Happy Monday, friends!
I’m not quite ready for this week to begin, but ready or not, here it comes. The weekend went by way too quickly and I’m still feeling a bit groggy from it, so we’re going to forgo fancy intros and proper sentence structure and recap the past couple of days selfie As We Speak style…
As we speak, I’m… not quite ready to speak. It’s 6 AM; I’ve been up since 4; I haven’t had my coffee; and we’re on the road with no java stops in sight…
As we speak, I’m… taking pleasure in some one-on-one time with my coffee and would prefer not to be interrupted…
Enjoy the scenery instead…
… especially since things got ugly fast. Gotta love those winter snowstorms!
As we speak, I’m… gearing up for a day on the slopes and looking rather antisocial, but actually very happy to be out of the car after a very trying 5-hour drive.
As we speak, I’m… thinking about how awkward I feel when I pose for pictures. Also… the snow. It was ridiculous. The visibility was so bad in some parts of the mountain that it was basically like riding blind.
As we speak, I’m… taking selfies while snowboarding, even though you can hardly tell it’s me under all that gear… which is unfortunate because I put it on to protect my face from the cold, but I ended up getting wind burn anyways. I spent a few days sporting a lovely lobster glow.
As we speak, I’m… winning! And the competition was pretty stiff, too. Get it? Ice statues? Stiff? 😉
As we speak, I’m… sneakily pretending not to take a selfie on the way back to town…
… while sneaking some snacks…
As we speak, I’m… not so sneakily taking a selfie in the hotel bathroom…
… before heading out for a night around Banff, which was surprisingly quiet for a Saturday.
As we speak, I’m… awake before the crack of dawn, enjoying the relaxing ambiance of snoring roommates…
… and thinking it wouldn’t be a bad idea to give my bangs a trim…
As we speak, I’m… having yet another moment with my coffee, made more enjoyable by the fact that I’m not sitting in a car and driving through a snowstorm.
As we speak, I’m… out and about in Banff [with my coffee]… [and hat].
We opted out of spending another day on the slopes and explored Banff instead. I would have preferred to do some more boarding, but I was overruled 😡 At least it was pretty…
As we speak, I’m… on my way back home and looking deceptively cheery considering how badly I have to pee. Dang road trips.
But at least it was pretty…
And that’s that. Hope your week is off to a great start!
Are you ready for Monday this week?
Do you need coffee to get going in the morning, or are you fine without it?
Where did you go on the last trip you took?
You know I love these selfie posts. I’m glad your enjoying the perks of all that snow and cold. 😉
PS. Banff is where this supposed blogger meetup is taking place this summer, right? Let’s make this happen!
That’s the plan! And we’re definitely hoping to make it happen. Fingers crossed.
Looks like a fun weekend! I’ve never been to Banff but I have a friend who lives there and she makes it sound so amazing – especially for hiking in the summer, which is much more my cup of tea than snowboarding. 😉
I actually haven’t really been drinking coffee as much in the mornings anymore. I’m on a big orange pekoe kick, mostly because it’s faster to make haha.
As we speak I am insanely jealous you get to see and touch snow. Send some over the desert for me will ya? I am happy you made it up and down the slopes safely! Anddd now I am craving a cup of coffee @ 7:30 pm when I should be studying. Wait…I am on your blog when I should be studying. My priorities are clearly reading about your amazing weekend 😉 haha lovely post, as always!
That scenery is GORGEOUS girl! I have never been snowboarding. Take me?? 😉
I’m so jealous of your snow! It’s pretty indeed. The only snow I touched this year completely disappeared 2 hours later 🙁
I would send you some if I could! It’s been snowing on and off for the past couple of days so we have more than enough… And I wish I could localize it to the ski hill and mountains because it just starts getting annoying after Christmas…
Great scenery! I have not hit the Poconos yet this year…I hope to make it eventually! I enjoy snowboarding even though I’m not great at it. I thought I was ready for Monday but once it started…blech!
It looks absolutely breathtaking along your drive and in Banff!! I recently returned from a ski trip in Steamboat Springs, Colorado. The snow was amazing there!! Love your snowboarding pictures too and all the selfies!
Ahhhhhh I love Banff. I can’t believe how quiet it is in the winter compared to the summer when it is absolutely HEAVING! I am jealous you got out there this weekend. I heard that they got some really good snow over the last 36hours (was it 50cm?). Glad you had fun!
Gosh I’m so jealous of the snowwwww! Its flipping 80 degrees over here AGAIN…. it looks like my winter is pretty much dunzo. So lame. Although February typically brings the rains, so I’m holding on for that!! I just wanna build a snowman for crying out loud, is that too much to ask for?!
