This shouldn’t come as a big surprise to anyone, given my complete obsession with cereal, but I’m willing to run the risk of stating the obvious and straight up tell you that I like breakfast…

*said in best Jim Carey expression* I like it a lot…

Cereal. Oatmeal. Yogurt. Fruit. Whatever it is, it has to be sweet, and it has to be big. You’ve heard the expression: “Breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper”? I wouldn’t exactly call my dinners pauper-ish, but I definitely prefer to eat the bulk of my calories earlier in the day.
I used to be the kind of girl who could get by on just having a Poptart or granola bar in the morning and I honestly have no idea how I managed it. After a decent amount of trial and error, I’ve discovered that breakfast has a big influence on how I feel for the rest of the day, and that eating a big breakfast makes a big difference not only in my energy levels, but in my overall hunger management as well.
If I don’t eat enough early on in the day, I notice that I have a much harder time keeping my hunger at bay – I just never seem to feel satisfied and my desire to graze goes through the roof. That and I hit a lot more energy slumps as the day progresses. Solution? Set myself up for success by eating breakfast like a king…
A lot of people mentioned that cereal doesn’t hold them over too well, which is something I can definitely relate to – a simple bowl of cereal with milk will last me all of about 30 minutes before my stomach starts asking screaming for more food. Thankfully, I’ve managed to come up with a few ways to keep it quiet for longer…

First, I always eat my cereal with yogurt instead of milk, with a 2% plain Greek being my weapon of choice. After making the switch from 0 to 2%, I can honestly say that I’ll never go back, and I opt for a plain yogurt over a flavored one because I love the tang, and the added sugar doesn’t really do me any good – instead, I prefer adding some sweetness in the form of fruit, with bananas, blueberries, and applesauce being what I turn to more often than not.
But we’re not done – we’ve got ourselves a good base, but this next step is what makes it or breaks it. Nut butter. If you’ve never tried topping your cereal with nut butter, then you’re not really living missing out. Trust me on this one. Would you eat your oatmeal without nut butter? Probably not; so don’t impoverish your cereal bowls either, because that’s what’ll get you an epic bowl of goodness…
… that has a nice balance of carbs, proteins, and fats. Perfect. And if cereal isn’t your jam, then perhaps I can interest you in some breakfast bakes?
Baked Apple Cinnamon Raisin Oatmeal
Blueberry Muffin Breakfast Bake
And if not, then there’s always the good old fashioned eggy banana oats…
I’d offer some savory breakfast options as well, but to be completely honest… I can’t even remember the last time I had a savory breakfast, so I’m probably not the best person to turn to if that’s what you’re looking for. And I feel like I should apologize for all the breakfasts posts around these parts lately, but you have to admit… breakfast is pretty darn marvelous and worthy of some attention. Happy Monday, friends! 😀
. – . – . – .
Do you tend to eat the majority of your calories early in the day, or save them for later?
Do you prefer sweet or savory breakfasts?
What was this morning’s breakfast?
OMG your breakfasts seriously make me drool. They all look amazing!
I usually eat most of my calories in the morning and definitely dine like a “king”
And I prefer oats because they keep me full
However, for some reason I’ve been not wanting breakfast at all lately, which is so unlike me, but we all go through phases I think!
I used to be a HUGE breakfast eater, but now I tend to eat more for lunch than I do for breakfast; partly when I wake up in the morning, I don’t have much of an appetite, so I have something small and when lunch times rolls around BAM! I am always, ALWAYS so hungry for lunch 🙂
I used to eat cereal and milk for breakfast when I was younger too,(and was usually hungry an hour later) but now if I eat cereal, I always put nuts, jam, peanut butter and SO MANY TOPPINGS that it’s a miracle I can find the cereal underneath everything 🙂
I can eat sweet or savory for breakfast, but I most definitely prefer sweet!
