Is it just me, or did July seem really long to anyone else?
I feel like I’m always saying how quickly the month went by in these monthly recap posts, but July felt like the complete opposite — it draaaaaaagged. That trip I took out to Vegas at the beginning of the month? Yeah. Feels like it happened at least a few months ago.
Slow or not, though, July was still a pretty awesome month. And because it’s coming to a close, it’s time to take a look back at some blog and life highlights…
No-Bake Double Chocolate Fudge Protein Bars
Lemon Blueberry Greek Yogurt Muffins
Lemon Blueberry Muffin Smoothie
Chunky Monkey Greek Yogurt Pancakes
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- So.much.LOVE for all the sites that showed Spoons some love this past month. July was pretty freaking epic in terms of blog features, and I’m kind of blown away by all the exposure…
- Eat This, Not That! featured my Banana Oat Greek Yogurt Pancakes in Lose Weight With These Protein Pancake Recipes.
- Canadian Running Magazine featured my Black Forest Smoothie in Top 10 Smoothie Recipes for the Chocoholic.
- Huffington Post featured my Banana Oat Greek Yogurt Muffins in 6 Healthy Breakfast Swaps That Will Supercharge Your Morning.
- Buzzfeed featured my Flourless Chocolate Zucchini Muffins in 29 Of The Most Delicious Things You Can Do To Zucchini.
- Food Network UK featured my Black Forest Smoothie in 11 OMG Black Forest Recipes.
- And it’s funny because I was actually expecting things to slow down a little since I decided to cut back to posting 4 days a week instead of 5. I used to feel like I had to post to keep my numbers up, and while part of me enjoyed being so present in the blogging world, other areas of my life definitely started to suffer for it. And so did my overall well-being. Taking an extra day off [from posting] has been a godsend. And I say [from posting] because even though I’m not putting up anything new, I’m still doing plenty behind-the-scenes.
- Part of that time is spent networking and promoting old content. Whenever someone asks me what the best way to grow a blog is, my number 1 answer is always creating quality, sharable content… which for me has been my recipes. Personal posts and random Thinking Out Loud posts tend to get lost in the archives, but my recipes keep bringing in traffic long after they’ve been published.
- Case in point: my most popular post is my Banana Oat Greek Yogurt Muffins, which just hit over 800,000 shares (oh.em.geeeee). After that it’s usually a handful of other recipes that have been seeing some love on Pinterest (lately the Flourless Chocolate Zucchini Muffins and Greek Yogurt Banana Bread), with any post I put up that day usually way further down the list. That means that even on days I don’t post, those older posts are still working for me…
- And because holy.snap did I ever just ramble off, thank you guys for all the love on Facebook and Instagram this month. X’s, O’s, and all that fun stuff.
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- Remember how I went to Vegas at the beginning of the month? Yeahhh… I pretty much forgot too. It feels like it happened a couple months back, hence the whole “July felt super long” thing. But Vegas was tonnes of fun (and super hot!), and I even got to spend the 4th of July down in the States for what was probably the first time ever… even though I kind of missed Canada Day as a result 😆
- Other than that, it’s been a whole lot of the same old, same old, — work, blog, and school, repeating. Coaching has been keeping me super busy, which is actually the main reason that I haven’t introduced an online branch to Spoons just yet, for those who’ve been asking. I’d like to finish up with some of my current clients before taking on any new ones… but it’s coming!
- And the extra day off from blogging has been super nice. Things tends to slow down a little in the summer anyways, so I’ve been using it to spend more time outside and hang with some new face. That’s what summers are for, right? 🙂
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- For once, I actually have no idea! More recipes, more randomness, and more Spoons in general. I was actually thinking about putting together a little reader survey to see what you guys want to see more of, but that’s still in the works. So until then, we’re just flying by the seat of our pants.
Tell me at least one awesome thing that happened in July!
Anything exciting coming up in August?
More places to find me!
E-mail — [email protected]
Twitter — runwithspoons
Facebook — runningwithspoons
Pinterest — runwithspoons
Instagram — runwithspoons
Bloglovin — runningwithspoons
I personally thought the month flew right by. I seem to think that about every month these days though! It sounds like it was a really epic month for you as far as sharing on various websites and platforms!
July was sooooo busy. I was booked solid every single weekend. I’m so happy to finally have a day (today) to relax!
Congratulations on all the Spoons loving. That is awesome and very much deserved. I’m also glad you’re giving yourself so more down time. It’s amazing what happens when we actually work less. 🙂
Yeah I agree with the dragging part SOOO much seems to have happened in such short time!!! Last days of school, summer holiday, my trip to London…. Gaaauzza!!
