These light and fluffy Cinnamon Roll Greek Yogurt Pancakes are sure to keep you satisfied all morning with over 20g of whole food protein! They’re gluten-free thanks to the oats, whipped up in the blender in under 5 minutes, and taste JUST like a warm cinnamon roll!

I have a very big appreciation for breakfast food today.
I mean, I have a very big appreciation for breakfast food every day, but even more so today seeing as that’s pretty much the only thing that got me through the past couple of days. Well, that and ginger ale.
You can totally see where this is going, eh? Yeeeeep. My stomach got hit by something on Saturday night, and I say “something” because I honestly have no idea what it is/was. I woke up at 3am on Saturday night with the worst stomach pains/cramps/bloating, which eventually subsided only to morph in to… err… other.things.
But the weird thing is that I don’t have any other symptoms. No aches, no fever, no fatigue, no sore throat… I feel perfectly normal aside from a super tender stomach and… err… other.things 😳 I thought maybe it was food poisoning, but I didn’t eat anything out of the norm, soooooo I’m kind of stumped.
And hungry.

I made these cinnamon roll Greek yogurt pancakes earlier last week, and I’m kind of lusting over them hardcore seeing as the only things I’ve eaten over the past 48 hours have been: soupy oats, bananas, applesauce, and pretzels. Oh, and rice cakes, but I probably won’t touch those again for a few years after how sick I felt after eating them. I know, right? Totally random.
So can you do me a favour? Can you enjoy a stack of these pancakes for me while I sit here with my oat mush and wait out whatever it is that’s plaguing my stomach?
They’re light and fluffy and taste nice and cinnamon roll-y thanks to a deeee-licious cinnamon sugar stuffing and protein packed vanilla frosting…

The first time I made these, I tried cooking a cinnamon swirl right into the pancakes, buuuuuut that worked way better in theory than it did in execution. They still tasted great, but the cinnamon swirl ended up melting right out of the pancakes as soon as I flipped them over and the whole thing was way more hassle than it was worth, so… stuffing it was!
AND! the entire recipe is a single-serving that clocks in at just over 20g of whole food protein (more if you use protein powder in the frosting), meaning you can eat the whole stack of 6-8 pancakes yourself and feel nice and satisfied all morning. Or evening if you’re like me and enjoy breakfast for dinner a few times a week.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to enjoy my third bowl of soupy oatmeal for the day the day. Maybe tomorrow I’ll get a little crazy and try eating some white rice… #prayforspoons.

I’d love to know if you make this recipe! Leave a comment and rating down below to let me know what you think, and subscribe to our mailing list to receive new recipes in your inbox!
Cinnamon Roll Greek Yogurt Pancakes
- Total Time: 20 mins
- Yield: 1 serving, about 6–8 pancakes 1x
For the pancakes:
- 1/4 cup (60 g) plain Greek yogurt
- 1/2 cup (40 g) rolled oats*
- 1/2 tsp baking powder
- 2 large egg whites OR 1 large egg
- 1–2 Tbsp (15–30 ml) unsweetened almond milk**
- 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
For the cinnamon sugar filling:
- 1 Tbsp (15 ml) coconut oil, melted***
- 1 tbsp (12 g) coconut palm sugar****
- 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
For the vanilla frosting:
- 1 Tbsp (7 g) vanilla protein powder
- small amount of unsweetened almond milk (I used about 1/2 Tbsp)
- Preheat a skillet over medium heat and generously coat it with cooking spray or oil. You want to make sure that it’s nice and hot before you start cooking your pancakes.
- Add all the pancake ingredients to a blender in the order listed and blend on high until oats are fully broken down and batter is smooth and frothy. Allow the batter to sit for a few minutes so that it has a chance to thicken up while you make the cinnamon swirl – simply mix all the ingredients together in a small bowl and place it beside the stove.
- Pour the batter straight from the blender onto the skillet until desired size of pancakes is reached. Cook the pancakes until the edges have set and bubbles begin to form on the tops. Using a spatula, flip and cook for another 1-2 minutes.***** Repeat until all the batter is gone, making sure to coat your skillet again with oil between each batch.
- To assemble, spread a small amount of cinnamon sugar filling on one of the pancakes before placing another pancake on top. Spread that one with more of the filling, and repeat the process until all the pancakes are stacked. To make the frosting, mix the protein powder with enough almond milk to get it to the consistency you want. Pour it over the pancake stack and enjoy!
* make sure to use certified gluten-free oats if you need these to be gluten-free. ** start with 1 Tbsp (15 ml) of almond milk and only add a second if you feel the batter is too thick. *** you can also use melted butter. **** you can also use brown sugar. ***** if you find that you’re having a hard time getting the insides of the pancakes to fully cook, cover your skillet with a lid while they cook.
- Prep Time: 10 mins
- Cook Time: 10 mins

Looking for more healthy Greek yogurt pancake recipes? Try one of these!
Chunky Monkey Greek Yogurt Pancakes
Blueberry Banana Greek Yogurt Pancakes
Banana Oat Greek Yogurt Pancakes
Pumpkin Spice Greek Yogurt Pancakes
Apple Oat Greek Yogurt Pancakes

