Happy Friday, friends!
How are you guys doing? Did you have a good Valentine’s? Are you nursing a chocolate hangover? I have to be honest – I almost titled this post “How I Survived Valentine’s Day,” but that seemed a little too melodramatic seeing as yesterday was a pretty darn awesome day. Did I get swept off my feet by the love of my life and whisked off into a brilliant sunset? Not exactly, but I did:
… start the day with a smile thanks to an e-mail from a very special guy friend…
… do a little bit of [grocery] shopping…
Watermelon – Cantaloupe – Bananas – Apples – Cherry tomatoes – Blueberries – Cucumber – Baby carrots.
Annie’s Snack Mix – Puffins – Kashi Cinnamon Harvest – Strawberry kiwi applesauce – Dagoba chocolate – Maisie Jane’s almond butter – Kidney beans – Canned pumpkin – Dried figs.
Oikos plain Greek yogurt – Eggs – Frozen mango – Kombucha – Nature’s Path frozen waffles – Mapleton’s Organics vanilla ice cream – Ezekiel cinnamon raisin English muffins.
… get a big kick out of seeing a good number of sad looking guys picking up last minute flowers and chocolates at the grocery store.
… pick up some aforementioned flowers and chocolates for my very own Valentine [read: my momma]…

… pick up a little something for myself as well…
Revlon ColorStay in Vintage Rose and Pale Cashmere – Revlon nail enamel in Sparkling.
… use aforementioned “something for myself” on myself…
I did…
… cringe every time I heard someone say “V-Day” because it made my mind go to a dirty place…
… wonder why they feel the need to use industrial strength adhesive to apply a label to a plastic garbage can…
… and wonder why aforementioned industrial strength adhesive wasn’t around when I was trying to hang posters [that kept falling] on my wallย as a teen.
In addition to all that,ย I did…
… enjoy a drink, even though I spent the majority of the time swirling the bottle around and trying to make sure theย mother didn’t touch my lips…
… eat my prunes ๐
… enjoy some mandatory chocolate thanks to a well-timed package from the beautiful Lucie,ย which subsequently made me remember how ridiculously blessed I am when it comes to my friends…
And finally,ย I did…
… find a few spare moments to bake some treats…
… and spend the rest of the night enjoying those treats while glued to the TV next to my Valentine [read: my momma] watching this girl put on a good show…
(bonus points if you can name that movie!!)
. – . – . – .
So that was my Valentine’s in a nutshell.ย Extraordinary? Not exactly. Fabulous and full of love? Without a doubt. Despite not seeing Mr.Starbucks at all and basically rocking the single girl status, I had a really great day.
I got a few questions after yesterday’s post asking me if I’m okay with things not working out with Mr.Starbucks,ย and to be perfectly honest, yes… I am. I’ve think I’ve gotten to the point where I’m pretty comfortable with myself and being alone – being with someone actually feels pretty strange and takes some getting used to. Does that mean that I’m all: “YEAH! Being single ROCKS!!!11!!! Screw relationships!!! Single 4 Lyfe!!!!” Not exactly. But Iย am all for enjoying life and making the most of the hand that I was dealt. I can’t exactly change my situation, andย I’m not going to settle for anyone but Mr.Right, so until he comes along, well… I’ll keep finding other things to be happy about. There are happy single people and sad single people, just like there are happy committed people and sad committed people.ย Attitude trumps situation.
. – . – . – .
For all my single ladies, does anyone else dislike dating as much as I do? Small talk. Awkwardness. Getting to know each other. Ugh! Can I please just skip all that nonsense and wake up already in love with my best friend?
For those in a relationship, where did you meet your other half?
Yay for a great V-DAY (just kidding…Valentine’s Day) ๐ My mind goes to a dirty place too when someone calls it that, but sometimes my laziness trumps and writing out the full word takes too long. I am so happy to see that you’re alright with the way things worked out with Mr. Starbucks. It’s such a positive attitude and not one many could embrace as well as you. Good for you girl! I haven’t gone on a single date since becoming single. It terrifies me and I’ve been avoiding it. How long can I hold off? Haha hmmm….
