With under 300 calories and 20g of whole food protein for the ENTIRE recipe, these gluten-free banana oat Greek yogurt pancakes are a great way to start your day!

I’m a no-fuss kind of morning person. Despite the fact that I happily wake up early and jump out of bed full of energy and ready to go, you won’t find me doing anything overly complicated before the sun comes up. Making tea, reading my devotions, journaling, making breakfast — those things I can handle. The rest of the day is crazy enough… mornings should be easy.
On that same note, breakfasts should be easy. As much as I love the idea of freshly baked cinnamon buns and fancy stuffed crepes, the reality of the matter is that bringing a pot of water to a boil and tossing in some oats is about as much effort as I’m willing to put into my morning meal. Make me something else and I’ll gladly eat it; take me out and I’ll gladly order a fancier dish; but since I live alone and no self-respecting restaurant is open by the time I’m ready to gnaw my arm off in the morning, I’m on my own when it comes to breakfast, which means that oats are on the menu more often than not. I’m okay with this… 99% of the time.
But what about that rare occasion where I’m craving something different? What about those mornings where the thought of oats just isn’t appealing? For those days, there’s pancakes…

I love pancakes. The reason I don’t make them for breakfast more often is, again, the additional effort it takes. Mixing, pouring, monitoring, flipping — don’t even get me started on the flipping. I’ll literally be standing there over my stove with a white-knuckled grip on my spatula, constantly having to remind myself to be patient. “Not yet. Nooooooot yet. Wait for it. WAIT.” Needless to say, it’s not the simple and serene start that I look for in a day. But, ohhhh, those golden stacks of deliciousness and their sweet siren song…

Luckily I’ve come up with a way to have my (pan)cake and eat it too — a foolproof recipe that’s not only quick and easy, but tastes absolutely delicious. The ingredients list is short and simple; the batter doesn’t have to be babied; flipping is a breeze; and you can whip them up in your blender. It’s a recipe even I can manage in the morning, and the result is definitely worth the effort.

I’d love to know if you make this (or any!) recipe! Tag @runwithspoons on Instagram and Twitter, and be sure to subscribe to our mailing list to receive more healthy and delicious recipes straight to your inbox!
Banana Oat Greek Yogurt Pancakes
- Total Time: 15 mins
- Yield: 1 serving, 6-7 pancakes 1x
- 1/2 cup (40 g) rolled oats*
- 1/2 tsp baking powder
- 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
- 1/2 medium-size ripe banana, sliced (about 50g)
- 2 large egg whites
- 1/4 cup (60 g) plain Greek yogurt**
- 1–2 Tbsp (15–30 ml) unsweetened almond milk
- 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
- Preheat a skillet over medium heat and coat it with cooking spray or oil. You want to make sure that it’s very hot before you start cooking your pancakes.
- Add all the ingredients to a blender in the order listed and blend until the oats have broken down and batter is frothy.
- Using a ladle or 1/4 cup (60 ml) measuring cup, drop batter onto skillet until desired size of pancakes is reached. Cook until the edges begin to look dry and bubbles start to form on the top of the pancake, about 1 minute. Using a spatula, flip and cook about 2 more minutes on the other side. Repeat with the remaining batter, making sure to coat your skillet again with oil between each batch.
- Remove from heat and serve with your favourite toppings.
* Make sure to use certified gluten-free oats if you need these to be gluten-free.
** You can also use a flavoured Greek yogurt.
- Prep Time: 5 mins
- Cook Time: 10 mins