Cute overload! 🙂 love the beanie! I always need coffee- always. Last trip I took was a long time ago (I think over two years) just lack of funds- but it was to New York- have you been there? I LOVED it! Make sure you have a real bagel and my friends keep raving about Cronuts- oh and PIZZA- to die for 🙂
I think I was about 4 or 5 when I visited NYC, but I would -love- to go again. I was way too young to appreciate bagels, pizza, and cronuts back then…
Those mountains look incredible but the drive looks a little treacherous!
I don’t remember the last time I didn’t have coffee in the morning. I guess I probably do need it because I’m so used to having it daily, but I also just love it. To me, it’s synonymous with relaxation and getting things rolling in the morning rather than something I absolutely need to stay awake. Though I do get headaches sometimes if I don’t have it so I guess I’m officially an addict!
My last trip was to Chicago, which I actually wrote about on the blog today!
Glad you finally got to do some snowboarding this weekend, even if you could barely see where you were going! 🙂
I’m the same.exact.way with coffee! I don’t really feel like I need it to wake up (sometimes it actually just makes me more tired), but I can go about a day without it before I start waking up with this mild headache. Ahh well — I do love my hug in a mug.
Beautiful pictures!! Looks like such a gorgeous place & you’re so cute in your selfies.
I’m a person that needs my coffee to get going in the morning too. Love my coffee. 🙂
Gorgeous scenery! It looks like you had an amazing weekend. I’m never ready for Monday, but it always seems to come regardless. 😉
You are seriously so gorgeous, Amanda. My selfies, on the other hand, end up making me look like a creep. The scenery is amazing also! It looks like you had a fun time on the slopes! I totally wish I could snowboard/ski. The last time I tried, the sun reflecting off the snow made me so hot and I got sun poisoning….meh.
For my last trip, we attempted to go to Canada, but that didn’t work out…So the last successful trip was to Maryland last October when I was visiting a college there. Not quite as exciting as yours.
I was about to say “these are my favorite posts of yours…” but I’m pretty sure I say that about all of your posts. I just love your blog. A lot.
Anywaaays, the scenery up there is absolutely breathtaking! I’ve never experienced snow like that and I can’t even imagine snowboarding in it. You’re brave! I’m so happy that you had a fun weekend and that you were able to get your daily coffee fix. I spent the first 2 hours of my long car ride (at 5am) with no coffee either…it wasn’t pretty. (:
Have a lovely week! xoxo
Awwr lady… I hope you know the feeling is totally mutual <3
LCP those photos are beautiful- I can’t wait to visit Banff now (although in the Summer time I’m guessing it’s not as snow peaked!) And downtown looks amazing too!
I definitely need coffee in the morning, and seeing as my 2 a day habit is now doing nothing, I’m thinking a third a day might be warranted.
Last trip I took was to the doctor. It lasted 3 minutes no joke. Worst ever.
Wow, Banff is gorgeous! I’m not a fan of snow, but your pics make it looks so pretty. Looks like a great weekend!
I used to chug coffee as soon as i woke up, but found that it made me jittery, red faced, and even more tired than before! so now i drink a cup or so in the middle of the morning to give me the right energy boost!
The last trip i took was to visit family in Michigan for the holidays <3
Im always ready for Monday! lets do this!
don’t forget to engage that core when snowboarding. haha jk. You are a bad ass. I would fall and I have before. Bruised my tailbone. But as we speak, i’m in awe of your amazing talent. as always. ENjoy banff, or have you left?
Had to leave and come back home to the real world 🙁
Love this! I’ve been MIA from the blog world for the past few days so I’m not quite sure where you are, but you seem to be having a great time 🙂 I technically don’t need coffee in the mornings, though I usually do have a cup. I’m more of a 2 pm coffee drinker. THAT’S when I really need it.
Just a short trip up to Banff for the weekend to do some snowboarding! And girl, I can definitely relate to that afternoon slump! The.worst.
You are brave (ie. bad-azz) for going out in that blizzard! I’d be scared. And cold.
Heck… I would just skip to the apres ski!
Okay, you have AMAZING skin. I know you’ve showed a lot of products you use, but you should do a post on your routine and favorite products (if you want/have time) because DANG. Flawless.
Banff looks incredible! I’m kinda wishing we would get a little snow here, I’ve become so used to it these last few years it feels wrong without it! I do love my morning coffee, I don’t think I need it to get going, I just really, really want it 😉
I hear you on pee and road trips – you are not alone… that place looks unreal, very beautiful. I am glad you had a great weekend. I am soooo not ready for Monday – argh
Beautiful photos! From the snow to the sneaky selfies, it’s all gorgeous!!! Muahxoxo
I can live without coffee in the morning, but I feel bad for those who have to deal with me without my coffee. Hello, angry face!
And can I just stop and say how absolutely gorgeous you are? Even if you say no TOO BAD because you, my dear Spoons, are absolutely gorgeous! I would look like roadkill if people were to take a picture of me while I’m freezing and snowboarding.