P.S – I definitely had a chocolate hangover! It was more like a sugar hangover…followed by a real hangover on Sunday ๐
First, I love your manicure! The colour is just perfect and it looks even better with the glitter.
Second, my other half (sorry for the novel under your previous post) happened to inhabit the same nooks of the web as me and have more in common with me than I thought was possible.
And last but not least, I wish we had at least half of the health food variety you guys across the ocean have. Seriously, I’d kill for anything Kashi.
My thoughts keep returning to that stash of Swiss chocolate–especially the *makes me weak in the knees* Toblerone bar. I may have to bribe Lucie to send a few my way as well…because in regards to relationships, my love affair is, and always will be, with the sweet stuff. ๐
I’ve been (was?) single for three years, and have dabbled in and out of the online dating world for the past two. It’s safe to say that 99% of the dates I went on were awkward/small talk/get-me-out-of-here-now experiences, which I initially viewed as a waste of time. However, a few months ago (after a solid 6 month dating hiatus), I decided to give it a shot again, but with a different perspective. These dates make hilarious stories, so if anything, I’d have some pretty good tales to tell my friends. ๐ Like you, though, I’ve reached a point in my life where I don’t feel like I need a man in my life. Sure, I’d love to have a partner who *compliments* me, but during those three single years, I figured out who I am, what I want, and what I like. I’ve been extremely happy as a single gal, and I’m now asking myself if I can/will be just as happy with someone in my life (I’m fiercely independent!). My status has *kind of* changed over the past two weeks, so all of those questions will have to be answered in time. ๐
Hope you had a lovely weekend, Amanda! <3
I’ve been asking myself the same question – can I deal with having someone in my life when I’ve only had to worry about myself for so long? I think the right person definitely changes all that and makes the question a lot easier to answer, though. And you keep teasing me with the relationship status change! Whatever it is, I hope that it’s amazing, and I hope that you’ll be dropping some hints soon!
Looks like you had a lovely valentine’s day! Your nails look fabulous too- love how you put on the glitter! I think you have the right attitude about dating. Mr. right will pop into your life when you least expect it! Isn’t that how it always happens?
I met my hubby my first weekend in college- he was my roommate’s cousin. We hit it off and almost 7 years later…here we are!
Happy (belated) Valentine’s Day! (I was going to say v-day but now I totally understand why not ๐ )
i laughed out loud with swirling the drink so the mother doesn’t touch your lips, i do the same thing with the kombucha, i get so creeped out haha! that sounds like the best valentines day, sort of like mine ! im glad you arent settling for anyone besides mr.right. I use to be that girl who always had a boyfriend and then after awhile I got so sick of it and have been single for years now and love it. I have dated but just I am not just gonna settle for anyone because I know what I want. Dating though can be soo weird, you know the first dinner with the let me do the reach for my pocket book or are you paying kind of a thing. HATE IT!
I’ve to admit, I’m impressed that you could manage with so many food around you especially when you’re staying alone. Those boxes of cereals will probably last three days at most in my house.
Isn’t Lucie amazing??? && how amazing is the swiss chocolate??!! When I received her package, I literally couldn’t stop eating it in one sitting. Too addicting to put down.
Did she send you the truffle filled chocolate too? Omigod I demolished that thing in record speed I think…
Your Valentine’s Day sounds like my dream day–grocery shopping, painting my nails, baking and eating chocolate! Mine was pretty low-key too, I went to class and took a test in the morning (yuck!), picked up a little raw chocolate dessert for myself, ate homemade pizza and spent the night watching Say Yes to the Dress.
I definitely don’t mind being a single lady right now but I get anxious from time to time because I’ve never been in a ‘real’ relationship (aside from silly middle school ones) and so many people around me are getting serious with their BFs. I would LOVE for a guy to be romantically interested in me, but right now I’m fine with friend relationships.
Im sorry to hear about Mr. Bucks, but I AM thrilled that you are totally doing ok. I had a girlfriend in high school who literally needed a boy friend to be happy. It was like her joy depended on having a man in her life, and it was just really sad. So, Im glad to know that you are an independent woman who is just fine on her own. And believe me when I say that ANY guy would be more than lucky to have you, and I know you’re going to find him one day :):)
Your nails look fabulous!! I really miss Loblaws, more especially President’s Choice stuff.. You never know what you’re going to miss when you move out of Canada.
