Herro der! (read: hello there) Happy Tuesday!
Tuesdays are a good day for surveys. Why? Mostly because Mondays tend to be pretty manic and, by the end of the day, I need specific questions laid out in front of me to direct my thoughts in some coherent way. I’ve been seeing this survey floating around the blog world lately and figured I’d join in on the fun. So may I present you with: The ABCs of Me…
A. Attached or Single? Mum’s still the word on this one for now 🙂
B. Best Friend? Coffee. It really brings out the best in me.

C. Cake or pie? Definitely cake – especially if we’re talking Black Forest. Truth be told, I don’t really like pie… The cream ones are still tolerable, but if we’re talking things like apple or pumpkin? Not so much.
D. Day of choice? I honestly don’t have one. I’ve had crappy Saturdays and amazing Mondays… and vice versa. Every day has the potential to be good or bad, and since I wake up ridiculously early regardless of what day it is, it’s really all the same to me. Back when I was a kid, it was definitely Saturdays though. Eating cereal and watching cartoons in my pyjamas? Bliss.
E. Essential Item? Contact solution… or I suppose if we want to get down to the bare essentials, glasses. My vision is pretty bad (like -4.5 and -5.0) so without my glasses/contacts, I’m pretty much useless.
F. Favorite color? Black. I like other colors, but no matter how often I try to add more color into my life, I always gravitate back to black. And I know black isn’t technically a color, but let’s not get caught up in details.
G. Gummy bears or worms? Bears, simply because they’re easier to pop into your mouth and you don’t have to worry about biting them into smaller pieces.
H. Home town? Edmonton, Alberta. Born and raised.
I. Favorite Indulgence? Beauty products. I think it’s probably pretty obvious by now that I’m a complete beauty junkie. Makeup, hair products, perfumes, creams… I’d go as far as to say that I prefer shopping for and buying these things more than food.

J. January or July? I feel like I should say January because of my birthday and all, but let’s be honest… no one in their right mind would choose January over July… especially if you live in Canada.
K. Kids? I’d love to have some someday. For now, I have a plant… And I’ve nearly killed him more times than I can count, so let’s hope I do better with little people.
L. Life isn’t complete without? Love, laughter, and chocolate…
M. Marriage date? Awwwwkward…
N. Number of brothers/sisters? Zeer-oh. I’m an only child, and I’m seriously starting to feel like a rare breed – seems like everyone has brothers and sisters but me! I remember loving the fact that I was an only child when I was younger, but now I really wish I had a brother or sister to confide in.
O. Oranges or Apples? Apples. I love both, but considering I probably eat around 4 apples a day between all my chips and applesauce, I’m going to go with apples.

P. Phobias? Needles. There are other things I don’t like (snakes, horror movies, dentists, being in water where I can’t see my feet), but those I can still tolerate… Needles, on the other hand? No way. No.freaking.way. I actually have to drug myself when I need to get blood taken or there’s just no way I can do it.
Q. Quotes? You can check out my Pinterest board if you’d like to see more, but a few favorites are:
R. Reasons to smile? Everything? Honestly, why not smile? Sure, there are plenty of crappy things to deal with, but it’s all about what you choose to focus on. Keep your attention fixed on the negative and, sure, you won’t find many reasons to smile; but they’re always there if you just open your eyes to them.
S. Season of choice? Fall. Even though it’s slightly tarnished by the fact that winter is right around the corner, there’s nothing [else] not to love about fall. Beautiful colors, delicious flavors, fun fashion trends, and that calm and cozy feeling in the air. I only wish that it lasted a little longer…
T. Tag 5 People. Nope. I don’t play favourites.
U. Unknown fact about me? I actually considered trying to become a professional race car driver. I don’t talk about it a lot here on the blog because I have a feeling that not many people in this community share my interest, but… cars [and driving] are another one of my biggest passions. I blame it on the fact that my dad’s in the business and I basically grew up in a garage, but I have a serious love affair going with all things automotive related. I’ve rebuilt engines, I’ve raced on and off the strip, and there’s almost nothing I find more therapeutic than going for a cruise late at night. So yup… cars – I like them.
V. Vegetable? Corn. Whether it’s fresh, frozen, grilled, popped, or in candy/cereal/grain/chip form, corn is pretty much amazing no matter which way you choose to eat it.

