way
triumph: learning how to pit said cherries (thank you pinterest!) with a STRAW. no cherry pitter! you just stick the straw all the way through the middle of the cherries and it grabs the pit perfectly!
excitement: family reunion at the end of july!
mood: very very full. I need to switch to lighter breakfasts for the HOT summer weather we are having here!
Oooo I’ve never tried that method of pitting cherries, but it sounds pretty genius. Now you need to practice tying cherry stems in a knot with your tongue — it’s actually doable! 😀
Nothing wrong with enjoying life or procrastinating 🙂 I am in desperate need of a trim …
Vegas!? That’s exciting. I’ve actually never been, but maybe one day…
My current book: Man Repeller: Seeking Love, Finding Overalls – Leandra Medine, Current food: Cauliflower, I want it ALL. THE. TIME., Triumph: A new job lined up for the fall!, Excitement: warm weather. Manitoba has had a crappy summer so far. Mood: excited from thinking of my current excitement? Kidding. I’m feeling productive! I’m kicking Monday’s butt.
I think you have wayyyy to much chocolate and so you should send me some 😉
I didn’t read Ender’s Game, but I saw the movie. I really enjoyed the movie but I’ve heard people who read the book didn’t like it! I dunno.
Also, I am in need of a good trim and highlight job on my hair. I’m trying to keep it as healthy as possible! I want it to grow super long. I call it mermaid hair.
1) … book: I finished Red Rising! It took me a while to get into it (I was bored at first) but once it got to the thick of it when Darrow’s in the game, I really, really got into it.
2) … food: hmm. I’ve been going through my Quest bar stash a little too often lately.
3) … triumph: finding out that my strength is still pretty good even after taking several months off of heavy strength training (thank you yoga!)
4) … excitement: in a few weeks, a visit from a friend I haven’t seen since November/December!
5) … mood: like I want to dive headfirst into that chocolate stash (read: hormonal).
Congrats on graduating love! You’ll do great things with your certification 😉
What kind of business are you opening up? Good luck!
My own health coaching practice 🙂
I am all about the water lately, too. I feel like I’m in a permanent state of dehydration because I’m always so sweaty! Darn summer :/
My current mood is tired from the weekend BUT really happy that today is my birthday! 🙂
Have a great time in Vegas!
Congratulations on graduating, Amanda! You already touch so many lives with this blog, with your certification and new business I know you will do amazing things 🙂
Aww thank you so much, Kelsey <3 That means a lot 🙂
That music video for Maps is intense, but I’m sorry because two shots doesn’t suddenly make you cheat on your girlfriend. Nice try, Adam Lavigne.
Current book is The Happiness Project – loving it so far.
So exciting you will be going to Vegas in just a few short days– better pack sunscreen! 🙂 And I LOVE Maroon 5’s new song…but I love all of their songs!
Congrats on graduating!! That’s super exciting! And you can never have too much chocolate. At least you don’t have to worry about running out for awhile.
😆 One can only hope.
Congrats on graduating!! So proud!
And I am jealous of your Vegas trip. It’s about 16 years back since I’ve been there!
Current excitement – my new home! I hate that I have to leave it tomorrow for work 🙂
God where is this month going seriously? Have fun in Vegas! I’m always so jealous of your travels.
You can never have too much chocolate! I’m so glad that you’re in a good place and happy! Have a blast in Vegas!
The alter eco is my favorite dark chocolate! Have fun in Vegas lucky girl!
I need a new book. I say this all of the time and couldn’t stop saying it all weekend. Once I fell out of my reading routine, it has been hard to get back. All it will take is one book. I know this…Excited for you to go to Vegas. I tried convincing my friend she needs to run the Las Vegas Half in November but since she thought a half marathon was 5 miles, we are far away from getting that trip/run to happen.
