Happy #thinkingoutloud Thursday! No idea what I’m going on about? Click here!
1. So here I was worried that I wouldn’t have enough time to write while I was away, when I actually have nothing but time thanks to the non-stop rain we’ve been getting in my current neck of the woods (read: Tofino, BC). It was raining the first day we got here, it was all gloom and doom on Tuesday, and then it rained again all day yesterday 🌧 Thank goodness the place we’re staying has spare rain gear, or I’d be walking around looking like a drowned rat most of the time. Instead, I just look (and act) kind of goofy…
2. Either way, it’s crazy gorgeous here! The beaches are a lot more wild and raw than the ones in the tropics, and the fog and rain just add to the whole mysterious vibe.
3. … even if it does kind of smell like fish as soon as you walk out the door.
4. So hey! Remember how I said that one of my recipes was published in Alive magazine? If you can’t get your hands on a physical copy but still want to take a peak at the recipe, you can check it out here. It’s for Almond-Spiked Apple Pie Bars, and I’m kind of wishing I had one right now. I miss homemade treats.
5. And speaking of recipes… uhm… I’m seriously loving that you guys are loving the one bowl pumpkin bread I posted last week. I’ve already received a tonne of positive feedback on it, so definitely check it out if you’re looking to crack open your first can of pumpkin soon. I’ve even got a recipe coming up this weekend that’ll help you use up some of those leftovers…
6. So the new iPhone 7 is coming out on September 16th, and I think I’ll snag one up since I’m conveniently due for an upgrade with my provider. I might even go with the Plus this time around just because it has a better camera… even though I haven’t figured out how I’m actually going to hold the damn thing yet. I’m seriously digging the new matte black colour though…
7. And that’s it from me this week! I feel like I had something else to tell you guys, but I didn’t write it down and now I can’t remember what it was. Either way! I hope you have an awesome Thursday, and I’ll see you on Saturday with a new recipe 😊
Let’s chat!
No questions! Just tell me whatever randomness comes to mind!
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OMG that landscape is so amazing. I love it. I’ve had a Plus since they came out and I love it. Now whenever I hold a smaller one I’m like WHAT IS THIS BABY PHONE??
Oooh now I want a new iPhone, in champagne color although the black matte is cool.
These pictures are awesome. I’m glad you’re having a great time, although I do miss my Spoons. Also, I haven’t touched my planner all week. Gasp!
Your snaps make me happy. Although sorry it rained. NExt time, bring me, I’ll bring HOT weather and sunshine from texas. haha! We can melt together.
congrats on the recipe!! <3 you
Love your dancing in the rain pics! You’re right, despite the damp weather it is absolutely beautiful!
Just got back from Tofino last week. Despite the torrential downpour, it still is one of the most beautiful places. Love Long Beach and its wild and angry waves. And the sunsets if you can catch one are absolutely stunning! Enjoy the rest of your trip!
I like the idea of the iPhone 7, but not so much the price tag, even though technically I’m due for an upgrade too. I might just get the 6S or something instead.
I’m loving your gloomy trip, it looks like my kind of adventure! Those pie bars look DIVINE.
Haha, that’s the PNW for you (even if it is Canada…)!! #rainallthetime It’s good to know that someone enjoys it, though I’m kind of over-satiated with it from living here. ☔️
Okay, so I just have to say that I was beyond excited to hear you talk in your IG stories this week!! I know that might sound super-weird and creeper, but I realized awhile ago that I’ve never heard you talk and I’m probably imagining your voice all wrong. Especially because in my mind, I kept forgetting to give you an accent, lol! For the last couple of weeks or so, when my sister and I would watch your Instagram stories, we’d be wishing you to speak (not actually saying anything to you of course). So I totally freaked out and was over-the-top excited to hear you for real! I wanted to tell you how good it was to hear your actual voice, but I didn’t want to comment on your IG story and spam you with an awkwardly weird DM. 😆 Anyhow. I love it. And you. 😉😙💗
What kind of apples did you use in your apple bars? Just wondering…I will make this asap!!!
The beach looks so beautiful. Great pictures. Love pumpkin bread. Great recipe.
Im sorry its been rainy but it looks like youre making the best of it. Pretty sweet rain gear youve got there 😉
Also, I’m doing a Whole30 program right now, and all this pumpkin spice food is physically hurting me to look at.
I live in Victoria and I still haven’t been to Tofino! what am I even doing?! It’s so beautiful!! I hope you get at least one day of sunshine in <3 Those apple bars look increeeedible!!
I always get Mr.’s old phones, but he’s due for an upgrade in October, so I get his 6+, so excited to upgrade from my 5S. Glad that you are making the most of your vacation even though it’s raining a ton.
