Happy Monday, friends!
How’s your week looking so far? It’s a long weekend for us up here in Canada, so I’m enjoying one more day off before having to go back to work. And by enjoying I mean [apparently] trying to savour every single moment, which might explain why I’ve been waking up ridiculously early for the past couple days…
Oi. Hopefully I can squeeze a nap in at some point today, but the strange thing is that I haven’t even been feeling that tired throughout the day. I can usually make it to at least 10 PM without much of a problem, so maybe my body functions fine on 6 hours of sleep? Who knows. All I know is that I’m currently sitting here sipping on a cup of my favourite tea and waiting for the sun to rise – not a bad way to start the day.
And speaking of currently, I haven’t filled out one of my favourite surveys since June, so let’s kick the week off with a little update on life, shall we?
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Current books: As a self-professed bookworm, I’m kind of ashamed to admit that I haven’t been reading much of anything lately 😕 The last book I read was The Scorpio Races back at the end of June, and I haven’t really picked up anything since then. First it was because July didn’t leave me with a lot of spare time for reading, and now it’s because most of my reading time goes towards studying… which sort of counts as reading, right?
Current music: I’ve been listening to a lot of Slacker Radio lately, with my current station built around Rise Against. As for what’s streaming as we speak? Careless Whispers by Seether.
Current guilty pleasure: Easy peasy puzzles… I’m talking the kind that are anywhere from 150 – 500 pieces. I used to be all about the big 1K+ puzzles and scoffed at the idea of anything simpler, but less pieces means a faster rate of finding ones that fit together, and everyone knows that “click” is the most enjoyable thing about puzzling.
Current nail colour: Since I’m still rocking the same blue and gunmetal colour combo that I mentioned in my July favourites post, let’s take a look down at my toes instead…
Essie’s Sunday Funday
Current drink: Sparkling water. I don’t really drink anything other than water, coffee, tea, and kombucha (in order of frequency), but lately I’ve been switching out some of my regular water for naturally flavoured sparkling water (lemon, lime, grapefruit) and craving the carbonated kick more and more. Luckily, soda water seems to be just as good as drinking regular water, so I guess I don’t have to worry.
Current food: Baked chicken. This is an odd one for me since I don’t usually crave savoury things, but I’ve been really big on baked chicken lately – I’ll bake up a big batch a few times a week (olive oil, Mrs.Dash, 375°F for 30 minutes) and stash it away in the fridge so that I can easily grab some whenever the craving hits.
Current favorite show: Nada. The last show I really committed to watching was Gossip Girl when I finished the series back in June. I planned on moving on to Lost after that, buuuuuut it just hasn’t happened yet. Actually, I’m kind of debating between Lost and Dexter right now. Ultimately I’d like to watch both, but which to choose first?!

Current wish list: If a dream is a wish the heart makes [when you’re fast asleep], then I’m apparently wishing for a night in an abandoned amusement park with Batman, while we run from a horde of winged monkeys who are trying to… well… I don’t know what they’re trying to do, but it must have been bad if we were running. I also recall there being clowns, foosball, and a rabbit with fangs. Strangest.dream.ever. Let’s not even go there…
Current needs: An excuse to get out of deck building duty today. My parents are redoing theirs, and I offered to help [oversee] things. Can we just be done and celebrate with a BBQ already? Maybe I’ll just bake some cookies and consider it a job well done on my part…
Current triumphs: Being more active on Twitter and Instagram. I’m kind of horrible when it comes to keeping up with social media, but I’ve been putting in more of an effort to stop completely ignoring it, and so far so good. Okay, so I’m only a few days in, but I’m making it a goal to keep it up, so help a girl out and chat me up on there, would ya? 🙂
Current bane of my existence: Waking up way too early. Don’t get me wrong – I love being a morning person – but I wouldn’t mind trading in the 4:30 AM wakeup calls for something a tad bit later. 5? 5:30? C’mon, brain… work with me here. It’s not even because I end up feeling overly tired throughout the day… it just makes the day feel ridiculously long.