This morning’s breakfast was pumpkin +cinnamon and maple syrup, black cherry greek yogurt, blueberries, peanut butter and about a gazillion crushed caramel rice cakes. There’s just something about those cakes that make them SO. DARN. GOOD. 🙂
Mmmm your breakfast bakes look soooo yummy Amanda!! 0_0 And I tend to eat big in the morning and light during the day, and depending on how I feel, who I’m eating with, or where we go, I eat rather big or medium sized. Now, if I’m just sitting at Panera bread eating dinner by myself or something like that I prefer to eat a nice salad or one of their amazing soups 😀
I’ve been eyeing Maisie Jane’s AB but I noticed the other day that it was a whopping $13!!! haha, so before I spend money on it since most ABs are pricier than PBs, I wanted to know your opinion. 🙂 Is it REALLY good and why do you like it over other ABs?
Yeah it’s an expensive one, unfortunately 🙁 That’s why I tend to wait until it goes on sale and then stock up because it is seriously good – my favorite AB by far. Not only does it taste amazing, but it’s wonderfully drippy and has a super simple ingredients list. Nothing even comes close.
My calorie heavy meals tend to vary. I am always in love with your breakfast pictures. They are magazine quality and make me crave cereal even though I am not a huge cereal fan!
Your pictures always look so amazing! I swear, nobody can make something as simple as cereal look as good as you do! 😉
BREAKFAST is the BEST and my FAVORITE! You should have titled this post “breakfast porn” hehe!
Love ya girl!
omg you are getting my hungryyyyy with all those pictures haha! I snack a lot on cereal, Puffins is awesome 😀 I usually have just a smoothie for breakfast– not always the highest in calories so I usually eat a lot more for lunch/dinner lol
i like the way you think! And that’s the half the reason why i am an early riser. Coffee and a good slow breakfast. I don’t have dinner like a pauper either but i do think it’s important to make them lighter (most of the time). That way there is room for dessert. hehe
Mmm dessert… I like the way YOU think 😉
I am guilty of “saving” my calories. I eat a large majority of my calories at dinner and right before I go to bed. I know it isn’t the best but it works for me right now. I’m definiiiitely a sweet breakfast person, though. I’m all about cereal bowls loaded with fruit, cereal, nuts, nut butter, pudding… Mmm. So good!
Have a great Monday! 🙂
Oh and I definitely prefer sweet breakfasts! Today I had banana berry stovetop oats with hemp seeds, cinnamon, nutmeg, vanilla, and peanut butter on top! Finished with honey bunches of oats sprinkled for texture 🙂 So yes, lots of calories go into my breakfast, and that is just how I like it.
Hahaha, I L.O.V.E. your breakfast posts! Today I had the feeling I should just take a green marker and check off every single point you brought up. Totally on the same line here. The only thing which always makes me sad: we still do not get any Greek yogurt in German stores, that does not have at least 10% fat – and sadly my tummy doesn’t approve a lot milk fat, it get’s all grumbly and achy – so guess it’s time to start another round of experimenting with my yogurt maker.
Anyways, thanks for making me smile: I like it a lot… 😉
I am EXACTLY the same as you! I used to get by with just a granola bar and I do not know how I did that. If I don’t have enough carbs and healthy fats and protein at breakfast, I feel SO weak at school and the lack of energy is insane. And I ALWAYS have to have nut butter with my breakfast. It gets in there some way, somehow. 😉
I’m in a breakfast rut and need to switch things up. I’ve been making banana dips for breakfast and eating them with toast (the banana dip has a banana, almond milk, ground flax, chia seeds, shredded unsweetened coconut, and a little bit of pure maple syrup). It’s filling and very fast and easy to make!
It’s only a rut if you don’t enjoy it! Otherwise it’s a groove 😉 I’ve been eating yogurt bowls for months, but I don’t bother switching it up because I still wake up craving one every day.
Breakfast is definitely my favorite meal because 1) I love breakfast foods and 2) I feel so much better when I have a substantial meal to set the tone for the rest of my day! Unfortunately, sometimes I snooze the alarm a little too long before class which means I may not have time to make my oatmeal on the stove and leisurely enjoy breakfast (always such a bummer). Like this morning for instance I had some yogurt with a little granola and a good ole’ banana and peanut butter combo. It didn’t hold me over too well but not to worry- I brought an apple to get me to lunchtime.
I’ve learned that when I keep up my eating in the morning and throughout the day, I feel so much better. I absolutely can’t stand when I get to the end of the day and realize I haven’t eaten much and become a hungry monster! Those times are no fun…
Currently sitting in the science library wishing I could have one of your delicious oatmeal or yogurt bowls right now.. dang! Haha, have a great one!