W. Worst habit? Oh geez, where do I even start? I guess I’ll go with the fact that I tend to put everything off until the last possible minute; aka: I procrastinate like crazy. This was a big problem when I was still in school because I’d put off essays until the day before they were due and end up writing them until 3 in the morning, but even now, I tend to procrastinate until I really can’t get away with it anymore… and my bad habits are only reinforced by the fact that the outcome is always positive.
X. Xray or Ultrasound? Does anyone honestly have an opinion on this? The only way I could ever see someone preferring one over the other is if they were pregnant and able to see their baby. Otherwise, both probably mean something is wrong so it’s like choosing between shi… two undesirable things.
Y. Your favorite food? Almond butter. Not only is it amazing on its own, but it makes everything you put it on taste 100x better. I can’t even tell you how many kitchen failures I’ve saved by smothering the disastrous results with almond butter. This stuff can do no wrong.
Z. Zodiac sign? Capricorn. I don’t really pay much attention to horoscopes or Zodiacs, but I have to admit that most of these are spot on…

. – . – . – .
How many brothers and sisters do you have?
Do you put much weight in Zodiacs and horoscopes?
Take the first letter of your first and last name and answer the questions associated with it!
I loved learning that your dream of being a race car driver!! So cool!
A younger sister.
Married July 3, 2004. 9 year anniversary is coming up soon 🙂
K- kids, yeah i’ll have the some day too. But my nieces and nephews remind me everyday on why I am glad I don’t have any lol
S- fall. I just love the clothes and everything about it seems so refreshing, plus its my birthday and thanksgiving. Best holidays everrr lol
I am lucky to have 2 brothers and 1 sister, and now another brother and sister. They are all older and while I grew up being beat on and left out since I am 11 years apart from the oldest, now we are an inseparable. It’s funny because I always wanted to be an only child like my cousin because she just got to do whatever, it was always easy to take one child on vaca, and to parks, etc. But 4, our vaca was the beach if that lol. Yet she always wanted brothers and sisters. I read my horoscope every morning, I don’t understand when it’s saying something about Saturn is coming across your way kind of stuff, just the parts I understand I read lol
Ok, the race car thing is fascinating and awesome all at the same time. That was a pretty cool tidbit to share. Also, I’m completely with you when it comes to coffee. My morning BFF for sure and lately a little afternoon delight as well.
So my first and last name both start with the letter M, the marriage date, which was April 23, 2005, although I’ve actually been with the Hubby since 1996.
I don’t really like pie either! (except chocolate cream because…..well…it’s chocolate cream!).
How many brothers and sisters do you have? One older sister, Amanda.
Do you put much weight in Zodiacs and horoscopes? Zero. But I still read them cause I think it can be fun.
Take the first letter of your first and last name and answer the questions associated with it!
L and C hmm?
Life isn’t complete without: Love. I know it’s such an easy way to answer this question but love, kindness, selflessness….all of those. Life wouldn’t even be possible without them.
Cake or Pie?: Well…I believe I sort of answered that haha. Cake…100%. CHOCOLATE cake, if we’re being specific. =)
Your pictures are great!
I’m planning to post this on my blog in a few days too- such a fun little survey!
I’m a Capricorn as well. We’re definitely one of the most hard-working signs. Unfortunately we’re also stubborn tend to be controlling. We’re just perfectionists. Gotta take the bad with the good…
Your answer for “Reason to Smile” is on point. Amen, sister.
I had no idea you wore contacts/glasses! A lot of people are surprised when they see me wear glasses on the rare occasions that I do but I guess it makes sense that it’s not obvious that people need glasses when they’re always wearing contacts.
A: Attached or single? Definitely single, and I’m okay with it right now.
W: Worst habit? I always rip off my hangnails, and then I regret it when they hurt or start to bleed. TMI, but I just can’t stop doing it. I’ve found that bringing a pair of nail clippers with me wherever I go helps me keep it in check–so I can just clip ’em off instead of ripping.