Hi, just wondering if you have any suggestions for substituting the Greek yogurt for a dairy alternative? Recently realized I get super congested after consuming dairy. Thanks!
Hi Sophie! I haven’t tried it myself, but I’m sure you could use a non-dairy yogurt like soy or coconut. I actually have a tub of So Delicious cultured coconut yogurt sitting in my fridge right now that behaves pretty similarly to dairy yogurt.
I wish the nutrition would be attached to the recipe. It sounds great and looks amazing, but it is hard to say its healthy unless I verify the nutrition myself. I don’t have a lot of time with two kids and being a full time student and I think you would get more advertisement on health sites/Pinterest if you added the nutrition.
Thank you
Thanks for your input, Jennifer. It’s something I’ve been going back and forth on for a while now, and I’ve decided to go ahead and start adding the nutritional info to my new recipes and slowly going back and adding them to the older ones as well. I actually just posted a new pancake recipe that has them included.
Hello Amanda, how many grams are in this serving of pancakes please?xx
Sorry, Katie – I’m not 100% sure. The whole recipe is one serving.
Question: would these pancakes survive freezing and reheating? They sound and look divine, but I don’t have time for cooking in the morning usually.
I’m not 100% sure about freezing, Christine, but you could definitely let them sit in the fridge overnight and reheat them in the morning.
Hi there!
Looks really great!!!
Could you tell me the “nutrition facts” of this recipe?
Hi Carolina! Sorry but I don’t calculate the nutrition info for my recipes just yet. You can use an online calculator like this one to figure them out though –
Hi do you have calorie information for your recipes?
Hi Sophie! I don’t, but you can use a nutritional calculator like this one to figure them out —
I used the link and calculated it without the vanilla frosting: 574 calories
Sophie, did you calculate? If you did, please tell me! Thank you! 🙂
Ummm is this real life?? I want these, like, yesterday.
A lot of people around me, including myself, have come down with colds (hello, final exams). Buttered toast is my fave at times like these. And soup of course!
Awww no! Exam time is the worst for colds – always a sniffler in the room. Hope you feel better soon, lady!! xo
These look heavenly! I am a huge pancake fan AND I’m pretty much obsessed with cinnamon, so this is the perfect combo… On another note, I hope that you feel better soon!
My digestive system really needs to get it together because all the greek yogurt recipes look way to freakin good <3
Have you ever tried using a non-dairy yogurt? Or a lactose free yogurt? I’m betting those would work too!
Aw, I’m sorry to hear you aren’t feeling well! Editing these pictures must have been torture. I’m getting hungry just looking at them and I just ate a few hours ago, haha! 20 grams of protein is awesome.
I hope you feel better soon, girly! <3
Oh no! I hope you feel better soon!! Stomach issues are the worst, both the pain and the hungry-but-nothing-appeals part. These pancakes look so delicious – love all the whole food protein in them!
Dang girl these look tasty. As some others said above, these also remind me of the cinnabons that I used to love eating.
Sitting on this side of the screen, I’m kinda lusting over this stack of deliciousness myself!
So sorry your stomach is messed up – gah – that’s the worst! I hope you start feeling better soon.
Sending you big hugs!
Thanks so much, Shashi <3 Definitely starting to feel better!
AMANDA, you are speaking with my very favorite pancake. I found this one version, but they’re super rich, and I would love to do this protein packed one too! It looks just as good, and it has more protein.
My go to sick food would probably be bread and spreads. Raw veggies and fruits don’t sound good to my wonky stomach when I’m sick, and carbs usually do the trick. 🙂
Carbs are definitely a blessing when it comes to being sick! And I hope you like the pancakes, Emily 😀
I hear you my Dear. I am down with the flu for the thurd time in two months – this time my stomach acts up. Fun times! So any thought of food just makes me…..well, you know what.
I clearly though wish someone would come over the day I am recovered and make these pancakes for me. I haven’t done any in forever, I am jus too lazy at the moment!
Oh noes 🙁 You being sick doesn’t line up with the badass image of you I have in my head. Feel better soon! <3
I’ll pray for you if you come make these for me. Seems like a fair trade off to me. Also, you’ll need to come here. I’m not traveling much these days.
Just a couple more months and we can make it happen!! 😀
Aw, I’m so sorry you’re sick, Amanda!! I tend to have a touchy digestive system myself (a bajillion food sensitivities porobably doesn’t help 😣), so I am quite familiar with what you’re going through. Sending prayers and virtual giant hugs your way, girl!! 💗
My go-to sick food (at least when I have a stomach bug) has been Corn Chex…from the time I was little. A few years ago, it’d been years since I’d had the stomach flu, and I said something to the effect of how I *almost* wanted to get sick so I could sit on couch, watch movies and munch on dry Corn Chex…which apparently sounded oddly appealing to me, though who knows why I couldn’t have done that without being sick. But like within a few weeks of saying that, I came down with a horrible stomach flu, and was even too feverish to watch much of a movie. I did get the Corn Chex, though, lol. I think I should be more careful what I wish for. 😐