My fiancรฉ and I met on eHarmony almost 3 years ago. Glad I gave that site a decent shot ๐
I’m weird and sort of enjoy dating, but the whole “learning the other person’s deep dark secrets” involved in RELATIONSHIPS as well as all the give and take involved is what scares me! I’ve been in a relationship for almost a year and I’m still trying to figure out how to give up my habits and routines and be open and honest. It’s tough work, but with the right person…totally worth it.
I am with you on the dating…I would like to skip all the awkwardness and small talk please! I love “I’m going to find other things to be happy about” because it is so true that a significant other is not the only thing that can make you happy! There are plenty of other things to be happy about like those amazing looking cookies you baked…;-)
Okay I totally agree with you on the whole dating deal. I know EXACTLY what I want from a guy – an actual relationship. I don’t want a sort-of relationship or an open relationship or casual dating. I mean, I know that to have an actual relationship you do kinda have to go through the whole meeting someone/going on dates/getting to know you thing, but if it looks like a relationship isn’t ever going to go past that stage, then I’m out. I don’t want a half-relationship lol! And in the meantime, yeah if a guy interests me I’ll totally go on a few dates but if no one comes along then I’m totally fine being single. Heck, I’m only 23 – I am in nooooo rush to meet someone lol! When I meet someone that’s worth giving up my routine and sacrificing a little bit for, then I’ll do it – till then, I’ll keep enjoying being me and doing what I do!
Anyway, also – I FREAKING LOVE YOUR NAIL POLISH. Holy crap you are a manicure GENIUS! My nails never look that good, seriously what’s your secret?? lol. Nice grocery haul too, I did that myself today as well – and bought myself a few treats since I didn’t get the chance to celebrate properly yesterday ๐
Cuticle oil is my secret ๐ That and constantly filing my nails – they grow like crazy, so it seems like I’m always having to trim them.
Perfect quote at the end of the post… I think that might be my facebook status tomorrow!
The glitter on your nails is so cute!
Oh my goodness, Puffins are one of my loves for sure! They are out of control amazing ๐
Dan and I worked in the same department and grabbed a beer after a baseball game with a mutual friend. The rest, as they say, is history. Dating is awkward though and I never was a huge fan of the whole ‘I have to wear make-up and real pants’ stage of our relationship!
First of all, I’m obsessed with your nails.
Second of all, I really really wish we could skip all the awkwardness and just wake up next to the love of our lives. Wouldn’t that be nice? Ha!
I met my boyfriend through a friend, which is probably the best way in my opinion to meet someone. Since they know you and the other person, they already know if you will be a good match, and in my case, we were! Unfortunately, I was kind of rocking the single status, too, since he is moving across the country and we aren’t going to continue our relationship. I know any type of break up sucks, so I definitely needed to read this. Attitude does make a HUGE difference in everything! <3
Awwr I’m sorry to hear that, hun ๐ Break-ups are definitely rough, but you’re strong and fabulous so I have no doubt that you’ll get through it no problem ๐ Sending big hugs!
Met my man at the bar we both worked at (at the time) 4 years ago. He strategically squirmed his way into being friends and then asked me out, and, well it worked! Sweet summer love that lasted ๐ Before that, I was always really picky, basically hopped between very select boyfriends and just lived life in-between, honestly never cared that I was single! Though I was 23 when we met, so that’s still pretty young to have been “Single” (Capitol S!!) in my books! Kinda ridiculous to put pressure (well, on anyone who is single) on anyone in their 20’s to “settle down”. My mum and granny both went through divorces, and are/were strong happy single women for many years (whom I am/was very close to), so maybe that’s why I just didn’t feel it was a big deal! So maybe I was cut from a different cloth ๐ But it works for me. I definitely sent my mum a valentines day card! And not my boyfriend. Woopsies.
Yummy looking food & gorgeous nails!
