I rarely ever write a post in one sitting.
In fact, the longer I sit and try to write, the harder it is for me to do so. What usually ends up happening is that I’ll start a post, get hit with a nice bout of writer’s block, walk away, remember what it was that I was trying to say, sit back down, type away for a few minutes, get hit with some more writer’s block… rinse, repeat. And the worst is when I think of the most perfect and brilliant line only to have it slip away because I couldn’t get to a computer/notepad fast enough to write it down. Bugger.
I also rarely ever post pictures of myself.
But this one I really have no explanation for. I thought it was shyness at first, but I think it’s really just that I feel like a goofball for taking selfies. The funny thing is that I enjoy looking at them when I read other blogs, but I feel narcissistic for taking them myself. Go figure.
In any case, you’re probably wondering what the heck these two things have in common, and the answer to that very observant question is… this post.
Since I’m always writing on the go and I have an aversion to selfies, I thought it’d be fun to take you guys around with me and showcase my day through random selfies (to get over it) and the random thoughts associated with them (because those are my favourite). Enjoy!
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As we speak, I’m… all of 20 minutes awake and starting my day with a cup of my favourite tea and some blog reading. Don’t be fooled by my calm appearance — the morning blog rush can be a little stressful sometimes. Why does everyone have to post all at once?!?
As we speak, I’m… making ridiculous faces while putting mascara on. And don’t even try to tell me that you don’t — I won’t believe you. This is why I could never be a makeup guru.
As we speak, I’m… about to run out the door, dressed like I’m headed to a funeral (I’m not). What can I say? I like black.
As we speak, I’m… enjoying a nice drive in the country. I decided to invest in a season’s pass at the local ski hill this year so that I could get my boarding fix on a more regular basis without having to drive the 3+ hours to get to the mountains. Season starts on Friday. Can.not.wait. Note: I am not driving.

As we speak, I’m… magically back at home, studying procrastinating by taking ridiculous pictures of myself. Note: this isn’t an accurate representation of my feelings towards studying — I actually love what I learn… as long as I have snacks 😉
As we speak, I’m… magically out and about again, this time in one of my favourite places to be — Sephora. Note: I was trying to be sneaky about taking a selfie and completely failed. Approximately one second after I took this shot, a sales associate showed up behind me and asked me if I wanted to try some kind of walnut face scrub.
As we speak, I’m… actually… I have no idea what I’m doing. But I look cold.
As we speak, I’m… taking the elevator home after a long day. I refuse to use stairs past 7 PM.
As we speak, I’m… doing you a favour by hiding behind a chair because I’m too frightening to look at 😯 😯
Juuuust kidding. I’m trying my best not to smile (failed) while I end the day with a clay mask [that I wasn’t supposed to buy at Sephora 😉 ]. I have an at-home spa night about once a week, and it always feels nice to spend a little time pampering myself.
And there we have it! More selfies in one post than I’ve probably taken in the history of my blog. Confession: it was kind of fun. Question: should I do it more often?
Happy Monday Tuesday! (darn long weekend messing me up)
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Your turn! As we speak, I’m… ____________.
What colour are you predominantly wearing right now?
How do you feel about taking selfies?
Thanks for this blog .really it is great blog post ,
I know this is an old post… but nevertheless I like it!
Woohoo! Nice photoshoot. I like seeing pictures of other people too. To put a face behind the words if it’s someone new or to see how they are changing if it’s someone I already know. Like a way of staying connected (You must admit it feels weird when you last saw someone in high school and then X years later you accidentally come across them pushing a stroller in the park…).
In the past I used to take an unhealthy amount of selfies in order to keep track of the progress of my “hard work”. Sick mind, I know. Now I mainly take face shots and it’s when I’m really proud of my hairdo or the makeup for the day. Needless to say, most of them are seen only by Mr Right.
Black all the way! OK, 90% of the time 😛
You’re so beautiful and have such an exquisite loveliness about you!
Awwr totally gushing — thanks girl! <3
I totally may steal this idea for my own blog 😉 I liked seeing more of you! haha, in a non-creepy way of course 😉
Super cute post 🙂 I almost never post pics of myself either, I’m a terrible selfie taker anyways so it’s probably for the best!
Another great thing about this post – I just discovered about a dozen new blogs in the comments!
How are you so gorgeous???
I loved this post! Never be afraid to post pictures of yourself because people LOVE seeing the person behind the blog!
I’m a bit embarrassed to post selfies too, but I’m trying to be more confident. I feel like it will help people get to know me better and relate to me. I agree, I like seeing them on other peoples blogs but feel weird doing it.
I loved this post- it’s so nice to see your pretty face! Do it more often. The mud mask photo is my fav. lol. 🙂
I love your selfies post! Are you using Origins Charcoal Mask? It’s my favorite mask, love it!
And as we speak I’m blog reading with a big cup of coffee!
It is! It was my first time trying it, and I’m really liking it so far 🙂
You’re such a thin beauty!How do you do that?;-)
As we speak, I am drinking a huge cup of tea and thinking about eating some peanut butter.
Yes yes YES to doing this more often! You know how I feel about embracing the narcissism…plus, I love seeing your cute little face! xoxo And you totally had me laughing with the behind the chair shot! 🙂
As we speak, I’m…sweltering in the heat in my little department at work! Not sure what’s going on, but I think maintenance is testing the AC/Heat or something because it feels like it’s about 90 degrees in here! Normally, I wouldn’t complain, but when you have 2 hours until faceplant time, the last thing you want to do is get warm! Soooooooo sleepy! And too funny, I’m wearing almost all black right now too! What can I say, it’s my favorite color…to wear!
I am so the same I never take selfies and when I do I feel so awkward I delete them straight away. I’ve posted a few pics on my blog and am trying to post more but it is not my natural thing to do to want lots of pics of me on there!
Saying that I love your pics and love seeing pics when other bloggers post them too!
I am predominantly wearing navy blue right now, good random question 😉
Hey Amanda- I’ve never commented before- I am just a little worried about you cause you look so tiny? I really hope you are well gorgeous girl- you have a beautiful face and I think you would probably even look more gorgeous with a bit of weight. I know you never talk about it- but have you resolved all of your fears of weight gain? You really are just such a cutie, but you do look a bit underweight. I would love a post about how you are doing with the weight gain fears, I think a lot of girls struggle with it and you always have an interesting insight into these issues. Just a thought. It was great to get more of a feeling of the person behind the blog though- I just worry sorry, it’s in my nature 😉
Awwr you’re such a sweetie, girl, but I can assure you that you don’t need to worry. I’m at a healthy weight, everything works “as intended,” and those pictures make me look a lot smaller than I actually am. As for dealing with weight gain, I can definitely add that to my list of things to write about 🙂
This was so cool! Please do heaps more 😉 too cute. Next you have to do a vlog- I would love to hear your accent (I’m Australian) please with sugar on top (sorry I am a liar, I can’t actually give you sugar through the computer- I would if I could) xo
BAH HA HA! I would love to take some DUO SELFIESSSSSSS!!!!! I always try and SNEAK selfies… I do it when I am driving too. I took some flipping FUNNY ones today! If we were SNAP CHAT friends, you’d be able to see those MASTERPIECES! LMFAO!!!
As we speak I am drinking Chamomile tea, watching Full House, chewing two pieces of Orbit Spearmit gum, and wrapped in a blanket. YUM! no?