We interrupt this regularly scheduled What I Ate Wednesday to bring you a very important recap from Blend.
It was fabulous. That is all.
😆 I kid, I kid. Well, not about the fabulous part — because it was — but that’s not all. There’s actually a ridiculous amount that I could say about it, but in the interest of your sanity and mine, I’ll try to keep things brief. And by brief I mean I’ll be sharing a general overview today and some random thoughts from the trip tomorrow, Thinking Out Loud style. Aaaaand go!
Even though the retreat officially kicked off on Friday, I opted to go a day early so that things wouldn’t feel so rushed and I could have a little more time to enjoy all the things that Utah had to offer. My day started bright and early with a flight to Vancouver, followed by a short layover, and then a flight to Salt Lake City. The flights were uneventful for the most part, but I should probably mention that landing in Salt Lake City was super bumpy… which is apparently pretty normal.
The fun started at the SLC airport, where I met up with Sam to catch a shuttle to Park City, which was about a 30 minute drive away. We both committed a huge blogger fail by not taking a single picture that day. Oops. I guess we were just too excited to see each other (#truestory #lovethatgirl).
The hotel we stayed at was the Hyatt Escala Lodge, and it was gorgeous.
I didn’t manage to snap any shots of our room, but we opted for a 4 bedroom suite that we shared with 8 other girls (for a total of 10 of us in the suite). Sam and I were originally going to go with a single room, but I’m glad we decided against it — having the extra ladies around made for a great way to meet some new people.
Other than that, not much else happened on Thursday. Met some roomies, hit up Whole Foods to stock up on snacks, and hung out at the hotel until we called it a night and passed out.
Friday morning involved a lot of lounging around and chatting until the retreat officially kicked off around noon with registration; and you all know what that means — SWAG BAGS!!
Spoiled doesn’t even begin to cover it. Between the swag bag and random presents being left in our rooms while we were out, I ended up accumulating so much loot over the weekend that I had to leave some of it behind because it wouldn’t all fit into my suitcase. There were a lot of things that I couldn’t eat because of my peanut allergy, but I still made out juuuuuust fine; and what I can’t have will go to family, friends, and you guys (keep an eye out for a future giveaway!)
After registration there was a fun run sponsored by Oiselle and led by Janae from Hungry Runner Girl. I think we did something like 2-3 easy miles, which ended up being fun but not that easy because of the higher elevation and hills. I don’t think anyone was running by the end of it.
Then it was time to get all cleaned up and ready for cocktails and dinner!
(B&W because the lighting was BAD and no amount of filters would help)
All in all, it was an awesome evening filled with food, friends, and fun (read: the best kind).
Saturday started bright and early with a group workout sponsored by Onnit. I opted to sit that one out because I wanted to save my energy (and legs) for the hike later in the day. The workout was followed by a breakfast sponsored by Quest Nutrition, and then it was time to take the gondola up to Canyons Resort with Organic Valley.
The hike was probably my favourite part of the entire weekend. It just felt so good to be out in the fresh air with such gorgeous views and good company… and you guys know how much I love the mountains.

We took the gondola halfway up, hiked the other half, and had the option to either ride or hike back down. I took the long way and loved every minute of it, despite the fact that I ended up with a sunburn on my head.

After the hike, we lounged around the hotel for a while before hitting up Main Street in Park City and going to dinner at Purple Sage.

Sunday started with another bootcamp workout sponsored by GPP Fitness, which I opted to sit out of yet again because I had to finish packing since I had to catch an earlier flight — but I heard it was a good one! Bootcamp was followed by breakfast, which was sponsored by Yoplait and Nature Valley.
(ninja’d from Heather)
After breakfast it was time for me to say goodbye 😥 I booked an earlier flight to avoid getting home at 1 AM, which was great aside from the fact that I was pretty much the first one to leave and had to miss the closing ceremonies. I did manage to get in on the group picture though, thanks to my shuttle running late!
Can you find me?