Current celebrity crush: Gru <3
Current indulgence: Purses. There are shoe girls and there are purse girls, and as much as I can appreciate a nice pair of shoes, I’m most definitely a purse girl at heart. I may have recently done some damage in Vegas…

Michael Kors Hamilton // Michael Kors Sloan
Current blessing: Life in general. I’m kind of loving it; and if you love life, life will love you back.
Current slang: I’m not sure if it counts as slang, but I have a tendency to say “eh?” a lot. Yes. Yes, I am very much Canadian…
Current outfit: Apparently I’m all about the “feet shots” today…
… but that’s mostly because I find taking full body selfies to be incredibly awkward. And even though I kind of cheated you guys by only showing half an outfit, at least it gives you a decent idea. I’ve been all about the blacks and grays lately. I know, I know… summer calls for bright colours and all that, but it’s been a little chilly around here lately, so I guess my brain is transitioning into fall mode.
Current excitement: I have a feeling that you guys are going to start throwing things at me if I don’t tone down the giddiness soon, so I’m going to keep it short and sweet and simply say that I’m excited to see what the future has in store with J and my studies.
He sure is good to me #smitten
Current mood: See above 😀
Current link: Twitter! I’ve literally been checking in non-stop.
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Dexter or Lost?
Purses or shoes? Or both or… neither?
What are you currently…
1) … reading?
2) … doing?
3) … eating/drinking?
Be as giddy as you feel like for as long as necessary :). In fact, I’d rather be suspicious if your giddyness about J and all the other exciting changes happening in your life lately had worn off already. Go and be giddy!
I’m neither a shoe nor a purse person but I can’t have enough dresses. “Needing” to buy a new one for my sister’s wedding was the best excuse to add another one to my wardrobe. Red with lace embroiderments? No complaints here ;).
Regarding books I just picked up A.J. Jacobs’ Guinea Pig Diaries from the library after if finally arrived. Looking forward to it already.
Sigh, I still have yet to pick up a puzzle despite you talking about them regularly. If only I wasn’t such a bad decision maker …
Did you end up foregoing the deck building duties? Cookies are the best help you could offer in my book. Somebody needs to make sure everybody’s well fueled after all.
I looove your purses! My confession: I always buy at least 2 (overly-expensive) purses while in Vegas. I always tell my husband that it is my gambling money – I just get something in return for it 😉
Dexter! sucks me in & can’t watch anything else 🙂 shoes! all kinds, colors, high low, love my shoes- still have some from college that I just can’t get rid of… and my new (to me!) thing is that I started making my own kombucha (tired of the $ and the additives in store bought) and this week my flavored batch turned out amazing! pineapple ginger- yum! now I have 2 2 gallon jars of it growing on the counter & assorted flavored bottles doing a second ferment. its totally addicting! seriously I rush home to check on my scoby babies….
Scoby babies – lol! Seriously the cutest thing ever. I really wish I was brave enough to try and brew my own kombucha… I’m always afraid that I’ll do something wrong and end up giving myself food poisoning 😕 But my mom’s been making her own kefir for years and swears that there’s nothing to be afraid of… and some of the flavor combinations sound amazing. I mean, pineapple ginger? Holy.yum.
I was scared of messing it up too but its been awhile & have yet to make myself or any one I shared with sick! Plus, I love the fact that every batch is different, I flavor with what is in season & sounds good to me 🙂 the floaties in the huge jars make my kitchen look like a science lab & they make me smile. You should totally start brewing your own- its a fun, cheap, DYI healthy hobby (and then you could name your scoby Gru)
Okay, you totally sold me with that last part 😛 Seriously, though, I’m super intrigued. Where did you get your starting scoby?
My friend just grew me one but there are a couple places online that will ship them for like $20 or you can try & find someone local who has one! Like a food co op or a natural foods store. I grow a couple (I have 2 jars) every few weeks so I have been the supplier at work & the gym ha ha!
def shoes for me but I do love some purses too. Recently I have been digging Kate Spade 🙂 I am loving everything happening in your life right now and J sure is a sweetheart.