Ive been using Hard As Nails since I was in high school. That was my moms favorite stuff since she used to wear fake nails a lot [her nails were SO weak and brittle!} so she passed her love of it down to me 🙂
Congrats on graduating!! I hope you are able to really set forth on your dreams now, whatever they may be!
mmm…you can never go wrong with lots of chocolate!
currently I’m reading the Alchemist, I just finished the Fault in our Stars. Both are so good.
current excitement is taper week for my half marathon this weekend!!
The Alchemist is one of my favourite books! I must have read it like 5 times already…
My current favorites would probably be:
1) Book – You Can Have Your Cake and Skinny Jeans Too
2) Food – Bagels. And bread in general.
3) Triumph – I have an interview tomorrow. Can that count?
4) Excitement: I’m going to a wedding next week in coastal Rhode Island – a short work week!
6) Mood: Pretty dang grumpy.
Also, I read Ender’s Game aaaaages ago and of course I can’t remember if I liked it. I’m not much of a sci fi person, though.
I just finished a science fiction (great north road) and had a similar feeling until the end. Once i was done I knew that there was tonnes to love about the book though and the feeling changed! I am doing the same thing with wanting to be outside as much as possible. I wish we lived closer so that we could hike together. I get kinda lonely all alone. Do you go with people or by yourself?
There are some nice things about hiking alone, but it can definitely get lonely sometimes. I tend to do both, depending on when I want to go and who’s available.
Congratulations on your graduation from IIN! What additional schooling are you doing? I am an IIN grad as well.
And Maps and Ms. Glamoratzi have been my obsessions lately, too.
I’ll be going to the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition. Are you practicing?
I do not work one on one with clients yet. That is my goal. It sounds like you have that part up and running?! Good for you! I’d love any advice. My nerves get the best of me.
When I saw this on blog lovin I really felt like it was yesterday that you posted “Currently June” – crazy how time is flying.
That collection of Green and Blacks you have got there is pretty amazing – I love their chocolate – ginger is my fave!
“Current blessing: I feel like I say this every month, but just life in general” – Love that a) you are loving life and b) that is exactly how I feel too 🙂
VEGAS! – amazing! – Have the best time 🙂
Water is always good 😉 I have been guzzling it all day everyday too!
I always procrastinate with packing. I usually just wait till the day before and even that is a struggle. It is just so annoying to get started and then I get nervous I will forget something. So a while back I made a list of essential travel items and I keep it handy everything I start to pack!
Ditto! I have a basic list of essentials that I bring for every trip, and then I just customize the rest based on wherever it is that I’m going. This time I just have to remember to pack my lunch for the plane since that’s what I forgot the last time I travelled!
Happy Monday Amanda!
You sound happy & blessed and so grateful for all the goodness in your life, good for you!
I’m with you on the clear nail polish, I just made that switch this past week! Can’t stand the chipping either, looks so lame. But I need something….ya know?
Hope your hand rash/disease whatever it is you have, well, that you find a good solution and enjoy Vegas!! Welcome to the good old USA!! I’d swing by to see you but we’re on the other side of the country =)
Vegas?! Have fun girl! (And take loads of pics for us!)
All the chocolate makes me happy too! Do you get milkybar in canada? I miss it so much, and although my family mails me it often….I just wish I could get it anytime! I am SO glad to see you posted maroon 5, as I thought I heard them on the radio the other day, but my bf was mid conversation, so did not want to interrupt him to find out haha!
I don’t think I’ve ever seen Milkybar here! I thought it was something like Milky Way, but apparently not. Looks tasty though! And if you like white chocolate, have you tried the Hershey’s Cookies ‘n’ Cream bar? That’s a really good one too!
Woot woooot congrats on officially becoming a certified coach- so proud of you, girl! And hell yes to owning all the chocolate- I stocked up big while I was in London so I think I’m good for at least a week…I kid I kid, hopefully this stash should last me over the next 2 months! My current mood is excited- I just ordered a Nutribullet and it should be delivered any minute now (yeah yeah, total nerd alert)!