Happy Friday friends! ๐
Hope it was a fabulous one for ya. It definitely was over here. Three reasons why? Well, it started with a good breakfast alongside some quality reading…
… which lead to an afternoon spent down by the river with my favorite fuzzy face…
[she got a little tuckered out…]
… and included filling out of a fun survey that the lovely Tori came up with. I definitely have a soft spot for these things, so I hope you’re not getting sick of them yet! Enjoy your Friday night, loves!
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Three ways that I’m still a kid…
1.ย My all time favorite movies are by Disney. Beauty and the Beast? The Lion King? The Little Mermaid? Just a few of my favorites, and a small part of my ever growing collection. And I have no shame in admitting that sometimes I get all misty-eyed while watching them. The pound scene in Lady and the Tramp? Gets me every. single. time…
2.ย I still sleep with a teddy that I’ve had since I was teeny tiny. His name is Trips and I love him.
3.ย I believe that cookies and milk can solve almost any of life’s problems. At least temporarily…

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Three ways that I’m already old…
1.ย I eat a lotย of fiber. Actually, I probably have twice the recommended amount on a daily basis. It’s not something I do consciously – all of my favorite foods just seem to be high in fiber.
2.ย I stick to a grandmotherly sleeping schedule. I’m usually in bed by 10 and up by 5:30.
3.ย I look at how the world is changing and ruminate about how much better it was when I was younger.
[I’ve been seeing a tonne of roasted potatoes around the blog world lately, and it left me craving them like crazy. Today’s lunch included baked potato rounds coated in olive oil and crushed rosemary, roasted asparagus, and scrambled eggs with some veggies]
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Three things that I want to do…
1.ย Get my PhD. in clinical psychology and go on to specialize in eating disorders, so that I can help other women overcome their demons and learn to love themselves for the beautiful things that they are.
2.ย Write a book. Even if I never get published, I still think it would be an amazing accompishment.
3.ย Travel. I love seeing new places and learning about different cultures, and travelling is one of those experiences that no one can take away from you. Topping my list of places to visit? New Zealand, Egypt, Brazil, Rome, Paris, London, NYC. Now if only I could skip the whole packing/unpacking part…
[The last muffin. Sniffle. Was good, though. Was good…]
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Three ways that I’m a stereotypical boy…
1.ย I love food and I love to eat. No shame ๐
2.ย I prefer lifting over cardio… Even if I doย get funny looks when I venture into “man turf” in the gym…
3.ย I’m really good around cars. Fixing. Driving. I do it better than some men.
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Three ways that I’m a stereotypical girl…
1.ย I try to deny it, but I [not so secretly] love pink…
2.ย I love makeup. I don’t wear as much now as I did when I was younger, but I still enjoy playing around with it. To me, it’s just another art form, and the face a type of canvas.
3.ย Diamonds Chocolate is my best friend.

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Three things I want to try within the next three months…
1.ย Get my own apartment and move out. I had to stay with my parents when my eating disorder hit because I couldn’t manage the added stress of having to fend for myself while I was recovering, but now that I’m better, it’s time to get back on my own two feet. Very soon…
2.ย Bake my very own loaf of bread. It sounds ridiculous, but working with yeast has always kind of intimidated me. It just seems so complicated and easy to mess up.
3.ย Go on vacation. It’s been far too long since I’ve been out of this city, and I think it’s high time that we spend some time apart. I’d love to go somewhere far off and exotic, but even a roadtrip down to Cali and a stop at Disneyland would suit me juuuuuust fine ๐
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Three things that I like about myself…
1.ย My positivity. Being dragged through the depths of an ED hell really helped me to appreciate all the beauty that life has to offer, and I love being able to find happiness in all the small things.
2.ย The fact that I’m comfortable with who I am. I used to try to mold myself into a person that I thought I shouldย be, and it made me absolutely miserable. It took a lot of hard work, but I finally learned to accept myself for the girl I am, and I kind of like her ๐
3.ย My stubbornness. This is both a blessing and a curse. A blessing because it gives me the drive and determination that I need to get out of any jam that I might find myself in. A curse because it usually puts me in that jam in the first place. And speaking of jam…
[My favorite dinner! Sweet and savory oats, with hummus and strawberry jam. This time I tried cooking the whole egg into the oats instead of just the egg white, and I think I might be in love…]
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Three of my everyday essentials…
1.ย Breakfast… which includes oatmeal, bananas, chocolate, almond butter, and coffee.