I would through such a phase of purses too, luckily I have moved past that. Thank goodness because my wallet couldn’t handle it. Like you I have been on a major protein kick too – chicken, turkey fish you name it.
oh i reallllly need to get into social media more. but ugh, i dread it. anyways 1. dexter! 2. shoes! 3. blogs blogs and more blogs- i actually dont have a book started, which is extremely rare, and i think its because im always either outside taking in the AMAZING weather we;ve had the past couple weeks or consumed with blogs. 4. writing writing writing! im trying to get some freelance writing gigs and 5. enough starbucks to pay their rent 🙂
I finally decided it was time to get up with the social media stuff….and now I’m kind of addicted. Oops..
I love your outfit SO much! Your shoes are definitely a win in my book! I’m so happy to hear you’re loving life and it’s loving you back 😀 I’m definitely a shoes person because I tend to stash everything but what I need in a purse, so I don’t even buy them anymore. I’ll carry my phone and wallet before I pick up a purse! You’re extremely brave for posting a picture of your feet, btw. I would probably freak everyone out if I did the same.
1) … reading? Do magazines count? I’ve been a little slack on my reading, too.
2) … doing? Reading your blog and wishing so bad I could afford to go to HLS and hear a true Canadian say, “eh”? 😛
3) … eating/drinking? Drinking coffee, what else is new?
Well, I guess that’s one of the pluses of not being a runner – not having to deal with bad feet 😉 And while I’d definitely kill to have you at HLS, maybe I could satisfy your Canadian “eh” curiosity over that Skype date that we seriously have to do?
I love your current blessing. That is one of my favorite quotes!
I am so much like you with the getting up early- the last few days I am totally up before 5:00 am. I wish I could sleep later but at the same time, I am such a morning person that it is fine – I get up and get things done before the real day begins. But it does make for a long day plus then we eat breakfast super early and end up ready for lunch when most people are first thinking about breakfast!
I love little posts like this that go into some details that may be considered trivial at times. It’s always fun to see what’s going on in someone’s life. So, I’ll give you a peak into mine!
Dexter or Lost? BOTH. I’m on both of those shows bandwagon. Maybe a little more Dexter though? Oh, I don’t know. You’ve put me on the spot! 🙂
Purses or shoes? Or both or… neither? Both. Preferably in mass amounts.
What are you currently…
1) … reading? I’m doing this odd read 3 book thing right now. I’m reading a history book for school, Pride & Prejudice just because, and The Fault in Our Stars by John Green because I need a little more John Green in my life!
2) … doing? Sipping a smoothie after xc practice. It’s sooo good!
3) … eating/drinking? Woops, I already said this. I’m drinking a green smoothie and a glass of water. Apparently I’m a heavy drinker.
Both wasn’t an answer for Dexter vs. Lost! I need to know which one I should watch first 😛 And I keep hearing good things about The Fault in Our Stars… may have to look into picking that one up too…
I didn’t realize Seether put out a new song! <3 Adore them. And speaking of adoring, those shoes. Definitely want! I've never watched Lost, but I've always wanted to…Eric didn't like it so he has me convinced that I won't like it, even though the types of shows we like rarely overlap (GoT being the obvious exception). I do like Dexter though! The early seasons are absolutely amazing/groundbreaking…it has kinda lost it lately though, I think it's on it's last legs.
Right now, I'm reading The Fault in Our Stars, and absolutely adoring it. Maybe look for that one if you need a new book to read?
Currently eating some watermelon – with the spoon, cause that’s how I do it 🙂
Your baked chicken looks delicious. Mind sharing the recipe? I never tried to bake my chicken. Always fried it in the pan.
It’s actually super simple! I just set the oven to 375F, toss a few chicken breasts in a bit of olive oil, sprinkle them with salt and spices, throw them in a pan, and bake them for ~30 minutes.
Choose LOST!!! I love that show. But I will warn you…it is quite addicting! As in it will take up hours and hours of your day! 😉
Have a fabulous Monday off of work..lucky you!
That’s what I keep hearing! But I kind of need something that’ll let me kill time when the boy is not around 😕
Well I say go for it! It will definitely keep you busy and entertained!