And that pretty much sums it all up! My weekend in Utah was amazing. I finally got to meet a tonne of the ladies that I’ve been talking to for years, and they were all as wonderful in person as they are online. My only complaint is that there wasn’t nearly enough time to get to talk to everyone for more than a few minutes.
And if you’re wondering why I didn’t spend much time talking about the food, it’s mostly because there wasn’t much there that I was actually able to eat. Between “traces of peanuts” in most of the snacks, nuts out at most of the meals, and open jars of peanut butter and peanuts that made my nose itch when I was in the same room for too long, I was a little too nervous to have anything that was offered so I stuck to the food I packed… just like I did when I went to Healthy Living Summit last year.
Bloggers… they do love their PB, but that’s okay — I love them anyways. And you’d better believe that I’ll be in Boulder next year for Blend 2015. Can.not.WAIT 😀
Have you ever met another blogger in person?
Were you at Blend this past weekend?!? 😀
Are you planning on going to Blend next year?
More places to find me!
E-mail — [email protected]
Twitter — runwithspoons
Facebook — runningwithspoons
Pinterest — runwithspoons
Instagram — runwithspoons
Bloglovin — runningwithspoons
Because your skin can only absorb so much vitamin C in a day, you only need to apply it once a day.
I don’t know how you do it girl with your peanut allergy! I felt so bad for you each time I was eating (Fri night and Sat night) and you were sitting there with no food. 🙁
Blend was amazing this year and it will be again next year…Boulder!!! You better be there!
It was so good to meet you!
You too, girl! And it seriously wasn’t -that- bad with the food — I was just happy to get to meet everyone 😀 You better believe I’ll be in Boulder next year!
How fun to have a suite! I love the thought of that, especially for a blend weekend! I NEED to make it to CO in 2015 – it is a must! And the swag alone has convinced me that this weekend/retreat is totally worth every ounce that is put into it. I’ve decided we need to be roomies in CO, for real! I’ve recently fell of the PB bandwagon, so no worries with this girl! =)
I am just beyond jealous of everyone who got to meet you. I would love to hang out! ha I’m hoping I can get to this conference next year! I am sorry about all the food having traces of peanuts in them 🙁 That allergy has to be so hard, but you are a champ and always prepared 🙂
What an amazing and beautiful escape! That resort is unbelievable.
Next year, I’m going to be there. No ifs, ands, or buts about it…
PS: You’re all stunning. LOVE that black dress you wore on the first night. xo
I keep seeing all the BLEND posts…all of the friendships, food, and fun look AMAZING! So jealous of everyone that went 🙂
Maybe next year…
Also, I have bookmarked those dates stuffed with rice krispies to make this weekend! What a FANTASTIC idea!
looking forward for a play by play, bite by bite, spoon by spoon, spank by…
All you girlies look great! Very pretty.
Looks incredible. Never visited there before. Always wanted to go.
Love this post so much.
My boss agreed that I can leave for AUS 2 weeks later – means I am in Cali when Blend is around the corner 🙂
Biggest smile on my face right now 😀 😀 😀
Even if you couldn’t eat all the food (stupid food allergies – as a celiac, I totally feel you on that one!), it still looked like you had an amazing time! Hiking in Utah? Sign me up!
Oh I’m so glad I got to meet you!!! I wish we had more time together. You are too sweet girl!
Ahhhh I am so jealous of all these Blend posts! I NEED to come next year!
You look fantastic in that dress, Amanda!
I’ve actually met a lot of bloggers in person at races and small events here in Toronto. I’ve never been to a big event like Blend though. Looks like a party! Hopefully I’ll be able to meet YOU at the next one! *fingers crossed*
That would seriously be the best thing ever! YOU need to make it happen! But I might be in TO in a few months — I’ll let you know!
Blend sounds like was a blast!!!
