This may come as a complete shock to you, but I kind of have a crush on Christmas. In fact, my enthusiasm for this time of the year may very well rival that of Buddy the Elf’s…
The movies, the music, the lights, the food. Gift giving, memory making, soaking up the warm glow… Looove.
I’ve been meaning to participate in Jenny’s 25 Days of Blogging Christmas challenge since she announced it, but the last daily blog challenge I tried didn’t go over so well, soooooo instead of trying to answer one question every day, I decided to break it up into a few posts that’ll be going up every Sunday from now until Christmas; and seeing as today is Sunday and all… well, it goes without saying 😉
1. Your favorite Christmas movie. I’ve given this question a considerable amount of thought and come to the conclusion that it’s impossible to pick just one. I mean, what’s Christmas without Elf? And Home Alone? And A Christmas Carol? And The Grinch? And The Holiday? And Rudolph? And National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation? And… well, you get the point. I don’t discriminate when it comes to Christmas movies.
2. Your 2012 Christmas list. Ugh. I’m horrible at making Christmas lists – my mom has been pestering me for weeks now, and the only thing I’ve managed to come up with so far is a pair of nice brown riding-style boots (Tory Burch, I’m lookin’ at you!). The problem is that when I need something, I usually just go out and buy it right away, so come Christmas time, I just can’t think of anything I want. I probably need to stop shopping in, ohhh… September… so that I can come up with a legit list. Maybe next year 😉
3. When/how did you learn that Santa wasn’t real? Well I… wait… what do you mean he’s not real? 😯
4. Favorite Christmas song. As much as I love me some Michael Buble (especially Cold December Night), most of my favorite Christmas songs are traditional Polish kolędy (carols) because those are the ones I grew up with, and the ones that have the most memories attached to them.
5. Best gift you’ve ever received. I’m either incredibly blessed or spoiled [or maybe a little bit of both] because I’ve had some pretty fantastic Christmas gifts over the years. I’d have to say that the one that takes the cake would be the Playmobil dollhouse that I got when I was younger (although I forget exactly how old I was… fail!). I played with that thing so much, and even though I briefly considered giving it away, I just can’t bear the thought of parting with it. Let’s just pretend I’m saving it for my future daughter. Yes. Exactly.
6. Your favorite tree ornament. Erm. I don’t really have one. I didn’t take any ornaments with me when I moved out, so I kind of love all the ones I have because they’re all from my very first Christmas in my new place. I decided to go with a woodland theme, so allow me to introduce you to a few of my Christmas Critters…
7. Most memorable Christmas. When my grandma, aunt, uncle, and cousins came to celebrate Christmas with us. My parents immigrated from Poland a few years before I was born, but pretty much all of our family stayed over there and we don’t get to see them all that often. I’ve always envied people who could have huge family get-togethers on the holidays because around these parts it’s usually just me and my parents. Having the extra people around definitely made it that much more special.
8. Post a picture of Christmas decor. Well, I kinda, sorta already did this one, buuuuuut I can’t resist sharing another ‘garland-over-the-fireplace’ shot. Those (and the tree, of course) are my favorite.
9. Easiest person to buy for. Myself. Kidding. Sort of. I try not to make a habit out of buying things for myself when I’m out Christmas shopping for others… I just add those coveted items to my list 😉 Anywho, I actually don’t have an easy time shopping for anyone. I’m big on trying to give the perfect gift, so I spend a lot of time thinking/stressing/obsessing over meaningful things to get people. Actually, I should probably get on that soon…
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What’s one thing on your Christmas list? I may or may not need to steal ideas….
Are your holiday get-togethers big or small?
Do you buy things for yourself when you’re out Christmas shopping?
I do the same thing with trying to find the perfect gift for loved ones. I take forever deciding what to get!
I would love a pair of Tory Burch boots but I did get a gorgeous pair of Enzo Angiolini boots last year for Christmas so think I’m goo for a while. 🙂 I just watched Elf so that it currently holding my favorite Christmas movie title, but it seems to change each year! I’m having a hard time coming up with a list as well but I do know I would like some cook/bakeware to complete my kitchen because when I moved I ended up with a pretty empty kitchen.
Those.ornaments. Holy god…I just..I can’t handle them..they are too.cute! Also, I shop for myself too much around Christmas time. But everyone needs a Christmas outfit?! right? right? just me?
i fiiiiinally watched elf last week. I can’t believe it took me so long to get around to seeing it! Loved it. And The Holiday is definitely one of my favess. I find myself watching it year round since it’s always on TV.
