It’s Thursday and you know what that means… 😀
1. By the time you read this, I’ll either be: a) on my way to the airport, b) at the airport, c) on a plane, or d) back at home. It was great to get away for a little while (and go to Disneylanddddd!! 😀 ), but I always look forward to getting back to my own bed, kitchen, and routine.
2. That being said, I’m not looking forward to getting back to this…
(recycled pic, but it looks exactly the same)
Yup… my Christmas tree is still up. I had every intention of taking it down before I left, but it just never happened. It’ll get done… eventually… I hope 😯 At least it adds a lovely touch of green to my home?
3. You’ll never believe my [bad] luck. I travelled over 1300 miles in hopes of picking up a jar a 6-month supply of Justin’s maple almond butter while I was down in Cali, but the two Whole Foods I visited didn’t have any in stock! I mean, they did, but it wasn’t the kind that’s peanut-free. Le boo. Ahh well… I still made out alright 😉
4. And at least I got to kiss Pluto 😀
5. And hang out with Dug! (any Up fans out there?)
6. I also may or may not have brought home a little souvenir… because I am all of 12 years old at heart.
Meet Duffy the Disney Bear — Mickey’s teddy. I had no idea he existed until I saw him in the store window and fell in love. And don’t even try to tell me that you could resist that face… I won’t believe you.
7. And you won’t believe what I missed the most while I was gone. Not my bed; not my routine; not the familiarity… but cinnamon. Mmm hmm. I almost picked up a shaker when I was in Whole Foods so that I’d be able to add it to my oats and yogurt. You know you’re an addict when… 😯
8. Actually, I take that back… having constant internet connection is probably what I missed the most. I didn’t buy a data plan for my cell phone while I was gone, which means that the only place I could get online was the hotel… aaaaaand the only time I was in the hotel was basically when I was sleeping. I’m all for disconnecting, but a week without texting and blogging is a little too long!
9. You guys are going to have to forgive me for not being the best linkup host this week. I always try to comment on all the posts that link up with ToL, but I’m not sure how I’ll manage it this time around since I’ll be travelling all day and won’t get home until later in the evening. I’ll do my best to catch up this weekend, though… I miss you guys!

I cannot believe your Christmas tree is still up. I would be tripping right now. Actually since I’m sooo behind, I bet you’ve taken it down by now. If not, kissing Pluto more than makes up for it.
I loved the movie Up. In fact, I actually own that one. Such a wonderful story.
I see you managed to score some Nut Butter and Cinnamon. Just enough to get by for the next year or so right. Ha, ha. Did you ever make it to Chipotle? If not, I’ll have to go this week in your honor. Take one for the team so to speak.
I did manage to make it to Chipotle more than once 😀 But feel free to enjoy a few bowls or burritos in my honour anyways.
Don’t feel bad about the tree…I did the SAME thing last year! I think I finally took it down around this time! Haha! So glad you had fun at Disney and at least you were able to snag a “few” jars of SQUIRREL!!! Wait, what was I saying? Oh yeah, almond butter! 😉 So how about I made some homemade almond cashew butter just a bit ago and I totally forgot how LONG it takes to process! Dude…and I even added OIL! I think next time I’ll just save my patience (and drooling mouth) and just shell out the pennies for it at TJ’s. Have you ever tried their unsalted almond butter? Or is it made in a “forbidden” facility?
I’ve still never made it to a TJs 🙁 But from what I’ve see of their products, a lot of them are made in forbidden facilities, so I’m not sure I’d have much luck…
you are just the cutest kid in Disneyland! happy to hear you had the opportunity to escape for a little while and have some fun!
i love that you still have your tree up! 🙂 you’re still a kid at heart! loooove that about you! 🙂
thanks so much for throwing the party here again btw! hugs X
Omgness girl, please share all that nut butter love! And please do share more Disney stuff in upcoming posts! Hehe.
I’m hoping to! I just have to sort through all my pics and get the ones from my family as well.
Love your Disney pics! I’m so glad that you had a great time. Being without internet is pretty tough, especially when you get so used to it. We miss you!