The GIF is killing me. Maple syrup in my mouth!
I LOVE pancakes. Might have to try this out this weekend!
This gif makes me drool all over my keypad!!! Too sad I just had dinner – now I am craving pancakes. Well done, lady 😉 definitely some breakfast to have this weekend. Still one extra dish to clean, but I am sure they are worth the effort. Now I only have to find some maple syrup or at least honey… though, pancakes are really best with maple syrup. You Canadians must know it 😉
I’m on a bit of a self-imposed elimination diet right now to try to figure out my tummy troubles. So, for now, I am forgoing gluten and oats. I know oats upset my tummy and I am trying to figure out if gluten does too.
However, I could easily make these with a gluten-free pancake mix! They look delicious!
My breakfast today was a clementine, chopped apple, and walnuts drizzled in almond butter. If we were chatting I would be asking about your favorite eye cream. Do you have one? I am about 9 years older than you, but I have noticed more fine lines around my eyes lately. Any suggestions?
I have two that I really love. The one I’m using right now is the Tarte Maracuja C-Brigheter Eye Treatment — http://www.sephora.com/maracuja-c-brighter-eye-treatment-P377545?skuId=1486836
That one and the Origins GinZing Refreshing Eye Cream http://www.sephora.com/ginzing-refreshing-eye-cream-P297511?skuId=1375625 are both awesome choices!
Thank you!
Gorgeous photos! They look delicious too
A) I love your pancake recipe
B) Your pancake stack rocks
C) Your photos make me want to faceplant into the screen
D) The syrup action photo/video thing!? AMAZED.
Happy Friday!
I had a pancake for breakfast today! But now I am regretting that because I want to try these ones! Ps. That photo is so cool and I am embarrassed to tell you I sat at my computer for a good couple minutes watching it..
These look so great… I’ve always wondered how people make banana-based pancakes so smooth and flat – food processor/Vitamix, now I know!
I had a vaguely similar breakfast, albiet in a different form – slow cooker oatmeal with chia seeds topped with blueberries, cinnamon, banana, peanut butter and a little yogurt. It was amazing.
I had a bagel because we were out of oats 🙁 And yes I threw a mini tantrum when I realized it. Thank goodness there was one bagel left or I would have been in trouble! Two men in the house mean my usual snacks and breakfast foods disappear much faster than usual…I’m just about ready to start hiding stuff under my bed! Kidding…kind of 😉 I have never made pancakes in a blender before so I’m intrigued by this. Oh and I showed your recipe for the bars to Joe…he said I have to make them this weekend or else 😉
Confession: I used to hide things all the time when I lived at home. Nothing worse than waking up with a plan and having it thwarted, especially when you have to come up with something new on the fly — not easy to do at 6 AM! Bars… yes… they taste like cookies!
Yummy! Not that I’m surprised. Pretty much anything with pancakes, and that you make, looks good!:) Great recipe and I love how you used yogurt in the batter. Such a nice touch dearest<3
omg way to make me hungry after I’ve already eaten breakfast!!
Wait….I was already goo-goo eyed with the magical explanation of these hot cakes. But then…then…you slapped me in the face with a syrup pouring GIF?! Are you kidding me? Amanda, I am stuck at the office all day with my pre-packed boring soup, apple, carrots, and hummus. How could you just casually blow my mind with this amazing recipe and I am starving and breakfast doesn’t come again until tomorrow? Haha, I am being too dramatic, but your recipe sounds amazing and I can’t wait to try it.
Thank you for taking epic photos and making me jealous a whole country away. Well played 😉
Also, I had zucchini bread waffles topped with grated apple and warm nut butter. Yes ma’am!
AH! I love the syrup pouring GIF! And the new look of the recipe widget… that’s new right? Super cute. I have made greek yog banana pancakes before and they have a great texture. My recipe was similar to this but they came out a bit thicker – I think I would prefer thinner ones like this, though. Once I used coconut greek yogurt in them. I urge you to give that a try, it takes things to the next level!
Relatively new — I’ve been using it for the past couple of recipes and I seriously love it. And using flavoured yogurt in pancakes sounds awesome. Definitely going to try experimenting.
I am exactly the same way with pancakes. And they are so yummy! I love that this recipe is white sugar free too. I may be whipping this up for dinner tonight which is when I normally eat my pancakes because it’s a lot of work first thing in the morning!
I’m TOTALLY making these today! I love the short ingredient list and they just look out of this world!
Now… YOU MUST TELL ME! How did you make your last slideshow image? I’m completely intrigued!
I did it using Photoshop. E-mail me and I’ll do my best to explain!
I LOVE pancakes. What I generally do is make them on a Friday or over the weekend, triple up the recipe, and freeze the rest, so I can get at least 2-4 more breakfasts out of them. Just stick them in the microwave for a minute or two and they are almost as good as fresh. I have left them in the freezer for up to 2 months, and still good!
Wow you did a really good job on those. I’ve worked with different flours with pancakes and I’ve honestly never gotten them right. They are always just flat and papery pancakes. Maybe I’ll have to try these.
I love, love pancakes! There’s nothing better than a hot cup of coffee and a big pancake with lots of butter and syrup and berries (my favorite pancake topping). Hope you have an excellent weekend!
Just as an FYI: I was memorized by the pouring syrup pancake for at least a full minute. Mmm….syrup. I actually usually end up with pancakes or waffles as a breakfast-for-dinner, because like you, I can’t handle a lot of breakfast effort in the morning 😉
For breakfast this morning, I was experimenting with a new pancake recipe – it still needs a bit of tweaking, but hopefully it’ll be declared fit for the blog and posted in the next week or two.
And this morning I would tell you that I just took the dog out for a walk and didn’t freeze my ass off! Yay not-stupidly-cold temperatures! And I would also tell you that I spotted whole wheat pizza dough at the market I went to last night and now I think I need to make pizza…