2.ย My computer. It’s sad, but true. I can’t even remember the last time I completely unplugged. I can do it for a few hours, but it always makes me feel like I’m missing out on something…
3.ย Books. I can’t seem to still still long enough to watch a movie or a show on TV, but I have no problem devoting a few hours a day to reading a good book.
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Three things that scare me…
1.ย Horror movies. It’s probably been around 10 years since I’ve watched a real horror movie because they. freak. me. out. The last one I saw was ‘The Ring’, and I couldn’t sleep for like 2 weeks afterwards…
2.ย Throwing up. Emetophobia, anyone? I can’t even remember the last time I threw up, but it’s probably been a good 15+ years. Feeling nauseous sends me into an absolute panic, and hearing someone else do it gives me the shakes as well. Okay. Gross.
3.ย Deep water. Not because I can’t swim, but because I don’t like not knowing what’s around/beneath me. What if the Creature from the Black Lagoon grabs my foot and pulls me under? Eep!
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I wanna hear one of these three things about YOU, ’cause what kind of friends would we be if I’m the only one doing all the talking/sharing? ๐
I LOVED this post! You’re so adorable, haha. I love the girly girl side and tomboyish side that makes you who you are. And we share a lot in common. I love pink, I love books, I love food… but I’m a total night owl ๐
Ok, I totally see myself in your “Three ways that I am already old” – that is so me!! ๐
So Iยดll tell you My three daily essentials – a shower (I know I know, but I wouldnยดt make it through the day without my morning shower, especially in the warm weather!), overnight oats for breakfast (obviously) and making at least one creative thing a day ๐
Our childish behaviors are the same ๐ I LOVE The Little Mermiad, oh gosh, Sebastian is my homeskillet.
Hope you’re having a beautiful start to your weekend, love.
three things about me:
1. i am also a grandma when it comes to bedtimes.
2. i’m earning my degree in clinical psych, too (but i’m getting a psyd instead of a phd). i can see you making an amazing psychologist ๐
3. i am currently baking those muffins. cannot. wait.
If you wrote a book I would totally read it :). I wish you lived nearby, I think we could be great friends…everything that you write always resonates with me!
Three things about me:
1. A way that I’m still a kid: I still sleep with my baby blanket ๐
2. One of my everyday essentials: coffee
3. A thing I want to do: totally with you on the traveling- I really want to go to Egypt and see the pyramids or to Italy and Greece ๐
I loved this post. I’m a grandma too ๐
Three everyday essentials:
-my computer (sadly)
-my puppy, Ella (its hard to go a day with out seeing her face)
-cinnamon ( I use it on EVERYTHING)
Umm…when I was in Belgium and woke up completely hung over (read: sick to my stomach and ready to vomit) I actually had a panic attack. It was my first panic attack EVER and it was the scariest thing I’ve ever experienced…all because I am terrified of throwing up.
The last time I threw up I was 5 and had a horrible stomach bug. Otherwise I literally do everything I can so I DONT throw up…which is a horrible experience in and of itself.
Yessss for talking about vomiting!! ;-P
this is so cute! love learning more about cha!
3 things that scare me
I love this post – do you mind if I do it on my blog?
Not at all! Would love to read your answers ๐
I am such a grandma too, no shame ๐ I loved learning about you girl, especially the things you want to do, I have no doubt that you will! I am scared of throwing up too, gahhh. I am also scared of leaving the oven on, I hate that moment when I am out and can’t remember if I turned it off, but I always have *knock on wood* You should def take a trip to cali, although I may be a little biased ๐
Three things I want to do (2 are your same answers!)
1. Travel
2. Be a Mom
3. Write a book (and I agree, even if it is only for me, I don’t care. I’d love to write a book one day)
Enjoy your weekend!