I’m pretty sure that my love for breakfast has wired my brain to wake me up early – no matter how much I’d like to, or how late I go to sleep, I can never seem to sleep in past 6:30. It’s kind of annoying, but it’s definitely nice to be able to enjoy a leisurely breakfast. And have you ever tried cooking your oats the night before and just heating them up in the morning? That would save you some time and allow you to have the kind of breakfast you wanted if you ended up sleeping in 🙂
Most of the time I have my calories later, not because I’m ‘saving’ them, just because I tend to be naturally hungrier later. You can imagine what happened when I tried to abide by the old don’t eat after 5pm diet rule can’t you 😉
Breakfast is my meal. “Real” food is overrated. I absolutely cannot go a day without eating breakfast, it’s pretty much the only thing that pulls me out of bed in the morning. Oh and! For a snack yesterday I made a yogurt bowl with Puffins, peanut butter, and applesauce. It was deliciousss (and inspired by you, obv). The only thing I need to do now is make some homemade applesauce.
I’m pretty sure that breakfast is one of the main reasons I get out of bed in the morning too… And I may or may not be smitten with the fact that I’m managing to spread the yogurt bowl addiction. But definitely try homemade applesauce – it takes things to a whole other level!
Ah, all your meals make me drool. You have the best foodie pictures ever. I think I need to make all of these:) I definitely eat the biggest meal in the morning but I actually eat my second biggest meal right before bed, otherwise I get super hungry throughout the night. Definitely sweet breakfasts!! I can’t remember the last time I had a savory Breakfast. Not my thing.
Your cereal bowls are like food porn to my eyes. I seriously OOOOO and AWWWW every time I see them. Yum!!!!
I think I’m going to try that blueberry muffin breakfast bake. I’ve never noticed it before but I’m the same way- if I don’t eat enough early in the day, I literally eat everything in sight at night which I don’t need to do. If only I could learn the first time!
You pictures are gorgeous! I definitely prefer to eat a large breakfast and depending on my mood either sweet or savory! When I can’t decide between the two I do both (maybe 2 pieces of ww whole wheat toast one with ab and banana and the other with a fried egg, avocado and hot sauce). Hits the spot! This morning I opted for an oatmeal pancake. I love that you eat your cereal with yogurt and those puffins look addicting (can you believe I’ve never had them before!?)
The sweet and savory combo is definitely a good one! Why choose one when you can have both? And I highly suggest you give Puffins a try if you can find them – the cinnamon ones are amazing!
I’m the same way…I honestly have no idea how I managed to eat such small breakfasts and get away with it. I never meant to, just never hungry. Now I’m starving in the mornings…but that comes from working out in the am too I suppose. I tend to eat big breakfasts and dinners and smallish lunches.
I eat my calories pretty evenly spaced out, but my meals earlier in the day are a bit larger than at night. I always eat before bed, but if I eat TOO much, I can’t fall asleep as easy! I put nut butter on EVERYTHING. I have an issue. I love it 🙂
I would say that lately my breakfasts have been more calorie-laden than any other meal, but my meals throughout the day tend to be bigger, in that I just pile on veggies and other low calorie, fiber filled options that keep me full. However, I do love to have a few hundred extra calories for after dinner so that I can have a sweet treat 🙂 I saw a water bottle on Pinterest that I must have that said “I run because I really, really, really like dessert.”
I think I prefer a sweet breakfast. I don’t really eat eggs and the Greek yogurt I use has been vanilla flavored lately (I know, sugar content is through the roof). This morning’s breakfast was half a cup of low-fat vanilla yogurt, 1/2 cup of vanilla almond granola (thanks, Publix!), and sliced strawberries. YUM!
Oh Dear, your food pics are just the best. I am drooling…..I am not e cereal person, but I am in love with oats and with pancakes. Hmmm. And that Pumpkin Pie Bake?? Just copied the recipe, I NEED to try this!! I have to have a good breakfast, otherwise I can not work. Especially since I workout first thing in the morning, I am starving after. But I also have a king-dinner, whoops…..:-)
i remember a time when i didn’t eat breakfast at all and that was a dark dark time in my life. however, i can also remember a time where i didn’t eat ENOUGH for breakfast and that was also a dark time. i don’t exactly stack my calories in the morning (i try to keep all my meals about the same size) but i notice when i skimp on calories in the AM i end up SO much snackier throughout the day and then i gorge myself on snacks at night. not exactly the best way to go. i used to eat pretty much only sweet stuff for breakfast (and still get on sweet kicks) but i’ve been preferring eggs lately and love to have them with sweet potatoes, guacamole and sriracha. yum.