You are so pretty Amanda! What?! Justin’s was out?! And I hear you on needing cinnamon … I was craving it so bad while on vacation last summer. 🙂 Hope you had a safe trip back! And that the Christmas tree either gets all decorated for Valentine’s or finally crossed off the to do list! 😉
Welcome home! I LOVE Disney, but haven’t made it to Disney Land yet…Only Disney World. I think I was more excited than my girls! I literally cried when I finally met Winnie the Pooh. haha!!
I had no idea Mickey had a teddy bear….he’s totally adorbs – you are more than justified in bringing him home!
How nice of you to join us back in the land of cold & snow. UGH. I hope you had fun though! Hey! I saw that same brand of cookie spread at Superstore the other day.
The cold was definitely a bit of a shock — it wasn’t that bad when we left! And seriously? Canada actually has something delicious in the nut butter department?!
Sounds like you had an awesome time in Disneyland! I so want to go!
Not good you couldn’t stock up on Justin’s AB at Whole Foods. I’ve never had it as they don’t sell it here either but I can only imagine what I’m missing out on!
I’m looking forward to relaxing and a glass of wine tonight!
I am still majorly jealous that you got to go to Disneyland, but I’m glad to hear you had a great time! 😀
Aww, the Pluto picture is adorable and I love the movie Up. Doug is adorable. ^-^
I would’ve fallen in love with that teddy bear as well. 🙂
Ahhh I can’t wait to read all about your Disney adventures! I’m envious…I’ve only been to Disney World in Florida and that was yearssss ago. And I totally understand your cinnamon addiction…mine gets out of hand occasionally too. Lately, I’ve been loving sprinkling it over my almond latte 🙂
So missed your comments lovely lady.
I am a huge UP fan – that movie was so so so good! That photo of you and Doug is adorable!
Sorry to hear you didn’t get to build a six month stock pile – those 5 jars would last me a couple of months or less! Safe travels back and looking forward to hearing bout your trip!
Boo to no Justin’s!!!
Glad you had fun at Disneyland!
Sounds like you had an awesome trip! But I know what you mean, it’s always nice to get back home to your own bed/routine/kitchen.
I still need to try that cocoa + coconut Barney Butter! I recently ordered 6 jars of Barney Butter online to restock, but sadly doesn’t have the flavoured kinds available yet. 🙁
Yay! I’m so happy to hear that you had a good time and I hope you made it home safely.
I can’t believe that both of the Whole Foods you visited were out of the Maple Almond Butter. Ironically, they sell it at Ralph’s (and Target, sometimes) too- I wish I would have known so I could have told you that before you left! Oh well, it definitely looks like still you made out okay in the nut butter department. (:
Awkwardly posted my comment on an old post…so in case you didn’t see it, just wanted to let you know I was so excited when I had a comment from you on my blog, and I think you’re awesome! Here’s what I wrote in response to your blog comment, in case you don’t go back to check.
Yay, thank you so much for visiting! You’re one of my blog idols, so it means a lot that you stopped by. I’ve been making AT LEAST one batch of your protein granola bars every week since you posted the recipe 🙂 Hope you had a great time on your trip!
Gushing <3 Thanks for being a total sweetheart, Alexis 🙂
I’ve never had Justin’s before…. I know, it’s a sin. It kind of makes me sad. I’ve actually never been to Whole Foods! (or Trader Joes… or Chipotle…. or Starbucks…) yeah. #iliveinthemiddleofnowhere
Ahh it looks like you had a blast at Disney/Whole Foods 😉 I am a huge fan of the movie UP, so I’d be pretty stoked to see Doug!
I hope you are settling back in safe and sound at home. Enjoy the internet and cinnamon!!
next time come to austin i’ll supply your justins! if you bring me tea, k? safe travels!
Do we need to do another tea exchange? I’d be more than happy to send you some!
Ugh, sorry about the bad luck w/the almond butter!! Looks like you still have some goodies though. 😉
Love the pic of you & Pluto, too cute!! Hope you have safe travels & get some cinnamon luvin’ on.
Haha I can’t believe your Christmas tree is still up!! I literally took mine down the day after Christmas. So glad you had fun at Disney! I’m planning a trip with Riley for May so I’ve been in research mode quite a bit lately.
I’m glad you had a good trip! Sorry they were out of the good maple almond butter. I think it’s so funny cinnamon was one of the things you missed most. I love adding cinnamon to oatmeal and would probably miss it with my breakfasts.