Pancakes for you too?! No kidding! Great minds… 😉 And heck YES to the warmer temps! Now if only the sun would actually come out instead of these cloudy grey days we’ve been getting. But I guess I shouldn’t complain since I no longer have to worry about my eyelids freezing shut when I blink…
I had a banana and some almonds since my stomach is a little sensitive in the morning. After my workout I’ll drink my protein shake :). Love this recipe, I might have to make this for the boyfriend today!! I’m not sure what I would tell you. Probably a lot of random crap haha then talk about my cat, then ask you a million questions (because this is what I do to everyone).
Looks like perfection to me. Also love the little video image you got going at the end!
Oh how I love pancakes! I’m definitely an easy breakfast kind of person too! I most often have pancakes for dinner, but when I have more time on the weekends, I do make them for breakfast. These look amazing and again, I love the easy no-fuss ingredients!
I’m currently having your cookie dough smoothie for breakfast, but I used Sunbutter instead of almond butter. That smoothie is pretty much a staple for me. So yummy!
omg…I wish I wasn’t at work so I could go home and make these ASAP.
P.S. I like your gif 🙂
Ha! Just like me. I’m not the make-a-buffet-breakast every morning, and I’m ok with that 😀 it works for me. I love simple and the less-y0u-do-the-better breakfast! Oatmeal, bananas, almond milk and cereal I’m talking to you! Every now and then I’ll feel more creative and do something like this, or even cook for family if I’m home, but only every now and then!
Very.much.ditto. I like to keep things simple in the morning, but I have to admit that pancakes for dinner kind of rocks.
Your morning routine sounds a lot like mine. I am also an early riser but I enjoy the quiet, effortless pace of my mornings.
I don’t think I’ve ever made myself pancakes. Crazy, huh? When I was a kid all I ever wanted for breakfast was cereal. Yup, I was a picky little snot. I did eat them sometimes in treatment but that was years ago. These look terrific. I doubt mine will turn out quite so beautiful but I think it is high time to break my pancake-free existence.
Hope your weekend is wonderful and includes snowboarding.
I’ve never really liked pancakes unless they’re filled with chocolate chips. Crepes on the other hand – I looove those! Especially if they’re filled with nutella and strawberries. 🙂
Oh, and I had raw oats with blueberries, PB2, and a little protein powder mixed with water for breakfast. Yum!!
These look delish…I don’t often crave pancakes for breakfast (I don’t count my two-ingredient pancake in this craving category for some reason) but I do make them from scratch often for my son. I am going to try your recipe in the next few days for him when he gets off the egg kick…I make them so many ways and never pay much attention to what I am throwing in but I am pretty sure I have done something similar to this without the almond milk (remember, I am allergic to almonds).
I tried to mooch a pancake recipe off my mom, but she’s the same way when it comes to cooking — never measures anything, and “add milk until the batter looks right” isn’t very helpful 😆
Oh these are gooood pancakes. I can just tell. That syrup dropping down the side, I just can’t! I can’t.
I’m probably gonna have peanut butter toast for breakfast. Your favorite ;).
Love everything about this post! The recipe sounds terrific, the pictures are beautiful, and we need a tutorial on how you did the last picture. Awesome!
THIS is why I always need to read blogs before breakfast – so that I can eat ALL THE DELICIOUSNESS right away instead of having to wait until the next morning (the horror). Although, some hot pancakes would have been much appreciated during that -30 degree week, juuuuust saying. 😉
Check out that video. You’re amazing with photography! I usually have oats for breakfast, but these pancakes look mighty delicious. It looks like a regular recipe, too, not one trying to classify as being healthy but really tasting like yuck. I am looking forward to trying these.
nooooo! i wish i would have read this before my unappetizing breakfast of pb toast and vegetable soup!! i even have the ingredients, are rare occasion!
Gorgeous pictures!
There’s always dinner! 😀
Ah the syrup video! You know how I feel about my ‘cakes but unless I pre-make them for the week, I reserve them for the weekend when I have more time. Have a lovely one!
Girl – first these look delectable! Love the syrup pouring all over in that last one! And second, we must be on the same brain wave..or be psychic {me more psycho than psychic though 🙂 } I made oatmeal pancakes earlier this week and then I made banana nut pancakes – with an ingredient list very similar to yours (I experimented with rice flour and did not use any yogurt)!!!
Today though it was oats that I boiled for way too long so it was extra mushy! If we were chatting over breakfast, I would tell ya bout the man who, after having his car totaled, decided to walk to the courthouse to pay a fine- he left his house at 1am to get to the courthouse by 9am! GAH!
We MUST be on the same wavelength, because I had oats this morning that I added too much water to and the same mushiness occurred. Bah! I still ate them, but they definitely weren’t the same as my dry and doughy ones 😥
I love the gif!! These look like brilliant pancakes.
This recipe is great. I normally eat a pitiful breakfast of yogurt and granola, and sometimes I spice it up with a smoothie (it has to be three ingredients or less), but every Sunday we have pancakes and I look forward to it all week. Charlie normally does the cooking, but I just might have to take over this weekend to try the recipe out!
Alright now we talkin’! I see pancakes in my near future..tomorrow’s breakfast? Or tonight’s dinner?.. This morning was overnight oats in a PB jar mixed with a bucketload of cinnamon and some homemade applesauce 🙂
All my favorite things in one pancake – oats, bananas, and greek yogurt. Winner winner, pancake dinner!
Is this for real? Why are we not having breakfast together?
you’re killing me
But I made them GF for you! 😛
yes but now i want them ASAP and don’t have patience. LOL!
Can I use normal Yoghurt instead of Greek Yoghurt?
Yup! Normal yogurt should be fine 🙂
This recipe doesn’t seem big enough to make 6-7 pancakes! Can I used Quaker Quick Oats instead of Rolled ones? Will it make much of a difference?
The pancakes aren’t super fluffy. The stack in all the pics is from one recipe, and they’re about the size of the palm of my hand. Quick oats are fine.