I don’t really having anything specific on my christmas list this year either. And I’m having some trouble coming up with things to get for family and friends as well. Christmas shoppings going to be a toughie this year…
But I’m still very excited about it! 🙂
that is the cutest ornament !!! i love it. and vitamix is on my list ! lol and thats a top fav part of elf, makes me laugh everytime
Well, thanks 😉 now I have to have those boots!!! I found out there was no Santa way too young and it was crushing, but now that I have a kid not sure if I’m going to go the whole Santa route or not?
Ahh yeah that’s a tough one! I’m not sure what I’m going to do with my [future] kids yet either. Come to think of it, I’m not even sure that I ever believed in Santa…
I could never pick just one Christmas movie, they are just so good!
Totally agree.. it’s hard to pick just one movie 😉 haha I must have watched Elf 20 times last week… never gets old haha but hey it was on ABC Family like every night so I had no choice :p
I’m so in love with those boots! I’m kind of regretting telling my husband and family that we shouldn’t do gifts this year. Those would be at the top of my list! Instead, we are doing gifts exchanges and stockings only. Since we have kids now, it’s much more fun to watch them open all their gifts and relive Christmas through their eyes. But… maybe I’ll have to buy myself a little after Christmas gift.. or two…
Although I’m not used to asking for Christmas gifts, this year I have to be honest and say it’d be preeeeeetttyyyy cool if I had a tripod. 😀 Hah! That’s a big one to ask for though so I’m not going to do it. And omgsh I cracked up at the Keep calm picture, it’s so hilarious!
If you consider 22 people at each holiday celebration a big crowd, then yes – they’re big celebration get-togethers 🙂 But I love it and wouldn’t have it any other way.
LOVE your decorations!!!!
Haha, I’m just as bad [good?] about going out and buying whatever I *need* for myself too… Come Christmastime I always feel like I’m making a list of things that I either see in passing or hear other people asking for… So far I asked my momma for a subscription to pv.body [a new workout outfit every month? oh yeahhh] and I have zero idea of what to tell Ryan. I feel like our wedding was big enough… Maybe a new itty-bitty bikini for our honeymoon? HA, kidding! I prefer to stay covered than exposed 😛
P.S. Your decorations are GORGEOUS, seriously like straight out of a magazine that I only wish I could recreate… I’m a bit envious.
I love, love, love Christmas. It’s definitely a crush-worthy season;) I want those boots bad! I’ve been wanting a pair for a while, but couldn’t justify the price. That’s why asking for Christmas is the best bet! I love your woodland ornaments, they’re beautiful.
My Christmas list is pretty simple…movies, cds, new running shoes, oh and my big gift….a punching bag!! I want one soooo bad. BUT I have a feeling I wont get one. Owell!
As for my favorite Holiday movie…gosh there are so many!! SO far this year I’ve watched Home Alone and The Santa Clause (1, 2 and 3). Next Thursday I will finally be watching Elf at a Christmas party. Can you believe I’ve never seen it?!
Never?! You’re definitely in for a big treat then 😀 That movie is amazing for Christmas cheer.
I love The Holiday too! But I think my favourite Christmas movie is The Santa Clause… I’ve watched it every holiday season since I was a kid!
Also those Tory Burch boots are gorgeous – I might have to add them to my list. 😉 On my wishlist this year are some cookbooks, culinary fiction books, an Aritzia sweater, and a Le Creuset rectangular baking dish. It’s all on my Pinterest if you need some inspiration. 😉
Aww that Christmas where the rest of your family visited must have been so perfect! I hope you’ll get a chance to spend the holidays with them again soon. My Christmases are usually pretty big – some years we’ll have both my mom’s side AND my dad’s side of the family over for one massive dinner!
christmas is the absolute best thing on earth. i am with you. i always watch elf soon after i decorate the house – but i haven’t watched it yet this year! must do soon – preferably with egg nog. 🙂
This is the kinda post that really gets me excited about Christmas. I actually don’t have anything on my list because like you, I usually buy things as soon as I see them (and decide I need them in my life)! Although something random that comes to mind that would be very much appreciated is a frother! Although Starbucks cappucinos will always rein supreme, it would definitely come in handy on those lazy days where venturing out seems like too much of an effort.
I completely forgot about The Holiday but definitely going to rent it ASAP…loved that movie and it’s a must-see during this time of the year! Another one of my faves is Tim Allen’s “Santa Clause”!
A frother! Gah! That actually sounds like something I should add to my own list.
Oh God, nr. 3 cracks me up, lol!!! I actually thought that Santa Clause is real for such a long time, I don’t dare to say. And nr, 2 is SO me too!!! I am so impatient, when I want something I have to get it NOW and then I have not a clue what I should wish for Xmas.