Almond butter is my favorite thing! If I’d have to answer my name it would be V – and it would be tomatoes. I put tomatoes in everything! So awesome that you love cars, I love unknown facts about people =)
Sooo we both have like the same vision! Blind people unite haha 😉 Almond butter and coffee are two of my favorite things as well. The. Best.
Omgness, I’m with you on almond butter! I don’t know what pregnancy did to me but PB used to be my favorite nut butter and now? I think AB is my ultimate fave choice. 0_0 hah! And you were pretty cool to have wanted to be a race car driver–like a man’s dream come true! I wanted to be a firefighter at one point. Oh, and a supermarket lady because I liked the beeping noise at the register, lol.
I am with you on the bears. I actually explain more about it in my survey I am doing either Thursday or Friday. I tend to get very possessive about my gummy candy, I have preferences that can’t be avoided. haha
Do you like your gummies slightly stale, just like you like your Peeps?
I’m always hated my zodiac sign… I’m a cancer. That just sounds bad! lol
These surveys are great, you learn so much! 🙂 And by the way – don’t feel bad about your vision! I’m -7 and -7.5 and a coworker is about the same. Glasses/contacts are definitely essentials for me too!
So for my questions:
M – HAHA, marriage. Good one.
P – Phobias. I’d have to say train tracks and I only recently discovered this. Don’t ask! 😉
Loved this! Although I have to mention that corn is actually a grain not a vegetable haha
I have to share – I wanted to be a schoolbus driver when I was a little kid!!! To be fair, my bus driver was super nice and I wanted to be just like him.
Awwr! That’s seriously the sweetest thing ever…
A race car driver? That is awesome! You should totally talk about it on the blog! However, if you choose not to, we can just talk about the love of corn, peanut butter, and reasons to smile.
You don’t like pumpkin or apple pie!? I don’t know if we can still be friends. 😉
I have one sister, Hayley, who is 3.5 years younger than me. She used to drive me nuts, but we get along really well these days… well, she still drives me a little nuts, truthfully.
I’m a Gemini, but I don’t pay any attention to horoscopes or anything. I grew up with a sciencey family, so I tend to not believe anything that I don’t have proof for. I’ve realized that’s not always the best way to think though. So who knows, Zodiac signs might have more merit than I give them credit for.
C: Obviously I really like pie, but I also love cake too. As long as it’s not a plain vanilla or angel food cake. Those are boring. 😛
A: Permanently single haha.
I grew up on the east coast (Canada). ‘Hello der’ would make perfect sense to everyone 🙂
I am ALSO blind as a bat and a pie hater. Let’s form a group.
It’s no surprise you liked The Art of Racing in the Rain that much – not that it was a surprise before because it’s a great book but with that (former) dream job … Actually, I’ve always been impressed when you mentioned being good around cars on your blog before. I can’t imagine myself ever rebuilding an engine … or anything, that is.
There’s so much to like about this survey and I think of you as an even more amazing person now if that’s even possible :).
Okay, to play the game:
S – season of choice: I used to go with Spring when answering this question before. After the lame-o one we had this year, though, I’ll say Summer because I need the sun to be happy.
K – kids: Babysitting used to be a favourite “job” of mine and I really enjoyed reading bedtime stories and playing games. I even considered becoming a kindergarten teacher for a while.
Zodiac signs? I can’t say I believed in them though maybe I’d be convinced if the characteristics for mine fit ;). Where did you find the pictures for yours?
The racing aspect of that book definitely had something to do with why I liked it so much – it was nice to hear someone speaking my language 😉 As for the pictures, I just Googled my sign and that’s what came up.
I am totally with you on the love, laughter, and chocolate! Those are my life favorites too! 🙂
Only child here as well! I am aquarius and I think it’s pretty accurate about me.
Oh and you don’t like apple pie! It’s one of my favourite desserts in the world (well apple strudel or pie!) I am going to chane your mind when I visit or when you come to me! Xo 😉