Oh fun! I haven’t done a puzzle in forever!!! Now I wanna do one 🙂 Love that nail polish, too!
I LOVE that you’re so happy & giddy, that’s the best feeling! You deserve it lady! As for currently in my world…”Scandal” on Hulu Plus, Purses all the way & coffee, lots & lots of coffee, iced & hot! Happy Monday!
Definitely watch Lost first! It was one of my all time favorite shows, so good and exciting (and makes you think!)
I need to get some Mrs. Dash…. your baked chicken looks fabulous! I’m for sure a purse girl, too. It’s just too bad all of the ones that I love are so darn expensive. Have you seen Orange is the New Black on Netflix? I’ve heard it’s really good and I plan on checking it out this weekend. Have a great start to your week!!
Love the nails and puzzles! I love doing puzzles, especially on rainy days. 🙂
Right now I’m reading the novel Orange is the New Black (which the TV series is based on.) It is okay. I think it’s hard going from the TV show to the book. I wish I’d read it first.
Love the selfie shot. Those shoes <3 <3 <3. I can't take pictures like that because my boobs just get in the way. It's kind of a problem. And I lloooove your new puzzle addiction. Can I come over and do puzzles with you? Please? I used to love doing them with the girls I nannied for, but those ones usually had about 50 pieces. Big ballin'!
😆 Oh girl, you’re too much for me. There are days where I honestly wouldn’t mind having that “problem” 😉
Despicable Me is probably one of my favorite recent Disney movies. I just watched it the other day with the kids I babysit and love it. I love Gru as well, but I guess that makes sense because I think Steve Carrell is pretty incredible. I’m excited for you to be more active on Twitter and Instagram. I think I’m way more active on Instagram than I am on Twitter. I spend the majority of my time on Twitter checking in on everyone else 😉 Have a great long weekend!
awwww so happy with this post!! Why?! Because YOU seem so happy in it!! That’s good enough to make me happy <3
I feel you on the waking up early thing…sleep has just sucked so much lately. Its like I wake up FULLY alert too! Im like ok I went to bed at 11 and it's now 4AM, why am I so awake right now?! If I was a yogi I would just go do some stretches to simmer back down, but that's going to happen probably never 😉
And YES to fizzy waters. Love love love them. Im obsessed with sparkling waters, lemon and just a touch of normal water. Its like lemonade to me, and even better when I add a twist of lime!
Right?! It would be different if I woke up tired, but I wake up and I’m like instantly ready to go, which just makes getting back to sleep even more difficult. I’ve tried going to sleep earlier to see if that helps, but I usually just end up waking up even earlier 😯
Haha love the Disney puzzles. Court and I did a giant unicorn puzzle together last winter to help with our seasonal boredom. Maybe I should pick up some fun easy puzzles this year?!
I’m reading The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks & The Bling Ring right now! Both are really good. 🙂
I love your quote… “If you love life it will love you back!” So true 🙂
Purses AND shoes!! And jeans. I can not stop buying them and every year I donate it a huge bunch of them. Oh well…
Love your toenails!! So pretty. And yes please, keep the Instagram pics coming! I only joined the fun a few weeks ago and I love it. Considering I was a Social Media blank, I must say I am doing pretty well lately.
You bet I am going to cook up some baked chicken tonight. Yumm.
I am definitely a purse girl! You never have to take your clothes off to try a purse on, they never make you feel fat, and they don’t highlight your ugly feet (I’m talking about myself here 😉 ) Plus, they help me carry my big water bottle around everywhere I go@
You continue being giddy, girl- it’s contagious :)! Loving how much positivity this post oozes and it sounds like life is going SWELL! Funny enough, I’ve noticed myself craving a lot more savory than normal- something is clearly going around ;)! Speaking of food, I just finished eating lunch which was all kind of random: a veggie stir fry with hummus & marinara sauce and a side of toast (one with PB & J and the other with cream cheese).
It’s been a while since I read a good novel but I just picked up a copy of Pride & Prejudice from our local library- it’s one classic which I have read as yet and i’ve only heard rave reviews!
A girl after my own heart – I always loved eating a savoury veggie meal with a side of sweet toast. Have you ever tried the cream cheese and jam combo? To.die.for.