I’ve met Dixya when she came to Atlanta and I have met a few local bloggers – I am hoping to meet more at Techmunch (http://techmunchconf.com/) in September…I am hoping I can make it to Blend next year…fingers crossed
I am loving your airplane shots!! MOUNTAIN ON MOUNTAINS. My favorite! What a blast, fo rilz. I was telling Meghan that I wanted to go to blend, basically just to meet her and you HAH! I did see a few other ladies that went that I would have loved to kick it with though. I also would have wanted to just explore Park City, SO gorgeous.
Looks like you had a fantastic time! Those swag bags are drool worthy, quite literally! They hooked you up with some delicious looking eats and treats!
Sooooo fun!!! Look at those goodies, and y’all look so beautiful in your outfits! I think it’s funny how you’re all wearing black and towards the middle it’s broken up with pink and floral. 😀 I kept seeing IG updates of the beautiful scenery y’all got to see!
Such a fun weekend away!!! It’s still on my bucket list to get to one of these things in my lifetime. Arman and I are going to have to start our own Australian blend retreat or something….nothing goes on over here (esp. in the HLB world)!
I went through US customs with Emily from Cupcakes & Cashmere last summer on our way from Australia to Canada. She is my blogging hero, and I was “star struck” hahah!!! Adam was like, “Say Hi! Tell her you read her blog”. I was too embarrassed though after just flying for 15 hours with an infant and looked like I’d crawled out of a hole… 🙂
There are no blogging retreats in Canada, either! I thought about trying to organize something with another Alberta blogger, but ugh… so.much.work.
Gorgeous ladies!! What a super-fun weekend! I’m jealous of it all, front the friends, to the swag, to the mountains. 🙂
i know i said this once, but i’ll say it again.. I”m making you a peanut free swag bag next year and I’m sanitizing my house before i do!!! K? I love your kindness and your heart. Great to connect in real life and i know we will even more this year friend. <3
You’re going to make me tear up here! Love you to bits <3
The view looks AMAZING! and that swag bag?! oh my goodness. I’m beyond jealous!!!
I can’t believe you traipsed all the way to Utah for just a weekend, but obviously it looked worth it! I’ve never been to Utah, unless you count the airport – and I haven’t been to Boulder either, so it looks like I might have to register for Blend 2015!
That’s such a shame re: not being able to eat much of the food provided due to your peanut allergy. That should definitely be something to bring up!
I am soooo sad I couldn’t go to Blend this year and finally meet you!! Next year (fingers crossed!!)!?
Your lodge looks amazing! I’ve met a fellow blogger, but it was by circumstance because we both were becoming co-leaders of our local November Project tribe! I think it would be fun to meet fellow bloggers and people who read my blog (the one reader, besides my Mom)!
What an amazing recap! So happy to see that you had a great time! 🙂
Erin and Cassie and I had our own #notblend (we were a little salty we weren’t there! haha) hike. I definitely plan on coming next year, but I told you that already! And yes we bloggers do love our PB, but I’m glad you still love us anyway. 😉
I will likely go next year especially since it’s in CO and close to AZ. Hopefully, I will feel less intimidated by not being the newbie. It was a really fun time and I agree the hike was the highlight other than the part where we rock climbed down the mountain!
I’m hoping to go next year and I’ll totally be a newbie – I may be 27 but all my middle school fears come back quickly! 🙂 I’m glad everyone seemed to be nice…
Aww no reason to feel intimidated! Everyone loved you 😀 But HUGE props to you for coming anyways despite being nervous! It was great to meet you <3
Wow! Look at all those things in your swag bag! How awesome! Looks like your had so much fun and that’s cool that you got to meet so many bloggers!
Looks like so much fun! Salt Lake looks breathtakingly gorgeous, and so does the hotel you stayed at!
I know a few bloggers in person but thats because they live around me and were my friends prior to me starting my own blog. I have met so many people online though in just a few months that I would LOVE to meet so many of them in person if I could. I think it would be absolutely incredible too. This sounds like a great weekend and I can’t wait to read more about it tomorrow!