Those boots are amazing. That dollhouse is amazing. Those woodland creature ornaments are amazing. That is all. 🙂
The PLAYMOBIL HOUSE! I coveted that toy for what felt like eternity, until Santa finaaaaally decided I was good girl enough to receive one. However, by then I was seven or eight, just a year away from being too cool to play with Playmobil. Oh, the memories of those toys, though! They were *the* gift to give amongst my friends. I wonder where all those little people went…Hmm. This might be a conversation topic with my mom…tomorrow. 😉
Your woodland ornaments are irresistibly cute! One of my housemates bought a fake tree this year and decorated it with red and white bulbs before I returned from Thanksgiving break. Sure, it looks pretty, but I much prefer ornaments with a bit more character. The trees I grew up with were always adorned with ornaments from my parents’ travels around the world, as well as the hand-made *treasures* my brother and I slapped together at school. It’s much more meaningful when the ornaments tell a story, whether through expression (aka cute animals) or personal connection.
Oh, and I kinda sorta really adore the Tory Burch boots. I sure hope Santa received your request! xoxo
So this is the part where I admit that I played with Playmobil looooong after seven or eight 😛 And I definitely agree that ornaments that tell a story are the best, although I tend to hide away most of my elementary school day creations in the back of the tree 😉
I need boots like that! Shoes are on the top of my Christmas list this year, I always buy and get clothes but almost never shoes, especially fall and winter appropriate shoes so I’m kind of in need of some really cute boots.
As far as I know, I’ve only spent Christmas with my mom, dad and younger sister so I prefer my Christmas gatherings on the smaller side. It’s never boring or quiet on Christmas though–we’re all pretty loud, especially when we’re together 😉
CUTE BOOTS! and yeah, I always have trouble coming up with a christmas list too. This year I felt guilty asking for anything because my parents had to help a LOT with my grad school apps and they’ll be paying for my surgery…so I didn’t ask for anything. They’ll be giving me the gifts of a chance at running and a higher education! (I know they’ll put stuff under the tree for me anyway though, but that’s never been the best part of christmas to me anyway). and OMG I HAD THAT PLAYMOBILE HOUSE TOO!!!!! It was epic!! My mom gave it to my baby cousin (I was like 18 when she was born) without asking…rar.
Running and education are beautiful gifts 🙂 I hated asking my parents for stuff for that very same reason, but they always ended up putting things under the tree anyways… Their excuse was that being nice to me now will ensure that I’ll take care of them when they’re older 😉
I am loving the riding boot look! I just recently finally purchased a pair of brown ones. It took me forever to find a pair where the calf circumference wasn’t huge! Hey, I guess I have small calves! 😉
Those ornaments are too freakin’ cute. I love how your tree has a theme, mine is along the lines of “I like this one! It’s purple! And the shiny one! And the plaid one!” Needless to say, my tree is a giant jumble of random ornaments. :-p
We usually have a decent sized family get-together on Boxing Day with my dad’s side of the family (3 sisters + families, we’re up to around 25-30 people now), plus Eric’s family Christmas Eve (mom, brother and sister-in-law) and my family Christmas Day (mom, dad, brother, his girlfriend, and quite possible my aunt/uncle/cousin). I consider myself extremely lucky that I get to see so many people around the holidays!
Hehe that’s how the tree is at my parents place too, but I guess since I was starting from scratch, I just decided to stick to one theme. We’ll see how long that actually lasts though…
And I may or may not be slightly envious that you get to have such big holiday parties. Things must get pretty crazy with 25+ people though!
Love this season!
Those brown boots are gorgeous!
Hmm, no electronics on your christmas list? I’m planning on an iPad – I’m guessing you are an Apple fan with you iPhone and macbook, etc .. what are your thoughts about the iPad? Do you own one?
No electronics; I think I’m stocked up on all the ones I need. I got an iPad for Christmas last year, and while I do find it useful in certain situations, I don’t actually end up using it all that much. It’s great if you just want to browse the net randomly or watch some movies while you’re at the gym or something, but I use my laptop a lot more.
I’m with you.. I have no CLUE what to ask for… ugh…
now I want to do this 25 days of Christmas!!
I have learned that you really like this holiday, like a whole freaking lot. I like that about you, makes me feel less grinch-y over here. I adore those boots, I actually bought an early xmas gift of black knee high boots at TJMaxx when I was home for Thanksgiving, only 30 bucks. Winner winner!