Your cereal bowls look incredibly delicious!! I know it sounds strange and abnormal, but I love looking at pictures of food:) I definitely prefer to eat most of my food earlier in the day, simply because eating a ton of food at night prevents me from sleeping well, and causes me to wake up feeling heavy and slightly sick to my stomach. Even though I usually eat oatmeal instead of cereal, I almost ALWAYS put almond butter in my oatmeal–it makes it about 100 times better:) I prefer sweet breakfasts as well; eating savory food in the morning usually sounds so unappetizing to me for some reason…
thanks now I am starving lol! I am going to try that blieberry muffin breakfast bake 🙂 Are you going to BLEND?
No I decided not to go 🙁 May is still kind of iffy for me schedule-wise, and I’ve been wanting to go to HLS for a few years now so I decided to go for that one… although a lot of people seem to be going and I’m kind of kicking myself. Are you?
PLEASE come to Blend!! I’ve gone to HLS twice, and I *promise* it’s not all that it’s cracked up to be! Of all the bloggers I know that went to Blend last year, they said it was much more fun–more laid back, not as cliquey etc.
Just my totally biased “I really really really want to meet you” opinion. 😉 xoxo
Love this post! I’ve recently been trying to make the switch to eat more in the earlier part of the day. I think it’s past old habits creeping in but I always don’t eat much in the mornings because I’m not hungry for it or too busy and it always catches up with me later! When will I learn?!
Typically Im an early kind of calorie eater, but some days, like when I lift, I get so hungry in the afternoon that I feel like I eat 1000 calories just for snack! lol But I always try to make my breakfasts the biggest since it has to hold me over for 5 hours!
Oh my, you can never mention your breakfasts oven enough – they do all look sooo good! Kings would surely approve of them :).
Sadly, though, breakfast is still the meal I struggle with most. Allowing myself a huge, calorie-dense breakfast is something I have yet to do. Sure, my breakfasts as a child must have had proper amounts of calories. But nowadays I’m totally “saving” my calories for later in the day/night because I’m a night owl and know I’ll get super snacky. That’s also the main reason why I’m afraid of eating larger meals in general. Well, I’m off classes for a while now and having essays to write will make me need to be well-fueled and able to concentrace. Guess it’s time to tackle that fear and while it is so stupid to admit I’m “scared”.
It’s not stupid, Miss – a lot of us have been there before. Just remember that things always seem a lot scarier in our minds than they are in real life… Once you actually commit to doing them, you’ll find out that nothing bad happens, and the freedom that comes along with it can’t be beat.
Are we twins or something? Between our love for Starbucks cappuccinos, applesauce, Greek yogurt, oats and cereal bowls, I’m starting to think so :)! I can’t even remember the last time I ate cereal with milk- yogurt is much more up my alley. I love the tang, texture and it definitely keeps me fuller for longer. I don’t do au naturel bowls either- lately I’ve been adding roasted almonds, peanut butter, and applesauce to my bowls and they end up keeping me full for a good 5 hours or so…not too shabby! Sometimes I mix it up and have eggs for breakfast but even still, I need to add a sweet component to round up the meal (usually fruit or pb & j toast)! You’ve gotten me all excited for breakfast tomorrow- I’m thinking pancakes!
I have a feeling that we’d get along juuuuuuust fine
Lots of love, Khushboo <3 <3
I ate so much last night (including a yummy berry milkshake!) that this morning I didn’t feel like having breakfast but after reading this post I might make a cereal/yogurt bowl 😉
Never apologize for displaying your love of breakfast – except for the fact that I keep reading these posts right after breakfast, which just makes me want to eat it again for lunch. Although, not necessarily a bad thing :-p
I think my meals are pretty spread out, calorie-wise. Dinner usually ends up being the biggest meal of the day, but that’s because it’s the only meal that I actually eat with another person. So I put more effort into that meal than any other ones.