Awh I would never get annoyed at your for the giddiness! Being happy is not only good for you, but it’s contagious as well. 🙂 Also, so glad to see that you’re still riding the Despicable Me train. 🙂
Re: purses or shoes–running shoes, any day. I have like 4 different pairs of running shoes that I want to get…but first I have to wait for my current two pairs to get enough miles on them for me to justify switching them out of my rotation. And I guess a little extra mulah to buy said new running shoes would be nice too…sigh.
Cute shoes! Oh, and yeah… that’s one crazy dream. Geeze!
I’m currently reading a new baby book, but I find myself criticizing or questioning it regularly, as if I have any experience on the topic.
A boy who knows his way around pretty flowers is a definite keeper 😉 we’ll ignore the fact that I have a weakness for flowers and think all are pretty 😛 i vote lost since that’s one i want to start too! And i just started the wise man’s fear and am very excited to see how it goes! Have a great Monday, love 🙂
Haha, good call on the Gru love. I like a man with a strong upper body 😉
I’m on a seltzer kick right now too. I have at least 5 extra bottles in the fridge since the summer just makes me thirsty all the time. One flavor that was a odd combo was ginger lemonade. Although it didn’t really taste like either haha.
This was really fun to read! Loved the layout of it. I’m currently: doing a little catching up before heading to work; reading The Hobbit ; and drinking a “green detox” smoothie with a morning round, which is basically a bakery item with whole grains and dried fruits!
I love both shoes and purses/bags! Guess it just depends on which one I ‘need’ more!
The Hobbit is an amazing read! One of my favourites, for sure.
I haven’t done a jigzaw in years, I used to love them and do them for hours. I have the MK Hamilton tote, although a little differnt from yours, it’s one of my favourites!
I already said this to Sam but I could really get on board with all of your Canadian long weekends. Seriously, I’m jealous, not that weekends exist for me in the summer. Also, obsessed with your shoes in your outfit selfie. Ob-sessed. And I’m not even a shoe person. Enjoy the rest of your long weekend!
Lost (Boone = Ian Somerhalder = ’nuff said on my end).
Reading = “First Sight” by Danielle Steel.
Doing = Just finished wiping off Chooey’s paws after our morning walk 🙂
Darling, ever since you came back from your little blogging break you are sounding so much more happier & full of life. This post literally had me smiling from the beginning to end. This boy of yours must be something else 🙂
He’s definitely a good one. Maybe it’s just something about military men 😉
Hmm, purses or shoes, that is an excellent question! While I most definitely LOVE both, I have to be honest, I am a total SHOE girl!
Your current bane is similar to mine right now. I still have a little while before I leave for work today because I have a later shift for this week. Yet I insist on getting up at the same time every day… So like you said… My days just drag!
Keep the flower pictures coming. They make me happy to see that you’re happy 🙂
Definitely share with what route you take as far as tv shows go! I’ve been enjoying two shows lately- Rookie Blue, and The Glades. Thankfully The Glades is on Netflix, but Rookie Blue I had to buy a few of the seasons on Amazon. Although I already watched them, they are those ones that I love to rewatch. I’ve heard both Dexter and Lost are good!
I’m not much of a shoes or purse girl, but once I find one that I like, I keep it forever. Case in point- same kind of school shoes for four years running, just different colors 🙂 And I’ve used the same purse for about the same time, if not longer. It helps that I don’t usually carry purses though so it’s still in great condition. Haha.
I totally forgot about the long weekend over here. Oops. I guess I have a bunch of things to do, so I dismissed it;)
I love your guilty pleasure, it makes me smile that you love those little things like I do haha. Disney things always make me smile.
Is Dexter not such an amazing show! I heart it, but am also sad it’s the last season now.
Hope you enjoyed your weekend lovely!
The flowers are adorable 🙂
The sad thing is that I have no idea what the reason behind our the long weekend is, but I’m not complaining 😉 And I have no idea if Dexter is amazing or not – I’ve never seen it 😯
You totally need to get on the Dexter train-it’s awesome.