You read my mind! I only asked for one thing and it was for a pair of brown boots – I asked for Fry boots however now that I’ve seen those Tory Burch I might be reconsidering my choice!!
My sister has the exact same dollhouse – we both played with it for hours – definately a collector’s item.
The Frye boots are gorgeous! I had my eye on those ones as well 🙂
Haha you wouldn’t want ANYTHING on my Christmas list!
I’m convinced: you and I must be long lost sisters 😀 Holidays have always been just my mom, dad, and brother because we too had our extended families in Poland. While I used to get a little envious of other people talking about their “huge” family get-togethers, I have to say, I couldn’t imagine it any other way because it’s ALWAYS been this way. And I’m okay with that :]
Some things on my Christmas list are basically what amounts to money! Target gift card, Sbux gift card… heck, I’d even be happy with a gas station gift card! It’s all about practicality when you get older 😉 Although, a nice pair of gloves wouldn’t be bad (but that’s where the Target gift card comes in handy!).
While I genuinely love shopping for others and don’t plan on shopping for myself when I go looking for Xmas gifts, I almost always do come home with *something* I found for myself… bad habit.
Mmm… Those boots are scrumptious 🙂 I also had a ridiculous amount of playmobil when I was a kid; the playground, the spaceship… And I think the toy I bitched the most to get was the “Come Here Puppy” one year. It was a piece of crap. Toy commercials are so misleading… *sigh*
Ahh I had the same playmobile house when I was younger and I thought it was the best present ever too! Favorite Christmas movie is Elf…no question!
We are twins in our Christmas obsession. I totally still think Santa is real too 😉
I canNOT choose a favourite Christmas movie- it would be like choosing a favourite child. Notgonnahappen. I currently have Christmas with Kranks on in the background while studying for my stats final exam. It makes it much more enjoyable 🙂
Oh my gosh …..I was OBSESSED with Playmobil when I was little. I wanted everything! I seriously thought I was the only one with this childhood obsession. Glad to know I’m not the only one. Those Tory Burch shoes are on my list too – so cute. I have to admit, I’m a bit selfish and love buying gifts for myself too 🙂
Pretty sure that those ornaments are THE cutest things I’ve ever seen in my life. And I absolutely loved the Buddy-Keep-Calm as well. See. I can like aspects of Christmas too. 😉 haha.
And one year, you’ll have to visit during our 22-member holiday extravaganza. Yes, I consume a TONNE of alcohol to get me through. Chaos is all that can describe it. Zoo comes close as well though ..
And I literally just called my Mom to veto my entire Christmas list. However, I have nothing with which to replace it!! haha. I might have to stop back and peek through other comments to see what others are thinking …
22 people?! 😯 I don’t even think that many would fit into my place… and I know for a fact that the majority of them would have to eat standing up 😆 That’s a little too epic for me… I was thinking more along the lines of 7-10.
I LOVE those boots! I suck at making Christmas lists, too, but those boots would definitely have made it onto my list if I didn’t. My family is spread out all over the place, too (not in another country across an ocean, it’s true) but throughout the U.S. so it’s usually just my parents and brother and has been for years now. I wish we had more loved ones around…then I went to the boy’s family on Christmas last year and it was overflowing with people…I got scared…I think I need a happy medium haha
Those ornaments are so cute! I have a tree and ornaments but can’t be bothered to put it up just for me. In over 10 years of being a homeowner I’ve only done it once.
And I don’t enjoy movies that are Christmas themed, but two movies I love that I associate with it are “Meet Me In St Louis” and of course “The Sound of Music”. I love musicals!
Great list! I’m a huge fan of Christmas too. I consider myself part Who, as in from Whoville (or however you spell that). My holiday get together a are very small, but they’re still fun!
Umm…those may be the cutest ornaments I’ve ever seen. Totally stealing your idea one year…My Christmas list this year is a little far-fetched and I will be lucky if I get one thing from it HA. A lot of Lululemon and expensive stuff that I really want but will probably not get. Oh well, girl can dream. I love those boots as well. I’m pretty sure I mentioned those exact ones to my mom the other day because I have seen them on Pinterest a few times. I’m the same way with buying gifts for people – I try to come up with the absolute perfect present and it usually causes too much stress and they spend about 2 minutes thinking about it anyways so it’s not worth it. This year I’ve tried to just get my shopping done and not worry too much about it because it’s the thought that counts the most anyways. Right? Keep tellin myself that…
Stressful – definitely. I think that’s actually part of the reason I put it off for so long. And Lulu! I can’t believe I forgot about that place when I was trying to think up my Christmas list. You may have just opened Pandora’s box for me 😛