Btw. I have a question, you said recipes are a good way to bring traffic to the blog. But what if one doesn’t really post recipes? What does one do then?
Ok enough beating around the bush, my point is I love blogging. I wouldn’t give it up for the world. But I’d like to get a bit more traffic, ya know? But my blog is pretty random and I’m still rather new so I really have no idea what to do….. Do you possible have any ideas? 🙂 Could you maybe help me out? If it’s not too much a bother that is…
Don’t stress too much, Cora. It takes a lot of time to build up a blog to bring in a decent amount of traffic… It definitely doesn’t happen right off the bat. But Any kind of content that’s Pinnable is going to help you increase your numbers — it doesn’t have to be recipes. So things like tips and tricks, workouts, DIYs, informational posts. If you’re still finding your way around blogging, I wouldn’t worry about it too much. You can always explore different areas and see what really pulls you in, because if you don’t enjoy what you’re posting about, it’s really easy to burn out.
Loved all the recipes this month! I agree that July felt long, but I am not ready for summer to end, so I wasn’t mad 🙂
Funny but I just got the email for this post this morning! Anyway, as usual I’m mesmerized by your food photos and now need to eat! I actually feel like July flew by and I couldn’t keep up. I don’t usually say that but I truly couldn’t believe how fast it went. I’m flying by the seat of my pants too for now, in every area of life it seems! Sept is when we get serious, right?
I actually ended up publishing the post after my e-mails normally go out, so I guess it just trasnfered it over to the next day. And is it horrible that I honestly can’t wait for September?
Your Blueberry Muffin Smoothie is so good! I made it once and cannot wait to make it again.
I’m leaving for a trip to Croatia on Tuesday so suffice to say that will definitely be August’s highlight!
Where did you get certified to be a health coach? I’m wondering for my selfish reasons 😉 I am looking different programs.
I went through the Institute of Integrative Nutrition to get my heath coaching certification. And now I’m with the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition to round out my education a bit more 🙂
I am so glad to hear that several of your recipes were so popular! Congrats! And I think taking time to slow things down a little is a great thing. Keep it up lady!
This month seemed to last forever, but at the same time it does NOT feel like it should be August tomorrow…31 days and counting until I leave for Nicaragua for my yoga teacher training. How is that even possible?
Totally have to try that pancake recipe! I could live on pancakes. All day e’ery day lol
So excited for you! That honestly sounds like such an awesome life experience 😀
july was long. I’m done and over it. You are epic! i am in awe of you daily. YUM! congrats
I also felt that July started such a long time ago but all the other months just flew by! I thought it was because I have been so busy this month especially since the summer holidays begun this month.
Great points! Thank you:)
Seeing your recipes always makes me happy. Ever consider publishing a cookbook?
August is pretty exciting for me because (hopefully), I will be getting my license, first real job, applying to colleges, and going back to school.
I think stressful is a bit more accurate, but nonetheless I cannot wait to venture on these new adventures!
I’ve tossed around the idea of it, but I honestly have no idea when I’d find the time! Between work, school, and blogging, I can barely fit any living time in there as is 😛
july was a weird month for me..when I look back on what I did the first few days of the month it seems like so long ago, but then I feel like the month flew by. It’s a really weird feeling! Congratulations on all the features..that’s so exciting 🙂
I finished the bar exam in July, and now I have two months of freedom and am going to England in August to visit college friends, and California and Nashville in September! I can’t wait – but also want to savor every moment. Otherwise I tend to do the same thing and forget I even went somewhere 🙂
I actually feel like July FLEW! But, I’m thinking it’s because we were on vacation for a week of it … that always seems to make months go by faster. You had lots of yummy looking recipes in your July!! Drooooling over all those photos!
July just felt really long, but I really enjoyed having ‘less’ on the weekends than May and June. It has been wonderful to relax and let the day comes as it may. This month, I’m looking forward to my gym hosting its first CrossFit competition – and being able to compete in it with some awesome gym friends. I’m also looking forward to Matt NOT working 3pm-11:30pm, and being able to see his face more during the week!
CrossFit competition! That sounds awesome — good luck! 😀
So I thought the went fast until you mentioned vegas – that feels like forever ago!
WOWZA I love how fantastic this month was for you!! Please bring all the treats to Ohio..all of them.
Fingers crossed that border security won’t confiscate them.