Good news! The wonky stomach that’s been pestering me for the last little while and forcing me to eat breakfast all day has finally decided to let up, which means that I’m back to being able to enjoy meals like this…
Sesame ginger tofu stir fry. Not really a recipe, just a bunch of random ingredients thrown together.
Unfortunately, the bug that was causing the wonky stomach decided to transfer residence into my nose instead, meaning that I wasn’t exactly been able to taste aforementioned delicious meal. Or this one, for that matter…
Plain Greek yogurt with a banana, strawberries, and cocoa.
Nose congestion: a foodie’s worst nightmare. Not that I really consider myself a foodie, but I do appreciate being able to taste the difference between cookies and carrots. According to Urban Dictionary, a foodie is a person who:
spends a keen amount of attention and energy on knowing the ingredients of food, the proper preparation of food, and finds great enjoyment in top-notch ingredients and exemplary preparation.
Me? I just like to eat. Don’t get me wrong – I enjoy a good meal and prefer that it be made with quality ingredients, but I’m usually not all that interested in putting a lot of time and effort into the preparation of my food…

… or even in trying out a variety of different foods…

And I certainly don’t turn my nose up at less-than-fine dining…
I’d just like to be able to taste it. Still, there are plenty of other things to be happy about until my nose clears up. It’s Friday, I managed to get a decent amount of sleep last night, it’s not -100º, and I walked away from yesterday’s doctor appointment with a clean bill of health… aaaaaand a routine blood work requisition, but we’re not going to think about that for now 😉
Happy Friday, friends!
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Would you consider yourself a foodie?
Do you lose your appetite when you can’t taste your food?
Whenever I’m sick, or just slightly under the weather my appetite actually goes into full force & want even more food. That may be crazy to some, but it is what it is 🙂
p.s. I wish I could my computer screen was editable and I could eat all of your dishes.
Well with the way technology is going… you never know 😉
yay for a clean bill of health!! I lose my appetite if I can’t taste it or if I can’t smell. 🙁 Hope you can taste now!!
Sorry you cant taste your food love!! That is seriously the WORST. Id rather have a sore throat than not be able to taste my food! Hope you are getting better 🙂
I definitely wouldn’t consider myself a foodie per se but I do love food… Or as Ryan calls it “good mood food” 😛 So sorry to hear that you’ve had to deal with health issues lately, if anyone, I can totally relate and feel your pain- it’s a major buzz kill… I don’t usually lose my appetite when I’m under the weather but my cravings definitely change and what I can tolerate changes. I hope you feel better by the time I get back girly! XO
I was about just about to say GLAD YOU ARE ALL BETTER after I read the first line of your post… but then saw it’s in your nose now 🙁 Boo! Sorry to hear that love, I am hoping you have a speedy recovery asap of course! When I can’t taste food, my appetite does not disappear… or at least the mental one if that makes any sense. Since I am often thinking about food (errr wayy too much, nothing new here of course), I always want food in some way, part of the getting better process and giving yourself all that you truly need, etc. But yes, the “appetite” is still there, just not necessarily a physical one! Get well soon woman and I hope the weekend makes you 100% better 😀
My appetite is actually bigger when I can’t taste my food – probably because I just can’t get the satisfaction that I’m looking for 🙁
I really really want to get comfortable with eating what I want. I keep “binging” at night and not exercising and worsening my digestion…BUT I binge on “safe” foods…if I just ate what I REALLY wanted all day…man….I’d just eat…well, I know what i”d eat. But I have this “I’m not allowed…I don’t deserve because I can’t exercise and keep losing control…” and boy do I lose control. Like …the whole tray of peanut butter bars late late at night 🙁 (I got the recipe from “The Detoxinista” and SO GOOD…see? its like if I make someting, its there and I MUST eat it…ALL. I can’t just have just one. I worry about how to get out of this.
Bad enough that the last 2 nights I’ve done the same thing at 10 pm: fruit, nearly a whole tub of yogurt with nut butter, 50 grams of dark chocolate (EACH night), a muffin, etc etc…and still dreaming of food when I go to bed. It feels like it doesn’t matter how much I eat all day, I’m stuck in this mode of “must eat it all…no such thing as just having one or two of something”.
Okay, I’ll shut up now 🙂
Oh, I also try the “Detoxinista” almond butter fudge recipe…holy crap….so good !