Although the last couple of days my breakfasts have been bigger because I’ve been waking up absolutely starving – I think my body is telling me to up my breakfasts a little bit!
Breakfast this morning was two rice cakes with cream cheese, sliced ham and eggs – actually the first savoury breakfast I’ve had in a while. Although I had some dry cereal on the side – I always need that sweet element.
Your pictures never cease to stun me Amanda, they are just so beautiful! And obviously look deeeee-licious 🙂 I am working on NOT saving my calories for later in the day as it’s just ridiculous but something that has been ingrained into my mind for much of my life. I am not even necessarily counting calories right now (it just seemed like I was the way I phrased what I said), but I simply “save” more food for later. STOOPSSSS plus breakfast food is my absolute favorite, why not enjoy a lot of it right at the start of my day!?
You’ve made a whole heck of a lot of progress with that, Tessa! I hope you’re super proud of yourself 😀
Ohhh man *swoon* this post is just full of deliciousness. You got me wanting breakfast all day now!
I have to say, I’m not a big breakfast eater and tend to eat quite light for my first meal. I just don’t have much of an appetite really but by lunchtime it’s in full swing! I think maybe it takes my body a while to connect to my head that I’m hungry, I don’t know….but that’s just me! I do admit that also a part of me still likes to ‘save up calories’ which I know it stupid but kinda habit I suppose. Whilst I call myself recovered, maybe it is a behavior that has kinda lingered from those days. As long as I’m happy and healthy and free of destructive behaviors then that’s all that matters I suppose 🙂 And uhhhh I don’t think I’ve ever had a savory breakfast in my LIFE! Just wrong personally!
Today, breakfast was a simple GF oats cooked in the microwave mixed with cinnamon and ginger with chopped almonds on top…I need them quick to get me out the door to uni haha!! Definitely struggling with these early mornings and only just making it eeeek! 😛
i spy mini chocolate chips in that first picture! love it. chocolate for breakfast is always the way to go.
Wow… When I look at your breakfasts I always find them just perfect!
But to be honest, I usually “save my calories for later”, if I can say so. But I think I have an important reason for that: I hate eating any meal in a hurry. For me it’s almost not like eating because I hardly may feel the taste of what I eat. That’s why when I goes to school or I just have to go out early I eat small or just low-cal breakfast. When I have day off or holidays, I don’t “save” anything and prepare something really delicious and not necessarily low-cal.
My favourite breakfast is sweet. To be honest, except dinner, all my meals are rather sweet. 😉 And this morning I ate chocolate bean cake with dates. Quite delicious one. 😉
Chocolate for breakfast? Swoon! And yes, having to rush through a meal makes it much less enjoyable, which I think is part of the reason that my brain wakes me up so early every day – to enjoy breakfast in peace!
I think a lot about how as a kid I just ate cereal and milk for breakfast – no wonder I was starving for a snack by 10am! I’m all about adding nut butter (and a big gob of it – not just a drizzle), and fruit, and sometimes added nuts and seeds to my cereals. And mixing up a few cereals is way tastier than just one. Love all the different texture combinations.
Today I had leftover pancakes topped with plain yogurt, sliced banana, and maple syrup.
I’m still starving for a snack by 10 AM 😆 But I blame a lot of that on the fact that I wake up at 5:30…
I like to think that I balance my meals pretty evenly (since they’re all pretty big), but I would guess that I do eat a little more earlier in the day that later…I think I need to increase some calories in the morning though because I’ve noticed over the past few days that I’m really hungry almost every hour (horrible problem to have in an apartment newly full of tasty food I know), so maybe a bigger breakfast is the answer. I haven’t had oats in almost a week (SOOOOOOOO weird for me but haven’t been craving them), so perhaps I give that or your cereal a try…I like to mix yogurt or cottage cheese with a little bit of milk to make it creamier…and I like milk a lot haha…and NEVER apologize for posting about breakfast! No such thing as too much!
An apartment full of tasty food sounds like a great problem to have when you’re hungry every hour 😛 I have those ravenous days too and I definitely prefer being at home where I can pick away at whatever I want than at work where I have to get creative with getting some munchies in.
You are so right about that!