Thinking of you and hope you feel better soon!! XOXO
I remember doing that toO! Only mine was so that I could stay home and finish off a video game I rented 😆 I don’t think it happened, which is probably a good thing since I make a -horrible- sick person.
My go-to sick food is ciabatta bread and apples. Like, loaves of bread and apples. Or applesauce. That’s it. Thinking about it now, I don’t know how I got that down, but it was all I could eat. Being sick sucks though, I hope you feel better soon 🙂
Holy yum! Your recipes always look so delicious, I really like the flavor combos in these.
No!! I’m so sorry! Being stomach-sick is no fun; you don’t get to enjoy all the yummy foods 🙁 But then again, you’ll come back appreciating them so much more :). Oatmeal is my go-to when sick as well. That or bagels bc allthecarbs<3 especially after stomach/bathroom probs! yikes. Power through sister!
Thanks Lauren! Definitely doing better today, and DEFINITELY happy to be eating things other than oats!
Oh my!! These look absolutely delicious. Pictures are fabulous. Made me hungry just looking at them. xo Lauren
Thanks Lauren! xo
Aw, I hope you feel better soon! My go-to sick food is toast. Lots of toast/toasted English muffins and lots of bananas and citrus. It’s not the most balanced or filling, but it’s usually all that sounds good when I’m sick. (Right now, these pancakes sound pretty freaking incredible, though.)
Dry toast is a godsend to me too. And the way I see it, it’s better to keep something unbalanced down than try to eat more balanced and end up spending the rest of the day paying homage to the Porcelain God 😆
mmmmm pancakes, mmmmm cinnamon…there is very few things that are better than this! cant wait to try this out looks DELICIOUS
Okay. Sorry. I got a little overexcited about the pancakes. Sorry to hear about your crummy tummy days–I hate those. IBS flare-ups can really put you out. I find a heating pad to the tummy helps, and going easy on the FODMAPs for a while. Hope you get feeling better!
Haha! You’re adorable, Joyce <3 Thanks so much for the tips. I'm thinking this was less a flare up, and more food poisoning or a bug. I dunno - I'm just happy to be feeling better!
Ooch! Those are definitely no fun, either. : (
I’ve been craving cinnamon myself. Those pancakes look awesome and thanks for sharing.
Feel better soon Amanda. At least the weather is crappy this week so it’s a good time to be sick!
Haha! That’s definitely true. I feel like the sun is starting to -want- to come out here, so hopefully it does because I’m kind of over these cloudy days.
Ah feel better! My strep throat lasted over a week which was NOT OK.
Hoping you feel better soon! These look delicious, totally making with quinoa flakes 🙂 Possibly even for brinner tonight. When I do brinner it’s usually eggs, but I do enjoy ALL my breakfast foods all day long.
I hope you like them, Alyssa! I’d love to know how they work with quinoa flakes.
Feel better! But in the meantime I will gladly take these pancakes off of your hands!
You poor thing!! I hope you feel better soon. Wonky tummy issues are literally the bane of my existence. I don’t get them often, but when I do they seriously knock me on my a$$. Hang in there! <3
On the bright side, holy yum to these pancakes!! Putting these on the list of things to make for sure. Thinking these would make a mighty fine post lift breakfast later this morning!
Thanks lovely! <3 Definitely feeling better today. Really makes you appreciate how good it feels to be healthy!
ummmm i have to eat gluten free now and i love cinnamon rolls and was just thinking that i missed eating cinnamon rolls—yesterdayyyy….YOU ARE A LIFE SAVERRRRR MAKING THESE LIKE TOMORROW…..:D 😀 😀 hahaha
I hope you like them, Heather! 😀
Cinnamon rolls are my downfall, like more than anything. These look heavenly! Need to make them this weekend (when I have an extra set of hands for A, haha!)
these look sooo good! just like the cinnamon pancakes my son got at Ihop recently. I hope you are feeling better today.
Ooh no I hope you feel better! my go-to sick foods are just all the bland and boring carbs you can think of haha. But these pancakes look divine! Just a quicker and healthier way to get your cinnamon roll fix 🙂
Um, drooling! Anything cinnamon roll just kills me because it reminds me of those huge Cinnabons of years ago. I think your pancakes look better, quite honestly! And girl, I’ve had every stomach bug under the sun with my 3 germy kids, and it sounds like just a weird bug to me. Literally this winter/spring alone I had 3 different types of stomach bugs, one that lasted over a week and 2 weeks for my kids with similar symptoms to what you’re saying. Really hoping it’s almost over for you, ugh!
I remember you having to deal with a few bugs 🙁 Mine was only really bad for about a day, and then a couple more days the just felt off. Hopefully that was the last of it.
Wishing you a quick, full recovery, girl!
Thanks Liz! Finally starting to feel more like myself again 🙂