In my defense, it wasn’t that cold, and I definitely felt like roadkill by the end of the day 😛 As for coffee, I can handle about 1 day without it, and then I wake up with an annoyingly mild headache the next morning…
You just made me want to the slopes like all get out girl! Few things are better than sporting that wind burn after an awesome day on the slopes 🙂 used to love spending weekends with my fam in upstate new york, skiing all day, having hot chocolate and pizza or mac and cheese for dinner and then crashing from exhaustion so we could do it again the next day! I was definitely not ready for today to be Monday haha, and neither were the boys…but we’re surviving and will continue to do so 🙂 last road trip we took was probably to delaware over labor day weekend…ah I guess Philly was a road trip in early december, too, but that was not for pleasure…so apparently I mentally blocked that till now 😛 We’re big on road trips 🙂 I hope we can get some fun ones in this year!
It looks like you had a great time! Though it also looks really cold. I hate driving in winter storms. I’m definitely not ready for the week to start–classes began today and I start my new job this week.
Your winter scenery photos always make me almost not hate winter with every fiber of my being….key word there being ‘almost’ 😉
And we all know how I feel about coffee, so clearly that’s not going to be happening for me anytime soon. I have been taking maca powder in the morning though, and I’ve noticed a little bit of an energy boost.
And as per usual, I love seeing your gorgeous face in these posts!
Girl, my bangs are OUT OF CONTROL! They are so long that almost all of them are fitting into my ponytail. I think that is a pretty good indication that they need some serious attention and SOON.
As we speak, I’m reading your post and taking my sweet old time to get to the office today. I had an ortho appointment this morning where they REMOVED my braces!!!!! and I decided to take a little extra time to get caught up on non-work things (i.e. a delicious second breakfast on clean and brace free teeth) before heading into the office. ‘Eh, they’ll survive without me for a few hours.
The scenery was beautiful. Seriously, those are some incredible shots, although I’m sorry to hear about the windburn. I am happy though to see your smiling face in all those selfies. You’re getting to be a pro at this. 😉
Braces off?!?! OMIGOSH! That seriously must feel like the best thing ever. Doing happy dances for you.
Yeah I’m pretty much on cloud nine, walking on sunshine, ya know the whole bit.
Great snow pics! We moved from Colorado to Mississippi right before Christmas and I admit, I miss the snow
The scenery is gorgeous, Amanda! We’re going to vacation to Maine on Saturday and I’m praying we see snow. I’ve never seen it before so I’m beyond excited!!
Hope you’re having a great Monday. 🙂
Beautiful! But looks, oh so cold!
I’m definitely not into Mondays. My baby is sick today too. 🙁 So we are laying low as best as possible and going through our routine with doing as little as possible. He just wants to snuggle.
I “need” coffee in the morning and afternoon but not for caffeine (I drink decaf) but just because it’s cozy and soothing.
We haven’t taken a trip in a while but we are surprising the kids with a little “staycation” this weekend (shhh). We are going to stay in a hotel downtown, swim in their pool, and explore the city.
Aww! I hope your little guy feels better soon. And I think a staycation is an awesome idea. All the excitement of sleeping somewhere new without actually having to go through the hassle of travelling.
you look so cozy in all these photos. i just love your hat! and the lights of that ski town at night.
Looking like an absolutely stunning day. I’m glad you are truly enjoying yourself and I love those snow pictures.
Im loving the snow gear selfless 😉 I think it needs to be a thing.
Im not ready for monday but hey; we win some we loose some.
I definitely need coffee in the morning! I remember a couple morning back I thought i would experiment and see if the caffeine really did effect me. Well it did because I spent the next couple hours at work trying to keep my eyes open.
The last trip I took was to Victoria (Only about 2 hours away haha) for Christmas shopping!
Hahah! I actually snorted out loud at that little “stiff” joke. That was a good one. Looks like you had a great weekend, despite windburn and crazy flying snow! Am I ready for Monday… in a word, no. But alas it is here, and I must face it head on.Have a great day!
Love Banff.
I’m currently hoping to convince a friend to spend a weekend there with me sometime soon. I LOVE it there – and it’s only an hour away for me 🙂
Ahhh jealous! It’s a little over 4 hours for me… If it was only an hour, I’d probably be up there every weekend!
Gotta love alberta roads.. I have to head back down to Vancouver next week – not looking forward to that drive again.
How was the mountain?! We haven’t been snowboarding since we moved up here two years ago.. so sad and pathetic.
It was awesome. They’ve been getting a lot of snow lately, so everything was basically fresh powder. A little more tiring, but definitely better than hitting those bare ice patches. And ugh… I made that drive this past fall and I honestly couldn’t imagine doing it in the winter. Stay safe!