I was fortunate to meet my husband on a blind-date set up by a co-worker when I was only 17 years old! Crazy, huh?! We’ve now been together for about 15 years, & our 10 year wedding anniversary will be in August. ๐
!!! That’s definitely crazy, but those are the kind of stories that I love to hear ๐
Lovely nails and it looks like you had a pretty great Valentines! That is so funny about V-dayโฆ I never even thought about that and I’ve been saying it all week! Ha ha ha
Sounds like a great Valentine’s Day to me! I couldn’t spend the night with my boyfriend, so I celebrated solo with chocolate, red wine and lots of Netflix ๐ Fine by me!
Gotta love Gone With the Wind up until the end. Then I just shut it off because I hate the ending. ARGH! I haven’t really dated around much, so I can’t say i dislike as opposed to me being so completely FOREIGN to it. Glad you had a lovely Valentines Day!!
You don’t drink the mother? That’s the best part ๐
I like your recent pin..”Dance with god and he will let the perfect man cut in.”
I’m still waiting though.
I’m still dancing ๐
…i don’t date. i either fall in love or i don’t date. period. everyone thinks i’m crazy, but i just don’t see the point! lol ๐ ..i had a pretty good singles-style valentine’s day: wine, the west wing, comfy clothes and no stress ๐ …and i’m guessing: gone with the wind? โฅ
Yep! Gone with the Wind ๐ And your Valentine’s Day sounds wonderfully comfy and relaxing.
Lol I have to agree that saying “V-day”is awful! Its almost as bad as cukes for cucumber or bloobs for blueberries ๐ And about being single, I say “whatever!~” ๐ what happens, happens… Relationships as in a guy and a girl getting married are very old fashioned and nowadays it’s perfectly normal to be content with just being on your own! If someone does happen to come along, embrace it ๐ But nobody can force a relationship.. And you shouldn’t ever settle until you find someone with whom you don’t get that “awkward” feeling around ๐ If you’re someone who likes their space and is happy being alone, then I believe in time you’ll find a similar guy with whom you’ll be at peace just hanging around eating cereal with ๐ <3
I got MY mom ferraro rochers and flowers…I honestly feel she is my soul mate (my soul is connected to hers). I liked how you mentioned in your post yesterday how valentine’s day can be about showing ANYONE and EVERYONE you love how much you love them. I love valentine’s day and I’ve never had a boyfriend. I love it because it forces us to take the time out of our lives to show others how much we care…even if we should be doing that daily. I’m the type of person who gets caught up in work and schedules and will most likely become a workaholic, but holidays and celebrations force me to focus on what matters in life.
I’m 21 and I went on one date my entire life…I’m not comfortable in that arena. I am sociable but guys and dating make me feel super self-conscious. The one date I went on was at Wendy’s, we went dutch (I think I even brought coupons), “Sexual Healing” played and we were surrounded by retirees….Trust me awkward doesn’t even begin to describe it. I don’t mind the idea of being single forever as long as I’m happy. I think I need to learn to love life and myself before someone else can ever truly love me in that way. If that doesn’t happen then it wasn’t meant to be.
You have a wonderful outlook, TJ ๐ You sound super grounded, strong, and independent and I’m sure there’s a guy out there for you, but you’re right… maybe now just isn’t the right time yet. He’ll come along when it is, though.
Oh. My. Gosh. I hear ya on the dating. I think Im going to be single forever just because I cant seem to get past the awkward “get to know you” stage before I get sick of it. I keep hoping that it just means I haven’t met anyone I like enough to take the time to GET past that stage….but Im kinda thinking I’m going to be single forever. Ohhhhhh welllll, thats why I got a pug to keep me company ๐
Oh gosh, pugs are absolutely wonderful. I might just have to look into that my self ๐
You should! They love to snuggle (I have to wrestle her out of my lap sometimes) and are so sweet…but when you need to go do something you can just say “bye bye” and they are there when you get back. Forget boys…get a pug ๐
Sounds to me like you had a pretty great Valentine’s day!! Love the nail polish – a definite must buy in the near future!!
For the first time in my life, I’m really, genuinely happy being single. I still like to poke fun at Valentine’s Day because even when I have been in relationships, I’ve hated that holiday. It feels so manufactured to me. I call it “Single’s Awareness Day…or SAD” instead ๐
It sounds like you had a pretty great and fulfilling day! I met my other half on match.com and it’s totally weird saying that even now after 3.5 years!
v-day is quite possibly the most awkward term ever. So.much.discomfort…
Oikos 2% is quite possibly, the best yogurt ever…clearly, you know that :-p
And I’ve been seeing frozen waffles pop up on blogs the last few days and it giving me a craving…thinking I may have to pick up a box tomorrow.