The three ways you described yourself as old – totally apply to me as well. My sister is constantly telling me I act like a “grandma” but I think my eating disorder just made me see life differently than a lot of people, especially for my age.. And I don’t think it’s necessarily a bad thing ๐
1 thing I’m scared of is being left home alone. (if everyone in the house leaves I will have to go outside and sit with my dog – the silence just creeps me out!
I am going to answer one of the “what scares me” ones… throwing up is my GREATEST FEAR EVER! When I saw that, I laughed because I could not agree with you more! I didn’t know there was a term for it haha, good to know I am not the only crazy one here ๐
I think you’re so fabulous! What a fun post idea ๐ 3 everyday essentials? 1. breakfast 2. my phone. 3. snacks!
Love this survey!!
I love your sweet and savory oats. You inspired me to try them and now I rock them all the timee ๐
Evern as a surfer, I’m a little afraid of sharks.
Also, I’m terrified of basements!!
Loving your answers, girlie! Chocolate? Yes. Pink? Yes. Breakfast? Heck yes.
I totally agree about the computer thing, too. I always find myself wanting to go back to it and check on things- I get that feeling of missing things just like you. Something about the internet is so intoxicating…
AHHH I can’t wait until my muffins are gone so I can try yours! Eeeeep! So delicious. Nomnomnomnom.
Come visit me on vacation <3
Loved learning so much more about you, Amanda!
I am on a grandmother schedule too! tonight.. even though it is friday.. it is only 830.. i can barely keep my eyes open.
3 things I am afraid of:
Bed Bugs/Lice (it is hard as a teacher in an inner city)
financial struggle
I LOVE this post Amanda! ๐ Especially the three things you want to do and the three things that make you like a kid–I’m the exact same way about my disney movies. The Beauty and the Beast scene when he gives her the library?? Waterworks hardcore!! ๐
You’d write an amazing book and you’d be a great psychologist, not only are you talented at writing, but you relate to people so well ๐
Three things bout me:
1. My lifelong dream is to live in Australia, working with the marine life as a marine biologist–hopefully married to an Aussie hunk mwahaha ๐
2. I have an insatiable appetite for learning. Any subject, even math intrigues me.
3. My deepest fear is being kidnapped or eaten alive by some kind of animal, imagine how creepy it would be to see a dinosaur noshin on your legs!!
hehe, as usual…there was certainly more than one instance where I found myself nodding in agreement ๐ I’ve realized I love pink, too. I used to deny it, now i love wearing it. it’s funny because i still don’t see myself as that much of a girly-girl, which is what i always related pink back to…
you are going to be so amazing working with girls who are going through their own struggles. just look at all the young women you have inspired right here!
I loved reading these, especially the 3 things you want to do! Three things that scare me: airplanes, deep water, and bats. Twice in my life I have woken up with a bat in my room, not a fun experience!
Eee. We’ve had bats in our basement before, but never in bedrooms. I don’t know if I’d be able to sleep after that…
I’m a grandma when it comes to bedtime too! My fiance and I will be lying in bed on a weekend night with our little book lights, looking like dorks. Haha! By the way, I want to write a book too. I’ve always wanted to. I’ve actually stared many, but never get far before boredom kicks in.
Three of my everyday essentials:
1. A good cup of black tea, first thing in the morning. Always with milk and honey.
2. A kick-ass workout. (Is “kick-ass” a lame word? Whatever.)
3. Sleeping next to my fiance.
My complete list of essentials would take a century to write. There are A LOT of things I must have every day! A great breakfast is also one of them. ๐
OMG,when Mufasa dies, in the Lion King- that kills me its sooo sad:(
Yes, you should definitely write a book! I’d buy it(ESPECIALLY your cookbook!)
Something I want to do is try hummus & jam on eggy bananafied oats( which iv been seriously lovin on) , but those as my toppings? Eeh, I’m a little cautious- its …odd, but looks really yummy & I do love a sweet and savoury combo.
All your answers were awesome , love getting to know mor about my favourite bloggers!
Haha oh I admit it’s an odd one for sure, but you’ll never know unless you try, and I have a feeling that you might like it ๐
You’re good with cars!? um amazing! I’m that much more impressed with you (as if that was possible!) I cant drive or fix them so…. yeah. my bad.
