Happy Monday, friendly faces! 😀
I hope you guys had an awesome weekend and that you’re ready to tackle the new week. I’ve been scrambling to get a few things done before I leave for Vegas on Wednesday, so I’m going to keep this intro short and sweet and simply say that it’s time for another currently post…
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Current book: Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card. I’m enjoying this book for the most part, but there’s still something about it that feels a little… off. I’m about 3/4 of the way through, so we’ll see how I feel when I finish it.
Current music: Maps by Maroon 5. I have a feeling this is going to be one of those songs that I’m going to listen to non-stop (already happening), get sick of, and hate for the next 2 years 😆
Current guilty pleasure: Still playing FarmVille 2. Hush.
Current nail colour: Hard as Nails from Sally Hansen. It’s just a clear coat nail strengthener, and while I didn’t really have any problems with weak nails to begin with, I just wanted something clear after getting fed up with constantly chipping coloured polish… and I figured the extra little oomph couldn’t hurt.
Current drink: Good old water. With the summer heat and all the biking I’ve been doing, I literally haven’t been able to get enough water in me… I probably drink anywhere from 3 – 3.5L a day.
Current food: Blackout chocolate from Alter Eco. I tend to go back and forth between dark and milk chocolate, and after having a pretty good run with milk thanks to an abundance of Easter candy, I’m currently back on the dark side. I especially love the fact that this bar is, for lack of a better word, so crisp.
Current obsession: Biking and hiking and spending as much time outside as humanely possible.
Current wish: That my hands didn’t break out in heat rashes whenever I spend as much time outside as humanely possible. Kind of annoying… and itchy. Not to mention it looks like I’m suffering from some sort of strange disease 😯
Current need: A good cream for aforementioned condition. And a haircut/trim.
Current triumph: Graduating from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition and becoming a certified health coach 😀 I’ll be going back to school again in the fall, but it’s been great to get the foundations of my business set up and start working with clients. Squee!
Current bane of my existence: All the paper/legal work associated with starting a business 😡
Current indulgence: ALL the chocolate. Do you think I have enough?
Current procrastination: Packing my suitcase for Vegas; but when do I not procrastinate on that? My plane leaves early Wednesday evening, so I’ll probably start packing on Wednesday afternoon #storyofmylife.
Current blessing: I feel like I say this every month, but just life in general. I’m in a pretty good place right now 🙂
Current excitement: Vegas, baby! Two more days!
Current mood: Satisfied. Happy. Content. Excited. Blessed.
Current link: YouTube. I’ve been spending way too much time watching YT videos lately, with some favoroite channels being The Sacconejoly’s, Thatcher Joe, Missglammorazzi, Zoella, Jaclyn Hill…
Hope you guys are having an awesome day! 😀
Give me your current:
1) … book.
2) … food.
3) … triumph.
4) … excitement.
5) … mood.
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Love so much in this! Especially the part where you graduated from IIN! I should get on calling to talk about the program – hoping to start in the fall! =) And I’m in desperate need of a haircut…it might be pretty dramatic once it does happen!
Book – The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle. JUST started it today.
Food – shredded wheat cereal with almond milk. Reminds me of my childhood.
Triumph – getting our new duplex! Weeee!
Excitement – Twin Cities trip at the end of this week.
Mood – relaxed (after a stressful morning!). Starbucks will do that to you!
After I saw Ender’s Game at the theater, my son told me I should have read the book. I can’t wait to hear your thoughts on it.
Book – Identical by Ellen Hopkins (I am currently reading all of her books…. 7.5/9 done!)
Food – Smoothie bowls on smoothie bowls on smoothie bowls! I’ve also been loving snack plates of raw veggies, pretzels and/or rice cakes with a plethora of dips like hummus, tzaziki, sriracha, mustards, and salsa!
Triumph – Finally throwing myself into my Youtube channel! I have dreamed of doing Youtube for years, but was way too self-conscious and hard on myself to put myself out there. I have been doing weekly videos for almost 2 months now without fail and have been loving the experience!
Excitement – Warped Tour this Saturday!
Mood – Hopeful.
Love these “Currently” posts. I may have to do one in the near future!
Book – Identical by Ellen Hopkins (I am currently reading all of her books…. 7.5/9 done!)
Food – Smoothie bowls on smoothie bowls on smoothie bowls! I’ve also been loving snack plates of raw veggies, pretzels and/or rice cakes with a plethora of dips like hummus, tzaziki, sriracha, mustards, and salsa!
Triumph – Finally throwing myself into my Youtube channel! I have dreamed of doing Youtube for years, but was way too self-conscious and hard on myself to put myself out there. I have been doing weekly videos for almost 2 months now without fail and have been loving the experience!
Excitement – Warped Tour this Saturday!
Mood – Hopeful.
Love these “Currently” posts. I may have to do one in the near future!
Would ya look at that. We were on the same wavelength today without even realizing it. Oh that’s right, we’re twinsies.
I just tried a Banana Split chocolate bar, and I love it because all the crunchies. Seriously, it’s the best and it’s all due to the texture so I can 100% relate to what you’re saying.
I’m currently going back to work this a.m. after 5 full days off (blah and not really off either, since I had to work every single day of my vacation, except Sunday!!). Oh well, such is life. How about I life vicariously through you and pretend I’m in Vegas soaking up the sun and vacationing for real.
PS. Congrats on getting the degree for health coaching. That’s wonderful news!!
Please remind me to tell you why I’m lol’ing like an idiot right now.
I am shedding (dark) tears of joy over the 85% cocoa. YES YES YES.