How were they out of maple almond butter??? I don’t understand 🙁 I’m sorry that happened, but I do think you found some good second places 😉 Love that barney butter! And that teddy bear is so sweet; I had no idea mickey had one but am very glad to have been enlightened. Have a safe trip home girl! Glad you’ll be back for next week! You were sorely missed 🙂
No joke – I often travel with cinnamon because I’d miss it so much otherwise :). Glad you had fun!
Booo for not getting a stock pile of Justin’s 🙁 but at least you had such a fun time Disneyland! I think it’s impossible not to! Safe travels home!!
Can’t believe they didn’t have any nut butters where you went – do you know which ones you went to? Were you able to go anywhere else besides Disneyland? I live maybe 30 minutes from there and am moving about 20 minutes closer but haven’t gone in over 10 years!
Oh geez. I think I went to the Whole foods in Tustin and then to the one in Long Beach. And we spent a few days in LA/SM, one day in Disney, one in California Adventures, one in Universal Studios, and then one in Long Beach. Busy, busy.
We still had our tree up until last week too!
Boo to Whole Foods but WOO HOO to Biscoff. Girl, you’re going to have to keep this jar locked up tight in order for it to last over a week. Dangerous!
UHM, I didn’t know Disney had a DUG character mascot. I’m dying. I want a picture with him so badly now. If I make enough money to go to Disney, will you come with me?!?!
Safe trip, love!
can i come too?
Of course! The more the merrier!
Heck.YES I’d go again! I could probably spend every day there and never get tired of it. I’ve even thought about how awesome it must be to work there — everyone always looks so happy!
Alright so note for next time… bring Amanda some Maple Justin’s!! I’ll store that away for future reference 😉
And I need to get some pics with some Disney peeps!! I’ve never even seen Pluto or Dug walking around! Its always the Princesses or the Mad Hatter when I’m there. What the heck man?! And CLEARLY I should have gotten you the cinnamon from Costco. Its $2 for literally the LARGEST
That Pluto is one lucky fella’ 😉
You just gave me a huge urge to go almond butter shopping. This is weird because I have access to Justin’s at all times, so why this sudden urge?! Oh, because I see BARNEY BUTTER! Soo right in so many ways. I am happy you had a great trip (you deserve a vacation). I think I am equally addicted to cinnamon. I put it in my coffee, pancakes, greek yogurt, toast..I even toyed with the thought of sprinkling some on avocado but I stopped myself because that’s taking things a little too far haha. You are stunning Amanda, happy Thursday 🙂
Confession: I totally don’t see anything strange about putting cinnamon on avocado, so what does that say about me? 😛
Glad you’ve had fun at Disney!
I still haven’t tried the Justin’s maple almond butter (only the plain), but I need to change that soon. Too bad you couldn’t find it this time around.
Up is great, but I have to admit I had no idea what to expect the first time I watched it, so I was a wee bit depressed (to say the least) and shocked like half way into it. But it is a wonderful movie!
Safe travels back to Canada! 🙂
So sad to hear Whole Foods was out of your favorite almond butter! In my opinion, ALL of Justin’s nut butters are amazing though, so at least you were able to grab a couple! And Barney Butter is pretty fantastic, if I do say so myself!
Hope your flight is safe and all goes well! xoxo
I haven’t taken my Christmas tree down either…and the ornaments are still on it…yeah. Like you said, it’ll come down eventually. I just tried Justin’s maple almond butter for the first time a few days ago and OMG. That’s all I have to say. It was a game-changer. Can you order it on Amazon? It’s actually made in the city I live in. Maybe I should pay him a visit 🙂 Hope you had a great time in CA!
And there’s a hidden mickey in the teddy bears face… I want one now too!!!!!
Don’t worry – my tree is still up too. I told my husband I’m decorating it for Valentine’s Day.
Totally impressed that you noticed that! I didn’t even see it until I read up about him and they mentioned it!
Awe sad that whole foods let you down!!! Can you find it cheaper online? Glad you had a nice time in Cali and Disney!
I’m going to have to shop around. I’ve seen the vanilla on a few sites, but I don’t recall coming across the maple. And I have to be careful because some jars have traces of peanuts while others don’t 😕