I’m so excited for the new iPhone! I have to wait until December. #FirstWorldProblems –> I’m rolling my eyes at myself.
I love Tofino! I haven’t been there in years, but it’s so amazing!
I’m seriously debating the 7Plus for the camera! I’m on an ancient plan that I refuse to switch off of (hello $30 for 6G of data!!) so I need to pay for my phone and it’s $$$$$$.
YES to the new iPhone 7! I’m due for an upgrade too and will certainly be taking advantage of it. Does it only come in black? (I’m a sucker for the rose gold!) Looks like you’re having fun in the rain, love the gear. Thanks for hosting the link up!
Tofino looks so beautiful! Wow, incredible…I’ve always wanted to visit BC!
Randomness…I also want an iPhone 7…and am loving all of the pumpkin things that are making there way around my fav blogs….woot!
So those are my absolute favorite kind of beach; the quiet, raw, wild stormy one…. 🙂 I’m not quite as much of a tropical beach gal. 🙂 You look like you’re having fun! :o)
I’m at the free ugrade pint with my phone too, but I’m sure it will still be eons before I get the new phone because I”m not standing in line…then again…I mean i NEED it right?! I use it for work!
Love Tofino 🙂 I actually prefer it in the winter for the storm watching and coziness!
I’m also considering the 7 for the camera and am also due for an upgrade… Hhhrm!
Those pictures are gorgeous! Hopefully the rain lets up a bit for ya. Either way, it’s so pretty.
Congrats on being published!
Congrats on the Magazine spread girl! I just got my first Magazine recipe job and I’m SOOOO excited about it so I know how you feel! Also thanks for all the pictures I’m dying of heat her in AZ those pictures look relaxing.
That apple almond recipe looks amazing! I still have to try your pumpkin bread. Enjoy your beautiful vaca and hopefully the rain lets up soon, even though it looks like you’re making the most of it either way! Love that.
I’m ready for an upgrade to the iphone too but I’m also cheap and want to keep my already paid off phone.
I’m in no hurry to get the new iPhone. I admittedly find headphone cords annoying, but I think I’ll find the cordless ones a little more lose-able. 😛
And the beaches there are stunning! I love rocky beaches.
Oh wow – you aren’t kidding about the beaches there – those rocks coming right upto the water – WOW! And one of those apple pie bars by those rocks would make for a perfect scene indeed! Glad you are making the most of your time there and not letting the rain hold ya indoors – LOVE those photos of your goofy self! <3
Love the pictures!
I don’t want the new iPhone although all that storage space it has would be nice!
I have the 6+ and I love it! Pinterest and Instagram looks so much better! The only hard part is holding it for selfies…. but really that’s not the end of the world. haha.
I have an opened can of pumpkin in my fridge right now from a smoothie recipe I posted this week… Looks like it had a purpose now!! Also… A heads up that the iPhone 7 won’t have a headphone jack.. Going wireless!!!! Pretty bold.
I work in the mobile group at a bank and we had to watch the Apple Keynote (hard day at work). The new phone looks so great but I’m wondering how expensive it’ll be. I’m still on the 5s (can’t even use apple pay) so hopefully they’ll have some specials on the 6s!
You can be my tester for the iPhone 7 and lack of headset jack! I see how it can be awesome but picture myself losing the headphones or not charging them.
I’m due for an upgrade too and I can’t decide if I should just go for the 7 or wait until they fix the kinks! Haha and OMG I’m planning on making your pumpkin bread this weekend and I am SO excited.
Oh man is it bad that I still have an iPhone 4? Can’t believe they are coming out with the 7th soon!
Rain is always a bit of a bummer, but it looks like you’re making the best of it! And yay for the new iPhone, my husband will get it, but I’m not due for an upgrade, boo.
Wow it looks beautiful where you are. Despite the rain. That part’s kind of a bummer. But still amazing!
I like the new matte look as well from iphone. Sadly I’m not due for an upgrade right now so I’ll stay with mine LOL. The no headphones aspect kind of confuses me but I’m a creature of habit I guess.
Sorry it’s raining but it does look like you are making the best of the situation.
Too bad I’m not due for an upgrade in over a year! Love the IG stories and all your photos, looks gorgeous even with all the rain. And those apple pie bars looks too good. Apple pie might even be ranked above pumpkin for me 🙂
That place looks gorgeous, even if it is rainy. I haven’t gotten to look at all the new iphone features yet, but I’m sure I’ll want one haha.
I don’t want the new iPhone because I want my ear bud jack! I don’t want wireless earbuds!