I’m jealous that you’re going to Vegas! I was there on Halloween and had a blast! Hope you have an amazing time!
Holy dark chocolate!! I WANT IT ALL! I have eczema on my hands and it gets really bad in cold weather. I have gotten used to my hands always looking like I am 80 yrs old, ha. Happy packing!
Congratulation on graduating!!! I’m also passionate about promoting healthy living; I graduated with a BS in Dietetics and I went on to serve as an AmeriCorps VISTA after that. I worked with an organization called The Campus Kitchen Project and I had the opportunity to really promote nutrition, sustainability and hunger issues. It was a very rewarding experience!
1) … book. I haven’t actually started reading it yet but “The Fault in Our Stars”
2) … food. Kohlrabi Slaw. Light & refreshing unlike the traditional coleslaw! Perfect summer dish!
3) … triumph. Getting my blog started 🙂
4) … excitement. As much as I am enjoying summer, I am actually excited to start my Master’s in Public Health in the Fall. I’m going to make it in the community nutrition field.
5) … mood. Determined. I’ve have many goals and aspirations for this year, one of them being to start my blog and successful promote my brand 🙂
…I’ve been spending waaayy to much time on Youtube too! I love Thatcher Joe & Zoella 🙂
1) … book. The Rum Diaries (J and I exchanged books we thought the other should read!)
2) … food. Just ate some granola, yogurt & frozen berries (for the second time today)
3) … triumph. coming back from Portland without gaining weight haha
4) … excitement. going to bed tonight, whoops
5) … mood. tired… and melancholy.
Have so much fun in Vegas, girlie! Can’t wait to hear all about it!!
Lol I’m all sorts of excited to go to sleep tonight too. I’ve been wanting to go to bed since 8:30, but I’m trying to hold out until at -least- 9:30. Might not make it…
1) … book – The Cuckoo’s Calling. I’m not sure how I feel about it yet, either. I find the hardest part of a book is getting into it.
2) … food – S’mores EVERYTHING. And bean burritos. Weird. Lol
3) … triumph – Boys. Out with the old, in with the new.
4) … excitement – Just… summer. And, well, see above… Just glad I didn’t let a bad thing ruin my life again.
5) … mood – Content.
Eeep! Congrats on graduating from IIN! Cheers to you!
Have fun in Vegas! I’ve only been one time, but I was 14 so I think I need to revisit and see if I actually like it as an adult. Do you have a specific hotel where you like to stay?
I’m currently reading a book about the 2008 presidential election, but just finished up a very fluffy beach read. It’s all about balance!
Congrats on getting certified! That’s awesome you’re going to Vegas. I had so much fun there, I already want to go back. Be prepared to feel like you’re standing in a furnace, though, it was crazy hot when I was there!
Do you always start your “Currently” posts with your current book? The Link-Within all showed books for the similar posts *Ãœ* I have read Ender’s Game, I’m not remembering being blown away. Liking it but not loving it …I have yet to see the movie but plan to at some point.
I just did a “coffee date” link up but it’s pretty much a “currently” post. I talked about books too … I’ve been on a “book3” binge, finishing up several series. Seven of my current reads have been “book3”! Ender’s game actually has a bunch of books in it’s series, but I haven’t read any but the first one.
Yup! I always answer the same questions, and the book is always first 🙂
Congrats on being done with your courses girl – so exciting! What other schooling are you doing in the fall?
And I’m totally with you on loving the outdoors. Lately my “workouts” have consisted of biking, walking with friends, and swimming in my pool. I want to soak up every second before we’re hit with a brutal winter again haha.
More naturopathic nutrition! Just with a different school this time.
Look at all that chocolate! It’s truly a beautiful view from this screen, and they look like a stack of books, hah! 😀 I so wish I was fond of painting my nails but my finger nails aren’t necessarily that nice when they’re painted. As in, they’re not long so they look awkward when I put something on, haha.
I’m happy to see that I’m not the only one freaking on Green & Black chocolate !!!!
Congrats on your graduation!! That is wonderful!! What are you going back to school for the in Fall… if you don’t mind me asking!
More naturopathic nutrition! Just a different school with a more scientific approach 🙂
Very cool! I work in higher education so it is always interesting to me to hear about what people are doing!
Currently reading the “Circle” and not sure how I feel about it. It’s kind of weird. HA! Currently have a serious case of the Mondays, BUT I’m leaving for Nantucket on Thursday to work at the Yoga Festival, so another short week is just what I need and like you I will wait to pack until the last minute. 😉
OMG STOP. Somehow I missed that you were taking that nutrition course. I’M GOING TO BE TAKING IT NEXT YEAR. Please please please tell me what you thought about it. I’m saving up, but part of me is scared that I will spend the money and not get what I’m hoping to get out of it. Any insight would be so fabulous.
It’d be a little too hard (and long) to say everything in a comment, but e-mail me with any questions and I’d be more than happy to chat with you 🙂
I neeeeeed that chocolate!
Woohoo, congrats on becoming a certified coach! That’s fantastic. Can’t wait to get even more tips from you as you grow your business and continue your education.
Current book: Ask the Passengers
Food: Avocado and tomato sandwiches
Triumph: Starting a blog 🙂
Mood: Content
Excitement: Going to Dallas to see one of my best friends next week
Congrats again on starting your blog, lady! Super, super exciting 😀
I should definitely try that book! Given my reading drought I am up for anything.
Current excitement: 51 more days until Vancouver!
Current mood: Sleepy. I need a nap, STAT. I blame the heat. 😉