Here are my 3
1. I’m really excited to paint bathrooms and bedrooms in the new house! I’m certain i’ll make a mess but they are MY walls and I havent had my own walls ever =) haha
2. I met a blogger today! It was a blast! come visit so I can meet you too! =)
3. I have to have 100% natural light every day. Seriously I wont turn on a single light until its pitch black outside. I just love it so <3
I am 100% with you on the fear of throwing up! It TERRIFIES me!
Last muffin *sigh* no good , you need to make some more!
This is such a cool survey, I need to do this, maybe Monday when I have more time, I like to be lazy on the weekends, my posts are not as creative and fun, haha!
Love learning more about you, thats why I love when bloggers do these surveys : )
And essie nail color does rock, I wish you guys had it out there too!
Three things about me
1. I have 4 sisters
2. I had my son when i was 17, hardest and best thing that ever happened to me : )
3. I used to travel and model full time, great 5 years, was amazing going all over the US , but was also lonely in a way, it happened at the right time of my life though, when I had a bad breakup, and just started my modeling career and it really helped me be more independent and live life!
Love you!
This was so much fun! I loved it ๐ Learning more about my bloggy friends is such a treat! I’m never very good at answering questions about myself but, since you asked ๐ Um, Three of my everyday essentials:
1) Some sort of physical activity (yoga, walking, lifting, dancing….ANYTHING!)
2) GOOD food (I feel like crap without it)
3) Kissing my lover and my dogs ๐
Grandmotherly schedules are perfect, if you ask me — you’re asleep when all the crazies are out, and awake before anyone else is! ;P
I’m definitely with you on the emetophobia. And the yeast — it’s really NOT scary. I have no idea why it has such a bad reputation…
<3 <3
I love this! You better visit me if you make it to NYC!
1. I turned orange twice…beta carotene from eating too many carrots…whoops
2. I am a notorious movie quoter, I can’t go a day with out dropping at least one
3. I was scared of carbs for over a year…whew, glad that’s over ๐
I still sleep with a teddy bear as well ๐ They’re so cute! Three things I want to do.. finish up with school, move to a different city, and I would love to travel too. Now that I think about it, I think I might be getting too much fiber too! haha. Well that can’t hurt right?
Not as long as you’re drinking enough water ๐
totally with you on Emetophobia. when i get a bad case of nausea have to get home asap. i also weep like a baby when i vom ๐
Oh I totally feel you on the whole being-a-grandmother bit! I woke up at 4:30 the other morning after being in bed by 9:00… – _- Now that should just be plain illegal.
You should bake a quick bread recipe! You don’t need a bread machine for them, and the basic ones are pretty simple ๐
I’m pretty sure I got goosebumps when I found out about the new Pooh movie.
It’s no coinkydink that so many of my friends were like “you were the first person I was excited for”…not their kids. Me.
Haha so true about the man part of the gym!!! It’s so funny how it’s like that…
Three of my every day essentials: COFFEE, exercise, and a call to my amazing boyfriend ๐
The three reasons you’re a kid are EXACTLY the same as mine!! hahaha!! ๐
Three things that scare me:
1) Lack of access to a hygienic bathroom- when I studied abroad in India it KILLED me to be out and about in the day time with no access to any decent public restrooms
2) Parking Garages- ESPECIALLY at night
3) Spiders: Absolutely horrified
I like your goal to get your PhD. to treat women with eating disorders!
My plan is to go back to school to get an MA in Counselling Psychology and work with clients that have body/self-image/self-esteem issues. Great goal!
Throwing up and deep water scare me too! And I’m an old lady too. haha
I love your blog and YOU!!! <3
Awwr. Thanks girl ๐
Umm I love this. And the 3 reasons you’re old ALL apply to me haha :))))
also you def should road trip through cali and COME VISIT MEEEE in norcal. just sayin’ ๐
Three things that scare me:
1.) drowning
2.) spiders
3.) small spaces (claustrophobia to the extreme)
I’m still at the competition! Emails to come soon. I miss our correspondence! ๐