And I’m happy that you have a great attitude about the Mr. Starbucks situation. You are an amazing lady, and you will find your Mr. Right! <3
I met mine while I was volunteering at St. Leonards (organization that works with youth in conflict with the law). I was volunteering in the after-school program, and Eric was working there (he was in teachers college at the time). I was in a relationship when we met, so we were friends for a good six months before we gave dating a shot. It worked out pretty well, I'd say!
Definitely give them a shot! They’re wonderfully crunchy when you put them in the toaster/toaster oven, and topped with melty banana and nut butter? Holy.swoontastic.
Hahaha! V-day! Yess! I may have written that in my comments yesterday to you, and cringed writing it. That or I deleted it. I sure hope I did. :/
I love your outlook on dating, and as you know I’m not a fan of it either. When I met my boy, I was definitely looking, and kind of seeing this guy who was probably just not that into me. He was supposed to come with me to my friend’s birthday party, but bailed last minute, citing he had the dates mixed up and had to go out of town to help his brother move…..Idk. I was annoyed, but obviously I was going anyway, and luckily my boyfriend happened to be invited by my friend and his mutual friend/coworker. I remember seeing him outside and thinking he was attractive but wrote him off since he was smoking (he does socially on occasion) and looked like he could be, well, a douche. I was wrong. So wrong. Thank god. He was adorable, and eventually approached me, and the rest is history. We did meet in a bar, but it was a private birthday party, so that’s how the story goes.
Also you’re nails are so pretty! Gone with the Wind?!
Yep! Gone with the Wind ๐ And a story like that instantly makes me think that you and your boy were meant to be!
I’m glad you had a good day yesterday!! That grocery haul you did looks magnificent. Did I seriously just use the word ‘magnificent’? Anyways, what I’m trying to say is you now have one deliciously stocked fridge/pantry. Lovee all those foods! And your shopping trip reminds me…I need to buy ice cream.
And ohmygosh. I find dating totally awks too. It can get tiring trying to come up with things to say and all that. But I guess when we really do find that someone, that shouldn’t be an issue. So…I’m waiting patiently here for my Mr. Right ๐
You Vday (sorry I had to) sounds absolutely perfect!!! Your nails look GREAT! I saw some nails like that on Pinterest, and you did a great job of your own! I totally laughed at the Kombucha comment about the “mother” touching your lips. I always swirl mine too..that stuff needs to be blended in so I don’t get huge chunks down my gullet!!
I admire your strength about being “single.” I think that more people need that independence, myself included. I LOVE LOVE LOVE my boyfriend, but at times I wish I took that down time to really be with myself. I met good ol’ Manfriend at Trader Joe’s. We both worked there, and well..we clicked. Love that guy, now we’re both off to bigger and better things..I hope. ๐
Manfriend is wonderful for you ๐ There’s just no escaping it when you meet the one…
I remember dating was always so awkward. I know that you have a super special man out there… you are too awesome not to! ๐ The hubby and I were actually introduced and set up. crazy because that is so not like us….
Loooove that nail polish and I’ve decided I am going to treat myself to it when I venture off to wegmans in a few minutes! So pretty!
You are one smart girl to be waiting for the one and only Mr. right! I was the same way and to be honest got to the point where I never thought I would meet him and I was okay with that. I had tons of people trying to set me up, but I could tell in less than 30 seconds it wasn’t the right guy for Me. On the other hand, when I met Mr. right, at a Halloween party (that I didn’t even know the hostess of and was dragged to by my sister in law and he didn’t want to attend either) we clicked instantly and I knew he was an amazing man that I wanted to spend time with. We have now been married 1 and 1/2 years and every-single-day I am head over heels in love and on cloud nine because he is everything I’ve ever wanted.
So, don’t ever, ever settle!! It will be sooo worth it. I see too many friends with people that I think they just married because it was the next step and they are miserable… So sad!
Thank you for sharing your uplifting story, Karla ๐